What is happening in our world and our communities?
Natural Disasters:
- Wild fires
- Earthquakes
- Floods
- Hurricanes/Typhoons
Man-made contributors to an unsustainable world:
- Over reliance on carbon-based energy
- Increased Energy Demand
- Dwellings represent 40% of energy demand in U.S.
- Construction methods not adapting quickly enough to meet our needs
Climate Change encroaching on our habitat and livelihood
There is a huge and growing need for affordable and Net Zero buildings for low-income families, seniors, low-wage workers, indigenous populations, veterans and homeless, in rural communities and cities.
The price of homes is generally beyond the means of those mentioned above. The homes take several months to construct, energy efficiency, long-term ownership costs, fire resistance, and high-wind resistance are among a host of issues.
The US Census Bureau reports that the median household income in the U.S. in 2021 was $70,784, slightly less than 2020. According to the ubiquitous rule, the median income family shouldn’t spend more than 28% or $19,820 on housing and related costs, which means they could afford a home price of no more than $240,000. A report from the Federal Reserve Bank says that the average home price in the U.S. in 2022 is $428,700, a 30% increase from 2020.
Data published by the Bureau of the Census indicated that the housing shortage in the United States is 732,000 homes for sale and 849,000 homes for rent, totaling a 1.6 million home shortage. A total of 892,000 homes, 56%, are in Southern states with lower average incomes and a higher percentage of migrant workers. Florida, Texas, California and North Carolina account for 35% of the total housing shortage.
The following building needs have been identified based on meetings by Worldwide Structures CEO, a Native American, with Tribal leaders of 14 tribes in Western states:
Homes for:
- Homeless 70
- Low income 50
- Moderate income 324
And one hospital and 8 commercial buildings
The following needs have also been identified in meetings:
- We have strong support with the Veterans Transition Center for 100 tiny homes;
- We have strong support from the Mayor of Malden, WA 90+ homes to replace housing for those lost in a wildfire
- We have met with the Quinault Tribe in Taholah, WA to discuss providing as many as 300 homes for entire shore villages that need to move inland due to ocean incursion
- We have met with farm owners in California and Washington who need housing for 15,000 workers
- We have met with various groups who need a total of 1,035 ADU’s.
OUR SOLUTION: Advanced Applied Construction Technology (AACT)
AACT 1 - Collaborate with community leaders to:
- Develop a vision with and for the community - Build a foundation for growth.
- Identify our resources and develop a 3-year Game Plan, with clear objectives and metrics.
- Communicate our Game Plan and our Priorities, especially to give the next generation room for growth.
AACT 2 - Build a community that our young can continue to build on, by focusing on:
- Great access to services, such as schools, churches, healthcare, small businesses, local government, etc.
- Provide incentives for small businesses to come into the community, creating living-wage employment.
AACT 3 - As a small Native American, Disabled Veteran-owned business, Worldwide Structures is ready to:
- Build customizable, net-zero energy homes/structures built on site using local labor we train.
- Significantly lower cost to build, using proven technology.
- Create environmentally friendly & sustainable homes/structures with far lower lifetime cost of ownership, with
- Technology tested by Smith Emery Laboratories in L.A.
- Structures up to 50,000 sqft - dormitories, hospitals, warehouses, conference centers, etc.
WORLDWIDE STRUCTURES delivers advanced construction technology, and a better, cheaper and faster solution for home construction, at significantly lower cost, better insulated to greatly reduce heating and cooling costs, more fire resistance, tested to withstand hurricane and earthquakes, with much lower lifetime ownership costs. Our innovation extends to our expertise in collaborating with communities, partnering with city councils, city managers and banks. All components of an entire home of almost any size are manufactured and packaged for easy transport to the building site. A contractor trained in our methods can build, for example, a 1,400 sq ft home in 15 work-days. We also know how to capitalize on Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (CPACE) loans to maximize capital productivity.
Our technology is transformative because it makes housing better, faster and cheaper:
- Highly energy efficient, substantially reduces energy costs in both hot and cold weather
- Fire, high wind and earthquake resistant; mold and termite proof
- Environmentally friendly, made with recyclable materials
- Substantially faster construction, important in areas with shorter construction seasons
- Can be erected with semi-skilled labor trained by Worldwide Structures thus increasing employment at a fair wage for people in the community
- Once trained, a crew of 5 semi-skilled workers plus a skilled leadman can construct a home in 15 work-days. The completion rate is one unit per day after completion of unit one.
- Worldwide factory will be able to turn out 12 homes per work-day with one eight- hour shift. That can be nearly tripled with the addition of two more shifts.
- Much less expensive homes, affordable to all classes of buyers
- Lower long-term maintenance costs and exceptionally long life
- Fully customizable including addition of solar
The major benefit will be affordable housing with low long-term maintenance costs that is highly energy efficient, fire, wind and earthquake resistant, environmentally friendly, and can be constructed in a very short period of time.
