Enterprise Development Scheme for inclusion of PWDs
To promote the social and economic inclusion of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Nigeria through entrepreneurial activities and thereby enhance their dignity. 2.The EDS is designed to provide PWDs with financial and business advisory services as well as the loans for them to run viable businesses through which they are active players in the economic growth with their dignities boosted. 3.Results from a pilot programme run in concert with a microfinance institution in Nigeria, shows PWDs contributing to socio-economic growth, dignities enhanced and appreciation by private institutions. With additional support, more PWDs in Nigeria and globally will benefit and the society's perception of PWDs will change the more.
Excluding disabled persons from the world of work has costs for societies, in terms of their productive potential, the cost of disability benefits and pensions and implications for their families and carers. The ILO estimates that this exclusion may cost countries between 1 to 7 per cent of GDP. Social and economic exclusion of PWDs in Nigeria contribute to their continued impoverishment due to little or no financial capacity. The poverty cycle continues where there is no sustainable income for them. The Enterprise Development Scheme (EDS) is aimed at PWDs having support and guidance to earn income on a sustainable basis and also contribute to economic growth of their communities.
The World Bank estimates that 1 Billion people (15% of the world’s population) experience some form of disabilities, 1/5th of them experience significant disability; and the prevalence of disability is higher for developing countries. (Disability Inclusion Overview – World Bank Group, https://www.worldbank.org/en/t...
According to 2006 national census, Nigeria's National Population Commission, the projected number of PWDs in Nigeria is not fewer than 19 Million (19 Million Nigerians Living with Disability - Official’, Premium Times, October 7, 2019, https://www.premiumtimesng.com/.../288954-19-million-nigerians-living-with-disabilities).
There are more than 20 million PWDs in Nigeria. Our organisation, Theseabilities Foundation, works with the seven different categories of PWDs in their clusters and groups. We continue to provide them with personal effectiveness, social awareness and entrepreneurial training programmes, with a view to getting them to understand self-awareness, self-worth and dignity. They get certified after the programmes and thereafter they are shortlisted to access the loans for their respective businesses.
We have run pilot programmes and the outcomes show that for the beneficiaries, their sense of self-worth has significantly increased, their social and economic conditions are improving and other members of the community are desirous to join the EDS programme.
Promoting equality of opportunity for – and inclusion of – people with disabilities is central to social and economic development, emergence from the global financial and economic crisis and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Theseabilities Foundation initiated the Enterprise Development Scheme (EDS) for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) in Nigeria as part of its contribution towards
- enhancing the dignity of persons living with disabilities and
- offering a viable and sustainable alternative to being financially dependent on others.
The Enterprise Development Scheme is a self-enhancing initiative aimed at providing financial and business advisory services, including business loans to PWDs and those directly taking care of them (in cases where it's difficult for the PWD to practically run a business), in Nigeria.
It is designed to offer financial and enterprise management education and support, including finance, to PWDs with current businesses that can benefit from such assistance. The finance provision is provided on the basis of commercial viability with the intent of growing such small enterprises.
- Support communities in designing and determining solutions around critical services
- Create or advance equitable and inclusive economic growth
- Pilot
- New business model or process
The EDS initiative is a pioneering solution in Nigeria. Hitherto, disability-related issues were charcterised as 'Charity cases' where donations and hand-outs were given to PWDs.
Our solution seeks rather to see and treat persons with disabilities as equally relevant stakeholders in a society's development.
Our pilot programme of the EDS has proved that persons with disabilities, given the right support- financial, advisory and enterprise training, can be active players contributing in meaningful ways to socio-economic development of their communities.
Self-confidence and dignities have significantly improved within the communities of PWDs we are working with. This is a significant shift from what obtained in the past.
The additional plans of leveraging on information technology to create an application that will serve the interest of PWDs and other service providers is also a first, in managing businesses and issues affecting persons with disability in Nigeria.
