Personalised wellness solutions via Systems Biology AI
In India, there is a lack of awareness of preventive healthcare practices & disease management resulting in a high prevalence of chronic diseases and lifestyle-related disorders, such as obesity, diabetes, and high cholesterol, which significantly contribute to deaths.
Current solutions do not follow established science-based personalization, delivering a ‘one size fits all solution’ making their services less reliant and consistent.
The digital health sector currently lacks access to affordable, comprehensive health and wellness solutions for many individuals. This has led to a surge of preventable non-communicable diseases and lifestyle diseases such as:
Diabetes: Unfortunately, India is often referred to as the 'Diabetes Capital of the World as it accounts for 17% of the total number of diabetes patients in the world. From a controlled 2% during the 70s, it went on to affect more than 15% in 2020. In metropolitan cities, the numbers are even more alarming, with 35 to 40% of the residents suffering from diabetes.
Obesity: Between the years 1955 and 2015, the number of obese people in India was found to double. The prevalence of obesity among Indians increased in 2019-21 compared to 2015-16, as per the latest National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) data. Nearly one in every four persons is overweight compared to one in every five earlier. However, obesity isn’t just a problem faced by India alone, according to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, worldwide, more than eight percent of all deaths in 2019 happened due to obesity. It was only four percent in 1990.
Heart disease: Reports show that 26% of deaths in India can be attributed to this cause. According to a study by the Indian Council of Medical Research and Registrar General of India, India accounts for approximately 60 percent of the world's heart disease burden.
However, our offering goes beyond just lifestyle disease reversal. Our customers have seen improvements in all aspects of their lives; from reduced stress levels to increased efficiency and productivity.
Using systems biology-driven artificial intelligence as well as personalized fitness, we are delivering solutions for:
Disease reversal (Central obesity, Diabetes, PCOS, Thyroid, and High blood pressure & Cholesterol) through precise easy-to-follow & home-cooked nutrition plans based on blood reports, and drug interactions, combined with interactive online personal fitness sessions.
Fat loss/Weight loss programs: We provide a detailed metabolic health assessment, benchmarking their fitness goals and giving personalized & desired results.
Fitness & Healthcare solutions for busy working professionals & Home-makers.
Stress-management solutions through a multi-faceted approach of yoga, meditation, and a nourishing diet, together with the support of expert mental health partners.
Effortless and fun fitness: Online live interactive fitness sessions for maintaining consistency and reaching desired fitness objectives without any equipment.
FitCamps: We’re looking to begin piloting a new offering to our clients, FitCamps, commonly known as wellness retreats, that include traveling to peaceful places in the heart of nature; for the purpose of promoting health and well-being through physical, psychological, or spiritual activities. These FitCamps are all about getting away from the hustle-bustle of daily life and taking rest from the burden of everyday responsibilities and stress. It helps to increase productivity so that people can experience increased efficiency when they get back to their routines after the wellness vacation.
Our team’s in-depth knowledge of the space allows us to personalize our product for anyone and everyone, allowing us to cast a wide net as far as a target audience is concerned. Additionally, our affordable pricing structure will enable people from all walks of life to participate in our program. Since commencing operations, we have witnessed an outstanding response from women, accounting for almost 70% of our client base. This is due to a couple of reasons; firstly, exercising virtually gives them more privacy. Secondly, we help reverse the effects of thyroid issues as well as PCOS and PCOD, all of which are commonly seen in Indian women. Further, 40% of our client base is from Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities in India.
Further drivers that allow us to cater to such a wide group are:
Rising number of lifestyle diseases: Only 11% of people have been doing physical activity regularly for more than six months in India, leading to a significant increase in preventable lifestyle diseases. Factors such as workplace and personal stress also contribute to this driver. The incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) continues to increase. In 2022, the share of deaths related to non-communicable diseases in India was close to 70 percent.
