Health in Fragile Contexts Challenge

AI-assisted Rology Teleradiology Platform

Strengthening health care access and resilience in fragile contexts through remote and AI-driven radiological diagnostics.

Team Leader
Mahmoud Barakat

Solution Pitch 

The Problem

Rology is addressing the problem of limited access to quality health care services, specifically diagnostic imaging, in the fragile contexts of Kenya and Egypt, where health systems are strained due to systemic inequities and weak governance. Globally, over 1.6 billion people are affected by such issues, leading to poor health outcomes.

The Solution

The platform works by connecting health facilities in Kenya and Egypt with a global network of radiologists. Medical images, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, are securely uploaded to the cloud, where they are processed by AI algorithms to identify potential anomalies and therefore, assist in diagnosis. Remote radiologists can then access the images, review the AI-generated insights, and provide their expert interpretation and recommendations.


  • Successfully partnered with 150 underserved hospitals across 10 countries in Africa and the Middle East region, aiding in saving over 657,832 lives so far. This number represents the actual radiology reports that were diagnosed and delivered to the patients using the platform.

Market Opportunity

  • Rology is currently working with 150 hospitals in nine countries in the MEA region.
    The total addressable market (TAM) in the MEA region stands at $1.5 billion per year. Rology aims to capture a substantial portion of this market, which is the serviceable addressable market (SAM) of over $1.5 billion.

Organization Highlights

Rology’s current partnerships include:

  • Philips Foundation, which recently invested $500K and is an advisory board member.
  • AstraZeneca
  • Africa Health Business (AHB)
  • Ministry of Health (MoH) in Egypt
  • Innolitic
  • NITCO, which is expanding Rology’s reach in the Saudi market.

Partnership Goals

AI-assisted Rology Teleradiology Platform seeks:

  • Assistance in developing an advisory board.
  • Expertise in outreach to international partners to help save lives in low-income countries.
  • Support related to our Series A funding round.
  • Expertise in catering and outreach to greater/larger audiences.
Solution Overview & Team Lead Details

Organization Type:
For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models

Cairo, Egypt, Arab Rep.


Working In:
Egypt, Arab Rep., Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Iraq

Current Employees:

Solution Website:

Solution Socials:

Solution Team:
Mahmoud Barakat
Mahmoud Barakat
Associate CEO at Rology
Amr AboDraiaa
Amr AboDraiaa