Micro Industrial Parks on communities improving life
To solve problems like transport and housing in which population needs to move from their house. On other hand, communities has not a regular water, electricity or gas solutions.
Crete political, services and economic conditions to move from the cities or create new companies to be installed on communicires around big cities. We´ll create local economy due companies provide local jobs, companies increase productivity decreasing attrition. Local goverment will increse tax income.
Population needs to find jobs out from their communities, so need to use transport services with a high costs like time and money. Long work schedulle is a familiy problem.
Due small salaries, long working hours and money to transport, population can not increase their living way and or invest in their houses.
If we move micro, small and medium companies, economy will decentrilize from big cities. Economy will be reacheable to all and productivity will increase.
Local Communities, micro, small and medium companies and goverments
Create all conditions, from political, social, taxing and land to install small industrial parks, in which micro, small and medium companies will live, create or offer jobs to locals, increase economy.
- Support communities in designing and determining solutions around critical services
- Create or advance equitable and inclusive economic growth
- Concept
- New business model or process
Change from large industrial parks to small, with cheapest investment, dynamize conomy much more quicly, and increasing landing costs, productivity and life conditions.
Create new block chain due companies needs.
Ecologic and hand made blocks to build new structure os small industrial parks. Manufactured with local materials, local work force.
- Machine Learning
- Blockchain
Is a simple but effective solution. Involving a tram work fron a triple helice, Ediucation to communities, companies who will invest and goverments.
- Rural Residents
- Peri-Urban Residents
- Mexico
- Mexico
Mora than one Million people
In one year install at least one micro industrial park.
In five years, be installed 3 more.
Goverment changes
Companies investments.
Federal and state budgets to be handled through negotiations
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
We all work as a busineess consultants, experts of economy, business models, investments, social needs and projects.
State goverment