On the pilot programme, loan repayments can be done using existing banking applications provided by the financial institution involved. Also, the riders of the tricycles have clients that request their services via telephone services. We see this as an opportunity to develop into an application through which our riders can be requested like existing hailing services in the motor vehicle and bicycle/'okada' segments of the transport business.
We are in the process of finalising an application to provide technology-driven solutions that help persons with disabilities in accessing a wide range of lifestyle opportunities that make living more dignified, fun and fulfilling for them and members of their families. This will provide us with a platform to monitor transactions and to make payments for additional products and services for persons with disabilities.
We are keen to wield the power of technology to the advantage of the hitherto marginalized PWDs; this will take different forms, such as:
- Creating and maintaining a central database of all PWDs in Lagos State for a start, we hope to extend the scope of this activity to other regions in due course. We strongly believe this is a much needed resource for implementing any kind of sustainable and accountable solution, yet it remains conspicuously missing.
- Creating opportunities for internet connectivity, acquisition of digital skills, personal development and training. We aim to research and curate affordable online resources and training opportunities that can be remotely accessed in a central repository.
- Internet of Things
- Indigenous Knowledge
- Social Networks
The outcome of our solution is to encourage the inclusion and dignified treatment of persons with disabilities in everyday life and thinking of the larger society.
Our solution takes an approach of equipping PWDs with the necessary skills, knowledge and financial support that then encourages their active participation in daily socio-economic activities.
Through their ability to earn income from their financed businesses, their senses of dignity and self-respect are enhanced; the enterprise loan scheme provides them with viable and sustainable alternatives to their having to depend on others for their financial well-being.
PWDs on our Enterprise Development Scheme (EDS) benefit from financial and enterprise management education provided. Loans are also provided for them to run their businesses. These businesses are evaluated by successful business practitioners who also provide them with relevant advisory services, as required.
There has been no default in terms of their loan repayments. This has encouraged the increase in funding allocation to this community from existing financial institution. (See comments by the bank's MD/CEO on our YouTube video clip)
The success of the pilot programme has attracted an additional financial institution extending financial services to the community of persons with disabilities. This also speaks to financial inclusion of PWDs in Nigeria.
- Persons with Disabilities
- Nigeria
- Nigeria
Currently: 15 loan beneficiaries. By extension to their respective families of an average of 4 per family.
In one year: 200 loan beneficiaries.
In five years: 3,000 beneficiaries
In the next one year,
- To train 200 participants through our Enterprise Development Scheme (EDS). This will increase awareness about the solution in the disability communities and in their families. This will rapidly translate into more participation and also foster inclusion and integration of PWDs in the larger society.
- To finalise the app being developed for improved payments by persons with disabilities as well as other service providers willing to tap into the niche market that PWDs provide.
- To increase advocacy and engage with at least 10 large private sector companies in Nigeria to support our solution and take on within their businesses/companies.
- To participate and speak about our solution at Nigeria's largest conference gathering of Human Resource Managers/Directors. Through such a forum, we intend to gain more buy-in and plan for sustainable growth of the EDS and other spin-offs from it.
In five years
- To have trained minimum of 3,000 beneficiaries on the EDS.
- To attract more funding support from other stakeholders in the society.
- To develop a central database of persons with disabilities, at least in Lagos State, with which better planning and provision can be made for their benefit.
- To provide PWDs and their family members with opportunities for internet connectivity, acquisition of digital skills, personal development and training.
- To have a world-class app that allows for seamless integration of PWDs into all spheres of economic activities around them.
- To introduce more value-adding solutions that would improve the quality of lives of PWDs and their families.
In the next year:
- Payment for the services of the app developer we are engaged with.
- Overcoming cultural and social stigmas associated with persons with disabilities in communities. Winning over key decision-makers to invest in PWDs and their businesses and/or to employ their services in their companies.
- Getting the buy-in of the HR managers as partners in expanding the reach of the EDS.
In five years:
- As regards the creation of a central database of persons with disabilities in Lagos State- the associated funds/payment for the services of personnel and technology to be used in data collection, analyses and their warehousing.
