with our system we solve the problema ir the accumulation of garbage, it is reduce by 90 % and therefore. The health problema that the population has are reduce.
De carry out educational campaigns teaching how to separate waste, we teach organice waste to make compost yo benefit the earth, then we removed inorgánica waste from tve collection places and take it to the sorting shed, some of which are papel and cardboard and such we sell, glass and some plastics. are industrially worked. The machins are from Argentina. We make products for decoration and construction
Our system serves all people, especially people from poor neighborhoods recaude the garbage collector does not pass through those places and tve garbage accumulates on the corners. Oír system directly impacta their luces because there would be no garbage on the streets más diseases would greatly decrease.
We are the only ones who have estudies tve garbage problema for years. And after working with different systems for years we have found that the current system is the current one and that ir gives a solution ti te problem.
- Reduce single-use products, unnecessary plastics, and medical/hazardous waste throughout research and manufacturing.
- Argentina
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
The prize would allow us to buy more and adequate vehicules for the removal of waste. It would also allow us to hace a larged shed for the classification ir waste and it would also allow us to finish acquiring tve machinery for the pro per classification ir waste for sale and the industrialization of galas and plastics.
our leader communicates personally or through tve media
Our work is a solution that can be implemente throughout Argentina, ir dependa on being educated on the benefits that the separación ir esa te at source brings, un addition yo avoiding contamination adn the proliferation oficina diseñada fue ti te accumulation ir garbage, York van be generar es genuine un te nos y impoverished populations.
For the next dice years se hope to cover the entire province of Jujuy and the provinces ir North Argentina: Salta, Tucumán y Santiago del Estero with our program.
We measure our progress with sheets locales by neighborhoods,there we locate the addreses that adhere to the program, plus the schools, health centros, clubs, companies, and as they are incorporated, se grabó them through the finales sheets.
we hace already pro ven in the last 10 years that tú os system is a solution, we have not had financial support yo expand it, if de obtain it we are sure that we can implement it sms provide a solution to the problem.
A part of the solution is based on technology, it is the part of the industrialization of waste, and it is machinary that is manufactured in Argentina.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Manufacturing Technology
- Nonprofit
We currently World 17 people
10 years ago we started working on the search for a solution. 5 years ago we found the system to solve the problema ir garbage and the diseases that its accumulation brings.
In fact, in our organization de hace incorporated members of LGBTI+ and there also members of an aboriginal communities.
Our model before the COVID pandemic employed 30 people, da A self-sustaining and covered a mar he part of the Province, can cover the sentiré population of the province, which us about 700.000 people. They be es us recaude nobody do es thai job in a systematic way.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
Our plan is ti generate valeu from waste through our glass adn plástico industrial workshops (we are saving money to buy machinery that we are missing) when we produce recycled products in quantity, with that de dilo sustain our program.
the Eixample We Have are ourselves before the COVID pandemic