Youth networking. Debates and media literacy
The problem of misinformation and the lack of one's own point of view and position in decision-making processes is significant for young people not only in Tajikistan, but throughout the world.
In Tajikistan, there are various problems in communities related to disinformation. Young people in Tajikistan often face problems related to the lack of information about government policies, public affairs and cultural events. This can lead to misrepresentation of various events and political processes, which in turn can lead to ineffective solutions and even conflicts.
The scale of the problem of misinformation and lack of opinion and position in decision-making processes among young people around the world is also significant. According to a Pew Research Center study, only 20% of young people around the world trust the information they receive from social networks. At the same time, 45% of young people believe that social networks play a key role in shaping their views on the world.
Many people around the world have suffered from disinformation and lack of their own point of view and position in decision-making processes. For example, in the United States, misinformation and misinformation about COVID-19 led to bad decisions that led to more than 600,000 deaths. In Brazil, the spread of misinformation about vaccines has resulted in a high number of refusals to vaccinate, resulting in more than 400,000 deaths.
Factors contributing to the problem of disinformation and lack of opinion and position in decision-making processes are associated with a lack of information, misinterpretation of information and a lack of critical thinking. To solve this problem, it is necessary to organize events that will instill these values through debates and various trainings. At the end of each event, the participants will implement their projects, thereby influencing society.
To solve the problem of disinformation and the lack of their own point of view and position in the decision-making processes of young people in Tajikistan and around the world, it is necessary to develop critical thinking. Critical thinking plays an important role in recognizing disinformation, the ability to analyze information and make informed decisions based on verified facts. Organizing debate and media literacy events will help young people develop critical thinking skills and raise awareness, which in turn can lead to better decisions and stronger participation in society.
According to UNESCO, every fourth resident in Central Asia is a youth. In Tajikistan, for example, young people between the ages of 15 and 29 make up about 30% of the population. Thus, youth plays an important role in society and is a key element in the future development of the country. Therefore, by directing our decision to the youth, we can significantly influence the future of our country.
The project to promote media literacy, critical thinking, and combat disinformation in Tajikistan will be conducted over a year and targeted towards young people aged 14 to 25 years. The project will engage 60 volunteers and over 100 event participants in the city of Khujand. It will include training sessions, debates, and two field schools focusing on human rights and media literacy. The project will also establish three clubs: the Debate Club, Media Club, and Human Rights Club. Participants will have access to a personal account platform to track their progress and achievements.
The autumn field school will teach participants how to debate topics related to human rights and improve their knowledge about human rights. The three-day program will involve lectures, practical exercises, and debates, with the best teams receiving grants for human rights projects. The spring field school will focus on media literacy, teaching participants to analyze news and differentiate true news from fake news. Participants will learn how to check and analyze information and create their own news-checking projects, with the best projects receiving implementation grants of up to 1000 somoni.
The grants will help participants gain valuable experience in planning and managing projects, developing decision-making processes, and putting their knowledge into practice. The project will help to promote media literacy and strengthen decision-making processes among young people in Tajikistan, with participants sharing their experience and knowledge with others in their environment. Additionally, three clubs will provide opportunities for youth communication and networking, complementing the effect of field schools and training sessions.
As a result, the project will be able to achieve its goal of developing media literacy and strengthening decision-making processes among young people, as participants will be able to put their knowledge into practice and share their experience with others in their environment. In addition, it will also help to promote the project in the eyes of the public, as participants will be able to present their projects and talk about how they were able to put their knowledge into practice.
The clubs that will be created within the framework of the project are intended to complement and enhance the effect of field schools and trainings. As part of the debate club, participants will be able to continue to practice and improve their argumentation and critical thinking skills, communicate with like-minded people and share their ideas. The media literacy club will focus on developing the participants' ability to analyze and verify information, as well as teach them to understand how different media formats and channels work. The Human Rights Club will be devoted to the study of fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as how to protect and use them in practice.
The organization of these clubs will help create additional opportunities for youth communication and networking, which is important for achieving the overall goal of the project - strengthening decision-making processes and developing critical thinking among young people in Tajikistan.