- Securing partners in the health and education sectors in particular to provide dedicated services to PWDs and family members. This especially in being able to link our app with their businesses for ease of payment.
- Securing partnerships with technology companies to provide PWDs and their family members with opportunities for internet connectivity, acquisition of digital skills, personal development and training.
In the next year:
There is personal savings/funds being called upon to pay for the app development.
In the aspect of overcoming stigmas and getting the buy-in of key decision-makers, active advocacy programmes like seminars, roundtable sessions will be organised. We will seek sponsorships from the private sector companies to fund these events.
We are running webinar sessions, roundtable conversations in partnership with the parent body of HR managers and practitioners to get buy-in of its members.
In five years:
- As regards the creation of a central database we will partner with tertiary institutions and the National Bureau of Statistics to assist with the development of a credible database of PWDs. Funding support will be sourced from existing supporters of the EDS.
- Exploration of partnership opportunities with private sector clinics and hospitals in Nigeria, in partnership with medical personnel of Nigerian origin in the diaspora. we will work to develop the relevant application through which PWDs can access these services.
- We will build on our ongoing talks with companies like Google in Nigeria and their partners with whom we are discussing the provision of digital skills and internet connectivity tools for the personal development of persons with disabilities.
- Nonprofit
Not applicaple
Five (5) in all.
2 full-time, 2 part-time, 1 consultant-mentor
Our ICT person is a talented business developer who brings in skills in graphic designing, website design & development as well as being a social media marketing strategist.
We have a consulting mentor who conducts the entrepreneurship classes. She is a professor of business management from the United States with hands-on experience in running her businesses in Nigeria. She runs a specialised school on innovative studies. This bit on innovation helps to keep our training sessions to be relevant and applicable to the local dynamics of business development in Nigeria.
Our logistics and mobilisation coordinators are very much in tune with the local dynamics especially as it relates to affairs of persons with disabilities. Their people and interactive skills facilitate participation and ready buy-in from the PWDs and their families. Also, they are able to easily interact and communicate with our partnering stakeholders and negotiate workable solutions for the benefit of persons with disabilities.
As team leader, i have work experience in leadership and business development roles of 17 years. I bring practical workable business ideas and the critical thinking to develop into products and services. My advocacy and negotiation skills complement my understanding of social development issues.
1. Our main partner on the Enterprise Development Scheme (EDS) is Letshego Microfinance Bank (https://www.letshego.com/nigeria). The company provides the financial loans and business advisory services to our beneficiaries on the scheme. Letshego MFB has increased the portfolio of funds in support of the EDS.
2. The Olawoyin Awosika School of Innovative Studies (OASIS)- http://oasis.edu.ng/. OASIS has developed a bespoke curriculum for the benefit of persons with disabilities. The school conducts the training in entrepreneurship for the participants on the EDS. This training precedes the loan access for those who successfully complete the entrepreneurship programme.
The training materials are also available via e-learning portals, thus making them readily available and accessible remotely to participants.
Discussions already on about how to have the training materials produced in braille format for the visually-impaired participants.
3. Credit Direct Ltd- https://www.creditdirect.ng/. Credit Direct is providing additional loan financing for 100 tricycles for persons with disabilities as part of its contribution to and support for the Enterprise Development Scheme.
Through the EDS, participants are provided with the requisite financial and entrepreneurial management education to successfully run their businesses. They are provided loan amounts. Some run their business of transportation, which also serves to address their challenge of mobility. Others run trading businesses in shoes.
Our key customers are persons with disabilities who are able to participate in economic activities to improve their socio-economic status in society. Through the EDS intervention, the beneficiaries have completed repayment of the loan amounts provided them. Those on the tricycle project now own the tricycles, they have additional asset through this and above all, they are in a much better position as regards their mobility and that of their family members.
Their financial state has improved compared to about a year ago. They are now able to meet their financial needs and obligations without having to beg or depend on others. This is quite significant because of the positive effect it has on their psyche and sense of dignity.
