In Burkina Faso, only 13% of the 17 million Burkinabés have a bank account.
Our solution is a financial services platform for the rural areas in Burkina Faso:
- The Warrantage system (due to lack of money) is accepted to open the account or fund it like cash. –
- The mobile Money: mobile account and a RIB. WAKIRé's offer includes a service of
- Credit based on purchase option for equipment with electronic tracking.
- Tontine: an investment in which several savers, who come together for a specific purpose, pool funds for a specific period of time
It is especially true that generally in Africa the rate of banking is low in rural areas, it is a question of starting from the economic and traditional mechanisms of the zones to offer adapted banking services.
According to the NGO Afrique Verte: The Cereal Bank is a cereal reserve, established at harvest time and managed by a village peasant organization for speculation when prices are good
Burkina Faso has about 2,000 cereal banks, 800 of which are truly functional, i. e. they carry out cereal buying and selling activities. The others are unable to work due to lack of funds, a store or a management body.
Stock recovery is a noble objective for any population planning aimed at the sustainability and viability of the cereal bank. In other words, the village considers the Cereal Bank as a tool for food security and sovereignty. In this case, all beneficiaries feel concerned about its survival and development.
Reach 40,300 people around 200 cereal banks in Burkina Faso. WAKIRé will have 40,100 individual clients and 200 associative clients. Our forecasts are 40% women and 60% men for the first 2 years.
Manage 3000 tons of cereals in the first year.
The work with the populations corresponds to the following diagram:
Phase 1 - Development
1. Validation of the need
Desire to meet a need expressed by our customers who are the actors around the cereal banks of Burkina Faso
2. Information meetings
- the reflection of the completed project
- information meeting
- Assistance in the following steps.
3. Formation of the local committee
To work on the project, an interim committee composed of clients and the local cereal bank management committee.
4. Validation of action plans by zone
The preparation of the business plan by the members of the temporary committee assisted by specialised consultants
WAKIRé is a banking service platform adapted to the rural environment in Burkina Faso.
Starting from the idea of a traditional cereal bank, integrate the new information and communication technologies (NICTs) to make the following services available:
- Opening a WAKIRé village account: (in cash or with cereals)
- Warrantage and savings: You can pay or withdraw money from your account using your grain and/or cash (grain, grain, cash for cash, cash for cash, cash for cash, cash for cash or cash for grain).
- Credit: Credit with the option to purchase production equipment or equipment allowing electronic monitoring.
- Tontine: our allows the management of the tontine for the self-financing of the members of the Tontine. We manage the flows and provide insurance to guarantee the investment.
- Marketing and purchase of cereals
- Manage cereal stocks in cereal banks and improve the storage of family cereal granaries.
- Insurance against falling grain prices on the market
- Health insurance
- Support communities in designing and determining solutions around critical services
- Create or advance equitable and inclusive economic growth
- Pilot
- New business model or process
Wakiré brings together, via a digital platform, financial products and services for a public excluded from traditional banking channels such as farmers in the village of Burkina Faso. Wakiré thus allows social and banking reintegration by allowing socially vulnerable people to benefit from a productive credit, a savings solution
Modernize the traditional cereal bank by integrating technology, warrantage, mobile money and tontine to strengthen financial inclusion in rural Burkina Faso. This strategy will ensure that some grain banks will not fail and will help reduce post-harvest grain losses.
WAKIRé platform is a micro-finance software based on cloud computing. (Software-As-As-As-A-Service) . The company's technology platform integrates seamlessly with mobile money technology, using tablets and SMS messages for field data entry and direct communication with customers.
WAKIRé offers a technological platform to reduce the costs incurred in order to extend its network and provide a greater number of unbanked people with access to affordable and quality financial services and basic goods. Rural populations, especially those who are not served, are positively affected by WAKIRé's technology service.
