Climate and food security.
Rwanda’s sensitivity to climate change is assessed as high, while its adaptive capacity is low. In recent years, Rwanda has witnessed a series of climate-related hazards such as floods, landslides, and droughts that have left devastating effects on those with low adaptive capacity and resilience to climate change. The high dependency on rained agriculture, the hilly topography, low access to climate information and the depletion of forest stocks have been identified as some of the problem factors exacerbating Rwanda’s vulnerability to such hazards.
In the Eastern province of Rwanda, the Global Green Project is trying to address the issues of deforestation, environmental degradation, and food insecurity. These difficulties have been exacerbated by prolonged drought, poor greens, and over use of natural resources. One of the highest rates of child poverty and malnutrition in the nation is found in this area.
The World Bank said that while Rwanda's population rose by 2.6% annually, the country's forest cover declined from 28% in 1990 to 16% in 2015. As a result, there has been increased risk of natural disasters including landslides and floods, as well as soil erosion and decreased agricultural output.
By encouraging environmental protection through tree planting, agroforestry, and sustainable land use methods, our solution seeks to address these issues. We want to create a sustainable future for the communities we serve by encouraging young people and women to take the helm of environmental projects. Three hundred youngsters enrolled in youth organizations, four public schools, and three elementary school students that we sponsor are the current focus of our attention.
The goal of the Global Green Project is to solve the issues of starvation and drought in Rwanda's Eastern Region. Implementing numerous initiatives to advance sustainable agriculture, raise public awareness of environmental protection measures, and equip the local populace with entrepreneurial skills is our proposed answer.
We will engage with women to give them the tools and skills they need to launch their own companies, generating income and enhancing food security. In order to encourage long-term sustainability in the area, we will also involve teenagers and children in environmental practices such as tree planting and water saving.
Our strategy also entails working with religious organizations to encourage environmental stewardship and inform the local populace about the significance of sustainability. By carrying out these initiatives, we intend to produce a durable solution that will have a positive influence on the lives of people living in Rwanda's Eastern Province.
We will make use of a variety of technological resources and platforms, including social media, internet connectivity, and mobile phones, to interact and communicate with the local populace. Additionally, in order to optimize our impact and guarantee the longevity of our efforts, we will make use of the resources already at our disposal and our relationships with neighborhood groups and governmental organizations.
We do not have a product demo video at this time, but we will be happy to share updates on the progress of our initiative as it develops.
The proposed solution aims to benefit Rwandans, particularly those who reside in the Eastern province where famine and drought-related issues are generating poverty and malnutrition, especially among children. Now, these groups are underserved because they cannot access necessities like food, clean water, and employment opportunities.
The effort will concentrate on various interventions to meet their requirements. The first benefit is that it will provide women the business skills they need to increase their income and secure stable livelihoods. They will be able to increase their economic standing and become self-sufficient as a result.
Second, the approach would involve young people and kids in green activities like tree planting and water saving. As a result, they will gain practical experience with environmental preservation, which may encourage the formation of lifelong eco-friendly behaviors.
The project would also involve religious organizations in environmental activities like tree planting and water resource protection. This will boost participation in environmental conservation initiatives and have a long-term, sustainable impact.
In conclusion, the suggested approach attempts to assist Rwandans, especially those who reside in the Eastern province, who are underserved and struggling with issues like poverty, starvation, famine, and drought. In order to establish long-term environmental conservation practices that would enhance the quality of life for the target population, the program will empower women, involve youth and children in environmental activities, and work with religious organizations.
Due to our vast expertise working with communities to address environmental concerns, especially those related to drought and famine, the Global Green Project is well-positioned to implement this solution. People from a variety of backgrounds, such as environmental science, community organizing, and sustainable development, make up our team.
Also, our staff includes individuals who were born and raised in the areas we hope to serve. As a result, we have a thorough awareness of the problems these communities face as well as the subtle cultural differences that influence how they view environmentalism. Our ability to interact meaningfully and cooperatively with community leaders and groups is also made possible by the relationships we have built with them.
We are conducting in-depth research and consulting with community people to understand their needs and perspectives as we create our answer. To find available resources and opportunities for collaboration, we are also collaborating with neighborhood organizations. We are dedicated to putting community members' views and ideas front and center as we design and put our solution into action, making sure that our strategy is influenced by their priorities and agendas.
Overall, we think that our team is uniquely prepared to create and deliver a solution that effectively serves the demands of the target market due to its experience, cultural sensitivity, and collaborative approach.
- Adapt land and coastal areas to more extreme weather, including through climate-smart agriculture or restoring natural ecosystems to mitigate impacts.
