Learning with Pippo - Cognitive Training
Learning with Pippo is a digital learning media that aims to help parents stimulate children's cognitive development in the form of fun games. This application is made with the spirit of providing more digital educational games for children. Currently, in Indonesia, mobile users are widespread, especially in urban areas. This use is increasingly worrying when the available applications are not child-friendly. On the other hand, early childhood education at home is still felt to be lacking by parents for Indonesian children. This encourages us to create educational applications that still provide fun for children. This application is easy to access and can also be used without the need to connect to the internet. Applications are expected to be used by parents to stimulate children. This application can also be used as a medium to get initial information (screening) of children's abilities and map domains that still need to be developed for children.
The use of devices in children is increasingly high, but child-friendly applications that are designed for cognitive development are still few, mostly designed for entertainment. In Indonesia, parents still rarely use technology as a learning medium. The notion that technology inhibits education is even greater because most of the available applications provide addictive entertainment for early childhood. This makes early childhood education still needs to be improved again and support for parents needs to be increased. At present, there are 33 million early childhood who still need early education. The number of early childhood education service providers is still limited. This makes it necessary for the use of resources around so that early childhood education can run more optimally. We see digital devices and applications that are now widely used can be an alternative to overcome this problem.
The target population is early childhood to early school age, ie children aged 3 - 9 years. According to data from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection and the Central Statistics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia, there are around 33 million children in Indonesia who still need early education. Not only for children, but parents of these children also become the target population because this media is designed to help parents provide fun educational games but has a clear impact on children's cognitive development. In developing this innovation, a survey of needs was carried out to parents. In Indonesia alone, concerns about the quality of children's education and the impact of technology are considered to interfere with education. On the other hand, children enjoy technology development as a fun thing. This encourages us to bridge the expectations of parents, the needs of children, and things that are indeed fun for both, hence the idea to create digital applications that are educational for children.
This application can be used by children with parental supervision on different cell phones. At the beginning of its use, children can participate in screening cognitive abilities first to find out their ability mapping. Then, parents can set which domains the child can play. This application is arranged like a game, every certain stage that has been passed by the child, he will get a certain score or gift. This is needed to motivate children. In addition, to set the duration of using the gadget, there are also reminders when the game has been carried out for a certain duration (can be arranged by parents) there will be a notification of sleepy icons so that the child does not feel forbidden by parents to play. When this game is performed routinely, it is actually a cognitive development process in a fun way. During the six months of the game, there should be an increase in children's cognitive abilities.
We uses smartphone/tablet that appropriate with
Indonesian peoples that use internet mostly in their smartphone. We design this application with bright illustration so
users (children) interesting to learn. We uses gamification in this apps so
learning process feels like playing. Through the activity, we try to analysis
cognitive development of children and give the report to parent. Last, parent
can manage this apps, such as choose the domain and
duratoion of using.
- Enable parents and caregivers to support their children’s overall development
- Prototype
- New application of an existing technology
- Behavioral Design
- Children and Adolescents
- Indonesia
- Indonesia
- For-Profit
- Business model
- Distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent or board members