The target audience of the project is young people aged 18 to 25 who do not have enough knowledge and skills in the field of media literacy and informed decision making. This group of people may include students, young professionals, representatives of non-profit organizations and other young people who want to develop their knowledge and skills in this area.
Currently, many young people are faced with the problem of not being able to critically evaluate the information they receive from various sources. This can lead to making erroneous or incorrect decisions, which can have negative consequences for them and for those around them.
The solution proposed by the project will meet the needs of this audience by providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of media literacy and informed decision making. This will allow them to critically evaluate the information they receive and make informed decisions based on facts and analysis.
Thus, our solution will improve the life skills of young people and help them become more informed and competent participants in society.
Debating can be a useful tool for developing critical thinking, analytical skills, persuasion, and public speaking skills. They can help participants learn to express themselves more clearly and confidently, to justify their position and to argue their ideas. Debating can also help participants learn to listen to others and analyze their arguments, which can help them become more open and understanding people. In addition, debates can be helpful in improving communication skills and helping participants learn how to work as a team. In general, debates can be helpful in developing leadership skills, which can help participants achieve greater success in their lives and careers.
According to the World Bank report on youth in Central Asia, in 2019, 29% of the population of Tajikistan were young people aged 15 to 29. More than half of the youth in the country live in rural areas, and their level of education is often lower than that of their peers in cities.
It is also noted that young people in Tajikistan face various challenges, such as high unemployment, low income levels, limited access to education, health care and other services, as well as social problems, including discrimination and violence.
In this context, hosting debates and other forms of educational activities can help young people in Tajikistan develop critical thinking skills, improve communication skills, and improve educational levels, which can lead to better job opportunities and an overall better quality of life.
Our team is suited to develop and deliver this solution to the target audience for many reasons. Firstly, we have been working with youth for 6 years and we are holding the largest traveling schools, events and clubs in the country. During this time, we have accumulated rich experience in working with young people and understand their needs and problems.
Secondly, we have over 4,000 subscribers and about 1,000 alumni of our programs and clubs, which confirms our reputation and the quality of our services. Our team is educated professionals in the field of media education, sociology, psychology, space design and other related fields.
Our young team consists of people from 20 to 30 years old, which allows us to be closer to our target audience and understand their needs. We are also deeply connected to the communities we serve, including youth organizations, activist groups, school communities, and others.
We understand that each community has its own characteristics and needs, which is why we design our programs and activities with these characteristics in mind and consult with experts in the relevant fields.
In our approach, we involve communities in the development of ideas and plans to understand their needs and bring their views into the solution. We are also actively working with community representatives to become part of the project implementation process and help us achieve our goals.
The development and implementation of our solution is driven by the active input of the ideas and plans of the communities we serve. We consult with our partners on a regular basis and raise important issues to ensure our solution meets their needs. Our entire project is based on the principles of openness and involvement of all stakeholders in the process of development and implementation, as well as our main value is the "Territory of Freedom"
In addition, we are actively working to understand the needs and interests of those who are our target audience. We conduct surveys and focus groups to better understand what tools and knowledge young people need to be more media literate and make informed decisions. We also constantly improve our programs and events based on feedback from our participants and alumni.
Our team is attentive to how the communities we serve are represented in the process of developing and implementing a solution. We are convinced that our work should be as constructive as possible and meet the needs of the target audience. Therefore, we involve communities in the conception, planning and implementation of our events, outreach schools and clubs. We encourage free communication and dialogue to build trust and ensure maximum productivity.
As a result, our TUT Public Space team are experienced professionals in the field of media literacy and youth leadership development. We have successful experience in holding large-scale events and programs, as well as our own youth space, where we can implement our ideas. We are close to the youth communities we serve and take their needs into account when designing and implementing a solution.
- Enable learners to bridge civic knowledge with taking action by understanding real-world problems, building networks, organizing plans for collective action, and exploring prosocial careers.
