Cash for Health Employment Program Project, Nurses
وتكمن مشكلة في نتشار الفقر العارمان بين النازحين الذين تركوا لعدة مناطق أكثر أمنا والعين في مناطق ديالى، تدريجيا عن الدعم لهذه العوائل، وخاصة العوائل التي تعيلها النساء، بما في ذلك الشبابات والشابات. الخريجين العاطلين عن العمل، وفضلا عن العمل الرائع لأغلب العوائل النازحة الخاصة. إلى المناطق المحررة، حيث تعمل هذه العمالة في الحرف الصغيرة الخاصة، ويؤثر عدم وجود عائل ذكرً على الوضع المعيشي الاقتصادي الشامل، مما يترك هذه الأسرة موارد مالية لكسب لقمة العيش. الآن عن انتشار الفيروسات الجديدة في العراق وسوء الوضع العام بعد وباء كوفيد-19، ونقص الخدمات الصحية التي أصبحت عديدة أساساا للوضع العام للعائلات العراقية، خاصة النساء اللاتي لا يتوفرن، وعدم توفر الباحثين الصحيين في الكثير من الأرياف والضواحي، مما يتسبب في ظهور المجتمع بالتعرض لمات مضاعفات عدم توفر طائرات أولية.
تستهدف هذه المناطق مناطق محافظة ديالى ويبلغ عددهم 40 مستفيدًا من الجنسين ويستهدفون الشباب الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 18-35 سنة. تم الاتفاق على وجود النازحين والعائدين وهم من العائلات التي تعيش ظروفا صعبة جدا جدا بسبب العمل الجيد المالية التي تعيش منها بسبب تضررها... الرحيل يفقد العائل كما هو الحال، حيث أن الصحة الصحية بسبب فيروس كوفيد-19، كل ذلك يدفعنا لحسن الحظ الحياة الاجتماعي والاقتصادي من خلال التعاقدات المعيشية من خلال إنشاء مشروع استثمار مقابل التوظيف الصحي، الذي الرياضي المتميز لتأهيل وتأهيل تدريب الكوادر الصحية الشبابية في مجال الدعم الصحي، وجعلهم مريضين ماهرين يقدمون الرعاية الصحية لشرائح المجتمع،
الحل في هذا المشروع هو تدريب وتطوير مهارات الشباب من الجنسين في ديالى في مهنة التمريض والطب من خلال أسس مهنة التمريض. وسيتم اكتساب هذه المهارات خلال مدة المشروع التي تبلغ 90 يوماً، من خلال التدريب النظري العلمي، والتدريب العملي، وممارسة هذه المهنة من خلال دمجها خلال مدة المشروع. في المراكز الصحية والمستشفيات في مناطق تواجدها في محافظة ديالى يسعى هذا المشروع إلى تقديم الخدمات الطبية والصحية من خلال (الوخز بالإبر، قياس ضغط الدم، قياس مرض السكري، الإسعافات الأولية...) لفئات المجتمع المدني وخاصة النساء والفتيات والأطفال وكبار السن والمعاقين...، من خلال تقديم الخدمات بأسعار مناسبة لفئات المجتمع المدني،
الحل في هذا المشروع يخدم فئات المجتمع المدني وخاصة الفقراء والنازحين من النساء والأطفال وكبار السن والمعاقين. وسيبلغ عدد المستفيدين من تقديم الخدمات الطبية ما لا يزيد عن 30 ألف مواطن عراقي يتوزعون على مناطق ديالى، بحسب المسح الميداني في اختيار المناطق والمستفيدين من هذا الحل. وأغلب هذه الأسر لا تستطيع الحصول على وسائل العلاج من الأمراض، خاصة في ظل جائحة كوفيد-19، لذلك نسعى لإيجاد مراكز لتقديم الخدمات الصحية في المناطق الريفية والحضرية لدعم الفقراء والمحتاجين والنازحين.
