VTEs account for more than 17% of all infectious diseases worldwide and cause more than 700,000 deaths each year. 145 million people in 21 countries in the Americas live in areas at risk for VTEs such as dengue, Zika and malaria. The Pan American Health Organization reports that, in 2019, the region had 3,140,872 cases of dengue and 177,469 cases of Zika, while 451,242 cases of malaria were reported in 2017. There is a link between VTE and social vulnerability. Its prevalence is higher in rural, poor and marginalized populations, who generally lack access to adequate water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) measures. In 2019, Colombia reported 127,553 cases of dengue, 70,000 cases of malaria and 2,130 cases of Zika in 2017. In recent years, dengue has been increasing rapidly in Colombia, with 2019 being the year with the highest number of cases in the last decade. The spread of these diseases is reinforced by the combination of geographic conditions (86% of municipalities - 951 out of 1103 - in Colombia are located less than 2200 meters above sea level), poor living conditions and inadequate sanitation measures that are generally found in 22.3% of Colombians living in rural areas. As household income in the countryside depends largely on agriculture, people may also have greater exposure to vectors. The first are the basic conditions that the health system must address to control VTE.
BP develops a technology-supported health management model for rural communities that addresses the prevention and control of prevalent VTDs (dengue, malaria, and tuberculosis) in four Colombian territories. The BP-2 strengthens the capacities for the prevention, early detection and timely intervention of these prevalent VTDs with three objectives:
Community health management by technology: We identify the characteristics of the population, the risk factors and the adoption of preventive measures in the community against VTE. This process is carried out through the “Bive Previene” Community Health Agent (technological platform for the collection, visualization and analysis of georeferenced data), which is the central point for the implementation of community health education strategies.
Health education for vulnerable and hard-to-reach communities: We implemented a mixed education model (virtual and face-to-face) based on the use of mobile technology (with high penetration in rural areas of the country) and a community health network of workers equipped with tools technologies to capture data and educate communities.
Education Through Technology: VTE community education app to be used by CHW for training, information multiplication, data collection and transmission via mobile technology.
TCS Community Health Workers: Network of community health leaders tasked with characterizing community risk factors, reporting them, and educating their assigned families. They will be a link between rural public health providers, Bive, and the community, to ensure continuity of care for suspected or confirmed cases in the community.
Bive Preventiene works with communities of diverse population groups; indigenous, Afro-Colombian and mestizos from the rural context who have access barriers to health, 86% are over 45 years of age, make up families of 4 to 5 members who live on less than USD$1 per day.
counteracting the needs and barriers faced by the prioritized populations to access adequate, timely and supervised follow-up and treatment of their infectious diseases. These are associated with the deficit of human talent in the health system, the long distances to travel between the rural branches and the urban base of the village and also by psychosocial and cultural aspects that include weak social support networks and no previous experience of treatment management among these historically marginalized and vulnerable rural communities.
Bive is a social health enterprise that facilitates access to fast, quality and affordable health services for vulnerable Colombian families, especially in rural areas, with the purpose of promoting early diagnosis and treatment of preventable diseases.
Since 2012, Bive has provided access to health to more than 24,330 users through two programs: the Bive affiliation and Obra Social en Salud. 95% of our users are from the rural population, they can access affordable and high-quality health services through the annual membership (Bive plan), acquired by the rural associations to which they belong. Since 2015, more than 69,000 rural inhabitants have participated in our Social Projects in public health, focused on health care, capacity building with social leaders and first-level care professionals in rural health, continuity of care, and strengthening of the official system. health, focused on oral health care, visual, cardiovascular, sexual and reproductive health, detection of breast, prostate and cervical cancer, prevention of infectious and vector-borne diseases and mental health care. Bive plans to scale up its geographic expansion in coverage of public health and population pathologies, focusing on a specialized community health management model for vulnerable rural populations, supported by offline and online technology, which will facilitate access to health.
part of the team, highly experienced:
Mildred Ortegón, Executive Director of Bive Professional in family development and oral hygienist, PgDip in social management. 8 years of experience in managing social projects and community education, coordination of health promotion and prevention projects; and diagnoses and characterization of social and family contexts. Mildred has been working at Bive for 8 years, supporting the formulation, execution, evaluation and systematization of social projects, and the design and implementation of health education processes, and the relationship of Bive's programs with public policies and institutions.
