AGROMATHICS - creating an agro digital eco system
Food security all over the world remains a major priority. Unfortunately this important subject is threatened by man’s activities which have constantly increased global warming thus affecting soil quality and other environmental variables essential to crop and animal production. In 2022 the world saw $268B in losses from natural catastrophes due to climate-linked droughts, floods, and heat waves that disproportionately affect countries with low cumulative emissions but on the other hand, having strained disaster response and recovery systems. The International Monetary Fund has said that Nigerians should brace up for higher food prices or risks in 2023 due to recent floods and high fertilizer prices. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, food inflation hit 23.72 per cent on a year-on-year basis in October 2022, with inflation on certain food items rising to between 50 – 100 per cent. Despite that, the IMF has predicted that since recent floods have affected agricultural productivity, food prices would worsen in 2023. One may think the horrors end here but unfortunately Nigeria and several countries of the world don’t’ just have food shortages but also good quality food shortages due to continuous toxification of the environment often due to self medication of crops and animals due to lack of professional advice to farmers honestly trying to make a living
It is imperative to note that pollution to the environment also includes unhealthy agricultural practices e.g. fertilizer use abuse. In Nigeria, several billions of Naira is allocated to fertilizer acquisition yearly despite the dwindling revenue generation strategies. Although fertilizers remain a major soil treatment and fertility booster, it has been observed that this essential product and other farmer’s modern kits like pesticides etc are often misused or abused by uneducated famers thus leading to further damage to the environment and ecosystem of the host communities of farms. It is however more disheartening that after the farmer manages to get to the harvest stage of agric process, he or she is left to take-up the burden of trying to manually and personally locate off-takers in the value chain thus perishable goods simply perish due to lack of planning storage, haulage or commodity visibility to prospective buyers. This is often the reason many shy away from the trade or waste grants and loans when preventable tragedy hits agro related business endeavors without any help in sight from subject matter specialists. Finally the presence of agric research institutes is rarely seen before the farmer makes his or her yearly mistakes. The problem is further compounded as farmers often know their crops and almost oblivious of the name or mandate of several agric or related research institutes closest to them or with specialized mandate not reflecting the name of any specific crop in the name tag e.g. IITA, National Horticultural Research Institute –NIHORT as opposed to Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria having the crop cocoa well spelt out as priority agric product yet their professional counsel rarely gets to the unreached at that opportune time.
Our product AGROMATHICS a web based, android and USSD compliant application bridges this gap through research, real-time-smart information management and dissemination to office and home garden enthusiast, Nigeria’s rural and urban farmers consequently finding better ways of monitoring real needs for fertilizers, pesticides, and preaching alternate agricultural practices thus forging new approaches to soil fertility for example application of manure or mix cropping nitrogen fixation crops etc. However, we do not reinvent the wheel by setting up a new company with few experts but rather intelligently achieve real-time education virtually. Furthermore, we help farmers just by mentioning the name of crops to switch their request electronically from where ever they are to thousands of subject master specialists at existing research institutes e.g. Oyo state with at least 5 vibrant agric institutes has an average of 350 professionals and many more agro allied companies within host communities delivering cutting edge information through phones or other gadgets. Soil or other samples can also be easily sent to any of the accredited labs closest to farmers while subject matter specialist interprets the results several miles away. This feature is certainly a game changer especially in the wake of challenges with security of agric field workers. This group of people are often kidnapped, rapped and sometimes gruesomely murdered in cold blood. Furthermore, it drastically reduces the overhead involved in transportation to the site from the side of the researcher not to talk of time that would be saved as opposed to lost doing just one field analysis. This means with AGROMATHICS, a researcher can be virtually present in several states and on several sites, meeting the need of several farmers yet physically far away. Recommendations are not generic but tailored to respective needs and also automatically mapped using GIS-Geographic Information System or farmer's criteria describing closest resource centers, sales rep or distributor thus taking away the distance between the farmers and agric help center. This was previously not possible thus farmers often self medicated their crops and animals without complying to international best practices which often lead to losses or rejection of harvest or production by prospective buyers especially during international trade. Some of the information supplied includes, startup information, soil analysis, projected farming cycle, real-time metrological reports, modern farming methodologies, disease treatment advice, pest control strategies, and most especially the fact that off takers can electronically see and project when to mop-up farm produce. AGROMATHICS also comes with a cost analysis module that can show actual costs or a simulation cost model for planning entry into the business. An exceptional tool for planning realistic cost for units of items. Our partnership with diverse agric research institute and organization gives us the necessary foot soldiers to assist these agroprenures physically on their farms thus improving agricultural produce quantity and quality a necessary marker and influence essential in measuring at least five SDG goals i.e 1. No Poverty, 2. Zero Hunger, 3 Health and Well being, 13 Climate Action, 15 Life on Land.