Widespread adoption of digital technologies: Between Q1 and Q2 2020, health and fitness app downloads rose by 46% globally. With India at the very top of that list. India had the maximum increase in downloads – a whopping 157%. To put that in perspective, that is around 58 million new active users! Rising employment and increasing consumer focus on aesthetics and well-being are driving higher demand in tier 2 and tier 3 cities. Social media penetration has increased in non-urban areas after the launch of 4G telecom services, which has greatly facilitated the penetration of the latest Wellness and Fitness trends in these areas.
In summary, almost anyone with access to the internet and a smart device could be helped using our offering.
Rishi Nagar, the Team Lead, has gone through the troubles of our potential customers himself- In his childhood, he lost his father to oral cancer. Two years later, he was diagnosed with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), the same year he lost his uncle to liver cancer. In 2013, an accident left Rishi with a metal rod implantation & in the same year, he lost his aunt due to central obesity. Having seen and experienced first-hand what our target groups are facing, he understands, better than anyone, what goes into solving this problem.
Rishi has transferred this mentality to the team working around him as well, Fitnastic is a team of like-minded, super-aware, and capable elite professionals that wants to make India a healthier, fitter, and happier country; regardless of what resources they may or may not have access to.
The team has spent the last two years working closely with the target group, offering solutions, and seeing tangible results in our target group. Over the course of our journey at Fitnastic, we've had to constantly evolve and change based on what works best- keeping the end consumer in mind every step of the way.
- Enable continuity of care, particularly around primary health, complex or chronic diseases, and mental health and well-being.
- India
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
As of mid-April 2023, we have over 500 active consumers.
Solve could help us create a larger societal impact and can improve the quality of life, not only for the Fitnastic team but for all our consumers too- present and future.
While monetary/financial aid would help us scale up and cater to much larger audiences, what we would like to access the most is the Solve network's invaluable wealth of knowledge.
Additionally, Solve’s widespread platform could play a crucial role in spreading awareness about preventable lifestyle disorders and chronic diseases; indirectly helping us achieve our vision.
- Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
Fitnastic is a digital health-tech company, utilizing a systems biology AI approach to provide customized wellness solutions to its customers. With the backing of IIT Bombay Research, Fitnastic has incorporated the approach of systems biology-driven AI in its client journey that assesses the health of individuals & benchmarks the biomarkers on various physiological parameters providing tailor-made nutrition plans & conducting personalized live interactive workout sessions.
We provide end-to-end support in our customers’ health journey- leveraging state-of-the-art systems biology AI data and insights to give customers precise nutritional plans, lifestyle management information, personalized healthcare solutions as well as disease reversal roadmaps. This has never been done before in the health and fitness space, we have seen significantly improved results in our clients when compared to any other players in the market.
Fitnastic is building an ecosystem that focuses on the holistic health & wellness of an individual through interactive and personalized live workout sessions, customized diet plans, and fun wellness retreats. All with a focus on preventative healthcare management, with the customer’s needs at the forefront of it all. Unlike most companies that have tried to make waves in the space, we provide end-to-end support in the consumer journey while studying the cellular network and biological pathway of the individual:
- The consumer must first fill up a questionnaire related to their lifestyle activities & anthropometric measurements
- We conduct a thorough and detailed Metabolic Health Assessment through our proprietary Systems Biology AI Model
- Next, we generate a personalized health report made specifically for that particular consumer
- After which, we host a consultation to develop tailor-made workout sessions & diet plans
- Lastly, we host daily live interactive workouts & yoga sessions with Fitnastic trainers
Within the next year, using systems biology-driven artificial intelligence as well as scalable personalized fitness, we aim to deliver solutions for:
Disease Reversal: We are on our way to reducing the effects of lifestyle diseases and NCDs in over 25,000 people by the end of this year. A huge feat that very few organizations have successfully achieved in such a short time span since inception.
