“As a child suffered from war in Macedonia, I had nothing but to find solutions for refugees” says our co-founder, Berat. 5 million refugees fled to Turkey, $30 billion is spent for social cohesion programs. No database of skill-sets and inventory of refugees exist which cause slow integration process such as refugees wait 15 days for approval visiting a city in Turkey. Started questioning whether organizations having coffee with refugees in the preparation process of social cohesion programs.
Our solution is drinking coffee with refugees and listening to their problems but “online”. Migport helps refugees exchange knowledge with each other, locals and organizations regarding their daily problems. Having profiles’ categorization, skill-sets and inventory, Migport connects refugees with employment opportunities and online city travel permits automatic approvals in Turkey. We help organizations prepare better social cohesion programs for refugees with evidence-data-based reports and reach refugees online easily, secured and anonymously.
Syrians in Turkey are not being granted refugee status and they are under temporary protection residents. 3.9-million registered and more than 1-million unregistered refugees migrated to Turkey. Turkey spent $30 billion for refugees followed by Germany with €20 billion. There have been thousands of refugee funds programs for social cohesion in Turkey as well as in all countries where refugees being hosted. When we say refugees, if people only think about problems, then there is a problem. Problem is not the refugees but the lack of information about problems of refugees, leading organizations to conduct costly projects making 4% of Turkish GDP and having no impact. For instance, refugees need to have city travel permission when visiting a city waiting 15 days for approval due to offline system.
Our beneficiaries are refugees that cannot convey their voice to decision makers. Currently there are more than 5 million refugees living in Turkey from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and African Countries. Historically, Turkey hosted refugees from Balkans and old Soviet Countries. Today Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis in Turkey are not being granted for refugee status and they are under temporary protection residents, which also make them harder to reach employment opportunities in Turkey. They all have unique needs and they also do not have the same conditions for instance not residing in the same location. We are serving refugees by raising their voices as feedback for pre and post refugee funds preparations. We do the same for our solution platform, our application has been updated due to feedback of refugees.
Migport's story started in 2016 as knowledge sharing platform inspired by our co-founder's migration journey. Today it serves as a mobile app as a meeting point between locals and refugees. Its hybrid structure identify the problems of refugees by giving them a chance to talk about themselves and ensure social integration with solutions. Mobile application is aimed to be the meeting point of social interaction between refugees and locals. Through the application, experts offer help to refugees regarding their daily problems where we understand their daily anonymous problems and provide solutions based on what they need.
Big data analytics has been used in many aspects of our lives such as optimization. The technology of big data analytics is the future. We introduced a new era of big data analytics that we call Big Data #FORGOOD. As start-up, developing big data analytics software where refugees can get assistance from their daily problems and access city travel permission online through Migport with the help of "turkiye.gov.tr". Our software leads us to understand main problems of refugees which prevent them from social and economic integration. With questionnaire and hashtags, they use, we understand their daily problems in terms of education, financial difficulties, skill-set, inventory and categorization.
We were GDPR compliant even before GDPR was not popular since we asked refugees' permissions to use big data analytics transparently. In addition, we are not providing their personal information as we do not have. They register and can use our system anonymously with a "nickname". We also do not track their IP addresses and delete from our software. We are understanding their daily problems to provide solutions.
- Support communities in designing and determining solutions around critical services
- Make government and other institutions more accountable, transparent, and responsive to citizen feedback
- Pilot
- New application of an existing technology
The usual approach taken to refugee crisis is distributing funding to local organizations, which try to provide services to refugees based on certain assumptions of the needs. There are not any information of refugee needs and feedback to make this process efficient and impactful. Some corporations assign students or low skilled workers to gather data on refugees in the field regarding on their ages, nationality and education. There are three main reasons why field data fails to increase the living conditions of refugees. First, field researches are limited with time and they cannot gather detailed information from a large group of people. Most of the time, this limitation causes misinformation and lack of detailed information. Second, this data is not real time information, which means it cannot be used to analyze the dynamic situations. Observing and reporting the information takes time and liable for human errors.
Our solution consists of better version of field research and presents more features. Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning are used in robotics, financial and economic analysis so far but we use Big Data for good to have social impact on refugees. Application collects real time detailed information that cannot be collected through field research. Reporting tools are not open to human errors since technology is used. Most importantly in a short time, intense and useful information provided by refugees’ themselves can be processed to have social impact quickly.
Two key core technologies are necessary for our solution to thrive. First one, the Machine learning algorithms in the application are used to necessary matching between refugees and posts, experts, volunteers and organizations. These algorithms provide efficient usage of the application for the refugee users and organizations. Quick and accurate matching results in immediate solution to basic needs of the refugees by the responsible organizations. Moreover, application context is shaped uniquely for each user through their online interactions. Basically, it helps users to engage and share knowledge with each other and organizations. The second core technology is big data analytics, used for processing and categorizing the data. This is the part where the real time complex data becomes useful information for organizations working for refugees. Our analytic methods capture important dynamic movements or interactions and uncover the important patterns and relations. With the help of robust design of statistical methods that Migport developed for big data analytics reduces complexity and produce accurate models. For instance, the online interactions are transformed into inputs for analytics. The outcome is customized due to most prior needs of refugees. This could be supply for labor market, acceleration of entrepreneurship, integration indexes, social impact through certain channels and more.
- Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Social Networks
The long-term goal of our solution as social impact is to enhance the living condition of refugees in vast differentiated areas. Migport Analytics, which uses the real time information shared by refugees, dynamically analyze the unique and intense needs regarding to certain group of people in a certain time and wide area. The reports are being used and will be continued to be used by diverse organizations work for refugees because these organizations are seeking ways to spend their funds to impactful projects to continue existing. Hence the midterm outcome is the lack of information being fulfilled and decision makers having efficient projects based on evidence based and categorized essential problems. Short term outcomes include refugees’ basic needs being covered in a very fast way. It takes seconds to share the basic needs in the application. Afterwards, application matches the problem solver, who is interested in solving that kind of problem. Another short-term outcome is the social integration, while refugees sharing knowledge and volunteers taking care of others. Output of our activities are the number of refugees, who got help through our application and the data analytic reports that are needed by organizations. Our activities are developing the application with user friendly design and machine learning algorithms, improving and customizing the analytics and working closely with both refugees and organizations for feedbacks.
- Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons
- Germany
- Jordan
- Lebanon
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
- United States
- Germany
- Jordan
- Lebanon
- Switzerland
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
- United States
While the current number of refugees we served in past is 10K from website and application assitance. The number we aimed to serve is 200K refugees in one year. In 5 years, we would like to have social impact globally and serve 10 million refugees all around the world, which will be the half of estimated refugees number.
Within the next year, we will be presenting the final version of IOS and android application. Refugees in Turkey cannot travel through cities without travel permit. We have seen from our application that it is very hard to grant a permit through bureaucracy. We will have an agreement with government to create a travel permit digital solution in our application. This way we will be serving more than 200K refugees in the next year. In the next five years, in Turkey we hope that 1.5 million people will be granted for employment, higher-level education and city travel permit approvals. Globally, we hope to be impacted 10 million through the application.
For the next year, the greatest concern we have is to be financially support more people in the team. We are growing in numbers of data and users but financially cannot support team members. To support team members, recruit more people and expand the data infrastructure we need financials.
Currently we are part of SGD Impact Accelerator program of UNDP, R. of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, WFP, Limak Holding and Eczacibasi. With the support we have from our stakeholders, we pilot our application in different cities in Turkey which made us start working on refugee city travel permit approvals. In addition, program grants small grant which gives us time to complete our beta version pilot.
Last but not the least, we are planning to apply for grants and fund raise to grow our team members for more sustainable migration solutions.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
3 full-time workers
3 part-time workers
4 advisers
Dedicated team of 3 full-time (two engineers & one big data expert), 3 part-time and 4 advisers
Berat Kjamili - He is a visionary leader with unique competencies and skills to successfully build great projects and make them real. Graduated from Middle East Technical University, Economics Department as well as University of San Diego. Already impacted 10 million foreigners by launching digital appointment "e-residency"(e-ikamet.goc.gov.tr) system in Turkey. Associate expert at UN, European Commission and University of San Diego programs. 2018 Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative Turkey Fellow at U.S. Department of State and GMF. www.linkedin.com/in/beratkjamili/
Yelda Güngör – She is always clear about the mission, able to learn unknown technics and concepts resulting in a concrete outcome quickly. Graduated from Middle East Technical University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Launched satellite CanSat into space as Turkey representative in USA. Studies graduate degree at METU Economics. Algorithms developer and manager at Migport. IVLP Alumni - U.S. Department of State. www.linkedin.com/in/yelda-gungor/
Miraç Aknar – He is the one, who makes high quality decisions about the back-end and front-end developing of application. He graduated from Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department. He was involved in development of more than 5 mobile award-winning applications. Android developer and technological co-founder. github.com/miracaknar devpost.com/miracaknar
Advisers: Ilhan Can Ozen (Harvard University), Pinar Derin Gure (METU & Boston University), Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber (PUT & METU), Serdar Dinler (CSR Turkey & founded 34 NGO’s) and Emin Okutan (Viveka Startup Accelerator co-founder).
SDG Impact Accelerator (UNDP, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Minsitry of Foreign Affairs in Turkey, Eczacibasi Holding, LIMAK Holding)
MIT Media Lab - LANET Mini-symposium Computational Mass Migration: Big Data to Understand Mobility
- Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey
- International Federation of OR Societies
- International Visitor Leadership Program Fellow, U.S. Department of State
-Transatlantic Young Innovation Leaders Initiative Turkey Fellowship , Marshal Fund, U.S. Department of State
- The Collective Global Acceleration London, top 10 of 5000 techno-social applications
-Social Impact Award, EO - Global Student Entrepreneur Awards, Toronto, Canada
- MIT EF Pan Arab final Innovate for Refugees, semi-finalist, Amman, Jordan
B2G & B2B: Migport Adds & Migport Analytics Reports
Migport Analytics provide monthly reports of conditions of refugees in various regions for research and activity. Organizations subscribed have verified profiles and able to show their posts as advertisement to refugees for employment and education. Each report ranges from 1K to 10K US dollars.