Our innovative technology enables:
- Substantially less expensive homes
- Much faster construction, important in areas with shorter construction seasons
- Highly energy efficient, substantially reduces energy costs in both hot and cold weather
- Fire, high wind and earthquake resistant
- Environmentally friendly, made with recyclable materials
- Lower life-time ownership costs and exceptionally long life
- Mold and termite proof
- Can be erected with semi-skilled labor trained by Worldwide Structures thus increasing employment at a fair wage of people in the home site area
- Customizable to net zero configuration including addition of solar and battery
- Improved cash flow management and governance for communities using cheaper, joint public-private funding sources.
For the Quinault Tribe on the Pacific shore of Washington, and Alaska tribal villages along the Bering Sea and as far north as Point Barrow on the Arctic Ocean, the benefits are earthquake and high wind resistance and moving away from potential tsunamis.
For the Rural Community Assistance Corp (RCAC) in Sacramento, CA and other communities across the country, we can provide training and employment as part of their diversity equity and inclusion
Our team of five have all grown up in an environment where we had to struggle to overcome adversity and that experience and relationships with other people in the same circumstances helped us develop the knowledge and the drive essential for developing solutions with measurable and sustainable impact.
Our CEO, COO and CFO have met in person with many tribal leaders in California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska at their tribal locations to discuss their needs and how we might work together to meet their needs. For tribes, in addition to affordable, high-quality homes, it means training and employment of tribal members. We have discussed with the tribal leaders about possibly building a factory on tribal lands, training and employing tribal members, building a hospital on tribal lands, building other commercial buildings for them. We have also met with farm owners in western states that employ H2A visa workers and have seen the severe need for decent housing for these workers. We have listened to their needs for affordable homes that are super energy efficient and resistant to hurricane type winds such as in coastal areas Alaska, and resistant to earthquakes such as in areas of California and Oregon and our advanced construction technology has been developed to meet these needs.
Our team has a wealth of experience in energy efficient construction and engineering.
Our CEO, Rick Novak, is a certified Native- American (8a) and Service-Disabled Veteran with many years of experience in construction, engineering and real estate development.
His son, COO, Craig Novak, part Native-American, has over 35 years experience as a general contractor in commercial and residential remodeling, and in building performance analysis/design/consulting in Monterey County, CA, and an early adopter of progressive technologies for energy production/savings, healthy interiors, waste stream reduction and advanced building components.
Our CFO, Chuck Nuzum, also part Native-American and Veteran, grew up in the construction industry and is a CPA with diverse experience as CFO in companies ranging from startup to multi-billion dollar international conglomerates. He also is the lead independent director of a public cancer research company.
Our CTO/VP Marketing, Rurick Novak, also part Native-American and disabled has been involved in IT for over 30 years, and marketing and sales for over 35 years.
Jim Wong, Advisor. MIT graduate and Marine combat veteran, Jim is Chairman of the National Veterans Transition Services, where he also heads Operation Vetrepreneur. He serves on the board of Main Street Launch, a Community Development Financial Institution.
- Support informal communities in upgrading to more resilient housing, including financing, design, and low-carbon materials or energy sources.
- United States
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model, but which is not yet serving anyone
- We have constructed an 8.5 foot wide by 20 foot long model primarily to demonstrate the advanced construction technology, the speed of construction and the energy efficiency. The model was built on a trailer than can be towed by a pickup so we can demonstrate it in other areas.
Currently, none, still in prototype stage
We are applying to be able to make our technology available and known to those in need of affordable, highly energy efficient, fire, wind and earthquake resistant housing across the country.
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
Our innovative technology enables:
- Much faster construction, important in areas with shorter construction seasons
- Substantially less expensive homes, affordable to any buyer
- Highly energy efficient, substantially reduces energy costs in both hot and cold weather
- Fire, high wind and earthquake resistant
- Environmentally friendly, made with recyclable materials
- Lower life-time ownership costs and exceptionally long life
- Mold and termite proof
- Can be erected with semi-skilled labor trained by Worldwide Structures thus increasing employment at a fair wage of people in the home site area
- Customizable to net zero configuration including addition of solar and battery
- We have applied for an ICC(es) certification of our materials and methods which we expect to receive within a month.
- Improved cash flow management and governance for communities using cheaper, joint public-private funding sources.
This all boils down to significantly more “better, faster, cheaper” homes can be constructed during the building season, particularly to people in need due to fires, hurricanes, floods, ocean incursions, and other natural disasters and can provide jobs for people in the local community.
Our goal over the next five years is to set up more manufacturing plants across the country where better, faster, cheaper homes are needed and where the local community needs jobs. We also plan to improve the technology to make then better and, through economies of scale, even less expensive.