Global population is expected to reach over 9 billion by 2050 thus farmers must increase quantity and quality by at least 70%. A farmer on agromathics ranges from an enthusiast who intends to grow some fruits and vegetables i.e. office and home garden farmer, farmers in villages or towns struggling to derive productivity with traditional practices, to a large scale farmer desirous of better management of vast investments. For the first category which could be up to 25 million Nigerians due to poverty index or desire for alternative income, quick answers on challenges or planting can be acquired from subject matter specialist. Their production often reduce the pressure on neighborhood markets since crops such as carrot, spinach, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, okra and other local varieties can be cultivated and eaten fresh thus significantly reducing the budget on groceries. Proof of this is my personal experience for over 5years on a 1and1/2 plot of land used to cultivate 100 tubers of yams yearly alongside diverse vegetables saving up to N90,000 and harvest lasting for at least 6months. Second category is often the worst hit when environmental tragedy arises. Oyo State has vast arable land of up to 28, 545 km2, and is reputed to have over 1.2 million smallholder farmers. They are often so far from modern information so whenever they have access to farm inputs like fertilizers and pesticides; abuse is inevitable due to the fact that they rarely carry out soil test analysis, land topography surveys etc. In addition to this, such farmers also shy away from choosing high quality seeds not requiring much nutrient and resistant to some predominant pests or pathogens due to ignorance, cost and availability. This is also the reason they try to augment with excess fertilizer, herbicides and pesticide when crop response is seen to be stunted. This leads to wholesale pollution of most of our streams, rivers, ponds, lakes and even coastal areas, as these synthetic chemicals run-off into the nearby waterways. Agromathics reduces all these abnormally by bringing subject matter specialist to off –grid farm clusters virtually and physically irrespective of distance or time.
For the large scale farmers, modern agriculture has many complex challenges. Furthermore, the stakes are very high thus lasting solutions must be acquired within the shortest possible time to reduce colossal losses. This means agromathics serves as framers hotline for success tips or SOS calls. It is also imperative to note that there are no perfect templates especially with crop farming since improved seedlings or seeds may be sourced from the same place, while eventual productivity outcome often vary from projections and sometimes totally fail. Major factors include the eventual soil site, nutrient level, pest invasion, professional handling of instructions, unforeseen climatic conditions due to environmental degradation etc. Although many big farms often have resident agric personnel, it cannot be compared to the rich blend provided by agromathics with subject matter specialist not less than 60 per research institutes thus solution is just a dial away.
It is no news that the role of ICT in today’s business strategy is not esthetics but the very decision that would determine continued relevance or survival of such establishment. We are optimistic that infusing this understanding into the agric business would certainly revolutionize the current traditions towards combating challenges with a view to finding lasting solutions. Furthermore, the digital space removes the barriers of borders and increases tremendously the social visibility globally. It is upon this backdrop that National Horticultural Research Institute –NIHORT with branches in 5 States in Nigeria established a partnership in a memorandum of understanding signed on March 3, 2023 with Agrometrix Multinational Limited to give full institutional support to drive the dream of AGROMATHICS. A complete article on this can be found on the following websites and is also in line with the dream of Ministry for Communication and Digital Economy to progressively drive frontiers towards the new normal. NIHORT is a federal government agric research institute saddled with the improved production of fruits and several other horticulture based crops. The institution has healthy information handshake with several other sister institutes like Institute for Tropical Agriculture -IITA, National Institute for Forestry, Institute for Agric Research & Training- IAR&T, Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria etc. This partnership has constantly given us the platform to use already established government architecture and infrastructure to directly interact with thousands of urban and rural farmers individually or in their clusters. Furthermore, diverse research personnel at PHD levels of education have constantly shaped the specifics of the application design. We have also established our ultra modern CBO-Corporate Branch Office and data center at NIHORT campus. This helps us to create electronic presence for several other agric research institutes and value chain players. Furthermore, we jointly conduct with these above listed agric research institutes seminars and trainings to drive the initiative through a PPP-Public Private Partnership arrangement.
- Adapt land and coastal areas to more extreme weather, including through climate-smart agriculture or restoring natural ecosystems to mitigate impacts.