Jeison Pulido Mancipe: Lawyer, Specialist in Tax Management with an emphasis on partnerships and commercial contracts, Master in Project Management with more than eight years of experience in commercial and contractual strategies, leading teams.
Yeiny Paola Triana, Bive program manager, Family development professional, PgDip in strategic project management, 6 years of experience in formulation and implementation of social projects in health, building alliances with public and private institutions, orientation of educational processes and training of community leaders. Development and analysis of impact measurement and management of interdisciplinary teams.
Jorge Alejandro García, Co-founder and Health Advisor of Bive. Jorge currently works as a health policy analyst at the World Health Organization Office of Health Systems Financing in Barcelona. Jorge is a doctor from the University of Caldas (Colombia) with a master's degree in health policy from the London School of Economics (LSE) and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in the United Kingdom.
- Enable informed interventions, investment, and decision-making by governments, local health systems, and aid groups
- Colombia
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
Bive currently has 4,000 beneficiaries and we hope to impact 2,500 direct beneficiaries, expanding the impact to more people through community health efforts.
Bive seeks to be able to generate alliances, physical and/or in-kind resources that allow the successful implementation of the project, increasing the impact in two ways: geographic growth and expansion of health risk coverage: geographic growth by integrating the model with local health authorities or territorial, or alliances with rural associations that promote the health of their members (natural allies of Bive), using this model to prioritize their health interventions and expanding the coverage of health risks by expanding the scope of the model to other infectious diseases. diseases such as: respiratory diseases (Influenza, covid19), sexually transmitted diseases or vaccination follow-up.
- Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
Bive implements community health management supported by technology in order to characterize, georeference and sensitize the community, a process accompanied by community health agents that enable the adhesion of multichannel technological tools to expand knowledge and timely health care.
Bive Previene(BP) as a model of community health management with the rural population at the base of the pyramid, will reach 18,000 people in the Pacific, Andean and Caribbean regions of Colombia, for 2 years; with prevention, early diagnosis and risk management in diseases transmitted by vectors, infectious and chronic non-communicable through three components:
Community health management supported by technology for the characterization in the technological platform (collection, visualization and analysis of georeferenced data).
Health education: through technology in an interactive way on VTE and training of community leaders and health professionals. Digital literacy through kiosks and self-monitoring devices).
Facilitating access to health: forming alliances with the official health system for continuity of care.
Achieve in 5 years to have a self-sustaining model that impacts more Colombian families.
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
target 3
3.3 By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and tropical diseases, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases, and combat hepatitis, waterborne diseases and other waterborne and communicable diseases.
3.3.1 Number of new HIV infections per 1,000 uninfected population, disaggregated by sex, age, and 1,000 uninfected population by sex, age, and key populations. key populations
3.3.2 Incidence of tuberculosis per 100,000 inhabitants
3.3.3 Incidence of malaria per 1,000 inhabitants
target 5
5.1 End all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere. all women and girls everywhere
5.5 Ensure the full and effective participation of women and equal leadership The full and effective participation of women and equal leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life. public life
5.b Improve the use of enabling technology, in particular information and, in particular, information and communication technology, to promote technology, to promote the empowerment of women.
target 6
6.3 By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating discharges and minimizing pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing the release of chemicals and the release of chemicals and hazardous materials, halving the percentage of untreated wastewater, and significantly increasing recycling and and significantly increasing recycling and safe reuse worldwide. and reuse globally
6.a.1 Volume of official development assistance (ODA) for water and sanitation for water and sanitation that is part of a plan
17.1 Strengthen domestic resource mobilization, including through the provision of international support to developing countries. through the provision of international support to developing countries, to enhance countries, in order to improve domestic capacity to raise tax and other revenue raise tax and other revenue
Bive has a multi-device technological system (PWA) that articulates technological processes with populations in vulnerable areas, called Bive Prevents (BP). This platform allows streamlining and managing the data of the socio-sanitary projects that are executed:
Population characterization: population characterization module through different types of forms, designed to work on mobile devices (Android) online and offline and where the information is stored on the device until it has an Internet connection stable to transfer the information to the server. where you can view the data collected and the georeferencing of the population.
Educational content: educational modules with theoretical and practical content on diseases (Dengue, Malaria, Zika, Tuberculosis, Human Papilloma Virus and cervical cancer or others according to the need identified in the population) that allows consulting updated and contrasted information on each topic .