Fat/Weight Loss: As per the success we’ve seen in the past, we estimate that by the end of the year, we will help over 75,000 people achieve their weight loss goals in a sustainable and healthy manner. Fitness and Healthcare Solutions: We aim to help over 100,000 people lead healthier, fitter lives. Enabling them to exercise daily and consume nutritious foods mindfully, results in an overall better quality of life.
FitCamps: We’re looking to begin piloting a new offering to our clients, these include traveling to peaceful places in the heart of nature; for the purpose of promoting health and well-being through physical, psychological, or spiritual activities.
Over the next five years, we plan on scaling up exponentially and broadening our impact across the nation, and even beyond. Our proprietary systems biology AI allows us to do something never done before in the Indian Healthcare space, and scale up personalized solutions that increase efficacy amongst all audiences.
Disease Reversal: We aim to impact over 150,000 lives through our disease reversal model. Potentially saving their lives and at the very least, massively increasing their quality of life.
Fat/Weight Loss: Based on our targets for the next five years, we aim to reduce our nation’s obesity figures tremendously. Aiming to help 350,000 people in their weight loss journey. Fitness and Healthcare Solutions: Over the course of the next five years, we aim to better the lives of over 500,000 people, a considerable number considering the magnitude of the impact we aim to create. For perspective, that is more than the total population of Atlanta, Georgia.
FitCamps: Within the next five years, we aim to run these retreats in full swing. With over 100,000 attendants across locations annually. In-house Store and Nutrition Supplements: Close to 60-70% of health supplements sold across India are fake, counterfeit, unregistered, or unapproved. Causing an epidemic of life-threatening incidents across the country, we aim to bridge the gap between the Indian consumer and genuine, high-quality supplements over the next five years. Partnering up with vetted, trusted manufacturers to distribute supplements across the country, especially to those in need.
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
Unlike most players in the market, we don't track our impact through how much weight our consumers lose/gain; it's a bit more nuanced than that. We use our Systems Biology AI approach to measure progress through parameters such as Metabolic Health and Metabolic Age. Most importantly, we conduct a predictive analysis of disease risk for all our clients, determining what diseases they could get in the future and how they can course-correct in order to prevent these diseases. We schedule quarterly metabolic health assessments with people we've worked with in order to assess how they're doing and whether we've made a considerable impact, through these sessions we try to assess:
-Disease Reversal: A large portion of our consumers live with diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, obesity etc. Our impact depends on how far we've gone to actually reverse these diseases and their effects. We affirm all our client’s progress with the help of irrefutable blood work analysis, showing definitive positive results.
-Overall Wellness: In simple terms, well-being can be described as judging life positively and feeling good. For impact measurement, physical well-being (e.g., feeling very healthy and full of energy) is also viewed as critical to overall well-being. Our consumers being able to deal with stress, better manage their time, and make better decisions is something we've seen and will continue to see.
-Physical Fitness: In addition to the above-mentioned points, a thorough check is also kept on generic physical fitness parameters.
-Health: Using our state-of-the-art systems biology AI program, we can check and validate how the consumer's body response has evolved since the introduction of our services. We aren't limited to the consumer's subjective thoughts on how they feel, the consumer's blood work and tests actually show us signs of significant improvement that cannot be refuted.
Since our approach to solving the problem is extremely scientific and methodical, the change we bring to our consumers is very apparent and trackable. Further, since we've been operating for the last two years, we have been able to see these positive changes in our consumers, and they have too. This is why we've seen a return rate of 73% among first-time consumers.
Our Theory of Change Model is as follows:
Activities: Using our proprietary systems biology AI program, assessment of health reports, and expert consultations, we offer precise nutritional information, help with lifestyle management, disease reversal, and live interactive workouts. Essentially, everything an individual needs to lead a healthy life.
Outputs: Consumers engage with our offerings and are motivated to positively change their diets, lifestyle choices, and overall outlook on health.
Short-Term Change: Consumers notice a rise in their energy levels, and the intensity of the symptoms of their illnesses begin to reduce, they feel and look healthier and are on their way to leading healthy lives.
