Adolescent health and sexual reproductive health
According to the delivery registers found in few clinics and hospitals on the number of deliveries conducted it showed High numbers of teenage pregnancies and child marriages
Our solutions is reduce teenage pregnancies and child marriages in petauke and lusangazi districts through access reproductive health services such as family planning, condoms distribution, community engagement meetings and training of peer educators. These services to be provided at the adolescent friendly spaces.
Our solutions will impact their lives by delaying sexual debut, they will have information about SRHR, they will live healthy life and reduce maternal deaths.
In our organisation we trained midwife nurses, clinicians , trained psychosocial counsellors, peer educators , additionally our director is national master trainer in adolescent sexual reproduction health and comprehensive sexuality education.
- Collecting, analyzing, curating, and making sense of big data to ensure high-quality inputs, outputs, and insights.
- Creating user-friendly interfaces to improve communication between experts and patients, including providing better information, results, and reminders.
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
Our solution is community based, we have clubs in schools, we have youth friendly space in the community and our organisation staffing is youthful make its innovative
We implement activities that are allowed by law, we provide services which age appropriate. We also work with the ministry of health through the clinics, ministry of education and traditional leaders
We use ministry of health data management system for storage, analysis and utilisation of data. We also use other data collecting tools such as registers,
We follow community norms, we respect religious beliefs of someone and follow government policies in our implementation.
Is to reduce teenage pregnancies, to end child marriages through conceited efforts, since our solutions is community driven , our traditional leaders have come up with community by laws to punish who will be offenders
- Nonprofit
We have 7 full time
We have 5 party time
We have working on this solution for 5uears
Our approach is inclusive regardless of your gender, religion, disability. We have made it a policy that no-one to be segregated based on sex or gender
The organisation is working with clinics, community structures, we also working the schools these have well organised structures with recommended data collecting tools and these structures assures with sustainability of the project.
On financial sustainability will engage donors, starting up income generating activities, constituency development funds and also involve partners.
Since just a community based NGO without any donor funds or funding from any international NGO or government. Our funds are through well wishers. So our operating cost currently is about 120,000ZMK, our expected operating costs is $140,000
The funds will be used for;
Implementing the solution 60%
Staff stipends 20%
Administration costs 10%
Monitoring and evaluation 5%
Communication and fuel 5%
As the organisation, it will be a dream come true after struggling for 5years without funding. This will also helps to save so many vulnerable young people from bad vices and improve the welfare of the organisation staff. Looking forward to this golden opportunity and game changer for us.