Ojos en Alerta
We work to solve Learning For Civic Action, by teaching the citizen how to use the comunication ways that already exist, to prevent emergencies. The people that are afected are more than 150000, becouse it is deployed in multiple comunities.
The solution is a new way to use Whatsapp and a web app developed by our team. First we teach every person tha they can be useful for the security of the comunity by using whatsapp as a way to alert about emergencies in the public space. This isnformation is recived by the public security/monitoring sistem and then, they attend this issues. Then the information is stored in the webapp that our team developed, to make important desisions and genereate stadistics.
The solution takes a comunication app as Whatsapp that everybody already uses, and teaches the people interested in the program, how to use it as a shortcut to the public security sistem in order to minimize the time it takes to solve an emergency. Currently, where there isn't an efficient way of comunicating with the emergency sistem there is people underserved. The solution will teach dem their civic right to use the sistem, and to live in a more peacefull place, as the majority of the information we recive is from one cityzen to help other.
We are well positioned to deliver the solution becouse we live in the comunity where the solution was needed and developed in, in order to make not only our lives better, but everybodys. Ojos En Alerta is used to help others, and that is what the user does when they are teached how to.
- Other
- Argentina
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is focused on increased efficiency
We apply to solve to make our solution a better tool to give back the civil rights to de citizen.
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
Our solution takes a very well known comunication app as Whatsapp, and makes it an emergency chanel for the people to use.
Our impact goals are to acomplish even higher efficiency and to expand de comunities in wich Ojos En Alerta is deployed.
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
We measure the efficiency with our webapp, by measuring the response time in the comunication between the citizen and the Ojos en Alerta's operator. In addition to that, we also measure the time in wich the emergency is solved and other aspects of the service. Every week we recive new petitions of diverse comunities to deploy Ojos en Alerta in new areas, that is how we measure our growth.By
We expect to have animpact in the problem, by teaching every Ojos en Alerta how to put in practice their civic right to participate in the preventing of emergencies in the place where they live.
The core tecnology is Whatsapp and our webapp that fuctions as a database for information about the emergencies in our comunity.
- A new application of an existing technology
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Argentina
- Argentina
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Ojos en Alerta in constantly implementing classroom-like meetings, where the people, of diverse etnicity and even diverse nacions,attend to learn an importan part of their civic rights. Also, that meetings, are made and directed by various preparators, that are from diverse comunities and genres too.
Ojos en Alerta is a tool tha is given for free. Every resourse the sistem needs already exists in the comunity that implements it, all we do is reorganize and teach the citizen how to participate.
- Government (B2G)
The sustainability is given by the state. Every municipality that uses Ojos en Alerta, recives all the know-how for free and deploys it with the resourses they already have, and every new knowledge or tool that they could develop, is given to us for free too.
We have been working in Ojos en Alerta for some years with state financing it in our municipality, and in every municipality it works in.