Lysa Robot Guide Dog
The World Blind Union (WBU) estimates that there are around 253 million people in the world with some type of visual impairment and, from these, Brazilians alone are around 6.5 million, according to the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Most of the population who develop this disability come from underdeveloped places like Brazil, with a high social inequality index, leaving them at the margin of society, without access to means of education, quality employment, leisure, health and welfare in an autonomous and safe manner, preventing their economic development and, in the case of children, their holistic development.
Thus, one of the crucial points to leverage the harmony, equality, and people with visual impairment is to significantly expand the methods of orientation and mobility, so when a blind person longs to increase their accessibility, inclusion, and quality of life, guide dogs are the main answer for this to become a reality in their daily lives. However, this reality in underdeveloped countries presents sad data regarding the quality of life of the poorest, since in Brazil, for example, there are only about 150 guide dogs prepared to meet the huge demand of blind people, knowing also that the price of one of these trained animals currently reaches R$ 100 thousand, or about US$ 20 thousand, in addition to the daily costs that a low-income person can not afford.
Thus, Neide Sellin, founder and CEO of Vixsystem, inspired by the beautiful role of these guide dogs, revolutionized mobility prevention for blind people through the creation and development of her technological innovation.
This is the pioneering technological innovation, the Lysa Robot Guid Dog, is a complete hardware for its purpose of guiding people safely in indoor environments initially, having motors that give the traction to guide its user and deviate from accident risks, cameras and sensors that identify obstacles in any direction, including in the air, through the recognition made by its mature Artificial Intelligence able to communicate with the user and recognize the voice command through its communication gateway so that it is easy to indicate its destination. In addition, we have developed a mobile application so that there can be an analysis and monitoring of the robot's performance from a distance, and a safety button for quick calls to emergency numbers, the robot constantly diverts and consequently prevents possible accidents, besides cameras, motors, rechargeable batteries that last up to 8 hours, being a voice controlled robot, which also emits safety audios.
Currently our technology works in a previously mapped Indoor environment, where the blind or low mobility user (such as the elderly) just informs his destination, then the robot calculates the safest route and guides him the way in a safe way, protecting him from obstacles even above the waist, such as tree branches, or depressions, such as holes in the ground, among other obstacles that will always be present in the lives of people with low vision and low mobility.
This is the pioneering technological innovation, the Lysa Robot Guid Dog, is a complete hardware for its purpose of guiding people safely in indoor environments initially, having motors that give the traction to guide its user and deviate from accident risks, cameras and sensors that identify obstacles in any direction, including in the air, through the recognition made by its mature Artificial Intelligence able to communicate with the user and recognize the voice command through its communication gateway so that it is easy to indicate its destination. In addition, we have developed a mobile application so that there can be an analysis and monitoring of the robot's performance from a distance, and a safety button for quick calls to emergency numbers, the robot constantly diverts and consequently prevents possible accidents, besides cameras, motors, rechargeable batteries that last up to 8 hours, being a voice controlled robot, which also emits safety audios.
Currently our technology works in a previously mapped Indoor environment, where the blind or low mobility user (such as the elderly) just informs his destination, then the robot calculates the safest route and guides him the way in a safe way, protecting him from obstacles even above the waist, such as tree branches, or depressions, such as holes in the ground, among other obstacles that will always be present in the lives of people with low vision and low mobility.
The Lysa Robot Guid Dog is mainly dedicated to people with visual impairment from 10 (ten) years of age, but we also realized its ability to safely guide elderly people inside hospitals, airports, subways and other essential services to the day to day, because, researches indicate that about 81% of people with visual impairment want to go to these establishments, but they don't go because these places rarely have tools to help them in a way that they move with more independence and, at the same time, safety in their locomotion.
In this context, our innovation brings the power of freedom, autonomy and security to these people, so they can enjoy a higher quality of life through access to leisure, education, health and more professional opportunities, therefore, our goal is to make Lysa reach thousands of people with visual impairment or reduced mobility around the world at low cost or even for free through partnerships and sales in the B2B market, Lysa is the new way to see the world!
Vixsystem stands out mainly for bringing more quality of life for thousands of visually impaired people in the last years for free, through the constant implementation of the Lysa Robot Guide Dog in public and private spaces through sales to the B2B market and through donations fostered by awards and social projects around its assistive technology that brought more opportunities for visually impaired people around the world for free.
