Learning of social cohesion in children with deprivation
In the state schools of the metropolitan area of Barranquilla, approximately 70% of the students belong to homes with cultural deprivation, within which the parents do not have the educational preparation to support the construction of civic values that promote the awareness of solidarity , of the ability to help and social commitment to the development of support communities. Children who grow up in culturally deprived communities are immersed in a high-risk social discourse, within which violence and survival prevail. Therefore, it is not just a state of material poverty, it constitutes a representation of the world, where the possibility of being in solidarity does not exist, because interactions for coexistence, social cohesion, support and solidarity are not generated from the family nucleus. . The foundation for the promotion of social and human development has worked since 2009 with seven communities developing projects for peaceful coexistence through sports. Through the raids, intergroup acceptance has been achieved, without violence, fostering the ability to help among the participants and promoting inclusive communication. In the coexistence projects they have achieved 4000 children and adolescents from various culturally deprived localities. The project strengthens the ability to accept diversity and teamwork, to achieve common goals. These children initially did not integrate and manifested violent behavior towards each other. The project made it possible to create cohesion, build a vision of the social and community participation that improved the perception of the support community as an active member of it. The project now needs to emphasize the following processes:
Foster awareness of solidarity as a fundamental axis to apply the ability to help, so that children and adolescents are social actors and understand that the civic action of solidarity constitutes a firm basis for the reconstruction of their social fabric. For this reason they will participate in workshops with the support of educational software.
work with parents in support of solidarity actions within the home based on a structural modification of the interactional language. Parents will participate in educational workshops with active participation and reinforcements for participation that consolidate the importance of civic action.
Four field works will be carried out: in the first, neighboring homes are visited, strengthening open and respectful communication with peers. In the second, the community cleaning day is created, promoting care of the toilet, with the management of garbage in specific places, promoting recycling and discrimination of waste.
In the third field work, education is provided in the improvement of homes, with the support of the community, where each neighbor contributes what they can to support the care of the other.
In the fourth field work, the civic day is carried out to socialize the civic actions carried out by the community groups and their impact is evaluated.
It is an educational software for learning civic action. This software will be implemented in the curricular structure of several schools (10), in order to evaluate its effects in modifying the theory of mind of children from two to twelve years of age. The software handles different degrees of complexity:
In the first two-year level, cartoons are presented with a character of interest to two-year-olds.
In the second level, aimed at children from three to five years old, interactive stories are presented so that children can participate in their activities.
In the third level of the software aimed at six to seven year olds, it continues with stories that present ingredients for problem solving.
In the fourth level aimed at children, aimed at children from eight to nine years old, levels of responsibility and social commitment are scaled through interactive exercises.
In the fifth level, designed for children from ten to twelve years old, cooperation and ability to help develop mazes that have traps where it is necessary for the children together to find safe exits. The purpose of the exercise is to leave no one behind. Therefore, solutions must be participatory to strengthen cooperation and commitment to the common good.
At the end of each level of exercises, children need to be evaluated with other application exercises. At the same time, campo activities are carried out to reinforce what they learned in educational software in the social behavior of their communities of origin.
At the same time, training work is carried out with the teachers so that they can reproduce the technological tool with other groups, achieving a greater impact of the project in various communities.
The solution also includes parents, who will be explained and taught the software that is being applied to their children. This is so that they can reproduce in their homes the civic training guidelines that encourage interest in children in the development of their own community. Children with the support of educational software in civic action learning are expected to develop values of responsibility, commitment, solidarity and the ability to help the human groups that make up their communities, so that they can incorporate into their theory of mind aptitudes and attitudes to project themselves as agents of change, that manage to modify the social fabric of their communities, potentiating their development. especially the software strengthens the representation of positive, non-violent behaviors based on coexistence and positive social leadership.
Finally, the process is evaluated with quantification processes to determine the impact of the project. In terms of the significant learning of civic actors, sustainability even after completing the project is guaranteed by the participation of new schools with which the experience is replicated.