منظمة خيرات النهرين بخبرة طويلة عن 10 سنوات في إدارة المشاريع التنموية المتخصصة وخاصة مع الفئات النسائية، وذلك من خلال اختيار المديرين لتضعين برامج ذات أهمية أكبر لجميع وكلاء المساهمة في المجتمع، كما أن هناك دائما تواصلات مباشرة مع فئات خاصة وخاصة النساء في تقديم البرامج التي يمكنهم الاستفادة منها ويستفيد منها المجتمع، وذلك أيضاً من خلال المسح الميداني من الاختيار النموذجي الخاص، حيث تقوم منظمة خيرات الأهل بتقديم مشاريع حسب الرغبة ومهارات تستهدفين خاصة في مجال الصحة لتأمين العيش...
- Strengthen the capacity and engagement of young innovators in the development, implementation and growth of solutions addressing their SRHR needs.
- Iraq
- Pilot: An organization testing a product, service, or business model with a small number of users
عدد المستفيدين المباشرين من المشروع: عدد المستفيدين المباشرين من المشروع: (40 مستفيد في ديالى) / ستكون هناك دورة تدريبية نظرية وعملية في المراكز الصحية والمستشفيات التعليمية. مدة العمل 90 يومًا. (تم تدريبهم على مدى 90 يوما وفترة متابعة 30 يوما لكل منطقة) موزعين على المناطق المستهدفة في (ديالى). وبلغ عدد المستفيدين بشكل غير مباشر حوالي 40 أسرة، وستستفيد فئات المجتمع في المناطق المستهدفة من الخدمات الصحية وهم النساء والرجال والأطفال... مما سيساهم في تغيير الوضع الصحي والمعيشي للأسر المستهدفة نحو الأفضل ... أ]
عدد المستفيدين غير المباشرين: أكثر من 30 ألف مستفيد من كافة فئات المجتمع
The solution to this project seeks to find small nursing centers and clinics in the targeted areas, which will have a direct impact on the activation of health services, especially in emergency cases through medication and restricting therapeutic services (blood pressure measurement, diabetes, first aid, early resuscitation...). This solution is a solution. It begins for the first time in Iraq and has not been addressed, especially since we aspire to find ways to sustain this project through development and in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs/Protection Network by launching future loans and grants. The benefit will be very great through providing health services in the targeted areas. Especially as we are affected by a new wave of worsening of the Covid-19 virus, this project will work to provide health services in the first and second years. This project will have a significant impact on the labor market, especially in providing symbolic health services, not civil society groups, which are estimated at more than 100,000 people.
Planned impacts of this initiative:
Expected effects on women's self-acceptance:
1- Feeling self-reliant in providing the family’s needs.
The feeling of providing a useful service to the community by providing health services through the cash-for-work and employment project, and providing therapeutic services and continuous training that would provide additional work for the rest of the community groups through their participation.
2- Expected effects on the beneficiary family:
The source of income contributes to providing the family's minimum requirements.
- It contributes to providing health services to the Iraqi community, especially in the labor market, as well as contributing to the provision of primary and therapeutic health care and providing medical consultations to the community, especially women and girls.
- A feeling of guaranteed income, which helps stabilize family life and social security.
3- The expected effects on women that will benefit society and raise society’s awareness of the status of women:
• Making society more stable by providing sources of income to involve the family in its livelihood, and keeping it away from unacceptable behaviors that destabilize society. .
• Changing society’s perception, especially towards women, by presenting them as an active and effective element in providing livelihoods for the family and contributing to making the community environment more stable and secure through the provision of health care and services.
4- Expected effects of the supportive environment (government, policies, services provided to women and society)
The expected effects will be a source of inspiration for government policies to combat poverty more effectively and may lead to the development of government plans to create programs and projects that contribute to improving encouraging services, and government agencies to meet family requirements and increase community services, Especially in launching loans through the Social Protection Network / Ministry of Labor and Affairs. Social work, as well as urging the Iraqi Ministry of Health to provide services directly by establishing and developing health work projects in the community, especially for unemployed young graduates whose specializations are close to the health aspect.
