- Nonprofit
Naturing children and communities to take up climate change education leadership to grow up as enviromental conscius and responsive citizens.
Condisive learning environment for school children
Core Values
1. Child first
2. Gender Equity
3. Accountability
- Growth: An organization with an established product or program that is rolled out in one or more communities.
Over see the project implementation and is the accounting officer for the project and supervise all the key actors in the project implementation
The project will be implemented in mobilized 05 primary schools in Luwero District targeting both boys and girls of age between 3-12 years, in grade 1-6. The team leader is full time staff of the organization who shall commit at least 06 hours of her time in the project implementation. The school management committees and club patrons shall play a key role in mobilizing the children in school club, while the program officer who is a part time staff will provide technical guidance to the field officers who are full time staff of the organization.
School Greening Initiative for better Learning (SGIL)
The current challenge of climate change has affected learners in various ways including famine, hearse weather conditions affecting agricultural productivity in the region, yet agriculture employs over 80% of the population in the district and is source of school fees for most of the learners. This in effect has resulted in a children’s crisis as 61% of the total population are under the age of 18. Further, this has put pressure on natural resources as alternative source of income and to pay school fees. The project therefore aims to impact skills and knowledge to the learners, who in turn pass the skills and knowledge to others through peer to peer learning and grow up environment respecting citizens. In Uganda there is access to free education, but little is done in climate change or environmental education, yet it is important to impact skills and knowledge of climate change to learners at early stages of education.
In the sub-county schools are very crowded with an average of over 80 children in each classroom, putting much pressure on natural outdoor environment. There is a high degradation of the vegetation and green spaces in the school premises which is limiting children's opportunities to play and learn beyond the classroom. On a positive note, most government schools (which is the main target for this project) have clear ownership and control over their land, thus presenting a clear opportunity for the schools to decrease degradation, restore and re-green their environment.
In addition most of the schools have issues related to inappropriate waste disposal as learners and school staff lack knowledge of the importance of sorting and disposing biodegradable separately from non-biodegradable waste. This has resulted in high environmental and sanitation problem in some of the schools affecting the quality of their environment, health and performance of learners. Regrettably this picture holds true for most schools in Luwero District as they do not have access to clean and safe drinking water, and also lack the basic hygiene management practices such as hand washing and natural water treatment techniques. Although the current formal education services provide a safe space for school-going children in the daytime, outdoor green environment is paramount for creating a conducive learning environment that can lead to peaceful co-existence between learners in the schools.
The project, “School Greening Initiative – for better learning”, is designed to introduce and strengthen informal education in sustainable environmental behavior. The project aims at improving and creating a conducive learning environment for children in 05 schools within Butumtula sub-county in Luwero District, located in the central part of Uganda. The target group is children in grade 1 to 6 at primary level, where co-curricular activities are mandatory.
This project will mobilize 1,500 children, both boys and girls, through 05 schools in Butumtula sub-county, Luwero District. The project will impart life skills and environmental literacy to children through formation of vibrant and inclusive environmental clubs and it aims at transforming theoretical knowledge acquired in the environmental club into practice, providing space and material for those practical sessions, but also contributing to making the school compound more child-friendly and an attractive environment to reside in.
The children will engage in environmentally friendly practices and green initiatives at their school compounds, such as tree planting, basic gardening and fruit orchard establishment. The environmental club members will play the leading role and the forums can include peer to peer training's, school assemblies, debates and organized competitions (songs, drama and poetry) with environmental topics as a way to develop talents and improve relations (peaceful co-existence) for the community.
This project will be implemented by the school management committees, teachers and lead facilitator from Nezikokolima Environmental Group (Chandia Judith)
- Women & Girls
- Primary school children (ages 5-12)
- Rural
- Poor
- Low-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- Level 3: You can demonstrate causality using a control or comparison group.
The project was piloted in Lusenke Church of Uganda Primary school, where 05 environmental clubs were formed. The pilot trial gave out good results and the club members learned waste management using the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle), planted 400 trees around the school compound and participated in drama, poem and intra and inter school debates on environmental related topics and this has enhanced the skills and knowledge of the learners in environmental protection> This justifies the need to role out the project to other schools within the district
The lesson learned were:
1. Learners between the age of 2-12 are faster learners and share what they have learned with their peer groups
2. Schools children are easier to mobilize and organize
3. The involvement of parents, school management committees and local leaders made the project successful during the lock-down as a result of COVID-19 and the learners continued to learn
4. Conducive environment lead to high retention of learners in schools
The impact of climate change on the communities is real and this has affected production, income and school enrollment and retention as a result of poverty. Yet if this learners (2-12 years) are trained in environmental protection, they will grow responsible people with respect to environment and challenges of climate change can be mitigated.
By hosting the project conducive learning environment will be created and learners will acquire skills and knowledge in environmental protection.
1. If learners between age of 2-12 are trained in environmental protection, they will grow up responsible and have respect to our environment
2. If conducive learning environment is created, there will be high school enrollment and retention of learners in schools and learners will acquire skills and knowledge in environmental protection and the impact of climate change is mitigated
3. If there is high retention of learners in school, case of early pregnancy and contraction of sexual transmitted diseases will be reduced
- Formative research (e.g. usability studies; feasibility studies; case studies; user interviews; implementation studies; pre-post or multi-measure research; correlational studies)
Outcome 1: Increased life skills and environmental literacy through co-curricular school clubs
Output 1.1 Strong, vibrant and inclusive school environmental clubs formed in 05 schools
Output 1.2 Capacity building in environmentally-friendly practices provided to children participating in the environmental school clubs
Outcome 2. Increased practical engagement of children in the promotion, protection and sustainable management of the environment for peaceful co-existence within their communities
Output 1.1: Environmentally-friendly practices and greening initiatives demonstrated in school compound
Output 2.1: Forums created for awareness and engagement from other students, teachers and school management
The selected schools are government aided schools, so at the end of the LEAP project sprint the school will continue with the project using the grant from the government, parents, with support of the school management Committees, teachers and the club patrons
Outcome 1: Increased life skills and environmental literacy through co-curricular school clubs
Outcome 2. Increased practical engagement of children in the
promotion, protection and sustainable management of the environment for peaceful co-existence within their communities