Luttas assessment for language delay and disorders
Language develop normally in children but sometimes because of health, nature, psychological problems or other problems Children may suffer from language and speech disorder and language delay whether normal or children with disabilities so we have to assess the language to know the problem and how to rehabilitate it! Children now are more modern and depend more on the technology so we had to come up with a tool that makes them interact with it we came up with a computer based assessment that asses 5 linguistic concept 380 linguistic item that displayed with videos and 3D the assessment extract 13 report as a full case study for the child and 3 rehabilitation plan
Early childhood children suffer from language and speech disorder and language delay whether normal or children with disabilities needs to be evaluated and rehabilitated in order to acquire language properly to fit into the society and to not be treated as disabled children who can't express there needs or can't speak and communicate with their friends and family as in Egypt we have 15 million disabled children and 30% from early childhood childhood suffer from language delay
Early childhood children and children with disabilities Age from 2 to 8 years old.
The assessment is the first assessment in the middle east and currently we are working to make it the first in the world its rationed and certified from different universities in Egypt and the European society of speech therapy and many doctors. The assessment is easy to understand and easy to use because it's fully depend on the computer and modern technology
An assessment which is computer based the interface is easy to use because it's designed for children. The assessment needs a specialist with child to record the score of the child on answering the items, the items are displayed with videos, 3D, pictures and voices to interact the child
- Enable parents and caregivers to support their children’s overall development
- Prepare children for primary school through exploration and early literacy skills
- Growth
- New technology
Innovating a new assessment system computer based with easy interface designed especially for children to assess the items that are displayed with videos, 3D, pictures, sounds and voices that make the children happy to interact with instead of using the traditional way of assessing by cards and taking notes! These assessment fully depends on the computer it extracts 13 reports with high accuracy and rehabilitation plan with delayed items! The just need a specialist only to record the answers on the computer and it will quickly sums up the answers and give the results
A computer based software that operates on windows the system is encrypted with high tech security on USB flash drive and setup the system on the windows
- Artificial Intelligence
- Children and Adolescents
- Rural Residents
- Peri-Urban Residents
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor/Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- Algeria
- Canada
- Iran
- Iraq
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Morocco
- South Sudan
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Yemen
- Bahrain
- Egypt
- Kuwait
- Oman
- Saudi Arabia
- Sudan
- Algeria
- Canada
- Iran
- Iraq
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Morocco
- South Sudan
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Yemen
- Bahrain
- Egypt
- Kuwait
- Oman
- Saudi Arabia
- Sudan
Egypt has 15 million disabled children and 30% early childhood children suffer from language delay we've reached less than 1% and this is our target segment plus children in the middle east and globally
Using AI in speech therapy not only assessing the children but also innovate a solution which helps them to acquire language properly with the knowledge and technological means
Financial and marketing services that we can't reach more people or get to show them the new technology
Financial by assessing the children and sell the assessment to the speech therapists and private schools and hospitals
- Hybrid of for-profit and non-profit
10 full time 5 part time
The team is consisted of a big selection from doctors in the field of education, medicine and psychology in order to achieve the total scientific criteria to build the system and 45 programmers and engineers to make sure creating an easy interacting tool
To help parents who have child with language delay with developing their own linguistic skills, attention skills, perception skills and helping them to acquire language properly
- Technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Monitoring and evaluation
It will help every parent and every child to acquire language help them with easily indicate the delay in the children language and tell them how to rehabilitate this delay, give them accurate reports of their children language profile, language linguistic age compared with their chronological age and language delay and language growth proportion