Our vision is to use the matching platform to connect almost 69 MIO european inactive people from 20 to 55 years old who already cook for lunch at home with 120 MIO working european eating outiside home daily. We consider this proxy but adding retaired, unemployed etc we have huge numbers. We consider a great opportunity and innovation touse digital and open millions of kitchen already active during lunch break to match people off line, to create a bottom up welfare generative project easily scalable and then achieve economic results and strong social innovation impact . Involving only a small percentage (0.6% inactive people and 1,6% working people) in 3 years we reach a target market of more than a half a millions persons and thousands of daily lunches and so work and income for inactive people
Millions of people are at home every day, feel lonely and want to earn something . People who need richer relationships and income. The phenomenon of inactivity, also due to the aging of the population and the changed working skills required by the market, is increasing exponentially. Inactive people have poor social relations and economic insecurity that limit their well-being, thus causing an increase in welfare and health costs. With SoLunch we use digital to create a matching platform that promotes off line relationships and income between inactive people already cooking at home with people working nearby. Like an "airbnb" of lunch break with SoLunch people can offer book pay and rate peer to peer lunches cooked and eated at home: it guarantees a profit and jobs for the home chefs and new relationships simply adding an extra plate on the table. The business model allows to achieve seconomic results and strong social innovation impact. Thanks to education, pubblication and events we will have an impact also on food waste and food foot print. Using existing assets –millions of kitchen already active during lunch break- encourages sustainable and inclusive growth in the medium/long-term
the beneficiaries of the project are Inactive people (definition by the International Labour Oganization (ILO) from 20 to 55 years of age who are then at home at lunchtime. This category of users can be extended to include the unemployed and the retired. They will be involved through digital communication activities, referrals and also followed with educations and tutorial both to use the platform but also to approach the digital economy instruments. In Italy, only 1 in 4 people used digital economy services: with SoLunch we bring digital services to a huge numbers of people that can experiment how easy it is to use so that they can also improve their skills and open mind to other services and the world of digital
SoLunch encourages sustainable and inclusive growth in the medium/long-term not only because the project is based on a solid business model that employs dozens of people directly but because it is a source of income and indirect employment for thousands of people who would be otherwise excluded from the production process. creates the opportunity for and fosters cross-cultural interactions and diversity management as it involves people who would be otherwise marginalised, without having to act on culture and habits because it takes advantage of existing assets: a home kitchen and cooking skills, both commonly available.
The revenue stream is based on a service fee and organizing paied events. The business model is supported by referrals and local ambassador activities and partnership with Associations, Peer platform, Business partners and Local PA. For example we are now working with an association to use the platform as heart activity to integrate migrants women and we are working with Future Foos Institute to generate to design activities to foster the project.
Solunch is based on a self-sustainable and easily scalable business model. During the validation we have achieved growing revenues, thousand of users and 7 off line events dedicated to food waste, nutrition, culture
The business model and the development goals allow to reach the project BEP 24 months, after that to start being profitable. And so obtain also widespread impacts improving income and social relations
- Create or advance equitable and inclusive economic growth
- Prototype
- New business model or process
We analyse different innovative solutions considering meal sharing as a core business like:,,,
and others but their are all focus on the food experience, travel experience and food quality.
SoLunch's innovative component can be summarised in lunch break verticalization and the use of existing assets, opening million of kitchens already active during lunch break, to achieve social and digital innovation
Also SoLunch gives to inactive people the opportunity to transform a daily habits in an alternative work and open them to digital economy.
The benefits of the innovation introduced by SoLunch can be summarised as follows:
- Verticalization on lunch break and exploitation of existing assets--millions of kitchens already active during lunch break
- Consequent mass market
- Use of digital technology to promote one-to-one proximity relationships and alternative work
- Reduction in social exclusion and income supplement by maximising the results produced by the "Give Back" concept
SoLunch is based on technology not only to engage but namely to create an opportunity for inactive people. SoLunch is a geolocalized matching platform that enables off line relations and income. The digital permit to build a "cucinadiffusa"- proximity micro-catering - a peer community and create a new lunch break pattern allowing millions of people to reach both social and economics integration and developing a local economy. The technology enables the different target users to avail themselves of the service in an optimal way- Ther current platform is constantly in beta as the go to market strategy is based on Lean Startup and Growth Hacking mindset so that more automatisms can be developed. there is an app and we are working to introduce AI and Machine learning in the project to improve experience and matching and collect millions of data. A blog and a graphic layout that highlights people and their characteristics is already online. The data processing treatment and governance is according to EU Data Protection Laws The architecture of the platform is ready to a scalability almost unlimited to be expanded to support large piers of contemporary users only scaling the various services switching to higher and higher performances. The product, with constant examination and improvements resulting from the analysis of the funnel and the analytics. Applications for the creation and improvement of the community experience through the development of a geolocated messaging programme providing information about the available offers, Translation in languages according to international
- Machine Learning
thanks to a matching platform that promotes home made lunch breaks and increasing the use of products close to expiration / Decrease products thrown away because expired, at the 3d year we'll have output: # 300.000 involved (50.000 inactive people),# 10 events,# 10 cookbook & paper,# 4 meeting opportunities/week (lunches)for peoplewith limited social relation,# 10 partnership con stakeholders (PA, Business partners, Association) then outcomes of # 150 e/months per inactive peopole earn (lunches+food saving),increase well being, saving in food waste and social costs saving (0,05% Italian PIL 850 mio euro)
- Malaysia
- Portugal
- Italy
- Malaysia
- Portugal
- Italy
SoLunch is a generative welfare project that in three years will engage more than quite half a million person and will have impact on 300.000 working people and 50.000 inactive people obtaining for them 4 lunches a week and therefore work and new relations. Thanks to education, pubblication and events we will have an impact also on food waste and food foot print. This will garantee to the inactive at least 200 €/months in revenues due to lunches and decrease in food waste costs and buying costs optimization: In years this will affects positively welfare, health costs and foot print costs with a GDP (gross domestic product) saving of 0,05% only for Italy that is 850.000 €. We have now 2.870 users
So Lunch uses digital tools to activate collaboration among all stakeholders in the community and to create a new type of social aggregation that impacts the territory at various levels. The KPIs that guide the evaluation of the business idea and its development are represented by number of subscribers and number of meals provided. These indicators effectively represent the profitability and the impact that we intend to achieve. The analysis is a measurement of the impact that the project has.