Their respective family members are extended beneficiaries. The economy and society at large directly benefit from the contributions of the services of the EDS beneficiaries.
Our two main financial partners see the opportunities to tap into a niche market that has hitherto not been considered until when the EDS solution was introduced to them. They provide the financial support to the beneficiaries charging interests, thus making business sense to them. They have pledged significant amounts to increase the number of beneficiaries.
The two financial institutions- Letshego MFB and Credit Direct Ltd, have pledged donations to sustain the running of the EDS going forward.
We continue to discuss and negotiate beneficial funding support with other businesses showing interest in the success story of the EDS.
We are particularly excited with the positive response the EDS has received especially from the private sector in Nigeria. The disability community we have been able to reach in the last 12 months is a long way from the estimated over 20million population.
Through Solve, we will like to have the opportunity to scale up the reach through partnerships that Solve can provide us. We will like to benefit from the wealth of experience available to be able to create the central database of persons with disabilities in Nigeria and to provide digital training programmes to persons with disabilities in Nigeria.
For example, we will be grateful to be part of Solve's 12-month programme which includes experts and funders that can help develop our solution to reach the millions of the PWDs in Nigeria and beyond.
We will like to receive mentorship and strategic advice from the Solve and MIT networks and also have access to the prize funding that has been allocated for the 2019 challenges.
We will appreciate media and conference exposure on Solve's platforms and the business and entrepreneurship training and partnerships, where possible.
- Business model
- Technology
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Media and speaking opportunities
MIT - Exposure to world-class innovation and how to develop ideas and concepts into global products.
Google- on leveraging on technology and brand development/promotion.
BNP Paribas- Innovation and social investment in the EDS for maximum impact globally.
GM- to collaborate on how to grow the EDS and related spin-offs to better serve the interests of persons with disabilities and their communities.
World Economic Forum- Speaking and conference exposure for the EDS
Forbes- Media exposure through writing about the Enterprise Development Scheme (EDS)
The disability community has been largely marginalised and under-represented in social and economic development issues in Nigeria.
The Enterprise Development Scheme (EDS) is a community-driven initiative that seeks the prosperity of this under-represented community. It is designed to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities (PWDs) by providing them with access to sound financial and business management education as well as the actual finance for their businesses. Through the EDS, PWDs are able to get out of the cycle of poverty onto paths of prosperity and social inclusion.
A portion of the the prize money will be used to create platforms to meet with leading businesses and companies with a view to signing them on as long-term partners on the EDS.
At least, half of the prize money will be used to produce a DISABILITY AUDIT REPORT for and on companies in Nigeria working on inclusion of persons with disabilities.
The report will be the first of its kind in Nigeria and will set a path of sustainability for the EDS. The under-represented community of persons with disability will gain greater visibility and their social mobility enhanced accordingly.
The Enterprise Development Scheme (EDS) is a community-driven initiative that seeks the transformation of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in Nigeria.
It is a first of such that is designed to promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities (PWDs) by providing them with access to sound financial and business management education as well as the actual finance for their businesses. Through the EDS, PWDs are able to get out of the cycle of poverty onto paths of prosperity and social inclusion.
For the first time in Nigeria there is an awakening to the economic contribution that PWDs can make to the economy. And this,from the private sector.
Its transformational potential is further evidenced by the increase in financial support from just over $5,000 in March 2018 to over $400,000 as at June 2019- a period of 15 months.
The prize money will be used to produce a documentary on the loan scheme beneficiaries They will be provided with the opportunity to tell the world about the transformational impact the EDS has had on their socio-economic state as well as on their families. They will also reflect on how their sense of self-worth and dignity have improved and they are active participants in economic development of Nigeria.
The documentary will be the first of its kind in Nigeria and will be used to attract more support for the growth and expansion of the EDS. The community of persons with disability will gain greater visibility and appreciation as well.
Executive Director