UN Global Compacts' Impacts on Social Inclusion & Innovation
The purpose of the large scale practical research project is to examine to what extent institutions and agencies in frame of migration governance and multiple levels collaborate and what kind of competences they are conferred from the perspective of UN Global Compact on Refugees and Global Compact for Migration. The project sheds light on appropriate ways for creating solidarity and organization, and powerful, stable and sustainable coordination between institutions and agencies that have been authorized in the fields of migration and asylum seekers. From this standpoint, the project offers strong multiple collaboration levels of miscellaneous stakeholders within home and host countries which have the potential to solve migration-related problems in frame of migration governance mechanism of UN Global Compacts.
The UN Global Compact-driven project enables:
- Helping to control irregular migration with a proactive vision and transform mala fide migration to bona fide migration form;
- Stabilizing migration turbulence (particularly the regular/irregular migration flows) through controlling mechanisms and good migration governance within the framework of collaborations and intercultural civil society dialogue;
- Create a platform (e.g. the Network of Students and Scholars from the EU and Balkan States) in which people share their experiences, increase equal opportunity and active participation, enhance engagement of migrants to diaspora events and ethnic enclaves, maximize benefits and minimize negative effects, and enhance the humane of migration from a holistic perspective.
- Enhancing communicative and strategic action among home, transit and host countries and develop mechanisms for these countries to facilitate the exchange of information, create ground for networking and ensure a communication platform. With a specific focus to migrants-civil society dialectic, collaborations and intercultural civil society dialogue will create social and competitive harmony.
Transforming migrantion, asylum and refugees (according to UN Geneva Convention 1951) to an updated form of UN Global Compacts.
One of the most crucial purposes of the project is the creation of theoretical and practical mechanisms which will be able to ensure a controlling migration approach in the context of multilevel governance, collaboration and intercultural civil society dialogue for more effective and accurate strategies, policies and scenarios.
Multilevel governance, collaboration and intercultural civil society dialogue that this project proposal argues is tightly bound on UN Global Compact Implementation and Impact Assessment Scenarios. Ideally, this perspective
looks into various communities, associations, unions and organizations to form an engaged and networked society. Indeed, it tries to shape a strong convergence of interests of various parts through strict collaborations and engaged civil society that shape constant, healthy and innovative dialogue channels.
The Framework of Three Specified Particular Themes
1. Political, Judicial and Socio-Economic Dimensions
What forms of political, social and economic integration are dominant in the home, transit and host countries in frame of UN Global Compacts? What kinds of impact factors influence the level of participation and/or participatory democracy in frame of UN Global Compacts? Which legal and non-legal forms of migration governance are emerging in frame of UN Global Compacts? What are the driving forces behind the emergent forms of regional and multilevel governance in frame of UN Global Compacts? How does the multilevel structure of these migration governance arrangements look like and what repercussions do they have for the nation-state concept in frame of UN Global Compacts?
2. Cultural, Sociological and Legal Dimensions
What are possible criteria for the limits of tolerance? To what extent tolerance is related to human rights and morality? What ought to be the limit of tolerance towards migrants and refugees in multicultural and cosmopolitan societies? In a consistent manner, the criteria and standards developed by UNESCO, IOM and UNHCR were reconstructed and discussed throughout the research process. These criteria and standards are both moral (part of a universal system of morality) and legal (international, supranational, or national – i.e. constitutional). In order to apply such standards their validity was discussed (i.e. the respective normative power has the norms at the various levels). In the case of morals, their difference to particular ethnic systems will be analyzed (i.e. criteria by which the two can be distinguished). Then the research argument was elaborated on whether and how the legal standards comply with the moral standards, how national standards comply with supranational or international standards.
3. Harmonisation of the International Migration and Refugees Law
Migration and asylum are quite sensitive issues which have to be taken into account with the UN values such as; democratization, fairness, anti-discrimination, protection of human rights, and enhancing liberty in frame of the rule of law. Racialized, ethnicized and xenophobic construction is emphasized on security, human rights, legislation and the development of restrictive migration and refugee policies. Migration issues may be felt more prominently by the transfer of authority among the layers of UN Global Compacts and multilevel governance system. For instance, universal human rights and human dignity, labor rights, migrants and refugees’ rights have been considered within the scope of International Migration and Refugees Law at global level.
- Support communities in designing and determining solutions around critical services
- Ensure all citizens can overcome barriers to civic participation and inclusion
- Scale
- New business model or process
With multilevel governance, collaboration and intercultural civil society dialogue, states are embedded with non-state actors in actor constellations in equal order, and at least of the plurality of opinion development processes. Multilevel governance, collaboration and intercultural civil society dialogue (hybrid model perspective) lay behind the understanding of UN Global Compacts frameworks.