- Tajikistan
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is focused on increased efficiency
The development of the project is aimed at solving the urgent problem of low media literacy and lack of decision-making skills among young people, which in turn leads to various social, economic and political problems. Our project offers an innovative and interactive approach to solving this problem, through the use of debates and the creation of youth clubs.
Specific financial, technical, legal, cultural or market barriers we face include:
Lack of funding for the development and implementation of large-scale educational events for young people in the regions;
Lack of qualified specialists and experts who are ready to help in conducting educational events and clubs;
The need to build partnerships with other organizations and institutions to achieve maximum impact and ensure the sustainability of the project in the long term.
Obtaining funding for the project will help us overcome these barriers and continue our work in developing media literacy and strengthening decision-making skills among young people in Tajikistan. In addition, the funding will help us expand our audience, improve our program, and ensure the sustainability of the project going forward. We are also ready to work with our partners and incorporate new ideas and technologies into our program to ensure maximum impact.
Funding is needed for the successful organization and running of schools and clubs within the framework of the project. These events require certain resources, including renting premises, paying speakers, preparing training materials, technical equipment, advertising, etc.
Without sufficient funding, we will not be able to provide high quality activities and achieve the goals of the project. Also, finance will help us attract experienced and qualified experts and consultants who can help us improve and optimize our work.
In addition, funding will help us expand our reach to our target audience and increase the number of participants that will be involved in the project. This will help us achieve our ultimate goal of increasing media literacy and improving decision-making processes among young people in Tajikistan.
Thus, finance is a necessary condition for the successful development and implementation of our project and the achievement of its goals.
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- Legal or Regulatory Matters
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
The main innovative element of the project is the combination of trainings and the creation of clubs, which will allow participants to continue to practice and deepen their knowledge and skills in the field of critical thinking, media literacy and human rights after attending schools and trainings.
The project also creates a platform for each participant where they can track their progress and achievements. This will allow participants to track their development more effectively and see how they improve their skills and knowledge during the course of the project.
The results of the project, namely the increase in the number of young people with critical thinking and media literacy skills, as well as the ability to apply them in practice, can lead to a change in the market. Increasing the number of people who are able to critically analyze information and understand the mechanisms of its distribution can lead to consumers becoming more conscious in their choice and use of information. This, in turn, can affect the quality of information products and services on the market, as well as the solution of important social problems.
Thus, the project can become a catalyst for changes in the social and information space of Tajikistan, and the project participants can become leaders in introducing these changes into society.
As part of the project to combat disinformation, develop critical thinking and media literacy in Tajikistan, a personal platform will be created for each volunteer and visitor of the Public Space TUT center, where they can track their progress and achievements.
This platform will be available to all registered users and will contain information on ongoing activities under the project, as well as educational materials to help participants develop their critical thinking and media literacy skills and knowledge.
On the platform, each participant will be able to follow their progress and progress, for example, how many trainings and debates they have attended, how many times they have participated in events, what skills they have acquired and what knowledge they have gained. In addition, additional materials such as articles, videos and other learning resources will be available on the platform to help participants develop their skills further.
The platform will also provide an opportunity for volunteers and visitors to connect with each other, share ideas and experiences, and build communities with interests in critical thinking, media literacy, and human rights. This will allow participants to receive more support and motivation to develop their skills and knowledge.
The impact goals of this project can be divided into two categories: goals for the next year and goals for the longer term, 5 years ahead.
Targets for the coming year:
- Increase the number of users on the platform: We plan to expand through an active advertising campaign and attract new users through social networks and bloggers. We will also provide various bonuses and rewards for users who will invite their friends and acquaintances.
- Develop platform functionality: We will constantly add new features to our platform to improve the user experience and make it more convenient to use. We will work to increase the functionality of the platform for volunteers, as well as develop new tools for visitors.
- Increase the number of active volunteers: We will actively recruit new volunteers through social networks, bloggers and other sources. We will also be holding regular events for our volunteers to keep them motivated and attract new volunteers.
Longer term impact targets:
- Become a Leader in Volunteering and Social Responsibility: We aim to become one of the most recognizable and respected platforms in the field of volunteerism and social responsibility. We will promote our platform through various media channels, partners and social networks.
