Scientific theory "Zero Point Energy Gravitation"
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are about 7,000 rare diseases affecting 7% of the world's population (Rare diseases with different symptoms and disorders, even in the same disease). Most of them are chronic, degenerative and non-contagious. 65% of these diseases are severe and disabling and affect mental abilities, physical capacities and sensory and behavioral qualities, even leading to single or multiple handicaps and chronic pain. Almost all these pathologies appear in the pediatric age, due to their genetic origin and congenital anomalies. That is to say, they usually have an early onset, appearing around the age of 2 years. On the other hand, many patients present chronic pain and development of motor or intellectual deficit, which makes them lose their autonomy. Rare diseases are usually responsible for 35% of deaths occurring before the age of one year and 12% in people between 5 and 15 years of age. The average time to reach a proper diagnosis is about 5 years. In case of suspicion of a rare disease, it is advisable to perform a genetic test. Knowing if there is a genetic cause allows to know the evolution of the pathology and to anticipate the symptoms. However, in many cases, a confirmed diagnosis can be very difficult to obtain. The average time is about 5 years and, in some patients, it can take 10 years before they are diagnosed with a rare disease. The exact causes of these diseases are not known, although it is estimated that 80% of them are genetic in origin.
Orphan drugs are those that are used to treat these diseases. However, it should be noted that they are only effective in 10-15% of rare diseases, and never to cure them, but to control them or delay their onset. The problem is that the process from the time a new molecule is discovered until it is marketed is very long, unsafe and requires a very high investment, so that in general the capital invested in its research cannot be recovered and neither does it guarantee an effective treatment.
In 1913 Otto Stern (1888-1969) and Albert Einstein (1879-1955) deduced the existence of a residual energy that every quantum oscillator must possess even if it was at the temperature of zero degrees Kelvin. In simple words, in 1913 Einstein and Stern found an immense source of energy present in nature, energy that is not polluting like oil, coal or nuclear energy. This energy is infinite and is present throughout the universe. Today it is known as the Vacuum Energy. The "vacuum" in physics is rather like a fiercely boiling agitated cauldron. The energy density of this boiling cauldron is so great that it is astonishing. A tiny bit of "empty space" the size of a sugar cube contains enough electromagnetic energy to energize all the electrical charges on earth for millions of years. The scientific theory developed and proven is called "Zero Point Energy Gravitation", and has four aspects of application, studies and proven developments:
1.- On Zero Point Energy Gravitation and Free particles.
2. On Zero Point Energy Gravitation and the structure of the atom.
3.-On Zero-Point Energy Gravitation and the Planets of the Solar System. 4.
4.-On Zero-Point Energy Gravitation and its relation to the speed of Light.
In the 70's of the last century astronomers with the help of modern and powerful telescopes, evidenced the existence of two elements of the universe hitherto unknown, one was the so-called dark matter and the other the so-called dark energy. On March 21, 2013, the new results of the Plancks satellite work on the all-sky distribution of the background radiation of the universe were released, and a more precise estimate of 68.3% dark energy, 26.8% dark matter and 4.9% ordinary matter was obtained. The 25 years of my personal research on the subject have generated new equations, models and concepts of both elements. Undoubtedly my current knowledge, by means of simple experimental verifications, can demonstrate that dark energy is nothing more than the energy of the quantum vacuum and even more my equations can model the behavior of dark matter in order to manipulate at the whim of man its interaction to generate all the energy of quantum vacuum that our species requires for its survival.
Moreover, my theory predicts and models the grouping and behavior of matter and dark energy around the atom; thus facilitating the conformation, design and manufacture of new molecules with the same ease and diversity with which Mother Nature works in record times. Knowledge that with the help of powerful computers can allow us not only to know and perform the most appropriate gene therapies, but would help us to develop the genetic engineering necessary to repair and manufacture complex structures such as chromosomes, correcting the structural failures of their spatial deformations or absences associated with rare diseases, i.e. not only address the problem by exchanging bricks (genes) in the DNA of the patient, but completely rebuilding the building (chromosome) so that it is expressed correctly in the next cell division.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are about 7,000 rare diseases affecting 7% of the world's population. The genetic research necessary for the development of effective treatments to generate cures for rare diseases requires a deeper understanding of the atomic structure of matter and its relationship with energy and dark matter. At present, the knowledge provided by quantum mechanics, although very useful, does not allow us to have a complete vision of this interaction, which is why it is so difficult and delayed to treat rare diseases with treatments developed in efficient ways in terms of time and effective in terms of their curative properties to cure them definitively. Although nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has allowed us to know in detail the types of atoms and their location in a molecule, it does not allow us to consider, understand and visualize the conformation and distribution of energy and dark matter within it, which is equivalent to studying the life and interaction of the vegetation of a forest, counting the types, numbers and distribution of trees seen from a helicopter, but ignoring the complex ecosystems, which we could only know by descending into the forest. Through the creation of an international research institute for the investigation of rare diseases and their healing processes by means of the knowledge provided by my theory; the necessary medicines will be developed for the present and future eradication of this type of health condition.