- Nigeria
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
More than 2000 farmers ranging from professional large scale to smallholder farmers and others managing home or office gardens.
It is often said that that no one is an island of knowledge. Furthermore no matter how good an idea is, it can certainly be better through cross pollination of brilliant tips, collaboration, financial injection, vibrant media and social connectivity all over the globe etc. This is what the paragraph “What do selected solutions get?” Seek to provide and we are very interested in this opportunity to take our novel innovation AGROMATHICS to the next positive level. MITSolve initiative is looking for solutions to some of the world’s most pressing issues and we believe that our team at Agrometrix multinational Limited is best poised to address some in the area of agriculture
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
Today there are diverse Ag-TECH applications. However almost all seek to reinvent the wheel by setting up another company and recruiting a few subject matter specialists perhaps in soil analysis, irrigation, GIS, disease and pest control just to mention a few. In Ibadan, Oyo State for example there are more than 5 different federal agric related institutes saddled with various crop mandate. Each of these institutes has at least 60-100 PHD academic level subject matter specialist and overall employee base of 500 – 800 professional staff. A simple mathematics of this puts our virtual subject matter specialist cumulative at an average of 600-700 researchers from diverse mandate oriented organization e.g fruits, cocoa, rice, forest management, agric research training etc with the necessary technical knowhow just within a state not to talk about the escalation nationwide. The novel dream of agromathics provides a sustainable digital platform helping farmers to get cutting edge information services from exotic blend of researchers across agric institutes and other agro allied companies from where ever they are using their phones, tablets or computers. This is obviously different from the traditional google search that brings up list of anyone and everyone that have posted content on the subject matter without actual vetting if he or she is truly a subject matter specialist i.e. certified by a reputable institution or body of learning. Please note that the design of agromathics is different from a general social media app like facebook or histagram since every subject matter specialist must have his anchor at a reputable agric research institute. The concept is such that each listed institute has dedicated desk officers with online capabilities. This group of people vert claims during application stage of subject matter specialist by interfacing with the establish institution HR-Human Resource Department. Successful applicants are those listed on the platform worthy to react to farmers request or requisitions. This guarantees fidelity and prevents impersonations which are dangerous to the credibility of the initiative and consequently has the power to destroy livelihood of unsuspecting victims. Furthermore, farmers are automatically referred to verified sources of agro inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, manure, drugs and other related tools and consumables. Consultancy on mechanization and automatic produce availability notifications and sales is also possible at affordable rates. We thrive towards achieving food security in Nigeria and beyond.
According to the last population mix analysis from reputable organizations like National Population Commission -NPC, Independent National Electoral Commission-INEC, National Bureau Of Statistics-NBS, National Identification Management Scheme -NIMSC, World Bank just to mention a few, it has been clearly stated that the youths in Nigeria accounts for up to 60% in a population of not less than 200 million. In addition to this, women with a population not less than 40% have been seen to have significant effect on the GDP in Nigeria. Our target is however these two main groups. Within the last couple of months we have interacted directly with groups of predominantly women farmers like the SHE Farmers having not less than 2000 active women. 70 youths are also currently benefiting from the HAY Farmers initiative designed to transfer skills within a 9month period on horticulture based crops pioneered by NIHORT. We must confess at this juncture that working directly with established agric and related research institute have constantly furnished us with the necessary cutting edge data to measure impact goals. Furthermore we can also clearly see into the future as we are constantly guided by first hand data. Our projection within the next two year is to bring on board at least 10 million farmers. This would comprise of farmers with small home and office gardens, rural subsistence farmer to farmers with very high commercial production volume and land infrastructure. These projections are expected to grow steadily within the next 5 years as we spread our tentacles beyond the shores of Nigeria particularly into the West, East and South African territories due to their vast agric potentials. We have a data forecast of not less than 5 million from prospective home garden farmers across the country although the source of this FAQS may transcend Nigeria due to the global reach of the internet. Please recall that due to the fact that agromathics is not reinvention of the wheel but rather an application switching agro request, we are bound to attract a variety of farmers desirous of crops and other information cutting across diverse agric research institutes with exotic blend of virtual subject matter specialist running into thousands waiting to attend to their requests. Furthermore, due to the eventual standardization of agric processes by commercial farmers, we are poised that access to credit and implementation of several other white paper policies regarding environmental detoxification and healing would be achieved through simpler, effective and measurable approach taking advantage of automation and power of the internet and education in Nigeria and beyond.