1. Open an account.
2. Loan management (take the loan, submit the loan, calculate interest).
3. Deposit amount.
4. Withdraw the amount.
5. Transfer of money from one account to another.
6. Inventory management.
7. Species Warrantage.
8. Storage clearance
- Behavioral Design
- Social Networks
In Burkina Faso, there are about 2,000 traditional cereal banks, 800 of which are truly functional. The others are unable to function due to a lack of funds, a warehouse or a management organization. Each
traditional cereal bank stores an average of 15 to 30 tonnes of cereals and sells an average of 25 tonnes per season. If traditional cereal banks want to be considered as cereal reserves, built up at harvest time and managed by local communities, to be resold at a competitive price when cereals become scarce and expensive on the domestic market, Warrantage is a pillar of strengthening the food security system at the village level. Developing Warrantage and other rural financial services will contribute to grassroots development.
Our WAKIRé solution offers this possibility:
- Give a financial value to the opening of the account by the Warrantage system
- Take out insurance against the fall in the market price of cereals on the market
- Ensure the security of loans or cash advances (The family attic becomes the basis of family savings.)
The immediate impact of our offers on the populations will be:
- Contribute to the improvement of farmers' living and working conditions
- Contribute to the increase of agricultural production
- Contribute to food security by strengthening the operation of cereal banks in Burkina Faso.
- Strengthening children's schooling
- Women & Girls
- Rural Residents
- Peri-Urban Residents
- Very Poor/Poor
- Low-Income
- Burkina
- Burkina
Wakiré brings together, via a digital platform, financial products and services for a public excluded from traditional banking channels, such as farmers in the village of Burkina Faso.
More specifically for the first year:
Open 40 300 has about 200 cereal banks in Burkina Faso. WAKIRé will have 40,100 individual clients and 200 association clients. Our forecasts are 40% women and 60% men for the first 2 years.
Manage 3000 tons of cereals in the first year.
Contribute to the improvement of cereal storage in villages in order to save about 15% of losses, or 450 tons of cereals.
Give 500 credits with an option to purchase production equipment or equipment for electronic tracking.
Allows 10,000 people to benefit from the tontines to be self-financed.
Enable 10,000 people to take out insurance against falling grain prices on the market
Enable 2,000 people to take out micro health insurance against the most common diseases
Achieve a turnover of €327,349 in the f
For the Wakiré Epargne account: By the end of the second year, we expect 300 customers per village / cereal bank or 40 000
individual clients and 200 association and group clients. Our forecasts are 40% women and 60% men.
For eCredit Wakiré: We have 1100 individual clients, 50% of whom are women and 50% men and 100 clients.
Associations or groups In total: we will have 41,100 individual clients and 300 groups and associations for the project.
We have defined our objective. 10% annual growth in the number of corporate customers
We expect 41,100 individual clients and 300 clients (associations or groups) at the end of the year
in the second year to 40300 customers,
3rd year: 45540 customers,
4th year: 50094 customers
and 5th year: 55104 customers
We will achieve gender pa
The risks will be as follows:
- The traditional role of cereal banks
Financing of some cereal banks by NGOs or projects.
People confuse grain bank stocks with humanitarian aid provided by NGOs.
- Storage risk
Due to the fact that a large part of the grain bank has not been operating for a long time, there is a risk that degraded storage facilities will be discovered or that the grain bank management committee will not exist.
-Risk of falling cereal prices on the markets
The price of some cereals may be lower than the price on the day of deposit.
Security in some areas: The
insecurity in some areas can disrupt the progress of our activities.
We will work with local populations and the Internet to reduce people's mobility.
-Labelling and EBanking
Many people can't read or write
- Raising awareness among target populations will help to understand the WAKIRé offer
- The use of modern storage systems developed by other startups can be expensive for the fund and reduce revenues. We
will work on the development of our own storage products adapted to our activities.
- We plan to move grain surpluses to deficit areas
- We will work with local populations and the Internet to reduce people's mobility
- Our platform will accept voice and national orders
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
IBB is a limited liability company (SARL) under Burkinabe law created in July 2015. The company's mission is to promote e-commerce in Burkina Faso. The company soon capitalizes three (3) years of experience in e-commerce. Currently, it has five (5) webmarketing platforms that operate correctly and autonomously. The number of Internet users visiting its platforms is as follows:
Zamayar.com: this platform is a marketplace. We currently have about 500 visitors per day on our website and Facebook page with a purchase rate of about 2%.
Iyaar.com: it is an e-commerce platform where we publish the products that belong to IBB. This platform currently receives about 1500 visitors per day on our website and Facebook page with a purchase rate estimated at about 1.5%.
