Orlando Microgrid
- Pre-Seed
Orlando Microgrid is a pseudo-microgrid, because it won’t operate independently from the central grid, which is generated by combinations of natural gas, coal and renewable sources. The company will create an energy trading platform for members to trade power, relieving concerns about overtaxed and increasingly vulnerable centralized power grids.
Essentially creating a power distribution firm in central Florida near Disney World that sells “Mickey Watts” to poor people in the area (Disney employees mostly!) who live in a cluster and could be served by a microgrid. Among other things, they would have the ability to trade in power with one another and meter excess power onto the grid. With subsidies that obtain from the ITC, local subsidies, net metering policies and feed in tariffs, the blended retail cost of Mickey Watts could be in the range of 7cents.
The concept is that poor people should be able to have solar energy too - subsidized by Disney enthusiasts.
Girds the grid to ensure access to water and food for the most vulnerable populations of Orlando which is the poorest city of the top 20 US metros with a poverty rate approaching 20%.
Proof of concepts in place as demonstrated by the Brooklyn Microgrid and working closely with the MIT Energy Initiative to prove and scale the model.
Poverty relief for the most vulnerable of our population as realized through a blockchain-enabled microgrid that pays clients' power bills based on sliding scale needs basis.
Tracked by staff, app download and website account creation - Initial cohort of approximately 100 clients enrolled
Blockchain-enabled smart contracts provided auditable payments to utilities - Payment of all or part of eligible utility bills
- Adult
- Old age
- Lower middle income economies (between $1006 and $3975 GNI)
- Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)
- Urban
- US and Canada
- Consumer-facing software (mobile applications, cloud services)
- Digital systems (machine learning, control systems, big data)
- Electrical engineering
- Energy & nuclear engineering
- Something so new it doesn’t have a name
Most unique application of Blockchain enabled microgrid to pay for utility bills of the poorest in our community.
Solely focused on serving the underserved.
Community outreach, online, and aligned with and supported by Orlando and Orange County, Florida private and public government and organizations.
- 6-8 (Demonstration)
- For-Profit
- United States
self-sustaining based on revenue
consumer uptake and regulatory negotiations
- Less than 1 year
- 1-3 months
- 1-3 months
- Financial Inclusion
- Income Generation
- Water Sourcing
- Built Infrastructure
- Net-zero Carbon
We take advantage of Solve by putting service above self, continuing our MIT Alumnus Founder's spirit of Mens et Manus, engaging with the MIT Energy Initiative, and giving back to the most vulnerable populations of our local Orlando community.
MIT Energy Initiative, City of Orlando, Orlando Utilities Commission, Orange County Government, Orange County Public Schools, LO3 Energy, Brooklyn Microgrid