Our technology is transformative because it makes housing better, faster and cheaper:
- Highly energy efficient, substantially reduces energy costs in both hot and cold weather
- Fire, high wind and earthquake resistant; mold and termite proof
- Environmentally friendly, made with recyclable materials
- Substantially faster construction, important in areas with shorter construction seasons
- Can be erected with semi-skilled labor trained by Worldwide Structures thus increasing employment at a fair wage for people in the community
- Once trained, a crew of 5 semi-skilled workers plus a skilled leadman can construct a home in 15 work-days. The completion rate is one unit per day after completion of unit one.
- Worldwide factory will be able to turn out 12 homes per work-day with one eight- hour shift. That can be nearly tripled with the addition of two more shifts.
- Much less expensive homes, affordable to all classes of buyers
- Lower long-term maintenance costs and exceptionally long life
- Fully customizable including addition of solar
- 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 13. Climate Action
Through its advanced technology, highly energy efficient, resilient and affordable homes, Worldwide Structures will create decent work at a market-plus wages at manufacturing warehouse locations and will also create decent construction jobs for contractors at local communities.
Measured by:
Number of homes constructed
-every home reduces energy use and provides shelter from potential high winds, earthquakes and fire.
-since a person can be easily trained in construction, every home constructed will potentially employ unskilled workers
Our core team of five have all grown up in an environment where we had to struggle to overcome adversity and that experience and relationships with other people in the same circumstances helped us develop the knowledge and the drive essential for developing solutions with measurable and sustainable impact. Our team has a wealth of experience in energy efficient construction and engineering.
Our CEO, COO and CFO have met in person with many tribal leaders in California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska at their tribal locations to discuss their needs and how we might work together to meet their needs. For tribes, in addition to affordable, high-quality homes, it means training and employment of tribal members. We have discussed with the tribal leaders about possibly building a factory on tribal lands, training and employing tribal members, building a hospital on tribal lands, building other commercial buildings for them. We have also met with farm owners in western states that employ H2A visa workers and have seen the severe need for decent housing for these workers. We have listened to their needs for affordable homes that are super energy efficient and resistant to hurricane type winds such as in coastal areas Alaska, and resistant to earthquakes such as in areas of California and Oregon and our advanced construction technology has been developed to meet these needs.
For the Quinault Tribe on the Pacific shore of Washington, and Alaska tribal villages along the Bering Sea and as far north as Point Barrow on the Arctic Ocean, the benefits are earthquake and high wind resistance and moving away from ongoing shore erosion and potential tsunamis – in other words, survival of the village.
Due to its location on the Arctic shore of Alaska, the building season is extremely short and housing in Point Barrow, Alaska costs well over $1,000 per square foot. The flooring in our homes can be used to package an entire home which weighs approximately 17,000 pounds. Our homes can be shipped up on a barge or a C-130 aircraft can take four homes in at a time. This means significantly more homes can be constructed in Point Barrow during the short season and at less cost than conventional stick-built homes.
The following building needs have been identified based on meetings by Worldwide Structures CEO, a Native American, with Tribal leaders of 14 tribes in Western states:
Homes for:
- Homeless 70
- Low income 50
- Moderate income 324
One hospital and 8 commercial buildings
We have strong support from:
- The Veterans Transition Center for 100 tiny homes;
- The Mayor of Malden, WA 90+ homes to replace housing for those lost in a wildfire
- We met with the Quinault Tribe in Taholah, WA to discuss providing as many as 300 homes for entire shore villages that need to move inland due to ocean incursion
- We met with farm owners in California and Washington who need housing for 15,000 workers
- We met with various groups who need a total of 1,035 ADU’s.
Our system is comprised of aluminum exterior and interior wall panels connected by PVC studs and filled with a high R-value foam which results in a wall system whereby the shear value of the wall, compressive load of the wall and the transverse load of the walls are all five-fold greater than comparable performance of wood stud construction combined with an insulation result of R-45 for a six inch thick wall with no bleed-through to the outside.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Manufacturing Technology
- Materials Science
- United States
- Canada
- Guam
- Philippines
- Ukraine
- United States
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
We will employ any person and our homes are available to any buyer regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, economic status and other diverse backgrounds. Our advanced construction technology will enable construction of more homes at a faster rate, at more affordable prices in more locations of great need across the country.
Our business model is a sustainable business selling energy efficient, affordable homes at a price sufficient to generate enough cash to ensure a going-concern business that will continue indefinitely producing energy efficient, affordable homes.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
We plan to sell our energy efficient, affordable homes to groups such as Native American Tribal Groups, to developers of affordable home projects, to contractors and all others who need an energy efficient, affordable home. We will sell at a price sufficient to generate enough cash to ensure a going-concern business that will continue indefinitely producing energy efficient, affordable homes. Our Chief Financial Officer has 47 years of experience as a Certified Public Accountant with heavy experience in cost accounting.
We have raised $400,000 in investment funding and the owners have invested sufficient funding and labor to continue the development and testing of Worldwide Structure’s advanced construction technology and the construction of a portable model. We also have strong support from several potential purchasers, as detailed in a previous question.