The ETRANS solution, delivery within the major cities of Burkina Faso is made by motorcycles and tricycles; between cities, we use public transport companies to send orders everywhere in Burkina Faso.
Full-time staff: 3
Part-time staff: 4
M. Issoufou TIENDREBEOGO: CEO, certificate in social business management. Founder and President of « African Solidarité Association » ; ASHOKA Fellow. Knight of the Order of Merit of Burkina Faso
Ms. Djiguimdé Pingdwendé Aimée: Journalist communicator. Certified in Multidimensional Peacekeeping Operation. Also in security and transnational organized crime
M. Emmanuel OUEDRAOGO, agent commercial a Zaabr Daaga pour les appareils electroniques
M. Raouda ZONGO: Bachlor‘s degree in G2, DUT in financial comptability and licence in financial comptability.
Ms. NGARDOUMI Aoua: Association UBUNTU
M. Issoufou Koama: Association African Solidarité
Ms. Kadiguia Kombasseré: SNV Burkina
For more than 25 years, we have been working with populations in 3 regions of Burkina Faso (the centre, the central plateau and the eastern centre) for the therapeutic inclusion of the poorest in the fight against AIDS. Financial inclusion being a means for development at the base of the terroirs and populations, we have been working for more than 2 years on this WAKIRé project to offer financial services adapted for the financial inclusion of populations in rural areas in Burkina Fao. It is to build on what exists as a traditional financial service to include new information and communication technologies in order to reach the maximum number of people living in rural areas in Burkina Faso and elsewhere.
Assocoiation African solidarité (AAS)
The Association African Solidarité(AAS) is an NGO under Burkinabé law, it was created with the main mission to contribute to
the elimination of poverty in Burkina Faso in general and that resulting from HIV / AIDS in particular; to reduce the impact of HIV
/ AIDS on individuals, families and communities.
Its interventions are mainly prevention of STIs and HIV, counseling and comprehensive care for people living with HIV / AIDS
including OVC and grassroots development actions.
The headquarters of the AAS are in Ouagadougou but it is present in three other cities of the country including Zorgho, Koupela
and Ziniaré.
Its creation is the result of the desire of another association of Burkina Faso (African Association of Solidarité(AAS) to contribute
to the social development of vulnerable communities. In general POSITABLE want to give a new deal to the vulnerable
communities she meets and in particular to give them a perspective of economic and social integration, particularly through
economic activity.
- Opening a village account: (in cash or with cereals and this in less than 5 minutes, you have a mobile account and a RIB
- WARRANTAGE and savings: You can pay or withdraw on your account using your grain and/or in cash (Grain Cereals, Cash for Cash, Cash for Cash or Cash for Grain)
- CREDIT: Credit with an option to purchase for production equipment or equipment allowing monitoring by electronics
- The TONTINE: our allows the management of the tontine for the self-financing of the members of the Tontine. We manage the flows and provide insurance to guarantee the investment.
- Marketing and Purchasing of Cereals
- Managing cereal stocks in cereal banks and improving the storage of family cereal granaries.
- Insurance against the fall in cereal prices on the market
- Health Insurance
Project cost : The total cost of the project is $614907, tangible fixed assets are €259092 compared to $385815 for working capital requirements.
The financing structure is as follows:
Contribution from the promoters: $1538€ (2.5%),
Subsidies sought: $50,441 (82%)
Borrowings: $95107 (15.5%)
Estimated estimated turnover
The revenue estimates for the first year will be as follows:
The sale of kits at the opening of accounts: 2550F X40 300 : 102 765 000 ($158100)
12 months of withdrawal: 40 300 withdrawals X 12 months X 100F: 48 360 000 ($74400)
12-month deposit fee: 2% of accounts (104 800 000 F X 12 months): 25152 000 ($38695)
Sales revenues and cereals over 12 months: (20% of the 150 000 000F)= 30 000 000F ($46153)
Fees for the Tontine: (5% of 10 000 000F)= 500 000 F ($769)
Income from loans with a 12-month purchase option (12% of 50,000,000 francs): 6,000,000 francs (s9,231 )
TOTAL projected revenues for the first year are $327,349
Our objective is to mobilize resources to strengthen the project. technical support to better reinforce the idea of grassroots mobilization to better take into account the project environment. financial support, to launch activities in the field.
