- Academic Institution
we are lauching a pedagogic family advisor, that provides a customised pedagogic content to each child tailored on his abilities and education level, by developping an AI that detects childs weaknesses and provide tailerod exercices and courses, while keeping parents informed with real time feedback and regular reports to keep truck on their kids progress
- Pilot: An organization testing a product or program with a small number of users.
a teacher for 12 years, a telecom engineer with KPIs optmization skills for more than 20 years and a prent of three kids with 20 years of parenting experience. He is the founder and the concept editor of all Teachica programs, with the help of a pedagogic team and dev team
all our 10 members team are fully working on the project
empowering individual kids education while keeping parents informed and engaged
parents are unable to understand their kids education issues and can't help them, since they don't have the necessary kbolege for that. some of them think that private tutoring, the only available solution is a waist of time and money.
we are developping an AI that detects childs weaknesseswith specific tests. and provide him with tailored exercices and courses. and while the child is progressing in the platforme, specific alghorythms detect each action and activity and predict the child behavior to give him the exact help needed.
regalar reports and real time feedbacks are sent to parents to help him keep truck on his kids progress. according to the childs evolution, technics and pedagoies are changed to reach the optimum progress trend. a sycologycal and coaching progress is introduced if needed. the impact is immediatly measured with specefic KPIs
- Primary school children (ages 5-12)
- Rural
- Peri-Urban
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- High-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- Other
kids with learning disabilities.
- Level 5: You have manuals, systems and procedures to ensure consistent replication and positive impact.
we already achieved assessements when working on the problems description. we muched the assessement results with the trial results when developping the analysis and reporting module
after our first trial, our team has engaged new prdagogic and sycological specialists. since kids education issues are not only related to pedagogic issues but environment and sychological issues
we rae launching our commercial version next july 2023 in Tunisia, Burkina Faso and Senegal. We integrated Founder Institute acceleration program that broght enaught improvements to our process. We are raising 120 K usd by January 2024 to go indepth in our AI developpment to reach an optimum child activity trucking and provide him the appropriate support. Parents activity detection is also developped since we are trucking their engagement also
more help on african cultures assessements, since these kind of informations telling us about education systems efficiency from children and parents point of views are generally inexisting. We are building a system and a data base that follow the education systems evolution. each change's ipact can be observed and measured
- Foundational research (literature reviews, desktop research)
- Formative research (e.g. usability studies; feasibility studies; case studies; user interviews; implementation studies; pre-post or multi-measure research; correlational studies)
- Summative research (e.g. correlational studies; quasi-experimental studies; randomized control studies)
I want to join a community that had worked on african education problems and all impacting issues and how can technology and A I can help to improve having better vision on kids feelings and parents engagements
we will take in consideration all existing effforts and try to provide necessary mertics to track each process efficiency.
It'll be grate if we can find african learning institutions as partners in our global project