We understand that this business model is ideal to make the business self-sustainable, as we will sell our innovation and its attributes so that large companies around the world can make their environments more accessible to the visually impaired public, especially those who are financially needy, whether they are customers or future blind employees who will now have an income opportunity. In this sense, the lack of prepared environments and of technologies that enable the visually impaired in the job market are determining factors for these people not to reach their full productivity potential and end up losing opportunities that common people have, and these factors decrease even more the quality of life of the blind. Therefore, if a company, hospital, or public space intends to welcome blind or elderly clients, visitors, and employees, and bring more inclusion and opportunities, it is important to count on solutions like Lysa.
Furthermore, with the training in Accessibility and Orientation and Mobility with strategic partners in the sector, with the use of its technology, more than 10 thousand blind people had their lives impacted and were able to demonstrate their full potential in an independent and autonomous way in schools, in the job market, in the access to culture, health, and leisure, It was through monetary values received from specific awards and fomentation that Vixsystem in partnership with its social arm, the Inovar e Incluir Institute, made new partnerships with museums, hospitals and public schools for the free implementation of Lysa in a personalized way to serve blind and low-income families visiting and students from marginalized communities in the country, bringing opportunities they never had and at no cost.
Partnerships were also made with two of the largest institutions that provide Orientation and Mobility courses for the visually impaired in Brazil, the Benjamin Constant Institute (IBC) and the Magnus Institute, which together serve over 20 thousand people a year, including people who are born blind and others who, in the worst case scenario, acquire total blindness after adulthood. Together at Vixsystem, they offer these trainings using the technologies on board the Lysa Robot Guide Dog, preparing these new people for this new generation of accessibility.
- Improve accessibility and quality of health services for underserved groups in fragile contexts around the world (such as refugees and other displaced people, women and children, older adults, LGBTQ+ individuals, etc.)
- Brazil
- Pilot: An organization testing a product, service, or business model with a small number of users
We directly serve about 500 people with the solution, but its aspects, such as the orientation and mobility courses using the solution's on-board innovation, impact more than 10,000 people indirectly, since the beginning of 2022.
Currently, we are in the best scale-up phase and need financial support to improve our production structure and development of more Lysa Robot Guide Dog stock units, specifically made for the application of POCs in more simultaneous clients, generating more sales opportunities in less time due to the greater area coverage mapped by our commercial team. Hiring qualified personnel to develop new implementations of the product, enabling greater customization of Lysas to meet the most diverse clients around the world
Hiring qualified personnel to collect data for Monitoring and Evaluation of the results of Lysa's impact through monitoring before, during and after the application of Lysa in the day to day of these people, mainly through the data collected with the institutions mentioned above, in order to measure the impacts caused by innovation on board of technology and accessibility that Lysa provides to the final public.
Finally, in order to increase our sales opportunities and financial results, we plead to increase our commercial team and improve the marketing to generate more leads and effective sales in the B2B and also B2C model, thus increasing the possibility of including accessibility to people with visual impairment within the daily life, pivate and public spaces, ensuring them the right to safe and autonomous locomotion with the help of our Lysa robot.
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
The Lysa is a complete and specific robot to guide people through the recognition of obstacles by its mature Artificial Intelligence that talks to the user while its traction guides him, being light, portable and easy to handle, with voice command and responsive system and remote access, Thus, we identify that all technologies directed to this theme so far are specific to solve certain demands that a person with visual impairment or reduced mobility may need, therefore, despite the existence of technologies such as OrCam My Eye, which reads objects; NKS MOTION & CONTROL, which is under development; BENGALA WE WALK which has GPS and in the field of autonomous robotics there are canine robots such as the SPOT produced by Boston Dynamics and the Tech Dog Cyberdog Bionic and the Quadruped Intelligent Robo developed by Xiaomi, currently we still can't find direct competitors that have any innovation so specific and complete to meet this public, which has an extensive market in the world, as large companies need to expand their accessibility and inclusion, Therefore, we announce our pioneering and dedication in a unique way, through our solution that has been developed and improved for over 8 (eight) years, presenting studies on better ways of interaction of machine mobility through AI for visually impaired people, therefore, it is pioneering, unique and innovative product, in the sense of presenting a complete robotic platform to meet the needs of the visually impaired.