- Technology
- Funding and revenue model
- Other
-For the development of the IT platform and applications for our field correspondents.
- Support to develop a fundraising strategy and approach business angels involved in Africa
- Support to develop a negotiation strategy with partner companies: mobile phone companies, insurance companies, banks, etc.
The Village Producer Groups of Burkina Faso
Telecom companies: AIRTEL, TELECEL,
Money transfer agencies: Airtel money, mobicash,
The banks Ecobank, Coris, Atlantique UBA and Société Générale.
Local merchant networks: will mainly concern petrol stations, pubs and shops
in addition to the reservations for:
Working capital for Warrantage and Ecredit
We will finance the remaining steps that are:
At the technical level:
- definition of the platform and network architecture;
- definition of functional parameters ;
- Definition of procedures.
The pilot phase:
- definition of the driver mount;
- validation of the offer and process;
- analysis and evaluation of the offer;
- Development of sales support.
At the technical level:
- Implementation of the network architecture
- Verification of functional parameters
- Monitoring of operations
- Validation of procedures.
The deployment phase:
- Recruitment of "WAKIRE" agents
- sales training for sales teams;
- the implementation of challenges;
- deployment evaluation;
- Commercial relations.
- equipment (scanner shelves, kiosk, chairs, desk tables)
in addition to reservations for:
Working capital for Warrantage and Ecredit
We will fund the remaining steps that are:
At the technical level:
- definition of the platform and network architecture;
- definition of functional parameters ;
- Definition of procedures.
The pilot phase:
- definition of the driver assembly;
- validation of the offer and process;
- analysis and evaluation of the offer;
- Development of commercial support.
At the technical level:
- Implementation of the network architecture
- Verification of functional parameters
- Monitoring of operations
- Validation of procedures.
The deployment phase:
- Recruitment of "WAKIRE" agents
- sales training for sales teams;
- the implementation of challenges;
- deployment evaluation;
- Commercial relations.
- equipment (scanner shelves, kiosk, chairs, desk tables)
in addition to reservations for:
Working capital for Warrantage and Ecredit
We will fund the remaining steps that are:
At the technical level:
- definition of the platform and network architecture;
- definition of functional parameters ;
- Definition of procedures.
The pilot phase:
- definition of the driver assembly;
- validation of the offer and process;
- analysis and evaluation of the offer;
- Development of commercial support.
At the technical level:
- Implementation of the network architecture
- Verification of functional parameters
- Monitoring of operations
- Validation of procedures.
The deployment phase:
- Recruitment of "WAKIRE" agents
- sales training for sales teams;
- the implementation of challenges;
- deployment evaluation;
- Commercial relations.
- equipment (scanner shelves, kiosk, chairs, desk tables)
in addition to reservations for:
Working capital for Warrantage and Ecredit
We will fund the remaining steps that are:
At the technical level:
- definition of the platform and network architecture;
- definition of functional parameters ;
- Definition of procedures.
The pilot phase:
- definition of the driver assembly;
- validation of the offer and process;
- analysis and evaluation of the offer;
- Development of commercial support.
At the technical level:
- Implementation of the network architecture
- Verification of functional parameters
- Monitoring of operations
- Validation of procedures.
The deployment phase:
- Recruitment of "WAKIRE" agents
- sales training for sales teams;
- the implementation of challenges;
- deployment evaluation;
- Commercial relations.
- equipment (scanner shelves, kiosk, chairs, desk tables)
in addition to reservations for:
Working capital for Warrantage and Ecredit
We will fund the remaining steps that are:
At the technical level:
- definition of the platform and network architecture;
- definition of functional parameters ;
- Definition of procedures.
The pilot phase:
- definition of the driver assembly;
- validation of the offer and process;
- analysis and evaluation of the offer;
- Development of commercial support.
At the technical level:
- Implementation of the network architecture
- Verification of functional parameters
- Monitoring of operations
- Validation of procedures.
The deployment phase:
- Recruitment of "WAKIRE" agents
- sales training for sales teams;
- the implementation of challenges;
- deployment evaluation;
- Commercial relations.
- equipment (scanner shelves, kiosk, chairs, desk tables)