- Expand our activities to other regions and countries: We plan to expand and develop beyond our current location and attract volunteers and visitors from other regions and countries. We will be looking for partners and sponsors to support our activities and expand our audience.
- Creating a sustainable business model: We will work to create a sustainable business model.
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
Measurement of progress towards impact goals can be done through the use of various indicators and metrics that reflect the success of the project. The following are some examples of indicators that can be used to measure progress towards impact goals:
- Increase in the number of registered users on the platform: this indicator may indicate that the project is becoming more popular and used by more people.
- Increasing the number of volunteers and project participants: the more people involved in the project, the more it affects society. Therefore, the number of participants and volunteers can be one of the indicators of project progress.
- Increase in the number of projects and events created on the platform: If users create more projects and events, this may indicate that the platform is successfully interacting with the target audience and meeting their needs.
- Increasing the number of people receiving assistance through the project: If the project helps more people, this can be an indicator of its success and impact on society.
- Increasing the amount of financial support for the project: If more people are ready to financially support the project, this can be an indicator of its usefulness and relevance.
- Increasing social media outreach: The more people learn about a project through social media, the more impact it has on society. Therefore, increasing social media coverage can be one of the indicators of project progress.
- Increasing the number of project partners and sponsors: The more partners and sponsors a project supports, the more it can achieve its impact goals. Therefore, an increase in the number of partners and sponsors can be one of the indicators of project progress.
- It is important to ensure that the indicators chosen clearly measure progress towards achieving the goals.
The ultimate goal of the project on debate and media literacy for the youth of Tajikistan is to improve the level of media literacy and debate culture among the youth of the country, which in turn should lead to the development of civil society, improve the quality of democratic processes and improve the quality of life of the population.
To achieve this goal, the project uses the following theory of change:
Actions: Implementation of a project on debate and media literacy for youth in Tajikistan, including conducting trainings, seminars and other activities aimed at increasing the level of media literacy and debate culture among young people.
Outputs: Project participants, including youth, organizations and other stakeholders, gain knowledge and skills in media literacy and debate culture. The project also creates an online platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience between participants.
Intermediate results: Project participants use their knowledge and skills to create their own projects and initiatives in the field of media literacy and debate culture.
Outcomes: Increased media literacy and debate culture among youth in Tajikistan, increased number of media literacy and debate culture projects and initiatives, improved quality of democratic processes and strengthening of civil society.
It is possible that the project uses various technological solutions, such as online platforms, mobile applications, educational videos, etc., to achieve its goals. Teaching and communication methods based on evidence-based knowledge of effective communication and learning strategies can also be used. In general, the technology behind the project must be effective in teaching young people critical thinking, developing communication skills and increasing media literacy.
The use of social networks and an online platform can be a useful tool to achieve the goals of the project on debate and media literacy for youth in Tajikistan.
Social media can be used to draw attention to an issue, raise awareness of the project, and attract new members and partners. In addition, social media can be used to share information and opinions about debates and media literacy. For example, participants can share experiences, ask questions and give feedback to each other and to the project organizers. You can also use social media to conduct online polls and surveys to gather data about the opinions and needs of project participants.
The online platform can be used to conduct debates and media training for project participants. The platform may provide participants with access to educational materials, including video tutorials, articles, and practice exercises. Participants can also use the platform to exchange information and opinions among themselves and with trainers. The platform can also serve as a tool for online debates and media trainings in which participants can participate in real time. Such online events can reduce travel and accommodation costs for attendees, as well as enable greater participation.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Audiovisual Media
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Internet of Things
- Materials Science
- Robotics and Drones
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Tajikistan
- Tajikistan
- Nonprofit
TUT Coworking is committed to the principles of diversity, fairness and inclusiveness in work, and strives to create an environment that allows everyone, including those who usually do not have access to opportunities and resources, to participate in the process of developing and implementing innovative solutions. Our mission is to help leverage the potential of technology and innovation to solve the world's problems, and to advance communities in challenging socio-economic conditions.