With the partnership and sales progressions being negotiated and the current inclusive market targeted by the UN SDGs, it is estimated that in the medium term Lysa will reach even more people in up to 5 years:
- By the end of 2024 about 19,000 units;
- By the end of 2025 about 31,000 units; and,
- By the end of 2026 about 42,000 units.
- By the end of 2027 about 90,000 units.
- By the end of 000 about 2028,000 units.
This number of robots has the potential to impact over 150,000 blind or mobility impaired people per year with a significant increase in quality of life and with the support of major influences like MIT Solve, we estimate a 500% increase in our production capacity, donations and projects that benefit even more visually impaired people and with this we believe we can impact the lives of millions of people with Lysa, our new way of seeing the world.
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
The average number of users per location and different types of facilities;
Our goal is to increase access and inclusion for the visually impaired at these locations by at least 50% of the current number.
The impact measured by satisfaction with the product through surveys of users and customers who own the deployment facilities;
Our goal is that after testing with users in the proposed market, we will achieve a customer-product relationship satisfaction with at least 95% approval and satisfaction, based on accessibility and convenience.
The positive impact on the lives of users, in the sense of improved accessibility to the labor market, access to education, health, leisure, and well-being;
Our goal is to bring to 1% of the 6.5 million visually impaired people in Brazil within 5 years, or 65 thousand visually impaired people, in the sense of bringing with our innovation, more possibilities for employability, studies and access to leisure places in a safe and effective way.
Main: the reduction of poverty and social inequality provided by the sum of the positive results of the preliminary indicators;
Based on the results of the evaluations and measurements of the three main items mentioned above, we hope to create a major impact on public policies, on the inclusion of these people, and, mainly, on the harmony between people, so that we can increasingly inspire the creation of new technologies aimed at people with disabilities around the world.
So today, for example, our average growth rate even at the current level was an impact growth rate of about 600% per year:
in 2021, we had about 7 customers in that model between private, public and government. We impacted about 200 end users.
In 2022, we had 31 customers already adopting the Lysa Robot guide dog and about 500 potential customers with interest in learning about our innovation.
We impact about 500 end users.
By 2023, we prospected 85 B2B customers and over 6,000 potential customers and partners worldwide who want to learn about our innovation. We impact about 10,000 end users.
The inequality in developing countries like Brazil directly affects the low-income populations, leaving them on the margins of society and without access to the existential minimum, and this fact impacts even more the disabled, especially the visually impaired, who, due to their low mobility, cannot get proper access to information and health, generating great exclusion and dependence for survival.
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) estimates that in the country alone there are about 6.5 million people who are blind or have low vision, and that 81% of these people want to go to establishments, hospitals, and leisure for social assistance on their own, but they won't go because these places rarely have tools to help them.
We have developed and continue to implement the Lysa Robo-Guide in hospitals, airports, government institutions, and shopping malls, to generate more autonomous and free access for the visually impaired, and more work opportunities to ensure their families' well-being and leisure. We are also developing other versions of the robot that, in the medium term, will be able to guide blind and elderly people in the streets in a safe and autonomous way, bringing more mobility and access to health means, such as sports and information.
In less than two years we have already impacted the lives of thousands of people directly and indirectly, so we have an estimate of increasing our scale and thus further increasing the access of this niche to our innovation at low or no cost depending on the income and the partnership we scale, bringing quality of life in the medium term to at least 1/3 of the visually impaired population worldwide if we keep up the flows, and increasing this number considerably with the right support.
Hardware, Robôs, software, IA.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Behavioral Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Internet of Things
- Robotics and Drones
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Brazil
- France
- Singapore
- Spain
- Brazil
- France
- Singapore
- Spain
- Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit
Vixsystem prioritizes diversity, equity and inclusion and creates, through its own ethical policies, an environment that respects and values individual differences in several dimensions. The inclusion we work here promotes cultures that minimize prejudice and recognize systemic inequalities, preventing disadvantages for some individuals. This is an issue that goes beyond the human resources area, because we train leaders and include all diversities in our scope of people regardless of any differences, we value the professional and hire people randomly, aiming for the most balanced work ecosystem, having a niche of 30% women, 5% people with disabilities, besides being diverse religions, genders, and racial differences, we are an open-minded company committed to the inclusive causes of humanity.
Businnes Analyst