Long-Term Change: Exercise and mindful consumption are now deep-routed habits for consumers, they don't suffer from the effects of their lifestyle anymore. Further, they become a source of inspiration for their networks, exponentially increasing the impact of what our organization has been able to achieve. From a macro point of view, we don’t just want India to be made more aware of preventable lifestyle diseases, we want India to be equipped with the means to actually prevent the diseases. We want to positively impact national metrics such as longer life expectancy, lesser reliance on healthcare systems, overall quality of life, and healthier lifestyle practises that are passed on over generations. Additionally, a by-product of our long-term changes would be reduced mental and financial burden on India’s already fragile healthcare system- saving millions of marginalised people from crippling out-of-pocket expenses. As a result, also reducing insurance premiums and insurance claim requirements for many.
With the backing of IIT Bombay Research, Fitnastic has incorporated the approach of WHO-approved systems biology-driven AI in its client journey that assesses the health of individuals & benchmarks the biomarkers on various physiological parameters providing tailor-made nutrition plans & conducting personalized live interactive workout sessions.
The technology is built on 29+ years of research by Prof. Venkatesh who is considered among India’s Top 2% Scientists in Biotechnology by Stanford University. He is specialized in Extensive Research in the field of Synthetic & Systems Biology and Bio-systems Engineering.
Systems Biology AI applies engineering principles to quantify complex biological interactions for developing complex computational & mathematical models. Additionally, this technology has been clinically validated by the WHO, holding it in high regard in the healthcare space.
Biological systems are continuously evolving their design principles based on interactions with various factors over and above their own genetic constitution. Unlike Artificial Intelligence which performs analysis and suggests results based on huge amounts of datasets, Systems Biology captures complex biological interactions happening at different microscopic levels within the body, giving more accurate results with a minimal amount of data input.
This technology allows for technology-based personalization in all gamuts of health and wellness.
- A new technology
In addition to having our predictive mathematical model clinically validated for diabetes and PCOS, we schedule quarterly metabolic health assessments with people we've worked with in order to assess how they're doing and whether we've made a considerable impact, through these sessions we try to assess:
-Disease Reversal: A large portion of our consumers live with diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, obesity etc. Our impact depends on how far we've gone to actually reverse these diseases and their effects. We affirm all our client’s progress with the help of irrefutable blood work analysis, showing definitive positive results.
-Overall Wellness: In simple terms, well-being can be described as judging life positively and feeling good. For impact measurement, physical well-being (e.g., feeling very healthy and full of energy) is also viewed as critical to overall well-being. Our consumers being able to deal with stress, better manage their time, and make better decisions is something we've seen and will continue to see.
-Physical Fitness: In addition to the above-mentioned points, a thorough check is also kept on generic physical fitness parameters.
-Health: Using our state-of-the-art systems biology AI program, we can check and validate how the consumer's body response has evolved since the introduction of our services. We aren't limited to the consumer's subjective thoughts on how they feel, the consumer's blood work and tests actually show us signs of significant improvement that cannot be refuted.
We have also had clients come back to us with amazingly positive testimonials, some being:
"I led a sedentary life, and COVID Lockdown had a more adverse effect. Soon I was diagnosed with Calcium and Vitamin D deficiency, Grade 1 Fatty Liver, and borderline Cholesterol. Through a work colleague, I learned about Fitnastic, which was back in June 2021.
I was looking for a diet plan, but Rishi motivated me to join the workout sessions for my overall well-being. Gradually, I started being consistent with the sessions, and the dieticians were very helpful in checking my diet. I lost weight, got toned muscles, and I feel more energetic than before."
Another said, "I joined Fitnastic on 10th March 2021 as I was suffering from Hypothyroidism, Gastric Issues & Hormonal Imbalance. My major concern was the Ovarian Cyst due to Hormonal Issues.
Now, it's been 2 years & I can't thank the entire team enough for making me fully recover from all the medical issues.
I don't come from a strong financial background, so I was apprehensive at first. However, the offerings were very affordable which made it a no-brainer for me.”