Collaborations and civil society dialogue in practiced migration flows are likely to be a peaceful movement that will shape the world’s multidimensional transformation process. With respect to this great transformation, multilateralism, regionalization and multipolarity, the project's innovative motto is as such: "Controlling Migration and Ideal Governance for Solidarity, Cooperation and Democratic Participation." In this context, a website called "MIGRATION AND REFUGEES PROJECT (https://migrationandrefugees.weebly.com/)" provides a common platform which is going to fill in the theory-practice gap by including sections of regional implemetation, datasets (synchronized with dataverse.org), surveys, databases, publications, events, news and so on.
The core technology of the project comprises big data, social networks, behavioral design and indigenous knowledge.
"MIGRATION AND REFUGEES PROJECT (https://migrationandrefugees.weebly.com/)" website will match and integrate data and create self-learning organizations by including volunteer social network users. Monitoring and feedback processes are quite strategic for the dissemination of data, news, publications and so forth.
"MigRef Pro. 5" will be an android application which will engage all data and information that are relevant to UN Global Compacts, migration, refugees and asylum.
- Big Data
- Indigenous Knowledge
- Behavioral Design
- Social Networks
There is a broad target group of the project: (1) Academic sector stakeholders, (2) state and civil society stakeholders; and (3) experts working in international organisations, (I)NGOs, (Global)CSO; epistemic communities, associations and so on.
What societies, professional bodies etc. are interested in this field? Relevant lobbies, diasporas, philanthropic societies and trusts, international donation bodies, translation units, migration and refugee research centres and so on. For a detailed list of institutions which might be interested in this field, please see the following link:
What social media groups (on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) will be used for the announcement of the project?
IMISCOE PhD Network; Centre for East European Language-Based Area Studies (CEELBAS); Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies; Edinburgh Europa Research Group; The Refugee Language Initiative; International Centre for Migration Health and Development (ICMHD); Migration & Diaspora Studies; International Inclusion Institute; Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugees, University of Essex; Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies Nottingham; Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies; Foundation for Inclusion; Stanford Center for Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies; The Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies; The Centre for International and Multilingual Communication; Cambridge University Eurasia Society and so forth.
What conferences, events, symposia etc. take place in this field?
IMISCOE Annual Conference, Migration and Communication Congress; IASFM Annual Conference; Migration, Ethnicity, Race & Health World Congress, Neuchatel Graduate Conference of Migration and Mobility Studies; Migration/Representation/Stereotypes Conference; UCL Global Migration Conference; Sussex Migration Graduate Conference and so on.
- Children and Adolescents
- Very Poor/Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons
- Bosnia Herzegovina
- Kosovo
- Macedonia
- Montenegro
- Serbia
- Albania
- Germany
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
- Bosnia Herzegovina
- Kosovo
- Macedonia
- Montenegro
- Serbia
- Albania
- Germany
- Turkey
- United Kingdom
Currently: approx. 2,700 people
Target for the next year (2020): approx. 50,000 people
Targets for 2021-2025 period: approx. 150,000 people (2021), 200,000 people (2022), 250,000 people (2023), 300,000 people (2024), 350,000 people (2025).
There is a broad target group of the project: (1) Academic sector stakeholders, (2) state and civil society stakeholders; and (3) experts working in international organisations, (I)NGOs, (Global)CSO; epistemic communities, associations and so on.
Social media groups (on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) will be used for the announcement of the project: IMISCOE PhD Network; Centre for East European Language-Based Area Studies (CEELBAS); Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies; Edinburgh Europa Research Group; The Refugee Language Initiative; International Centre for Migration Health and Development (ICMHD); Migration & Diaspora Studies; International Inclusion Institute; Centre for Trauma, Asylum and Refugees, University of Essex; Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies Nottingham; Institute of Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies; Foundation for Inclusion; Stanford Center for Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies; The Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies; The Centre for International and Multilingual Communication; Cambridge University Eurasia Society and so forth.
Project’s Objectives:
1. In the context of judicial, sociological and political aspects of international migration, collaboration, multilevel governance and intercultural civil society dialogue, the research will be focused on active state-private sector-civil society networks and the actions and operations of development agencies in the Western Balkans and Marmara Region in Turkey. Thereafter, a comparative analysis will be done by using the cases of South East England Region in the UK and Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria Regions in Germany.
2. A strategy paper that is entitled ‘Multilevel Governance, Migration and Intercultural Civil Society Dialogue’ will be presented to the The Directorate-General of the European Commission - Migration and Home Affairs after finalising the project.
