Village Agroforestry Orchards.
The project has been developed to follow on from a pilot project established to engage village-based women in the generation of produce using agroforestry and sustainable land use practices with the view to generating new income streams, and improve the health and well-being of the broader I-Taukei village community. The YNWT was formed to take full ownership of the pilot project and its assets, (significant tools and equipment) and oversee the execution of tasks central to the immediate and future management of the project. Project facilitators, PIRF donated 1,600 native to Fiji and introduced fruit and nut seedlings for the establishment of the orchard planted with the in the field support of Fiji National University’s CAFF under it MOU with the College. Accordingly, FNU made available Agroforestry and horticulture trainers to instruct participating groups - primarily the YNWT members and I-Taukei village-based youth, and has committed to continuing to support the project by providing trainers and students to assist the YNWT care for the plantings, and promote agroforestry and conservation practices.
The planting of a 4- acre fruit and nut orchard and intercropping program uses agroforestry, no tilling and land conservation techniques that also utilises the natural resources of the adjacent Ivi/Tahitian apple) forest to support the growth of the stock (through the collection and application of mulch and fertilizer to provide soil enriching additives to assist the stock’s growth, replenish the soil, store carbon and generate biodiversity). The YNWT and PIRF recognise the vast biodiversity of the Ivi forest and are currently researching options for its preservation for carbon sequestration purposes in consultation with REDD+ Fiji . The Yavusa/ITaukei villagers currently utilses the forest in an informal way for purposes such as fruit gathering and shell fish and fuel wood.
Korotogo Village is situated on the Coral Coast, exposed to the ocean downstream from the Sigatoka River. It is imperative that the villagers and broader ITaukei community are assisted in their endeavors to protect the village through mitigation of the effects of climate change. Through empowering the YNWT it is expected that (with the support of PIRF) funding can be secured to ensure the protection of this important seaside traditional village, and assist with the future welfare of the ITaukei villagers. With the continued support of FNU’s CAFF lectures and senior post grad student plans are being activated to ensure the villagers are afforded the opportunity through on the ground education and training to support their adaptation to climate change challenges being faced by a seaside, traditional villagers in a SIDS, such as Fiji.
The development and subsequent implementation of the Yavusa Naboka Agroforestry Project, over six months in 2022, also translated into the first step being undertaken to directly empower (what was an informal village women’s group) to step up and take on the challenges of managing a project and its assets on behalf of its beneficiaries and the broader ITaukei village community, after the initial establishment phase was completed. Given the need for ongoing care of the orchard, tools and associated requirements including the need to better understand issues related to improved land use, food security, health and well being for the village community, the YNWT volunteered to run the project moving forward after identifying a suitable vehicle ie a Deed of Trust. In practical terms the Trustees are now in a position to take on these and new challenges through a range of platforms for learning new skills such as contemporary produce applications, ICT up-skilling, and small business management and operation.
- Enable learners to bridge civic knowledge with taking action by understanding real-world problems, building networks, organizing plans for collective action, and exploring prosocial careers.
- Fiji
- Pilot: An organization testing a product, service, or business model with a small number of users
The project requires additional Funding to move forward.
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
The project succinctly:
We have delivered with training a 4 acre fruit and nut orchard to the village of Korotonga on Coral Coast Fiji traditionally reliant on tourism for employment addressing food security, healthy diets, employment for women and youth, generating income for the community.
The need that the organization (PIRF) will meet
It addresses through partners obesity, diabetes, women’s employment, youth employment, digital learning, improve local supply and reduce import dependency and act as a pilot for potentially a 1,110 villages in Fiji.
How it will meet it
Training will be provided for basics of Nursery and Orchard Management are understood by a selected group of the Villages. Critically follow up will be co-ordinated for at least 3 years until the whole operation is self sufficient.
The desired outcome(s)
Measurable increases in health, well being, greater community income in hands of the women of the community, better relationship with associated resorts.
PIRF has from the Aust Aid budget and ts own funds using village labour and recources where possible:
1. Build a fruit, vegetable, herbs and nut agroforestry based orchard with the following features:-
• Priovided materials for the village to build a A 20 x 4 meters shade house with a 5 x 4 meters germination facility for seedling and plant stock growth and propagation with a 2 water tank, hoses, watering system and pump.
2. Built an Orchard of at least 4 acres with at least 1600 mixed fruit and nut trees and provision for alley cropping.
3. Ensure access water for irrigation of alley crops and trees will be provided by a bore or water pumped from nearby water source such as a river. A back up generator will be provided.
Now needed as a legacy follow up :-
4. The budget to provide a computer with 18 months internet supplied to manage the project.
5. Web site linked to Camera's for monitoring.
6. All necessary fertilizer, insecticides and fungicides for 3 years will be supplied.
7. Based on the research conducted, chefs in hotels on the Coral Coast have lived in Fiji for longer, tend to have stronger networks with farmers and suppliers, and have more knowledge of locally available fresh produce however this project depends on a partnership between hotel and community and that will be part of the project selection partners .
8. Training will be provided to ensure: -
• Basics of Nursery and Orchard Management are understood by a selected group of the Villages.
• The Fiji Agricultural Partnerships Project (FAPP) should include a training module on hotel purchasing requirements and processes (based on information provided by IFC) in their smallholder farmer training.