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- India
- India
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
We would like to help anyone and everyone on their way to achieving a healthier life. Similarly, when it comes to hiring, we have always looked beyond social, cultural, identity-based norms, focussing on skills and attitude.
In simple words, we're happy to be a part of anyone's life regardless of who they are and where they're from!
Our Business Model is based on the health and fitness-related offerings we provide which include our systems biology AI program and personalized approach, these business verticals include:
B2B2C: Here we offer large corporates annual or quarterly wellness packages, these include personalized workout sessions and diet plans for employees. What sets us apart from our competition is our proprietary systems biology AI’s ability to provide personalization at a large scale- something that this space has never seen before. Additionally, our offering is backed by specifically curated diet plans and fun workouts. This is an attractive offering for most MNCs since they usually have a fund for employee activities and our offerings are also proven to increase productivity, efficiency, and overall well-being.
B2C: To our individual customers, we offer monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, and annual subscriptions for personal training and live interactive group sessions.
FitCamps: We’re looking to begin piloting a new offering to our clients, these include traveling to peaceful places in the heart of nature; for the purpose of promoting health and wellbeing through physical, psychological, or spiritual activities. The wellness retreat is all about getting away from the hustle-bustle of daily life and taking rest from the burden of everyday responsibilities and stress. It helps to increase productivity so that people can experience increased efficiency when they get back to their routines after the wellness vacation. These will be priced on a per-person, per-trip basis. For B2B2C, it will be priced per organization.
Fitnastic Marketplace: Close to 60-70% of health supplements sold across India are fake, counterfeit, unregistered, or unapproved. Causing an epidemic of life-threatening incidents across the country, we aim to bridge the gap between the Indian consumer and genuine, high-quality supplements over the next few years. Partnering up with vetted, trusted manufacturers to distribute supplements across the country, especially to those in need.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
While we do charge for our services, we try to price them at an affordable rate in order to accomplish our mission of wellness for everyone. In addition to the revenue stream through our direct customers, we also want to focus on B2B2C clients. In 2020, there were around 476.67 million workers in India, the second largest after China. With India’s workforce constantly expanding at record-breaking levels, people are victims to environmental stressors now more than ever, severely affecting their physical and mental well-being. The fact that holistic well-being aims to reduce stress is a huge plus point, especially in today’s corporate world.
India’s workforce is constantly burdened with numerous environmental stressors, ranging from the ill effects of social media to the competitive settings of corporate structures. Additionally, most of our workforce lacks healthy stress-release mechanisms, resulting in drinking, smoking, caffeine, and sugar consumption etc.
Focussing more on B2B2C will help us address a significant market of employees. From a revenue point of view, converting corporate clients takes lesser effort considering they have 100s of employees.
Additionally, we will also be applying to numerous healthcare grants across India as well as looking for funding in order to grow sustainably.
As mentioned, we are looking to focus more on B2B2C clients. Allowing us to onboard a larger number of clients in the form of corporate employees. This stream of sustained revenue will allow us to focus on our B2C efforts.
Additionally, we will also be tying up with strategic partners across India in order to grow sustainably.
In our two years of operations, we have already managed to successfully lock in 5 number of corporate clients and 800+ individual clients thanks to our scalable personalization model. We have established an extremely loyal client base with a retention rate of over 73%, this loyal client base has also resulted in a strong word-of-mouth network and referral program.
Our business model also allows for very low operational costs, in terms of equipment and machinery we only require internet and a smart device.
We’ve also tied up with NMIMS Mumbai, an esteemed educational institution based in Mumbai. NMIMS allows us to tap into an extremely knowledgeable and talented pool of students and alumni that we onboard as interns.
We have strategic partnerships with other companies that offer fitness and healthcare products and services, we try to reduce operational costs by collaborating with them as much as possible.
Lastly, despite an extremely conservative marketing budget, we’ve managed to attain organic growth via social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.