3. An academic network is planned to be realised through ‘benchmarking approach.’ In this context, a life amongst two states’ students and young researchers (i.e. migrant sender and migrant receiver states) will be encouraged and facilitated by means of posting articles, info notes, briefing reports, educative presentation files in the online platform.
4. The research covers various generation of people who migrated from Western Balkans and Turkey to the UK and Germany, students, young etrepreneurs, people who are registered at the «Bundesagentur für Arbeit» database, people who are looking for jobs, young women who have children and want to create small-scale works, old and invalid people, people who have illness and need heathcare support. There will be given support to people who are in need of help through social-entrepreneural actions and operations.
Networking and Financial Budget for Implementation
Creating an effective interaction mechanism between stakeholders is also an handicap.
Involving scientific journals will be a key solution for the implementation of the project.
Journals List: International Migration Review (IMR); Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (JEMS); International Migration; Asian and Pacific Migration Journal; European Journal of Migration and Law; Journal of International Migration and Integration; International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care; Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos; Migration World; Migration Letters etc. Potential Publishing Houses: Springer; Palgrave Macmillan; Routledge Taylor and Francis Group; Sage Publications; Elsevier etc.
Involving outputs of conferences, events, symposia etc. are quite crucial for enhancement of awareness.
Annual Scientific Events: IMISCOE Annual Conference, Migration and Communication Congress; IASFM Annual Conference; Migration, Ethnicity, Race & Health World Congress, Neuchatel Graduate Conference of Migration and Mobility Studies; Migration/Representation/Stereotypes Conference; UCL Global Migration Conference; Sussex Migration Graduate Conference and so on.
Gaining Small Grants and Creating Strategic Partnerships.
I am perfectly conscious of the fact that the project's achievements depend on the involvement of miscellaneous and key stakeholders; such as, policy makers, academia, research institutions and think tank organisations, media, global and local CSOs, municipality and local networks, epistemic communities and so on.
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Asst. Prof. Dr. Armando ALIU
Graduate School of Foreign Trade & Faculty of Law
E-Mail: armando.aliu@alumni.uni-heidelberg.de
Orcid: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-363...
Prof. Dr. Münevver TURANLI
Prof. Dr. Yücel OGURLU
Prof. Dr. Ünal Halit ÖZDEN
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Betül GÜR
Dorian ALIU, MBA, PhD Fellow
Dr. Xheni SİMAKU
Gurur Öyküm GÜVEN, Research Fellow
Asst. Prof. Dr. Armando Aliu is working in the Graduate School of Foreign Trade and Faculty of Law at Istanbul Commerce University. He holds a PhD Degree from Istanbul Commerce University, Department of International Commerce and the European Union Law. His PhD dissertation is entitled “Competence, Migration Governance and Collaboration in the Balkans and Turkey: Migration and Refugees Issues from the European Union Law Perspective.” He holds an M.A. degree in European Studies from the University of Hamburg in Germany. His M.A. Dissertation is entitled “Controlling Migration and Hybrid Model: A Comparison of Western Balkans and North African Countries.” In his dissertation he argued migration flows and asylum issues in frame of empirical, analytical and political comparisons of Western Balkans and North African countries.
Dr. Aliu was a German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Postgraduate Scholar at the University of Heidelberg in Germany (2011-2014).
Based on one year contract (2011-2012) he was a DAAD investigator in the Schumpeter Project: Constitutional Reasoning in Europe (The JUDINST Project: Assessing Judicial Institutions and Judicial Performances: The Case for Judicial Review) at Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law in Heidelberg. At the institute, he also worked independently on a project entitled “Hybridity Project: Innovative Governance and Controlling Migration: Triple Win Solution for the EU, the Western Balkans and North African Countries” (2012-2013).
In 2017, he was a Visiting Study Fellow in the Department of International Development, IMI at the University of Oxford. As principal investigator, he is currently conducting several research projects.
Project's Potential Stakeholders
GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
University of Oxford - International Migration Institute (IMI)
University of Oxford - Refugee Studies Centre (RSC)
As a case study, the research will be focused on active state-private sector-civil society networks. The companies that have affiliation to the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry (EUROCHAMBRES), civil society organizations, representatives of state actors and networks were determined for the investigation’s regional implementation.
Throughout the research, there will be a particular focus to public sector, private sector and civil society networks in the Western Balkans and Marmara Region in Turkey (i.e. case studies). The industrial structure, demographic characteristics, strong corporations’ clusters in the selected region and the effective activities of civil society organisations in various sectors are significant at overlapping with structural efficiency of our project’s targets. Thereafter, a comparative analysis will be conducted by using the cases of South East England Region in the UK and Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria Regions in Germany.
