Bolder powered by Mamotest
The world health organization (WHO) stated that breast cancer is the most common cancer in the world. 1 of every 8 women will develop it in their lifetime, and of the 700,000 lives it takes every year, 70% occur in developing countries. This happens because 80% of the population in developing countries doesn’t have access to preventive diagnosis.
Breast cancer survival rates vary greatly worldwide, ranging from 80% or over in North America, Sweden and Japan to around 60% in middle-income countries and below 40% in low-income countries (Coleman et al., 2008). The low survival rates in less developed countries can be explained mainly by the lack of early detection programmes, resulting in a high proportion of women presenting with late-stage disease, as well as by the lack of adequate diagnosis and treatment facilities.
Late diagnosis is a consequence of lack of medical equipment, lack of specialized doctors, lack of awareness, and insufficient legislation that promotes annual screening exams, but also because of lack of support and patient navigation during the process of diagnosis and treatment access.
Healthcare systems, and specially in developing countries are highly fragmented, working in silos with no collection and sharing of data nor patient’s information. So even if women do access breast diagnosis, navigating the full process and getting to treatment in time, is very challenging.
As a consequence of lack of data generation and evidence, Public health investments in prevention are deprioritized, resulting in an inefficient and reactive healthcare system.
With the same amount of money used to treat one woman in an advanced cancer stage, the health system can treat four at an early one, and still 80% of breast cancer cases in Mexico and the other developing countries are detected at stage 4 with a survival rate of 27%, while if the same cancer is detected at stage 1, survival rate goes up to 98%.
We offer a collaborative end-to-end digital platform based in AI to connect healthcare stakeholders and medtech solutions, to guarantee the most efficient patient journey, and a high quality experience for women, reducing breast cancer mortality rates and costs, while increasing quality of life for patients.
The platform is tech agnostic and allows API connections to different medical devices and technologies to perform high-quality breast telediagnosis (eg: Ibreast exam, mammogram unit, ultrasound unit, CT scans, AI solutions) and deliver screening reports within 24hs.
Depending on the screening study results, different automatic processes/ AI algorithm are triggered to approach and follow-up on patients. Patients at risk are identified by the platform, to include them in the Navigation Program in which a team with psycho oncology background, help them navigate efficiently through the patient journey, guaranteeing their access to diagnosis and oncologic treatment on-time.
The navigation program relies on a strategic referral alliance that includes gynecologists, surgeons, oncologists, pathologists and treatment centers nearby of every center connected to Mamotest’s platform.
During the follow up process, patient and medical reported outcomes are collected and structured in the platform, and are visualized in dashboards to increase efficiency in decision making processes. AI is used to identify risk patients next steps, follow-up, and candidate identification for different oncologic treatments or available clinical trials.
Mamotest targets every woman over 30 years of age, considering the fact that our platform connects to different medical devices that target patients at different ages and particularities.
In Latin America, 80% of them do not have current access to mammograms or any diagnostic service, due to a lack of education, equipment, technicians, or breast cancer radiologists. And where they do, costs are prohibiting. Most of them do not have formal employment and depend on their partner's income, whose average salaries are around 500 USD, while trustable quality mammograms cost between 70 and 150 USD on average. The public sector sometimes serves these studies, but they have a 4 to 6 month waiting list.
By connecting Mamotest’s platform to medical devices such as Ibreast Exams, ultrasound or mammogram units with idle capacity, we are promoting an increase in access and also follow up on patients, helping them navigate a challenging healthcare system, by tackling informative, economic and psychological barriers.
79% of risk patients in Mamotest needed psychological or emotional intervention to continue their patient journey. By connecting patients with our medical network to guarantee quality and efficiency, we’re reducing time from screening to treatment in a significant way. But by providing emotional assistance throughout the process and connecting with their friends and family support network, we’re also reducing dropouts, burnouts and psychological breakdowns.
With our B2B business model we are able to donate or subsidize the cost of screening studies to women and providing free follow up.
We are a team of young, high-achieving professionals with diverse, international experience, and a track record globally recognized by the United Nations, World Economic Forum and Fast Company among others. Amongst our leadership, we have Forbes promises and Global Healthcare visionaries awardees. 72% of our employees are women.
Mamotest was born 10 years ago in Argentina while the country was experiencing its worst economical context of the decade. However, we have never been afraid of tackling genuine problems in order to make our business work at full scale. Our hiring process is focused on humans who stand out academically or career-wise, achieving the impossible and having “the X factor” which allows them to be brighter, bolder and creative. We know that the problem we are solving does not come from the minds of those who rest on status quo.
Our advisory board is represented by AI, Real World Evidence and Health Economics specialists.
We have a start up and high tech state of mind, we strongly believe in the need of tropicalization of solutions, technologies and ideas. We commit ourselves to every community we serve, with a deep understanding of their social, economic, geographical and psychological situation. We speak directly to patients, we base our everyday work on our patients feedback and design demand generation campaigns after scanning the local market.