This solution promises that the nursing profession is an indispensable specialty in the modern health care landscape, as the needs of patients become more complex and there will be a direct impact through the advantage of the nursing profession on segments of society. 1- The nurse can work in a variety of health care settings, including hospitals. Clinics, nursing homes, schools and community health centres. A It will benefit groups of society, especially patients, by ensuring that the patient receives high-quality care. The nurse works closely with patients, families, and other health care professionals to develop individualized care plans that meet the needs of patients, especially those in poorer families. 3- The nurse works collaboratively with other health care professionals, such as physicians, pharmacists, and social workers, to provide comprehensive patient care. This teamwork approach helps improve patient outcomes and fosters a culture of collaboration and mutual respect. 4- We also confirm that the medical and health services provided by nurses are a profession in high demand, and it is expected that the need for nurses will continue to grow in the coming years. This means that nursing instructors and graduates have excellent job prospects and can expect to find work quickly. 5- The community’s need for this mission, especially as we witness climate change and the increase in infectious epidemics. This project is the second pillar for achieving good health for groups of society, especially women and children, through guidance, awareness, and medical services.
- Iraq
- Nonprofit
There will be a staff of 7 employees, including coaches
I. Salaries (long-term employees)
a. Long-term employees (full name and job title)
1. Project Manager=1
2. Data entry (responsible for Diyala 1) = 1
3. Data entry (responsible for Baghdad 1) = 1
4. Accountant = 1
5. Logistics employee = 1
6. Supervision and repentance = 1
B. Short-term employees (full name and job title).
1. Medical trainer and consultant = 2 in Baghdad
2. Medical trainer and consultant = 2 in Baghdad
3. Field coordinator = (Diyala, Baghdad) / Coordinator (1 for each region)
We have been working for a long time to find a grant specifically for this project, as all grants in Iraq focus on supporting human rights by enhancing livelihoods in the areas of the market, other professions, and infrastructure.
In this project, we seek to involve all groups of Iraqi civil society, especially displaced minorities, and we seek to provide health services to all members of society without discrimination.
The project’s solution will provide health treatment and nursing services to all segments of society, especially women, children, and the elderly, regardless of gender, color, age, and race, because this profession summarizes all differences. This profession is the assistance that the nurse provides, whether to the patient or the healthy person, to improve his standard of life through nursing. It is to provide comprehensive care to all individuals, whether the care is spiritual, physical, or social, by dealing gently and politely with the patient without getting emotional about him, and taking responsibility for the patients’ reactions, no matter how harsh they are. Likewise, informing the patient’s family of the nature of the patient’s illness and health condition and providing all the necessary information regarding the treatment method used to deal with the patient. The nurse will also guide the patient and all members of his family with the correct teachings, provide him with disease prevention, and advance his health to the best level. The nurse will work to reduce the patient's suffering and relieve the aches and pains he feels. Nursing maintains the safety of individuals and provides them with a better life by following up on the patient's health condition with the treating physician, and avoiding the patient taking any medications without the doctor's prescription. Especially in preserving the patient's secret and not transmitting it to colleagues in the community and institutions or to other nurses.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The sustainability and development of the project will be through the funds obtained in exchange for providing medical and therapeutic services by the targeted people, through the final results of each beneficiary, as each beneficiary will be able to obtain the funds after the end of the project. Each beneficiary will be able to profit ($2,100) by working to provide Health services, preventive consultations, sterilization, bandages, needle beads, blood pressure measurement, blood sugar measurement...)
(1,800 boxes total) * $70 per business day over 30 days = $2,100
The cost of preparing medical equipment + sterilizers = $300
Fuel cost = $100
Transportation cost = $100
(Total costs above) * $500 - $2,100 = $1,600 in residual profits from the company per beneficiary for one month. In addition, the family will benefit from medical and health services. Developing and sustaining the project by providing a portion of the profits to develop and sustain the project for the better
Government plans to combat poverty will also be used more effectively, and may lead to the development of government plans to create programs and projects that contribute to improving services, and encourage government agencies to meet family requirements and increase community services, especially in launching loans through the Social Protection Network / Ministry of Labor and Affairs. Social Affairs, and the Iraqi Ministry of Health, so that these projects will be more effective and developed in order to provide services to all segments of society.
