Localized Food and Water Production Initiative
- Pre-Seed
My solution harnesses the Sun's energy to purify water from various sources like rain, river, sea, etc. It produces food by combining an artificially engineered leave sheet and natural stalks to replicate a plant. This farming system saves a lot of land space and gives room for different agricultural technologies.
My solution basically provides food and water to urban communities by harnessing the energy from the sun to distillate water and utilizing a novel urban agriculture system. Water is everywhere, but not in it pure, usable, and drinkable form. Presently a relatively significant percentage of the world's population lack the supply of pure water and it's already killing us. The state of California is one place where drought is a common and real word due to low supply of pure water. My idea is to fit every roof available with what I call solar collector which is a plate designed to collect and trap the Sun's energy to distillate different kind of impure water and provide the home with an independent and uninterrupted pure water supply. On the other hand, food is a close counterpart to water, the idea of farming has existed for thousands of years and now we're running short on everything needed to sustain food supply. My idea to solve these problems is to maximize the use of space by engineering an artificial leave-like sheet that absorbs and processes the sun's energy more like a natural leave does and transfers the glucose produced to natural stalks of different plants to produce food. This idea allow us to maximize the produce on a particular area of land and incorporate this system within our community. Water is also purified using plants special filtering property of the xylem tissue as a membrane to remove organic and inorganic impurities in water including microbes.
The problem is basically sustainability. This solution is meant to provide a viable option to the world to prevent food insecurity and mass drought. The world is running short of it resources including water and land space due to the massive growth of population in the world, and we need to do something about it. These problems are the critical lifelines of thriving and survival and if not solve, could threaten the existence of humanity itself. We need better ways to produce and provide what we need, and that is what my solution is giving to the world.
The world is aiming towards conservation and renewability, which means we're already burning out our stock of resources. But the ever present thing we can't run out of is water and the sun's energy. Water makes up more than 70% of the total area/mass of earth but most times not in it pure form. My solution provides a green and ecofriendly option to provide the basic food and water need to the massively growing urban population. Consolidating nature and technology is the future of everything.
My solution, when implemented, should produce enough pure drinkable water to each home with the rooftop solar purification system and also provides a more energy and land efficient way to plant and produce food locally in urban areas. The deployment of these solution ideas would involve fitting every home with roof clear to the sky with the SPS and have each home produce it potable water independently. The novel farming system will go onto areas where there is land space within or slightly outside the community of use.
Track and predict the amount of drinkable water each home can produce and also how much food coming from the local farm (with the new or conventional technology) can get to homes and fine tuning the technology for better production efficiency. - Enough water and food supply to every home and citizen.
Researching and innovating to help improve the technology used to provide this need. - Improved Technology
- Child
- Adult
- High-income economies
- Low-income economies (< $1005 GNI)
- Urban
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Europe and Central Asia
- US and Canada
- Agricultural technology
- Biotechnology (genetic engineering, new biomolecules)
- Chemistry/chemical engineering
- Materials & nanotechnology
- Physics
The idea of using the energy from the sun to distillate water may seem real old but a real world engineering solution to achieve this isn't available. My solution gives the world a better and more novel, viable, and feasible ways of harnessing the sun's energy by making agriculture much more efficient and also producing the necessary drinkable water in an efficient and cost-effective way to sustain life and make a better tomorrow.
Availability of drinkable water and food are critical supplies that make the difference between survival and death. The greatest gift one can give to humanity is a better cahnce at surviving and thriving. My solution provides all of humanity with the tool and resource for sustainability and a better and healthier future for everyone. Provision of food and water is the basic supply need for human survival, and that's exactly what my solution is about.
My deployment strategy is to have companies with massive production capacity mass-produce the solar purification system at a low cost and be sold and installed to individual homes. I envision a future where each home produces it food and clean water supply independently by having this extra structure at the top of each home for subsistent agricultural practice and the roof covered with the solar collector for the SPS.
- 0 (Concept)
- Not Registered as Any Organization
- Nigeria
We're still working on the theoretical details and that will take a while to finish, but in the mean time, we plan to establish partnership relationship with organizations and institutions with the capacity to launch and finance this initiative idea. And maybe sponsorship from top organization or institutions like US govt and MIT would be a great path to go for.
The main challenge we will see in the future is transitioning from the conventional way of food and water supply to individual localized way. And also improving the technology involves to a level where it can be affordable to the poor, efficient, simplified, and mastered.
- Less than 1 year
- 6-12 months
- 18+ months
- Technology Access
- Financial Inclusion
- Water Treatment
- Water Sourcing
- Food Production
I'm applying to solve for the sole purpose of impacting to the development and sustainability of the world and also because I love trying my hand on problems, and I can't help it to not solve if I stumble onto any. If possible, I aim to achieve financial compensation and incentive to help my family live a better life and also a recognition for my work and impact to solving the world's greatest problems.
Non at the moment, but I look forward to working with almost anyone, especially MIT.
Green companies