- Rwanda
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
The solution currently serves 300 youth registered under youth clubs, four public schools that received tree donations, and three primary school children who are sponsored.
The Global Green Project has submitted an application to Solve because we think teamwork and collaboration can help us scale our solution and have a bigger impact. We anticipate that Solve will help us establish connections with like-minded businesses, professionals, and resources that will enable us to get through the market, financial, technological, legal, and cultural constraints we currently face.
In particular, we anticipate that Solve will give us access to finance options, knowledge about sustainable agriculture and technology, and contacts with prospective partners and clients. In order to increase our impact and scalability, we think Solution can help us enhance our solution and business strategy, test our ideas, and provide feedback.
We also anticipate that Solve will assist us in growing our network and raising our profile in order to draw more donors and funding to our campaign. In addition to financial support, we are also looking for mentoring, coaching, and direction to help us get across the tricky terrain of sustainable development and social entrepreneurship.
We are submitting our application to Solve because, in general, we think that our solution has the potential to alter the world and that, in order to realize our vision, we need the assistance and support of a community of changemakers.
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
While there are other groups that are concerned with food security, GGP stands out for its strategy for incorporating young people in environmental protection and sustainable development. GGP help educate and empowering the next generation to actively participate in building a sustainable future by involving youth in the initiative.
Including religious organizations: GGP is aware of the crucial part that religious organizations can play in raising environmental awareness and adopting steps to slow down climate change. GGP is fostering a more comprehensive approach to environmental preservation and sustainability by integrating religious organizations.
Women's empowerment: GGP understands that empowering women is essential to building a sustainable future. GGP is reducing poverty and fostering a more just and sustainable society by assisting women to earn money through nursery beds.
Conferences on Climate Change: While government corporations put other conferences on climate change on, GGP stands out for the way it hosts a conference on climate change that brings together religious leaders, principals, and local authorities in the Kayonza District. This will offer a forum for exchanging information and suggestions about how to deal with climate change locally.
Five-year strategic plan for the Global Green Project.
Mission: To promote sustainable development in Rwanda by planting trees, empowering women, educating children, and engaging youth in environmental conservation.
Vision: To establish a green and sustainable Rwanda where communities are empowered, and the environment is protected for future generations.
Goal 1: Build a Strong Nursery Bed with 2 Million Trees
Objective 1: Expand the nursery bed to accommodate 2 million trees by Year 3.
Hire additional staff to manage the nursery bed.
Increase the number of seedlings produced annually.
Improve irrigation and drainage systems.
Seek partnerships and collaborations with other organizations to increase resources and support.
Objective 2: Plant 1 million trees in three districts by Year 5
Train and mobilize communities to participate in tree planting campaigns
Collaborate with local authorities to identify suitable planting sites.
Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation to assess tree growth and survival rates.
Goal 2: Form 10 women's Cooperatives in Three Districts.
Objective 1: Establish 10 women cooperatives by Year 2.
Conduct needs assessments to identify the most viable cooperatives.
Provide training and resources to support cooperative formation and management.
Connect cooperatives with markets and supply chains for their products.
Objective 2: Establish 20 women's cooperatives by Year 5 Expand support and resources for existing cooperatives.
Identify and recruit new members to join existing cooperatives.
Develop and implement income-generating projects to support cooperative sustainability.
Goal 3: Help 100 children gain a quality education.
Objective 1: Identify 50 disadvantaged children in need of educational support by Year 1.
Partner with local schools and community organizations to identify children in need.
Provide financial support for school fees, uniforms, and supplies
Monitor and evaluate the progress of supported children
Goal 4: Form 30 Youth Clubs in Schools Found in Eastern Province of Rwanda.
Objective 1: Establish 50 youth clubs in schools by Year 2
Partner with local schools to identify interested students
Provide training and resources to support club formation and management.
Conduct regular meetings and activities to engage youth in environmental conservation.
Objective 2: Establish 100 youth clubs in schools by Year 5
Expand support and resources to existing clubs
Develop and implement innovative projects to engage youth in environmental
Foster partnerships with other organizations to enhance youth engagement and impact
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
1. 50 schools will be contacted, and 50 youth clubs will be created with a focus on environmental education.
2. Plant nursery beds in 50 schools so that children can receive training in planting and caring for trees.
3. Donating 500,000 trees to the neighborhoods near these schools
4. Create one sustainable nursery bed that will aid in future tree planting and maintenance efforts in the area.
5. Hold a onetime climate conference in Kayonza District that will bring together religious leaders, principals, and local authorities.