- Economic and financial support for start-up. The corporate form "Innovative start-up" has been identified as the most effective for obtaining support in investments, reinvesting profits to maximize impacts and an acceptable incidence of taxes and fees and facilitated hiring policies. Profits would only be distributed after the third year of operation. This would also allow effective interfacing with Foundations and obtain funds to start up the start-up.
- - Growth in the number of meals at home. The go-to-market strategy is focused on digital marketing activities and both by expanding the geographical area - with limited fixed cost increases - and by consolidating members' habits of hosting paying people at lunchtime, and by working decisively on marketing communication and investment to make the project viral.
- Strict rules governing the sharing economy. This scenario seems unlikely thanks to the recommendations issued by the European Commission.
- Safety aspect: hygiene seems not to be a problem as chefs cook and eat together with the guests. Regarding security the platform requires 2 level of confirmation (the first with email and the second one with phone number, apart with social network profile).
see above
- For-Profit
2 full time, 3 part time
a cTO and a part time developer, a head of Growth and content and community manager, a project manager aprt form the CEO
The founders are supported by talented people very prepared and motivated for digital development, digital user experience and service design, back office and communication. The team is now composed by: a growth hacker-head of digital marketing –senior expert-; an analyst .senior expert-, a content manager with community manager duty, a developer, a project manager in Bologna, a project manager in Milan. SoLunch is based in Milan but namely we approach the organization with agile methods: the team is located all over Italy and we use collaborative digital instruments to carry on the project. A project manager is based in Milano and another in Bologn to follow directly the Nord and Center of Italy. Anothe rproject manager in Rome (for South of Italy) is now in training. we use, where necessary, coworking facilities to digital meeting tools whenever necessary with a weekly progress per area. This allows a lean but always focused work and considerable savings on fixed costs of structure.
The Future Food Institute
Solunch is a community based on a self-sustainable and easily scalable business model. During the product fit we have 2300 users . 27% sochefs
The revenue stream is based on a service fee and organizing paied events using beneficiaries as payed workers. The business model is supported by referrals and local ambassador activities and partnership with Associations, Peer platform, Business partners and Local PA. The business model and the development goals allow to reach the project BEP 24 months, after that to start being profitable with growing EBITDA and quick results at 6 digits after 3 years
we are looking for seed investors and business partnership to scale the project and spread the model all over Italy by the end of 2019 and in EU in 2020.
we are also funding through grants both national and international
If selected as a Solver, we will leverage the resources to introduce AI systems to grow the platform and orient the project also to the BtB and to improve the BtC experience to promote rapid scalability and to support of the sales funnel developed with marketing and communication activities to support the metrics to involve beneficaries and biz partner.
We'll hire 1 FTE developer and 2 local project managers and we'll invest in marketing activities (social adv, growth hacking activities) to consolidate Italy market and then scale in EU.
- Technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent or board members
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Media and speaking opportunities
We'll use the prize to better define the problem and our theory of change and develop impact misurement, to improve the user experience and CRO also introducing AI and machine learnign technology and to creare a powerfull funnel to crowd the platform, to maximeze interaction thoriugh lunches and so increase benefits and impact.
We'll use the prize to better define the problem and our theory of
change and develop impact misurement, to improve the user experience and
CRO also introducing AI and machine learnign technology and to creare a
powerfull funnel to crowd the platform, to maximeze interaction
thoriugh lunches and so increase benefits and impact.
We'll use the prize to better define the problem and our theory of
change and develop impact misurement, to improve the user experience and
CRO also introducing AI and machine learnign technology and to creare a
powerfull funnel to crowd the platform, to maximeze interaction
thoriugh lunches and so increase benefits and impact.