- 2. Zero Hunger
Every year just like MITSolve initiative, agric research institutes in Nigeria receive millions in budgetary allocation from federal and state government to finance research works to find lasting solutions to improve seedlings, agric methodologies, produce distribution strategies affecting mandate crops , reduce global warming etc. Philanthropies such as Billigate foundation and other donors like USAID, African Development Bank, World Bank etc have also financed specific targets having measurable impact goals. This has led to documentation of farmers, crops grown, traditions and other practices within diverse geographical locations during several comprehensive outreach programs thus leading to the generation of several white papers and recommendations stashed away in office shelves far away from where they are needed i.e. (researchers should be carrying out real-time response strategies to help stop or reduce the abnormally before it gets out of hand on diverse farms rather than stopping at recommendations which may not see the light of day or delayed due to government bureaucratic administrative tunnel).
However with agromathics we can see real life impact outcomes at real-time on automated analytic dashboard. A good example is mining data for specific disease within a period with regards to previous instance dynamics and current status showing success rate of intervention modalities or failures. Another example is market price surveys and correlation with crop or animal production. Other measuring indicator includes environmental test for water bodies around farms with spotlight on GIS- Geographic Information system data. This would show either increase or decrease in levels of toxicity. Furthermore, with research institute like National Institute for Forest Research – FRIN onboard, a clear cut revised policy on forest related activities acts as a firm foundation for measuring progress.
The revised 2020 National Forest Policy has strategies for growing the sector addressing emerging environmental issues like climate change resulting from increased population with its attendant pressure on the forests and its resources. For example prior actions on ground to support Nigeria on the implementation include; assistance for rural transition to sustainable agriculture through Partnerships for Forests program in Edo State. Likewise in Kaduna, Kano and Jigawa States, FRIN is supporting pilot projects on growing rice using less water and producing less methane. In addition, there are several efforts supporting access to organic fertilizer in Northern Nigeria. In Cross River, Bauchi, Taraba and Adamawa States. The institute is also supporting activities to improve forest governance and provide protection for endangered species such as elephants, pangolins and chimpanzees.
With the MOU-Memorandum of understanding powering AGROMATHICS and support for various agric based institutes in Nigeria, we are poised that all our actions would be effectively guided by cutting edge data reflecting the realities and improvement based on intervention strategies introduced within specified periods. With this arrangement, it is easy for respective institutes with mandate scope to naturally have a bridge to problem flash points and on the other hand see locations totally or partially immune to these anomalies to learn from their success stories or event patterns thus promoting better budget allocation performance
Over the years local and foreign grants for specific targets having measurable impact goals have led to documentation of farmers, crops grown, traditions and other conditions within geographical locations thus leading to the generation of several white papers and recommendations stashed away in office shelves especially at universities and research institutes. While valuable research resources are disconnected from where they are needed existing efforts to bridge that gap is not a holistic approach.
Here is a case study lacking the ability to neat INPUTS, OUTPUTS and OUTCOMES together. In April 2022, NIHORT had a 1week intensive training for a second batch for agric enthusiast at Edo state 5 hr 28 min (336.9 km) from HQ at Ibadan. A team comprising of 14 vibrant employees ranging from PHD agric staff in fishery, poultry and vegetable farming were selected. Although some of these tasks were outside the purview of the institution, NIHORT had over the years expanded their IGR drive by employing other subject matter specialists. 5 other support staffs were added including accountants for proper cost accounting. It is imperative to note that asides other overhead, each staff is entitled to at least N200, 000 for transport, hotel bills and feeding. This means that asides the dangers exposed to in the wake of current security challenges in Nigeria, this particular event would require N2,800,000 Million excluding the startup capital giving to 150 intending farmers. So will this approach or multiples of such achieve our OUTPUT (improved knowledge base of 150 agric enthusiasts) and OUTCOME (improvement in quantity and quality of what we eat in Nigeria) in the nearest future? My guess is no!
It is important to note that the above listed activity is not a hypothetical scenario but the reality across agric research institutes. This method lacks the system to account for previous students, further knowledge, remotely help in times of need, monitor successes and loans, off-takers produce mop-up possibility, spot potential threats to agric business and alert relevant agencies etc. The financial burden is not also sustainable thus eventually bloating budgets of agric research institutes while the actual farmers are often left stranded when financial inflow dries up or other unanticipated challenges come knocking.
