Communication center
- Pre-Seed
We propose creating Communicating Centers to cope up with future unempolyment due to introduction of new technologies. We expect Communication Centers to promote creation of self-sustainable communities which could offer people workplaces and cooperate efficiently to form the society of the future.
Hello! We are Skoltech Juniour Team and we present solution to sustainability of future societies. We named it Communication Center. We deem this solution to work well with rural and sub-urban territories but also, we believe that if our concept will prove its efficiency, it will be possible to scale-up this solution.
Communication Center will be a building or a cluster of buildings where communications between people will be promoted. These buildings will attract people's attention by providing education courses, making expositions or hi-tech festivals, by public talks and advertising (focusing on new work opportunities). It is also possible to use CCs as platforms for technologies spread (financial support of start-ups, rental of high-tech equipment).
Main task of Communication Centers will be creating Communicating groups of interested people. Representatives of these groups will be elected and educated to develop skills of creative and critical thinking, basic management and communicating with international language.
After such working groups are created they are moderated by selected representatives to create some products or services that could be of value to the rest of the world. Representatives also will be responsible for interaction with Communicating Centers expressing their needs, getting information about other working groups (possibility of sharing resources, comanufacturing complicated products, bartering, exchanging working skills, etc.), communicating with government and large corporations (governmental support, mutual initiatives, support of young talents).
We believe that this society organization will help to create new workplaces in the future, also we think that this model of society is more progressive because the distance between people of working groups and their representatives will be much closer than between unemployed people and government. Also scaling of this solution across the world will stabilize system and will bring true globalization by intensifying interaction of people from different continents.
In the future unemployment rates will be dramatically higher due to introduction of new technologies (especially AI and robotics). Unemployed majorities will tend to marginalize as distinction between employed and unemployed will become clearer. To tackle this difficult situation, it is important to promote development of social institutes helping unemployed people to communicate more together and with employed elites and to find worthy occupation for themselves.
We were inspired by Niall Ferguson who wrote in his book "The Great Degeneration" about importance of social communication and it decline in modern world. We think that this situation can significantly worsen in the future.
In the process of thinking about solution to this problem we have learnt about "Taobao Villages" and "Taobao Towns" where organised communications led to employment in e-commerce. Also, we think that historical examples of self-organised minorities like the old believers in Russia and jewish communities in Europe being financially succesful support the idea of creating such communities in future sosciety.
The aim of this solution is to create working communities and to help people to incorporate into them. We believe that such communities will be a key for low-income people when facing future challenges.
In community center (CC) through communications, public talks, team-workshops people will understand better future challenges and what has to be done to face them correctly. Also people will learn how to use their resources better and to value the communications they have.
Also CC will promote interactions between different working groups and connections to high-income elites.
CC will help to encash services or goods community. Effectiveness could be measured by the scale of money flow going through it - 10000 (depends on area) people are incorporated in working communities in the area close to Communication center
CC will provide short-term education which can be buisness-oriented (amount of studens can be counted). Also it will support effective initiatives from communities (for example - start ups amount can be counted) - Communication of created communities with government and buisness corporation
Incorporation of several communities will lead to their self-sustainability and as a result - self-sustainability of CCs - Creation of net of communities of one or several close CC
- Adult
- Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)
- Non-binary
- Rural
- Suburban
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Latin America and the Caribbean
- Civil engineering
- Manufacturing & process optimization
- Management & design approaches
- Robotics
We think that our solution is unique because it adresses the global problem. We believe that many solutions (like phone apps, special tools etc) may prove to be efficient only in small scale insufficient enough to really change picture of workforce of the future.
Our Solution is aimed to help people to communicate each other. We believe that this communication will be the key to creating new workplaces (in communities) and making soscieties self-sustainable.
Communication Center will be primarialy a platform for helping and motivating people. In CCs will be public lectures of succesful people (we really like to icorporate TED here), in CCs new technologies will be presented, special exposition will be held. We want CCs to become not only social but also cultural exchange platform.
We also want CCs to be as transparent for understanding as possible, so we propose to use in its work robotics and AI.
As we understand that idea of interaction of thousands of people with one Communcation Center may be a bit challenging we want to create responsible groups within each community which will choose who can get an acess to CC and who will take part in special events.
CC should also provide such groups with market information for their analysis. Also it is possible to rent some high-tech equipment for their use.
- 0 (Concept)
- Non-Profit
As proposed solution is just an idea we want to share we will talk here about ways to make Communication Centers self-sutainable.
We want CCs to be buisness- or government-financed (so that if buisness or government introduces Robotics or AI to manufacturing it should pay certain fees constantly over years to special funds supporting new initiatives creating workplaces such as CCs)
We see CCs as buildings made of replacible materials possibly sustained with solar panels or other means to secure self-sustainability. Also, CCs can provide chargeable financial and juridical support for created communities.
We think that the more of CCs will be crated the easier it can be to make CCs self-sutainable and even to get some profits to reinvest in CCs or other future initiatives.
In perspective, we want CCs be pillars of future sosciety promoting communication, consideration of each other and of our planet.
There are some factors which are limiting our solutions:
1) Our initiative could lead to the dilution of governmental control (however, we believe it is inevitable process) so it would take some effort to find support from government
2) The devastating challenges of future have yet to come so such large-scale project may seem nonsensical for buisness and government. However, we believe that we should start thinking about it now before it is not too late
3) Our solution lacks consideration of measures that should be made on first stages of CCs work (especially commynities creation and consolidation)
- Less than 1 year
- 18+ months
- 18+ months
- Technology Access
- Human+Machine
- Income Generation
- Future of Work
- Built Infrastructure
For us it is important to join SOLVE community because we want to understand better how challenges are solved across the world. We would like to bring forth our qualifications and help finding solutions.
The solution we offered may not be up to this challenge due to it's
scale and complicatedness (and also we currently don't have any means to complete it). However, we believe that our solution is worth to share with
SOLVE community.
No partners
Student in Skoltech