6. Form five women's cooperatives in three districts - Kayonza, Kirehe, and Nyagatare.
The Global Green Project aims to increase the resilience of rural communities in Eastern Rwanda to the impacts of climate change. The project will achieve this by implementing four components that are interlinked with each other. These components focus on watershed protection, climate-resilient agriculture, sustainable forest management and energy, knowledge transfer and mainstreaming.
The project's theory of change is that by strengthening community-based adaptation, reducing erosion from slopes, establishing protective forestry on rivers, roadsides and steep slopes, promoting agroforestry, and encouraging climate-resilient tea farming cooperatives, rural communities will be able to adapt to the impacts of climate change better. By improving forest productivity, sustainable forest management, small farmer woodlots, and community capacity to provide forest products and services, rural communities will be able to reduce their reliance on forest resources, which can improve their resilience to climate change. By promoting efficient energy for cooking and other household needs, rural communities will be able to reduce their reliance on non-renewable energy sources, which can also improve their resilience to climate change. By mainstreaming climate-resilient approaches into existing projects and practices, and promoting the value of trees and the importance of good trees, rural communities will be encouraged to protect existing trees and woodlands, care for their trees, and plant and manage young trees, which can improve the health and balance of the tree population.
Overall, the project expects that by implementing these activities, it will increase the resilience of Eastern province of Rwanda to the expected impacts of climate change, pilot measures to increase the resilience of the tea sector, increase the uptake of low carbon technologies, and create green jobs. The project's immediate outputs will be the implementation of the activities mentioned above, while the longer-term outcomes will be the improved resilience of rural communities in Eastern Rwanda to the impacts of climate change, reduced vulnerability to climate risks, and improved livelihoods of the target population. The project's theory of change is supported by third-party research, findings from process or impact evaluations, and implementation.
The Global Green Project, our answer, employs a variety of technologies to tackle the issues of deforestation and climate change. We connect local nurseries with farmers and communities through mobile and web-based applications so they can buy seedlings and give them advice on how to properly plant and care for them. In order to track the development of reforestation, we also track tree growth using satellite imaging and GPS technology.
Also, we make use of traditional knowledge systems by collaborating with local leaders and traditional healers to identify and protect indigenous tree species that are well adapted to the region's environment and can help the local population in terms of both economic and medical benefits. Our goal is to develop a sustainable and all-encompassing method for reforestation and environmental conservation by integrating traditional and modern technologies.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Behavioral Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Rwanda
- Rwanda
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
As Global Green Project, we are committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusivity in all aspects of our work. People from all backgrounds, including various ethnicities, races, genders, and professional experiences, make up our team. We understand the value of different viewpoints in problem-solving and think that a team with a varied range of skills and backgrounds is crucial to developing workable solutions.
We regularly seek out the opinions and participation of people from the communities we serve to make sure that our work is inclusive. We make an effort to interact with community members in a respectful, culturally aware, and all-inclusive manner. Regardless of their circumstances or status, we strive to make sure that all community members benefit from our projects.
In addition, we regularly assess our internal procedures to make sure they support inclusion, equity, and diversity. To avoid discrimination and advance an inclusive and respectful workplace culture, we have created policies and procedures. We also urge our team members to continue their education and training in order to better comprehend other people's cultures, experiences, and viewpoints.
Our goal is a world where everyone has access to the opportunities and resources they require succeeding. We are committed to accomplishing this goal despite realizing that it calls for a dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion in all facets of our work.
www.globalgreenproject.siteAs a non-profit organization, our focus is on creating environmental impact rather than generating revenue. We rely on funding from grants, donations, and partnerships with other organizations to sustain our operations and achieve our mission. Our primary goal is to plant trees and engage communities in sustainable environmental practices to mitigate the effects of climate change and improve local biodiversity. We provide seedlings, tools, and training to communities to help them establish and maintain tree nurseries and plant trees. We also organize educational programs, workshops, and outreach events to raise awareness about the importance of environmental conservation and sustainability. Our ultimate goal is to create a healthier and more sustainable planet for all.our site
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
As a non-profit organization, our goal is to become financially sustainable through a combination of sustained donations and grants from philanthropic organizations, corporate social responsibility programs, and government agencies that support our mission to combat climate change and promote environmental sustainability. We also plan to generate revenue by selling some of our products, such as eco-friendly merchandise and plants, to help support our ongoing operations. Additionally, we aim to establish partnerships with businesses and organizations that share our values and want to support our cause, which could include offering sponsorship opportunities or cause-related marketing initiatives. Our long-term goal is to achieve financial sustainability while maintaining our commitment to our mission and impact in the communities we serve.
Grants from Africa College of Theology student.
One fundraiser from the USA.