Tecno Saber 3000 C.A. is a small company dedicated to research in the field of renewable energies, biomedicine and the development of proposals and prototypes to improve science education. The 25 years of my personal research on the subject have generated new equations, models and concepts essential to apply and develop this solution, no one else has information as accurate and decisive as that which our company is currently developing. Since childhood, the president of the company, Technologist Olinto Rosales, frequently visited the hospital where his mother, a nurse, worked; she used to take him to the rooms where patients with multiple types of health problems, among them, patients with rare diseases, presented themselves; His mother usually explained to him the origin of many of the diseases of the patients she knew, especially patients with some type of cancer or viral diseases; but when she introduced him to a patient with rare diseases and the technologist Olinto Rosales asked her about the causes of these diseases, she usually kept silent and then told him that they were of genetic origin; and when her son asked her if they had a cure? she would answer that it was "almost" impossible because of their genetic origin. Technologist Olinto Rosales, I know that he kept the "almost" and decided to find the solution that he offers today to the distinguished jury of this award.
- Enhance efficiencies in clinical trials and research, including data collection and sharing.
- Venezuela, RB
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model, but which is not yet serving anyone
The company Tecno Saber 3000 C.A. and its president, in the last 25 years of research, has developed and proved 70% of the scientific theory called "Zero Point Energy Gravitation" Theory, and has generated new equations, models and concepts essential to apply and develop this solution.
The scientific theory developed and called "Zero Point Energy Gravitation" has six Hypotheses that have been proven:
1.- The space that we know as vacuum behaves as a fluid constituted by dark energy and dark matter which we will call biphasic fluid.
The density of the biphasic fluid varies with temperature and decreases as the temperature increases (inversely proportional relationship).
Light travels through the two-phase fluid as a density wave in a liquid and its velocity depends on the modulus of elasticity of volume of the fluid (expressed in N/m2) and the density of the medium.
4.- The speed of light traveling through the biphasic fluid increases as the temperature of the fluid increases, being possible to reach values higher than those reported at present (3?〖10〗^8 ?⁄(? )), so the speed of light is not a limit of nature or a universal constant.
5.- The Energy of light traveling through the two-phase fluid increases as the temperature of the fluid increases and that this is only proportional to the frequency for a defined temperature value.
6.- The energy of light traveling in a two-phase fluid (whose temperature increases progressively) depends on the temperature, corresponding to a behavior similar to that defined by Wien's displacement law.
The experiments that the company Tecno Saber 3000 C.A., has carried out for the verification of this theory, are exemplified and explained in the video of the following link:
At present; thanks to the equations of the so-called "Zero Point Energy Gravitation" theory, it has been possible to calculate and measure:
1.- The exact radius of the proton
The exact radius of the electron
3.-The amount of dark matter distributed around each of the elements of the periodic table.
The amount of dark energy distributed around each of the elements of the periodic table. 3.
4.-The amount of dark energy and dark matter distributed around molecules essential for life (Water, Methane, amino acids, sugars and peptides).
Relevant information:
Despite being discovered both elements of the universe (dark matter and dark energy) more than five decades ago; outside of myself and my company, the international scientific community does not possess clear and valid knowledge about the composition of both and their integral interaction in the behavior of the Universe. My calculations show the worrying reality that our solar system is suffering a tragic imbalance in the composition and functioning of its matter and dark energy; which threatens the existence of life of our species; reducing its capacity to host life in all its planets and moons to a time span of less than 100 years (to a time span of less than 30 years for our planet in specific). A strong proof of this imbalance is the disproportionate increase in the temperature of the planet's oceans with respect to the historical data; Although some experts try to relate it to climate change or the "El Niño" phenomenon, the majority of the international scientific community has no answer and has no knowledge about the real and valid causes of this worrying phenomenon, and this happens because this professional guild does not have the accurate knowledge that my years of research reveal about the true functioning of everything that surrounds us, since, after all, the knowledge we have is not in the books: For this reason; I wish to formalize my request before the distinguished jury so that by means of your exalted kindness and understanding, you make all the necessary arrangements so that MIT, performs the experiments of the link previously indicated; in order to join efforts to build a pressing solution (in which I am working) to be able to save us from the terrible end that this sword of Damocles that hangs attached to a spider's web thread; can cause us.
A great philosopher of antiquity pointed out that "You cannot know something new; if you think you know what it is". In order for me to explain to you what is dark matter and dark energy in the universe and its implications for the preservation of life on our planet; I first need you to elaborate and verify the experiments referred to in the link; until then the ignorance of such valuable contributions, will only lead our species to a journey with a tragic end that can be avoided.
I need to make all the necessary arrangements for MIT and other research institutes in the world, to carry out the experiments of the above mentioned link; in order to join efforts to build the urgent and valuable solutions that are derived from the scientific theory called "Zero Point Energy Gravitation Theory". Likewise, I require all the political, economic, scientific and technological support to make these solutions a reality at the most opportune moment.
Tecno Saber 3000 C.A. is a small company dedicated to research in the field of renewable energies, biomedicine and the development of proposals and prototypes to improve science education. The 25 years of my personal research on the subject have generated new equations, models and concepts essential to apply and develop this solution, no one else has information as accurate and decisive as that which our company is currently developing. Since childhood, the president of the company, Technologist Olinto Rosales, frequently visited the hospital where his mother, a nurse, worked; she used to take him to the rooms where patients with multiple types of health problems, among them, patients with rare diseases, presented themselves; His mother usually explained to him the origin of many of the diseases of the patients she knew, especially patients with some type of cancer or viral diseases; but when she introduced him to a patient with rare diseases and the technologist Olinto Rosales asked her about the causes of these diseases, she usually kept silent and then told him that they were of genetic origin; and when her son asked her if they had a cure? she would answer that it was "almost" impossible because of their genetic origin. Technologist Olinto Rosales, I know that he kept the "almost" and decided to find the solution that he offers today to the distinguished jury of this award.