The population is made up of early childhood and primary school children from two to twelve years old. Children in the two-year-old age group are part of the homes of the Colombian Family Welfare Institute and the Integral Development Centers. The corresponding age group from three to five years of age are part of preschool schools. The age groups from six to ten years of age that make up primary schools will participate in this challenge ten state schools. The participating population belongs to communities that are culturally deprived. These children are not only affected by economic deprivation, they are culturally deprived because their parents do not have the educational levels to carry out inclusive communication processes with their children that promote values and positive citizen participation, since they themselves are completely unaware of the meaning of civic action. therefore children have not had this learning experience in their family. Similarly, the support communities to which they belong reproduce a social discourse characterized by violence. In the schools and welfare homes they have not received orientations related to civic action, in fact the studies of the national ministry of education MEN determine that 40% of the teachers do not know the meaning of civic action therefore the boys have not received a learning related to this topic. In the schools and welfare homes they have not received orientations related to civic action, in fact the studies of the Ministry of National Education MEN determine that 40% of the teachers do not know the meaning of civic action therefore the boys have not received a learning related to this topic.
The foundation has been working since 2009 with ten culturally deprived communities through projects to strengthen peaceful coexistence through sports. In processes of social and cultural empowerment of girls and adolescents with the purpose of modifying the representation of learned hopelessness and not reproducing the suffering of poverty. Continuity in school settings is emphasized in these populations because the boys and girls who are educated can project themselves as agents of change, in the development of their lives, their families and their support communities. The foundation has the support of the schools in the areas, the CDIs and the Protection Homes to develop the project. The schools contacted are already attentive to the start of the project. The foundation already has the educational bases for the formation of civic action learning software. In the same way, the complement of the field work and the participation of the parents will guarantee the success of the intervention.
The Foundation for the Promotion of Social and Human Development has been developing social development interventions since 2009 with the following projects:
Peaceful coexistence through sports with children and adolescents. Financed by the district mayor of Barranquilla.
Intercollegiate games of the district of Barranquilla. financed by the district of Barranquilla.
Support for entrepreneurship of women heads of household, financed by AECI, Government of Germany, Manos Unidas.
Support for the empowerment of children and adolescents as a basis for preventing sexual abuse. Supported by the Hermana Elena Youth Center, CDI Integral Development Center, Compassion International. Lestonnac School, Santander General School, Maria Auxiliadora Parish School.
Myths intervention processes have provided the team with knowledge, experience and an approach to communities with cultural deprivation for 14 years. The leadership of the foundation and fundamentally of its work team has the recognition of the communities where it works. The district of Barranquilla has endorsed the work of the foundation because it trusts in its social intervention and psychosocial management with measurable and quantifiable results of the programs and projects that have been developed and that are currently being developed with the support of private organizations. and state.
The communities need this project because they have undergone significant transformations that have improved their interrelationship, but in turn, due to their vulnerability, they are being impacted by negative forces that undermine their development possibilities. It is necessary with this project to strengthen the institutional alliance for its timely execution with the communities that require it so much. The foundation's team includes systems engineers with extensive experience in the education sector of schools and early childhood. The risk states that the communities are going through are known, within which the learning of civic action is absent. Violence has increased, crime and the deterioration of human relations. For this reason, the foundation team considered it pertinent to have an alliance with schools and other educational institutions to propose this project, which is emerging for community interest groups.
With the support of the schools in the areas and the development centers, the foundation has held meetings with the parents, with the teachers and the participating seven-year-old age groups. For the communities, learning is opportune because they do not want their communities, especially the children that make them up, to represent the discourse of violence. for them the project represents the solution so that their young generations can change the course of the communities.
- Provide access to improved civic action learning in a wide range of contexts: with educator support for classroom-based approaches, and community-building opportunities for out of school, community-based approaches.
- Colombia
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
The foundation for the promotion of social and human development wants to make a part of Solbemit, exchange knowledge, experiences and want to be able to socialize and publish their documents with the support of Solvemit. we carry out a fundamental disaster for communities, impacting the lives of people. We are participating in this challenge because we can count on solvemit's financial, technical and cultural support. We want you to meet our beneficiaries and that they too can have a life opportunity with you. We want our foundation to be able to get in touch with other organizations allied to you because it is possible that from our humble position we can exchange experiences.
We want to reach various communities because our experience has shown the relevant solutions to solve the challenges. We have many projects and it is possible that some of them can serve other communities in some other part of the world. We believe that solvemit is the opportunity to connect with others, who have also consolidated a development commitment with the communities that need it most. The communities that we are intervening in are characterized by the suffering of poverty, but we do not want them to get used to it. For this reason, through our projects we destabilize their world, so that they wake up to new possibilities of development. We invite solvemit to be part of this challenge because our boys and girls need it. We are open to linking ourselves to your purpose of becoming a solver and being part of the institutions that have managed to integrate your organization. Our organization has been involved for many years and we wish to continue this process with your support.
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)