The current diagnostic methods are divided into two types, either by having the specialist keep tracking the child’s eyes using a rope or ruler, or by using technologies that track the nerve system. Usually the first method is difficult to be accepted by the children, and the specialist needs to spend a lot of time until he can carry out the test. Where the second method requires some devices to be connected to children’s body, which faces a lot of resistance from the children.
ATICCS does not require the child to wear any additional equipment. The system is consisting of two applications, one for diagnose purpose and the other is for training, both interfaces are attractive which makes it easier to both the child and the trainer to use it, and help to build confidence between them.
In the last two decades a lot of computer software applications tried to focus on helping disable persons to overcome their problems, some of them focused on ADHD issues. In their initiative they aimed to help ADHD children to improve their brain’s function, reduce the symptoms and to be a treatment tool (if not, at least to be a substitute for medication).
The scale of the problem in the communities: huge number in every nation
How many people are affected? Huge Number
What are the contributing factors to the problem that relate to your solution?
Make the diagnosis process easier, and train children to increase their attention.
Children with attention deficit and ADHD children
By visiting early learning centers
Increase their attention
ATICCS does not require a child to wear any additional equipment. Furthermore, the interface of the ATICCS is aesthetically appealing; which makes it easier for both the child and the trainer to use. It also helps to build confidence between them.
The main difference between ATICCS and what exists is that it depends only on eye tracking using the webcam without connecting any attached devices to the body of children. ATICCS was evaluated by testing with ADHD children as discussed in chapter 4. Which provided meaningful insights on the efficiency and effectiveness of the tool in increasing the concentration of an ADHD child on the screen.
- Reduce barriers to healthy physical, mental, and emotional development for vulnerable populations
- Enable parents and caregivers to support their children’s overall development
- Prototype
- New application of an existing technology
Most child would agree that they express themselves through interacting with other child or students, trying to compete with each other in class. But as a result of physical disability or behavioral challenges, they are not able to achieve their goals. The common disability is the attention problem; particularly, keeping concentrating for long time, which can be noticed through eye contact.
One way to overcome this problem is by training their eyes to focus on a certain point for a long time. This can be done by using traditional techniques or some new available technologies, such as eye tracking that provides the user with the ability to run some computer applications designed for having an eye tracking as the only input.
The main goal of this research is to come up with a technique that takes control of the mouse pointer of a computer in real time as a priority of the designed interface.
In combination with ATICCS, Tobii camera helped to get more accurate results in all conditions, so no lighting problems as this camera works in a diversity of contexts, detecting all eye’s colors, overcome lighting
problems and not affected with the glasses or lenses;as it is supported with
eight infrared lights
- Artificial Intelligence
- Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
- Behavioral Design
The main difference between ATICCS and what exists is that it depends only on eye tracking using the webcam without connecting any attached devices to the body of children. ATICCS was evaluated by testing with ADHD children. Which provided meaningful insights on the efficiency and effectiveness of the tool in increasing the concentration of an ADHD child on the screen.
- Children and Adolescents
- Persons with Disabilities
- Jordan
- Jordan
the current number of people you’re serving:50
the number you’ll be serving in five years: 5000
Focus on the people that you will directly and meaningfully affect through your solution: Huge
Basically "Help the Childhood"
Financial: a fund is needed to pay salaries for the team and to buy extra cameras to distribute it to other testing centers
Technical: the camera that we used is not available in Jordan
Look for fund,
Travel to EU to buy more cameras
- Nonprofit
Princess Sumaya University for Technology
full-time staff 4
We have an excellent team with programming and HCI backgrounds
- Business model
- Technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent or board members
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Media and speaking opportunities
Head of Technical Department