Analytics Market is estimated to reach $71.1 billion by 2022. More than 30 Billion US Dollars spent for refugee programs in Turkey. Over 10 billion US Dollars in Turkey spent for access to refugees, registration and feasibility studies. Aiming to reach 5 million US dollars with over 1000 reports distributed to impact 3 million refugees in four years with big data analytics to assist them in host countries with verified information. Aim to turn refugee funds into advantage of refugees with analytics.
We are planning to fundraise after SDG Impact Accelerator program of UNDP and Gates foundation. Currently we are about to complete our pilot. We need to grow our team, and enhance technology to better help refugees with daily assistance.
Generated 10K unique users from 100+ countries: 10K people impacted with application assistance.
Worked with 10+ clients such as: European Commission, GIZ, MIT Media Lab, R. of Turkey Ministry of Trade, Bogazici University Migrant Entrepreneur Training, Future Research Institute, Keciören Municipality, UNHCR, METU, Viveka & Turkish Red Crescent;
20K US Dollars total revenue of reports in last three years.
We provide Migport Analytics subscription monthly that organizations working for refugees will reach anonymous information database, reports and posts.
We aim to work with B2B Business to Business (Large enterprise customers) & B2G Business to Government
13% of our 10K beta unique users was from United States of America after 40% of usage in Turkey. We tackle a problem in Turkey; however, it is not only Turkey's problem, it is global. As United States, highly used our website and application, we are planning to increase our activity in the United States to assist refugees to meet locals. MIT Solve have strong network from United States and global, participating in MIT Solve will not only help us pilot in United States but to spread it all around the world. That is, we see MIT Solve as next milestone to improve our appearance in United States. Secondly, MIT Solve partner for Refugee Inclusion Prize is Adnan Foundation. Adnan Foundation help refugees meet with employment sector which we also do it through our application. The synergy between us and Adnan foundation is one of the main reasons we apply to MIT Solve. Last but not the least, MIT Solve have a network that we can show our impact to stakeholders that plays main role in migration field. As Migport, being in the network of MIT Solve will bring about Migport to be introduced to international stakeholders. We believe that sustainable solutions come with the involvement of State, NGO's Private Sector and Entrepreneurs. We are ready to take part in social entrepreneurship role to find digital migrations solutions worldwide.
- Technology
- Distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent or board members
- Media and speaking opportunities
MIT Media Lab, we are already in touch with MIT Media Lab regarding partnership for to speak at our mini-symposium on ”Computational Mass Migrations: Big Data to understand mobility” at the LANET Latin American Conference. With the support of MIT Solve, we would like to also pilot our application in United States as we also have other partners too.
Swiss Embassy nominated us to join Middle East and Mediterranean Summit, as UNHCR, Davos World Economic Forum are also placed in Switzerland. Adnan Foundation devoted to mobilizing the private sector’s involvement and create sustainable solutions for refugees, we see synergy between Migport and Adnan foundation for digital migration solutions. With the support of Adnan Foundation, we are planning to increase our activity in Switzerland to help refugees and also organizations working on refugees for higher impact.
MIT Solve have a network not only for potential stakeholders but also potential partner startups. We believe that making a global impact requires global stakeholders. We are already active in Turkey with our stakeholders such as UNDP SDG Impact Accelerator, Ministry of Trade and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, our dream is to spread our impact global and raise refugees feedback for better organized programs with evidence-data-based reports. When we mean global we mean United States, Switzerland, Lebanon and Jordan. Having diverse solve teams from all around the world will bring about partnership for refugee inclusion.
5 Reasons Migport is eligible for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion Prize:
Reason 1: Migport is using big data analytics to tackle refugees problems unlike field research feasibility studies.
Reason 2: Migport’s Q&A application collects anonymous real-time data regarding daily problems of refugees in Turkey. Having profiles’ categorization, skill-sets and inventory, Migport’s database function as anonymous digital ID connecting refugees with employment opportunities in Turkey.
Reason 3: Migport impacts lives of people received assistance for their daily problems and connected with job opportunities through application digital unlike field visits that takes lots of resources to tackle SDG Goal 10 Reduced Inequalities.
Reason4: Migport pilots automatic city travel permit permission for refugees to be able to apply online and access online in 1 day compared to 15 days waiting for approval to tackle Digital ID solutions under SDG Goal 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.
Reason 5: Biggest impact on refugees lives through Migport comes with the number of people impacted from Migport Database reports and its policies’ impact to tackle SDG Goal 16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.


