Growth Project
- Yes
- Employee advancement: Supporting employee career pathways through upskilling and reskilling employees, managing employee human resources, and mid-management or mid-career advancement.
The Growth Project will match quality jobseekers with available jobs that pay a decent wage that will lead to a career. We connect and listen to local employers who tell us what they need. Once a jobseeker selects a job they want to pursue, we connect them directly to the training and resources. The Training resource is a data base through Tech Dynamism. This software will order the Job seeker pathway step by step. In the pathway we partner with local community resources to meet the needs of our job seekers like affordable childcare, reliable transportation, legal assistance, health care, and more.
Tech Dynamism help gives us the business structure we need to be successful to our clients. Clients will have a login that will have their pathway wants/needs listed. Clients can take control of their lives by clicking each pathway and this will signal the life coach to start working their case to get the services they need immediately. we put the clients InControl by keeping step by step track of their needs.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Big Data
- Software and Mobile Applications
Our solution does not discriminate its open to any job seeker. Our main market is the middle-class and below which seems to have the most impact in our community as well as refugees. These group of individuals are overlooked and sometimes their worth ethic can appear undervalued this group of seekers are tomorrow's leaders. We understand there need by giving them hope of a solid foundation by taking a stand to do most of the leg work of a well balance life. We address their needs by completing a one-on-one intake with a life coach that creates a care plan and jumps right in by meeting their basic needs first. Proof of documentation is required for any assistance given to make sure funds are distributed fairly and accurately. Our community is super diverse 30 American 40 African American 20 Indian 10% Mixed or 1 or more races. Ages run from 25-50. 60 Females 40 Males. Income raging from 30,000-80,000. Most applicants are College Graduates or Trade school Graduates.
In the larger Charlottesville community, 9,413 families (14%) do not make enough money to afford the essentials of life food, shelter, clothing and utilities and the added costs associated with working—childcare and transportation. This number represents the families making less than $35,000 in our region.
This is a significant improvement since the first Orange Dot Report in 2011. For the Charlottesville region, defined here as the city of Charlottesville and the surrounding counties of Albemarle, Buckingham, Fluvanna, Greene, Louisa and Nelson, the comparable number of families struggling in the region in 2011 was 12,552, which was 21% of families. Over one out of five families. The 2022 number–9,413 families–is a 25% reduction in the number of struggling families in the region.
We recognize, however, that the cost of essentials has gone up over time. For example, these basic needs currently require over $45,000 a year for a single parent with a toddler in childcare.2 In this report, we continue to use the $35,000 income threshold as the break point for defining struggling families to remain consistent with the four prior reports, so these numbers should be understood as a minimum–at least 9,413 families are struggling.
The theory of change is to show active solutions to benefits all parties for the future with proper evidence
- Pilot: a product, service, or business model that is in the process of being built and tested with a small number of beneficiaries or working to gain traction.
- Early: A team of individuals without a registered 501(c)(3) status or a registered 501(c)(3) organization without or a nominal operating budget, building and testing its product, service, or business model.
We don't serve small businesses because we are one, but we partner with many organizations. to name a few Universities of VA, Martha Jefferson, Ready Kids. We serve a total of 125 Children and 75 Parents.
Our decision makers are older, and enjoy the historic times of life, but with the help of SOLVE were hoping to show stats to make a better life for all parties on a equal playing field. we have a uprising of 25–40-year-olds that sees a problem and is willing to address it first-hand. are local movement official are becoming more diverse and community members. Charlo0ttesville in the past was known for racial divination but there has been a major shift because we address the problem headfirst which has made a better life many parties.
We build trust by building a repor with our clients and communities. We attend, school board meeting city council, communities events and willingly volunteer partnering with others to support there cause Growth Mindsets is small but well known for their presence in Charlottesville and surrounding counties community.
We plan on expanding Nurturing Mindsets, a mental health group for mother in distress, we kick off one this April the turnout was remarkable. Thats were the Growth Project came into play cause we didn't want to leave out our single fathers struggling with day to day to provide. As time progress we plan on having on-going support groups for are Men struggling with Mental health giving them a since of peace of Mind to let them know there not alone in the providing and Protecting Journey. This process has to be approached with great sensitivity and time cause no person is the same internally and everyone story is valid to them but also us. This data base will help us keep track of the progression of our clients.
Truist can help us overcome the barriers of poverty in our community.Buy funding a data base software that will help us meet the need of are applicants effective and efficient.
- Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and national media)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)
We would love Triust to support are 2024 Spring Break Explorers or a Nurturing Mothers Brunch. Come sit or support are community firsthand.