9. Key products include but not be limited to:
• vegetables: potato, dalo, casava, colored capsicum (red/yellow/orange), green capsicum, broccoli, lettuce, cauliflower, zucchini, purple cabbage, and green cabbage;
• herbs : including basil, flat leaf and triple curl parsley, lemon grass. Dill, Cilantro. Rosemary, sage & Tyme.
This proposal addressed multiple issues and as a comprehensive pilot project creates a easily replicated program for multiple villages and communities in Fiji and elsewhere :
• It is a project that creatively find paths toward economic growth and resilience
• It has well-crafted plans with medium- and long-term objectives
• It can increased trade with the international Markets
• It incorporates a online/virtual platforms to improve service or delivery of goods
• It will have a positive impact on tourism and local communities affected by tourism
• Skill enhancement of women and youth in entrepreneurship and tourism is key to the project design.
• Development of non-traditional businesses
• Building local entrepreneurs’ skills in the areas of international trade and/or how to sell products in international markets
• Resort campaigns for Village visits will build confidence in tourism
The project will address food security concerns in a rural villages, whilst also empowering women through increased economic opportunities and skills development. It also supports establishment of a healthy diet, diabetes and obesity is very common in Fiji and the number of people with diabetes is growing. Obesity is a major health issue in the Pacific Islands. Close to three-quarters of the population is overweight or obese in 11 countries throughout the region. This rampant obesity epidemic is causing a rise in associated chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease. Currently almost 1 in every 3 Fijians is being diagnosed with diabetes, that's 30% of the population. Diabetes prevalence among adults in the Pacific region is among the highest in the world;
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 4. Quality Education
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 13. Climate Action
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
The organisation (PIRF) regularly produces financial reports and statements, which it makes available to the board and management, and which are always complete and delivered on time. Audits are conducted on an annual basis, recommendations are implemented, and an annual financial report is published and made publicly available. Our digital solution will allow constant measuring and Fiji National University has agreed to do in field support and monitoring. The Ministry of Agriculture commits -
"RE: Project – Agro forest projects of fruit and nut Orchards in Villages for Food Production , income security and good health outcomes
With respect to the project on establishment of fruit and nut orchards in the villages in Fiji, you can be assured this project is consistent with the Ministry plans and objectives. We will support both a pilot project and a wider expansion of the program with our extensive recourses and expertise. We recognize establishment of an orchard is a long term undertaking and requires engagement and co-operation well past the initial establishment of the project.
We appreciate PIRF’s pursuit of funding of fruit and nut Orchards in Fiji. As you know, whilst this project is consistent with the Agriculture Sector Policy Agenda and the Fiji National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2017– 2024,"
If Training is hands-on it can produce competent individuals who can practically manage Agroforestry system then by promotion to other communities they will be able to take back to their communities practical skills relevant to Agroforestry management systems and design, forest nursery management, integrated farm forestry and landscaping, agroforestry trees, agroforestry as sustainable land management, soil fertility improvement and conservation, biodiversity, socioeconomics and monitoring and evaluation of agroforestry. Seeing is powerful learning.
PIRF has adopted Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 10 of the United Nations 2030 Agenda focus on achieving gender equality and reducing inequality through the social, economic and political inclusion of all in both employment, study and decent work opportunities.
The four major environmental benefits of expanding agroforestry are (1) climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration, (2) biodiversity conservation, (3) soil health enrichment, and (4) air and water quality improvement. This is at the center of all PIRF activities.
The projectss activities will be sustained by fees and sale of produce from the Orchard farm. This is a synergy of environmentally driven education, Government and community engagement.
Cameras monitoring the Orchard, growth, activities, harvest etc, will be linked 24/7 to a web site accessible to all. Providing farm management with Lap tops and intern connections will ease communication and provide access to markets and buyers for the produce.
With funding PIRF will be able to complete 100% of the required infrastructure, and launch the first formal training with the overall view, in the first 12 months, of completing the establishment of the first viable Agroforestry farms employing 6-10 community members, bringing multiple flow on benefits including health and well being to their community.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Audiovisual Media
- Internet of Things
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Nonprofit
We share MIT Solve values Indigenous Peoples as the traditional stewards and owners of the land, and the enduring relationship that exists between them and their traditional lands is a constant in all our work.Our work on the
UNDP Ridge to Reef Fiji, production of Ba Catchment Reforestation Plan (2019-2020) we engaged with major highland villages.
Direct Aid Project (2022) Yavusa Naboka Agroforestry Project: provision of seedlings and planting of a four acre agroforestry fruit and nut orchard); establishment of Yavusa Naboka Women’s Trust to manage the initiative (2022);
EU funded Reforest Fiji project: provision of training and support (2015-2018) FNU and PIRF collaboration: exploring the Ethno botany of Medicinal Plants used by indigenous communities, (2021) and Management and Utilization of Non- Timber Forest Products, with FNU and University of New England (2020).
PIRF has received funding from US Aid , Australian Aid, EU Funds, UNDP / Global Green Fund, we aslo have three active nurseries producing seedlings for Reforestatrtion and Fruit and Nut Tree's . We have been contracted by The Ministry of Forest and are one of the largest suppliers of seedlings. The Trustee's aslo financially support the Foundation.
- Government (B2G)
Our Nurseries are stand alone viable perations, Project funding and research by grants has been a major source of funding.
Funding to date, US Embassy, Australian Direct Aid, EU, UNDP / Global Green Fund, University of New England, Ministry of Forestry, Private Sales of Stockand The Trustee's.