This is what AGROMATHICS seeks to correct by automatically switching request of famers to subject matter specialists at affordable rates as low as N500 through phones and computers. It rides upon existing infrastructure like the internet to connect with several research institutes taking their knowledge base to farmer just by mentioning crop or animal of interest. Our approach includes rewarding Institutions and subject specialist that attends to FAQs of farmers thus promoting, IGR, professionalism yet reaching more farmers in need. From our analytic survey it is expected that each subject matter specialist on AGROMATHICS responds to at least 10 FAQs per day and 3 more complex recommendations. This means a daily score card of 5 specialists is 65 farmers per day and 325 per week from anywhere while security risk is brought to near zero.
AGROMATHICS in partnership with NIHORT provides a sustainable digital platform helping farmers to get cutting edge information services from exotic blend of researchers across agric institutes and other agro allied companies from where ever they are using their phones, tablets or computers. Furthermore, farmers are automatically referred to verified sources of agro inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, manure, drugs and other related tools and consumables. Consultancy on mechanization and automatic produce sales is also available at affordable rates. To achieve this, we have setup backend servers running MSSQL Server RDBMS. Furthermore, we interface with farmers ridding on the back of the internet using web technologies thus reducing application installation burdens.
In addition to this we have also included the android variant due to the vast penetration of the android OS amongst telecommuters. The AI concept embedded in the fabric of the application code automatically matches farmers crop request to appropriate subject matter specialist and institution with the mandate to support the entire agro requisition. This was ingeniously crafted using the C# language, java script, structured Query Languages etc. Please note that we also serve our teaming clients agro information intelligence through traditional Short Messaging System-SMS. This includes farming tips, soil sample results and other counsel regarding best practices. For example tailored fertilizer application need, pesticide application directives etc. This is a sharp contrast from self medication often adopted by farmers lacking basic technical know how.
We also take advantage of television and radio networks to drive advocacy of the Agromatics dreams within towns and villages. This makes it easier to educate farmers in clusters or sensitize the mind of an agric enthusiast to probe further on our social networking platforms or website.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Big Data
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Internet of Things
- Robotics and Drones
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Nigeria
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
While many continue to dig the earth’s crust for most value resource or substance e.g. gold, diamond etc to increase economic status, joy, productivity or other desires, we believe that the best resource of all times continue to walk on the surface of the earth and easily found in every business arena. I am certainly talking about human beings. However getting the best out of humans would depend largely on how physical, emotional or psychological needs are handled. No wonder it Is often said that variety is the spice of life .Valuing diversity and openly showing respect for such creates a balanced work ecosystem thriving on trust from employees knowing that the rule of law, fairness and justice would be adhered to while every sacrifice geared towards achieving the corporate dream would not be hazardous but rather seen as giving back to a place you call home your time and skills to attain success. We define success as looking out for a human need and reaching out to fulfill it. At Agrometrix Multinational Limited, we believe that heightened levels of workplace participation drives innovation due to diverse thinking i.e. SEEING FROM DIFFERENT ANGLES OR PERSPECTIVES. This is why our recruitment into our work force is hinged on what can you contribute and tools needed to deliver rather than; how you look, where you have come from, cultural norms etc. However our dress code and office setting is one that promotes international best practice especially in the area of Health Safety and Environment HSE. True wealth resides in people and a wholesome office environment helps to extract or focus the strength in numbers towards desired goals. While Agrometrixs Multinational Limited is a distinct company with current employee strength of not more than 25, we have designed strategies to bring together vibrant minds from diverse renowned agric research institutes in Nigeria and globally forming virtual employee strength of not less than 600. This employee mix conforms to their traditional organogram of respective institutions yet serving a host of other culturally diverse people with agro related needs thus creating a digital agro ecosystem. Although some of our programs are focused on most vulnerable i.e. women and children, we certainly do not discriminate on gender or other basis. You would recall that Agromathics basically automatically redirects spontaneous request to the next free hand within the subject matter specialist group based on agricultural mandate of such business outfit. Remuneration for this service and more is also same considering gender of such employee. In addition to this, it customizes the interface to satisfy farmer’s requisitions through information intelligence and accounting. This is a seamless approach void of any biase, favoritism or other forms of ulterior profiling
It is no news that the role of ICT in today’s business strategy is not esthetics but the very decision that would determine continued relevance or survival of such establishment. Furthermore, the digital space removes the barriers of borders and increases tremendously the social visibility globally. It is upon this backdrop that National Horticultural Research Institute –NIHORT with branches in 5 States in Nigeria established a partnership in a memorandum of understanding signed on March 13, 2023 with Agrometrix Multinational Limited .This is also in line with the dream of Ministry for Communication and Digital Economy to progressively drive frontiers towards the new normal. NIHORT is a federal government agric research institute saddled with the improved production of fruits and several other horticulture based crops. The institution has healthy information handshake with several other sister institutes like Institute for Tropical Agriculture -IITA, National Institute for Forestry, Institute for Agric Research and Training –IAR&T etc.