THE RESEARCH AIMS TO GAIN FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM OTHER INSTITUTIONS; SUCH AS, IOM, UNESCO Fellowships 2019, Robert Bosch Foundation, Newton International Fellowship, DFG AND SO ON.
Undoubtedly, Solve is a perfect platform to structure concrete solutions to global issues. The proposed project is the first attempt to converge of the common interests of the UN, its key stakeholders and the Solve.
Through the power of collaboration between innovators and funders, our project team aims to benefit from an intellectually stimulating and supporting infrastructure that MIT SOLVE offers.
Finalists are invited to pitch their solutions to a live audience of hundreds of leaders and an expert panel of judges at Solve Challenge Finals during UN General Assembly Week in New York City. It is vital for us to share our voice in a platform organized by UN. It will contribute to voice-entitlement nexus very much, indeed.
- Business model
- Legal
- Monitoring and evaluation
GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften
University of Oxford - International Migration Institute (IMI)
University of Oxford - Refugee Studies Centre (RSC)
Our project will strongly collaborate with epistemic communities, Global and Local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), NGOs, lobby groups and diasporas to participate meaningfully in designing and determining solutions around critical services with respect to civil-civic integration, democratic participation, strengthening liberty and freedom and increasing social awareness for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers.
Our project will strongly collaborate with state actors (e.g. government bodies municipalities etc.), MNCs, and other foundations for ensuring a more accountable, transparent, and responsive to citizen feedback;
Our project will create or advance equitable and inclusive economic growth, social welfare, employment and volunteer actions.
Our project will provide all citizens of selected countries to overcome barriers to civic participation and inclusion, including expanding access to social, technological and education services.
Our project will advance the needs of women and girls with a migration and/or refugee background, and to promote a world where women’s voices can be heard more visibly.
In this framework, our project will contribute to women empowerment and post-feminism movement of migrants and refugees at global level. Social entrepreneurship and voluntary actions will be encouraged during the implementation of the project.
Yes. We would like to apply for the Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion.
One of the most crucial purposes of the project is to mobilize the private sector’s involvement, enhance creative power, resources, and entrepreneurial abilities toward public and private initiatives and create sustainable solutions for refugees.
The research will be focused on active state-private sector-civil society networks. The companies, civil society organisations, representatives of state actors and networks were determined for the
investigation’s regional implementation.
To achieve the goals of the project the following task will be performed:
Comparative Empirical Analyses of UK, Germany, Western Balkan Countries and Turkey:
The project will conduct comparative empirical investigations to support the collaboration amongst various cities of aforementioned three regions in order to deal with multidimensional and multicausal aspects such as: migration and development, foreign affairs and governance, international law and politics, macro-economics and innovation, research and development (R&D) and networking. It is in favour of the common interests and convergence of selected countries to compare such data with global trends in emerging research domains to evaluate the areas of strengths.
The industrial structure, demographic characteristics, strong corporations’ clusters in the selected region and the effective activities of civil society organisations in various sectors are significant at overlapping with structural efficiency of our project’s targets. Thereafter, a comparative analysis will be conducted by using the cases of South East England Region in the UK and Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria Regions in Germany.
Our project contributes to innovation, disruption, and transformation of social matters migration, refugees and asylum.
One of the most crucial research targets is to extend the scope of stakeholders participation level, substantially. In this way, active participation and collaboration amongst miscellaneous stakeholders (e.g. CSOs, NGOs, Local Civic Groups and Commercial Institutions, Organisations that are associated with Consumers, Women and Youth, Training and Education Institutions, Cultural and Scientific Research Institutions, Municipality and Local Networks, Epistemic Communities, Lobby Groups, and so forth) can be maintained in the context of multilevel governance and intercultural civil society dialogue. During the project’s duration, the project team will invite the experts for in-depth interviews in order to share their experiences and enhance reciprocal relationships. The project outcomes will ascertain by illuminating to what extent the comparative cases in selected three regions have convergence / divergence in frame of civil society dialogue, collaborative actions and multilevel governance.
The scope of the research covers various generation of people who migrated from Western Balkans and Turkey to the UK and Germany, students, young etrepreneurs, people who are looking for jobs, young women who have children and want to create small-scale works, old and invalid people, people who have illness and need heathcare support. There will be given support to people who are in need of help through social-entrepreneural actions and operations that are in the context of moral values. There will be efforts to tackle with problems of the target groups and find optimal solutions in this respect.

Asst. Prof. Dr., Principal Investigator