In addition, the educational modules have dynamic and interactive games for the population to generate mega affinity with these tools.
Appointment scheduling: appointment scheduling module, with an administration to create, modify and notify the assigned appointments and do the respective follow-up.
Information management: monitoring of users' sociodemographic, demographic and psychographic data, monitoring of the use of health services, risk management and monitoring of the health of the rural population linked to PA.
With these functionalities, the technological platform has made it possible to improve and integrate with community health management to bring the population closer to their needs and to be able to provide a closer and contextualized follow-up, as has been corroborated in the experience with the communities that provide a tool or technological device without proper monitoring and follow-up is not useful for users.
For this reason, from the community management carried out by Bive, we integrate multi-channel tools with informative and educational information on health and care processes according to their municipality and guided by a community health worker who strengthens digital literacy, which has reduced the gaps in education and health. careful.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Colombia
- Colombia
- Nonprofit
Bive will work with the selected participating population, adopting a differential and rights-based approach, taking into account the particularities by life cycle, ethnicity, gender, and vulnerability situations found in the initial diagnosis. Bearing in mind that the population to attend to is a survivor of the conflict and in community settings affected by violence.
Likewise, the accompaniment is based on a participatory methodology that recognizes the contexts and conditions of the participating population and facilitates the dialogue of knowledge, in which the voices and previous experiences of the participants are recognized, so that in this way the methodological strategies of accompaniment implemented are defined.
All strategies focus on building capacities around soft skills to make healthier decisions about their mental health and meaning in life, thus empowering participants to become active agents of change, initially in their own lives and those of others. of those around them.
Priority is given to the training of women and men who are empowered by their realities and can be leaders in their communities. additional Bive has a gender policy that seeks processes of equality and equity both in the work team and in the work with the community.
Bive ha sido el mejor aliado en salud para más de 105.000 familias colombianas, a través de:
Membresía anual de bajo costo, que permite a las familias acceder a servicios privados de salud; a través de este plan generamos una red de proveedores privados que se destacan por brindar servicios con:
Centros y médicos especialistas de alta calidad que se han sumado a nuestra labor social, y que benefician a nuestros usuarios con un servicio más rápido: la cita con los médicos especialistas se realiza en menos de una semana y con tarifas especiales (hasta un 60% de descuento) sobre el precio normal de mercado.
A través del programa Bive, nuestros usuarios cuentan con un servicio de orientación social, a través del cual programamos sus citas médicas, damos seguimiento a sus casos y los asesoramos en la solución de problemas y procesos legales con la EPS o el sistema subsidiado de salud .
El trabajo cercano con población vulnerable en especial la del campo colombiano, nos ha permitido entender sus necesidades, por lo cual diseñamos, gestionamos y operamos proyectos sociales en salud orientados a educación, promoción y prevención de la salud, y detección e intervención temprana de enfermedades .Programas sociales de salud El trabajo cercano con población vulnerable en especial la del campo colombiano, nos ha permitido entender sus necesidades, por lo cual diseñamos, gestionamos y operamos proyectos sociales en salud orientados a educación, promoción y prevención de la salud, y detección e intervención temprana de enfermedades.
Para el desarrollo de los proyectos, gestionamos recursos con cooperantes nacionales e internacionales, lo que permite que nuestros beneficiarios accedan de manera gratuita a los programas que ofrecemos a través de los proyectos.
Hasta la fecha hemos ejecutado con éxito nueve proyectos con cooperantes internacionales y alianzas con las cooperativas de caficultores.
- sonrisas saludables
- Sonrisas cafeteras
- Visión cafetera
- Mujer viva tu salud
- Bive tu ruta 13
- Protégete con bive
- Con bive la prostata si importa
- Bive pecado coronavirus
- Bive prevenir
- Organizations (B2B)
Bive is currently in the transformation of its business model, where it can provide direct health services, linked to technological tools supported by community health management. selling prevention and promotion services for a timely diagnosis of diseases.
Up to now, Bive has managed to be sustainable thanks to the collection of funds through the direct sale of the Bive program to partner organizations and companies, which access our partner network of providers, and on the other hand, the collection of funds from national and international donations to execute projects. social in health, in focus with vulnerable community.