Acupuncture for mental health
There is high incidence of mental illness in the Philippines (1/5 Filipinos, Philippine Statistical Authority), with schizophrenia as top mental case. Other studies also show that the country has the highest number of depressed people in Southeast Asia. This is reflected in the Cordillera Region where an average of 20 persons are being diagnosed monthly with suicidal tendencies, and that cases of suicide have shot up by 37.8%, mostly involving females and the youth (Dr. Catherine Crisostomo, Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center or BGHMC). Yet, the 2018 Philippine Mental Health Act that aims to address this critical situation faces great constraints to its implementation. Only 2-3% of the national budget is allotted for health, and only 0.02% goes to mental health.
The scarcity of mental health professionals greatly limits the services available. Currently, BGHMC is the sole hospital in the region admitting persons with mental health conditions needing hospitalization. Financial considerations is also a hindrance in availing mental health services. Meanwhile, the country’s human rights situation has greatly worsened with the enactment of laws that criminalize various forms of dissent even amidst government’s inefficient, chaotic, corrupt and militarized pandemic response. This is causing a lot of fear, anxiety and depression among our populace, more especially among human rights defenders (HRD). And yet, there is still a very strong stigma attached to mental illnesses. And misconceptions about these are also still believed by many. These make it difficult for mentally ailing persons and HRDs sometimes to reach out for help and be assured that their rights and welfare be respected and attended to.
This project is intended to contribute to the campaign on the promotion of right to freedom and protection against discrimination and stigma of people with mental health conditions. In addition, this project intends to provide more support to them through the promotion and practice of acupuncture. This effort complements the on-going joint initiative of CHESTCORE and the Cordillera Women’s Education Action and Research Center (CWEARC) on capacity building on mental health first aid.
Activity I. Mental Health Advocacy
A. Production of an Information/Education Material for the Promotion of human rights of persons with mental health conditions
B. Training on Human Rights of persons with Mental Health
Activity II. Direct Service/ Support to Persons with Mental Health conditions and their families.
A. Group Processing
B. Acupuncture Therapy Services
Activity III. Formal Training and Securing Government License on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)-acupuncture. In compliance with the government’s regulation under the Republic Act 8423 (R.A. 8423) that mandates the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Health Care (PITAHC) on the practice of acupuncture, this project will support at least four practitioners of CHESTCORE to undergo 60 hours of training and study on acupuncture and oriental medicine in accredited schools.
The beneficiaries of the project are Human Rights Defenders with Mental Health Conditions belonging to Peoples Organizations of the CDPC network.
• At least 500 PO leaders, PO members, IHRDs, women and children and advocates will be given printed Information/ education material on human rights of persons with mental health conditions.
• At least 500 individuals will be more informed on the issue of Human Rights of persons with mental health conditions
• At least 20 HRV victims who are experiencing mental health symptoms will benefit from the four (4) group stress debriefing sessions.
• At least 60 individuals/ patients can avail of acupuncture therapy sessions for stress management.
* At least 4 trained on acupuncture and granted license by the government.
The role of the People’s Organization with the support of the local government unit and other government institutions in the area is essential in ensuring sustainability of the project. The knowledge that the participants and beneficiaries acquired through the campaigns, educational trainings provided will be used to continue the program after the project implementation.
CHESTCORE – CDPC has four full staff for the health program with three half-time personnel providers for the acupuncture services. Of the four full time staff, one is the health program coordinator, one is on networking and advocacy and the two others are working on the Community Based Health Program.
- Improve accessibility and quality of health services for underserved groups in fragile contexts around the world (such as refugees and other displaced people, women and children, older adults, LGBTQ+ individuals, etc.)
- Philippines
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
There are 20 individuals directly being served.
Acupuncture is a traditional solution to various health conditions but not widely promoted and thus not widely being applied by the general public. In the Philippines, Acupuncture by professional providers are expensive and thus caters only to the well-off patients. CHESTCORE is working very hard to promote this health care practice, and recently in addressing mental health conditions. CHESTCORE is seeking support from SOLVE-MIT to hasten the process of strengthening the expertise and complying with legal requirements for becoming a traditional and alternative health care provider for and an advocate on the rights of people with mental health conditions.
The use of commercial drugs are the most common treatment modality used by people with mental health conditions. The use of acupuncture in the prevention and mitigation of these conditions from escalating into diseases brings the solution more accessible and affordable for those in need.
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- A new application of an existing technology
- Philippines
- Philippines
- Nonprofit
Health Program Coordinator