Casa de Empleo & Liderazgo and Triangle Business Network
- Yes
- Business development & procurement: Connecting small business owners to vendors, suppliers, and networks that will transform their ability to do business.
- Employee advancement: Supporting employee career pathways through upskilling and reskilling employees, managing employee human resources, and mid-management or mid-career advancement.
Casa de Empleo y Liderazgo (CEL) is a program, part of our solution, that seeks to increase economic growth, social inclusion and prosperity of Hispanic/Latino/Latinx workers through: 1.Connecting employers and job offers with workers, 2.Improving knowledge about the job conditions and financial security; 3.Protect and train workers; and 4.Promote knowledge about finances and wealth generation.
Additionally, our solution includes program called The Triangle Business Network which is a network of entrepreneurs and small businesses that it is aimed at increasing the profits through the creation and operation. The business network promotes the strengthens entrepreneurial ideas and small businesses through the exchange of experiences, skills and knowledge that yields the better financial results.
This solution is the result of more than 30 years of work with the Hispanic/Latino/Latinx in the Triangle Area in North Carolina. Throughout the years, our organization always has been in close contact with and strives to answer the needs of the community.
To recap what was previously mentioned, our solution has two dimensions: 1. "Connecting small business owners and key stakeholders such as investors, local policymakers, and mentors with the relevant experience to improve coordination, collaboration, and knowledge bases within the small business ecosystem" and 2. "Advocating for and shaping policy that supports small business owners and/or place-based efforts in their geographic areas, including increased access to resources, and removal of structural barriers.
At the core of our solution is communication technology (mobile applications, emails, and phone messages). We are aware that at this moment we don't have the bandwidth to provide service in a timely manner and like to improve access. By doing so, we will also be able to educate and assist in closing the digital bridge among the Hispano/Latino/Latinx community. The way we will would like to expand our bandwidth is by creating an app and improving our website, by doing so individuals can get connected and find a program we offer that might improve the well-being and economic stability of individuals that identify as part of the Hispanic/ Latino/ Latinx community. Individuals could access the app or website through their own computer, tablet, or phone or use one of ours while they visit the office.
Creating this platform form can assist not only our nonprofit but other organizations since it will allow us to combine different kinds of services and tools that the community can use. Often we see solutions answer only part of the problem, which could be the supply or demand. By creating this platform we hope to create a system that could be used by others to improve in connecting their services to community members and a network of entrepreneurs.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Software and Mobile Applications
At this time we plan for our solution to serve mainly the minority community with an emphasis on the Hispanic/Latino/ Latinx community. We are based in North Carolina and plan to serve 3 counties in particular: Wake, Durham, and Orange County
The total population of Latinos in the three counties is 194,157 individuals. We currently have served approximately 2,500 individuals through the programs we offer. This is our target population where we must work to increase the income and wages of workers, entrepreneurs and small business owners, support job creation, job training, financial literacy and networking to take advantage of opportunities provided by local governments and other organizations.
CEL and Triangle Business Network solves part of the problem of economic instability for part of the Latino population in the North Carolina Triangle Area (Durham, Orange and Wake counties).
According to studies by the North Carolina Justice Center (NCCJ), Hispanics in North Carolina have nearly twice the poverty rate of the state average and lag behind in education as well. By 2021, the poverty reduction for this population was 34%, well below the 55% and 57% poverty reduction rates for black and white people, respectively. (
There is evidence that the Latino community faces greater economic and social hardship than the rest of the state. According to the NCCJ, the Hispanic poverty rate averages 32.9%, much higher than the state average of 17.2%.
This solution can impact and/or improve ones life because it can be what changes one economic hardship and well-being through direct service.
Our solution, CEL and Triangle Business Network , is in two dimensions of the challenge: 1. "Connecting small business owners and key stakeholders such as investors, local policymakers, and mentors with the relevant experience to improve coordination, collaboration, and knowledge bases within the small business ecosystem" and 2. "Advocating for and shaping policy that supports small business owners and/or place-based efforts in their geographic areas, including increased access to resources, removal of structural barriers, and access to infrastructure such as broadband"
On the one hand, from our contact with Latino workers, entrepreneurs and small business owners, we know their needs; on the other hand, we are in permanent contact with local governments and organizations interested in working with this population. With this knowledge CEL provides the connection between one and the other, we know the needs and activities are carried out to meet them and thus respond to the needs of both.
Likewise, El Centro Hispano is present in several committees that involve decision makers of local governments that allow, at another level, to work so that the measures taken and public policies adopted contribute to improve income and economic stability.
For example, we have a CEL Committee that includes the City of Carrboro, Carrboro City Council, Durham Tech Community College, the Chamber of Commerce, and labor. Another example is the Supporting Hispanic Entrepreneurs of City of Durham
The solutions fall under the Economic Development Department and we believe it will contribute to reducing poverty in the Latino community in the Triangle Area of North Carolina. Through CEL and Triangle Business Network, people have more opportunities to jobs and to improve their economic income. Likewise, we want entrepreneurs to stabilize their businesses and ultimately for small businesses to increase their profits.
Solution focus on addressing the social determinants of health. If we reach more people, better jobs, strengthen entrepreneurship, and better incomes of individuals to gain more, we have the contributed to improving the general welfare and economic stability.
- Growth: an established product, service, or business model that is sustainable through proven effectiveness and is poised for further growth into additional communities.
- Scale: A sustainable organization actively working in several communities that is capable of continuous scaling and has a proven track record, earns revenue, and is focused on increased efficiency within its operations.
1. Current number of people serving:
Workers: 2,213
Entrepreneurs and Small Business: 420
2. Projected number of people served in a year:
Workers: 3,500
Entrepreneurs and Small Business: 1,170
3. Projected number of people served in five years:
Workers: 17,500
Entrepreneurs and Small Business: 5,850
The Hispanic community in North Carolina's triangle area is an active community, always in search of economic opportunity. Two thirds of the community has the English language barrier to access job opportunities and take advantage of the different initiatives offered by local governments. A good amount of the Latino community does not have their legal status established.
El Centro Hispano, by having a relationship with local governments and with organizations that work in the area, helps to change the conditions so that opportunities can be taken advantage of. An example of this is that Durham Tech and Wake Tech will teach a certified electricity course in Spanish, at a time according to the availability of workers, and with identity verification through our organization.
We build trust within the community by personally visiting community members and small business through canvassing and community outreach. As we do this each business and person is asked if they would like to participate in programs and get register in our database. We focus on canvassing high populated Latino community. Once registered we have continual and permanent communication with them via email, phone call, or text. We know as individuals see us in the community acting as a bridge to resources they come to trust us. They see that we try to breakdown the barriers they might face and stand with them as we advocate. They know we our programs, activities and events are for them to get ahead. We build long lasting relationships.
As mentioned, for the next year we want to strengthen the CEL and Business Triangle Network management model in Orange County and enforce the operations in Durham County and Wake County. This way we can reach more workers, entrepreneurs and small business owners. We will achieve this by working as a team and collaborate with possible stakeholders.
We are applying to the Truist Foundation Inspire Awards since it addresses our population and connects to our goals for this fiscal year. If we are selected for the grant, Truist will be assisting us in serving more of our community.
- Business model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
We have a great idea, we would like expand it with your support.