We recognize that one of the key success factors is the engagement and diversity of our global audience, and therefore we are working towards creating the most accessible and inclusive platforms for participation and decision-making. We strive to create equal opportunities for all, including people with disabilities, youth, women, small national and ethnic groups, and people living in communities with low levels of economic and social development.
To do this, we hold various events, create communities and provide access to information and training materials. We also work closely with local communities and partners around the world to ensure that our programs are responsive to local needs and cultures, and to maximize the participation of diverse communities in our events and initiatives.
We are taking steps to ensure that our offices meet accessibility standards, including renovating and adapting buildings, installing special equipment such as elevators, ramps, support systems, and providing personal assistants for people with disabilities, if necessary.
We also offer a variety of programs and services to support people with disabilities, including support for health and well-being, workplace adjustment, training and skills development, and other support needed to succeed and develop.
Overall, we strive to create a work environment that welcomes and values diversity, fairness and inclusion, and where all employees can work and thrive on an equal footing.
In this case, since the project is oriented towards the public good, the business model will describe how the project will be financed and collected resources rather than profitability.
For example, a project's business model might include the following funding sources:
1. Grants and subsidies from the government, international organizations and charitable foundations that finance projects aimed at improving the education and literacy of young people.
2. Sponsorship contributions from companies interested in youth development and education in the region.
3. Voluntary contributions from project participants that can be collected through the online platform or other channels.
4. It is important to consider that the business model must be sustainable and provide sufficient funding to implement the project for several years. In addition, it is important to be transparent and ethical when dealing with financial resources and partners.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The products and services we can provide to our customers include:
- Debating and media literacy training: We can provide intensive training courses to help youth develop debating and media literacy skills. Many young people in Tajikistan need these skills to improve their employability and performance in social and professional areas.
- Online platform: We can create an online platform that provides access to debate and media literacy training. This will allow young people from all over Tajikistan to access quality education without leaving their homes.
- Organization of debate events: We can organize various debate events, including school tournaments, regional championships, etc. These activities will help young people practice their skills and increase their level of self-confidence.
- Youth in Tajikistan need to develop their debate skills and media literacy in order to have better opportunities in life and achieve their goals. Our products and services will help them develop these skills, increase their self-confidence and improve their prospects for the future.
TUT Public Space is a platform that was created for the development of the youth of Tajikistan. With the help of grants received from NED and the Open Society Institute, we have been able to implement many projects that have helped young people develop and realize their potential.
One of the main areas of our activity was the conduct of various trainings, schools, webinars, master classes and courses for a human rights activist. We taught youth about debate, human rights, and helped them develop in these areas. We also held art drawing contests that attracted art and eco-activists to share their ideas and projects.
In addition, there are clubs and circles on our site, where young people themselves choose the direction of development. We provide an opportunity for young people to do what they are interested in and what can help them develop in their chosen field. For example, there are clubs for journalism, art, human rights, debate, eco-activism, etc.
In general, thanks to our projects and activities, we help the youth of Tajikistan acquire new knowledge and skills, expand their horizons, and develop as professionals in their field. We are proud of our achievements and hope that our platform will continue to help the youth of Tajikistan in their development and achieve their goals and dreams.
TUT Public Space has many partners who support our ideas and projects. One such partner is the US Embassy in Tajikistan, which supported our cybersecurity project.
The Cyber Security Project was implemented with the support of the US Embassy and aimed at teaching young people the basics of cyber security so that they can protect themselves and their information from cyber attacks. We held a series of trainings and seminars that helped participants understand the basic principles of online security, learn about data protection methods and anti-malware tools.
The project also included qualified cybersecurity specialists who helped participants learn how to use secure passwords and not fall for the tricks of scammers.
Thanks to the support of the US Embassy and cooperation with other organizations, we have been able to achieve significant results in the field of cybersecurity and help the youth of Tajikistan protect their personal data and information on the Internet.
In general, our platform actively cooperates with various organizations and partners in order to implement projects and ideas that help the youth of Tajikistan develop and realize their potential.