AGROMATHICS in partnership with NIHORT provides a sustainable digital platform helping farmers to get cutting edge information services from exotic blend of researchers across agric institutes and other agro allied companies from where ever they are using their phones, tablets or computers. Furthermore, farmers are automatically referred to verified sources of agro inputs such as seeds, fertilizers, manure, drugs and other related tools and consumables. Consultancy on mechanization and automatic produce sales is also available at affordable rates. Together we thrive achieving mile stones towards food security in Nigeria and beyond. In View of the above we have adopted a SUBSCRIPTION – BASED BUSINESS MODEL
Our partnership with diverse agric research institutes and organizations in Nigeria gives us the platform to interface directly with all categories of farms in their thousands. It is imperative to note that a farmer on agromathics ranges from a novice who intends to grow some fruits and vegetables in his or her garden, farmers in off-grid villages or towns struggling to derive productivity with traditional practices, to a large scale farmer desirous of better management of vast investments e.g. grants, loans reducing obstacles through cutting edge knowledge and adequate value chain networking.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
According to our cutting edge analytic result, it is estimated that the novel application revenue is set to hit a minimum of 500,000 million naira within the first 6 months of its official launch. Please note that this projection is not hinged on goods production often bedeviled by several uncertainties in Nigeria e.g. epileptic power supply, scarcity of forex, poorly implemented policies, local and foreign economic betrayers just to mention a few but rather sales of much needed agro information intelligence at affordable service fee by subject matter specialist. Our projected financial revenue sources includes
Farmer FAQ charges. Agromathics has a minimum financial fee of N500 per questions sent to pool of subject matter specialist. In Nigeria with a population of more than 200million, the average projected questions is placed at 1000 per day. This includes questions from farmers with home gardens to high volume growers or producers. Approximate revenue 500,000 per day
All subject matter specialists are expected to pay a monthly subscription of N1000. Agromathics on the other hand will share a portion of the above N500 per FAQ with the particular researcher that responds to such question i.e. N100 while N100 goes to the institution having mandate jurisdiction or primary work center of the researcher e.g. NIHORT. For Oyo State alone, there are 7 major agric research institutes with a minimum of 50 PHD researchers. Approximate revenue 350,000 per month
We collect a 2% markup on all commodities and services done by respective research institute and agro allied companies through agromathics. This includes sales of seedlings, fertilizer, pesticides etc. services on the other hand includes soil test analysis, soil preparation surveys etc. Please note that several accredited laboratories will also key into the app. Farmers can on the other hand send their sample to any of such labs. Results will be automatically sent to appropriate subject matter specialist who will in turn make his recommendations online at a fee. Approximate revenue 500,000 per week
Nigeria has an estimate of 80 million mobile phone users cutting across major PTO networks like MTN, Glo, Airtel , Mobile etc. We however have an arrangement to target weekly subscription with direct debit of N20 from at least 1million phone users from their respective PTOs. Agromathics in turn will furnish these subscribers with highlights of agro weekly radio programs on selected cash and food crops. Subscribers may also choose to opt out it they are unsatisfied. The question is who says no to agric and inherent opportunities? Approximate revenue N20, 000,000 per week
The first thing we did was to patent our Ag-tech product then we secured a MOU- Memorandum Of understanding from NIHORT being our foundational base. In the MOU we requested a temporal office space for a period of 2 years and a land portion of 200ft by 200ft to build a structure to accommodate other infrastructure e.g. office space, 100 capacity training center, accommodation etc needed to carry out our goals for a period not less than 4 years with the option to renew the terms of land allocation. We used this as a leverage to secure a N20, 000,000 loan from a commercial bank to setup our first CBO- Corporate Branch Office within NIHORT campus to boot investor and client confidence at the temporal allocation. Consequently some renowned construction companies and real estate developers opted in a bid to construct the permanent office structure with asset worth of not less than N200, 000,000. Other investors have pledge investment funds of not less than N100,000,000. This would be used to increase our infrastructure and support our running cost thus boosting coverage of our services in other states and country. We are currently running a pilot program with subject matter specialist and selected farmers but the above listed revenue generation strategies commences from May 2023.

CEO/Director Application System Development / Principal Partner