Our work within these 10 years of experience show that we have not only worked on increasing impact on mammogram beneficiaries, but going a step further and getting involved in the whole process to transform a reactive healthcare system, into a preventive one, step by step.
We dream big and we do not fear change -we create it.
- Enable informed interventions, investment, and decision-making by governments, local health systems, and aid groups
- Mexico
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is focused on increased efficiency
68000 women anually
We aim to bring visibility to the pressuring challenges the healthcare sector has worldwide. In the developed world, access to quality healthcare, diagnoses & drugs increases life expectancy and helps solve basic needs for families to flourish. We believe basic services and preventive healthcare should be of access to all, and we believe technology is the great catalyst for change.
We have an incredibly ambitious plan to solve breast cancer, starting from Latin America and expanding to underserved USA, Europe, Africa and Asia. Our platform is global and the problem we are trying to solve
Solve will provide us with funding, mentorship and exposure to create exponential change that can benefit millions of families worldwide. As a Latin-American born healthtech, we are looking forward to working with the most prepared makers and shapers under Solve and MIT to scale our solution on a global platform.
We believe in coopetition and collaborative solutions, building powerful networks of impact-minded leaders in different industries is critical to expand our solution and compliment others, impacting millions of humans around the world.
Also, Our short term expansion plan includes expanding our solution to the unattended population of the USA, specially targeted to Hispanic and Black women with no access to high quality healthcare. For this reason, gaining exposure in media, conferences, and stakeholders in the USA is very valuable for Mamotest.
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
Decision-making in developing countries are conducted practically blindfolded. People do not have access to real or high quality healthcare and die due to systemic failures.
There is no real information on the country's population, especially for those living in remote areas or speaking native languages. There are no census, no valid data, which accounts for lack of transparency, corruption and underutilized funds. Pharmaceutical companies cannot access the last mile, nor have updated information in order to develop new drugs more effectively. Most breast cancer related drugs attack late-stage breast cancer, and the world is due for early stage breast cancer to save more women and avoid chemotherapy.
Our agnostic digital platform serves to connect all stakeholders and tech solutions in the healthcare system, making them more efficient and accessible, while guaranteeing the best patient experience to all patients, from end-to-end.
We are not only creating easy, high quality, affordable access to breast cancer diagnosis for women in BoP. We are creating a new market of 130 million women in Latin America who, through our platform, will become visible to the health sector and would be eligible for diagnosis, treatment, drugs,trials and other services.
Also, our commitment is not only to patients, it is with people, human beings. By considering psychological, social and geographical profiles of women to help define the most personalized treatment for them, we are not only considering medical outcomes as the final goal, but women’s quality of life after treatment.
Goals for next year (2024):
Number of centers: 84
Operating countries: Argentina, Mexico, Colombia & Costa Rica.
Number of beneficiaries: 687,000
Oncologic patients impacted to reach personalized treatment (estimated): 13,602
Goals for the next five reays (2027):
Number of centers: 361
Operating countries: Argentina, Mexico, USA, Colombia, Brazil, Spain
Number of beneficiaries: 3,654,600
Oncologic patients impacted to reach personalized treatment (estimated): 72,36
We have a strategic plan to achieve our goals:
Solution integrations and center connections: Up to date we have 16 operating connected centers. There are over 50 centres on waitlist to be connected along 20 states in Mexico. Mamotest has signed a partnership with the Mexican Consortium of Hospitals ( and established relations with the Mexican Private Hospital Association ( with whom we are connecting the first centres in hospital chains, to be replicated along over 200 locations in the country. By integrating other medical devices to the platform, we're able to provide pre-scans to reffer only patients from remote areas with findings to mammography centers and reduce travelling and medical costs.
Patient demand generation:
To satisfy demand, Mamotest has generated an impactful multi-sector model for reference. Early detection and prevention are paramount in order to save lives.
Therefore, we work with strategic partnerships with medical referring networks, NGOs, private companies and public sector departments to reduce pressuring waiting lists in hospitals.
Therefore, we have applied a WIN - WIN - WIN strategy
WIN (all women over 30ys) Universal access to high-quality diagnosis, Full visibility of patient journey & next steps, Significant reduction of treatment costs and access to network of physicians, Increased breast cancer survival rates by 80%+
WIN (Health centres + Health solutions + phisycians) Use of installed capacity no investment - immediate connection, Increased number of mammograms from 20 to 1,000 per month, Higher profit from diagnosis units, Reduced interpretation time for doctors and higher profit from higher volume
WIN (decision makers, civil society) Access to time & cost saving vital information for public policy & drug development, High volume structured databases growing as we increase access to preventive screening.
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
As a B corp and member of UN Global compact, we are constantly measuring our social and economic impact in the world through the SDGs.
In 2022 we gave access to high quality diagnosis to 68.000 women, 74% of them are at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP).
With the same amount of money used to treat one woman in an advanced cancer stage, the health system can treat four at an early one. This accounts for drugs, chemo, hospitalization and procedures.
Mamotest has 16 operating centers in Argentina and Mexico.
So far we delivered high quality digital results to more than 528.000 women, with an average of 62K studies per year since 2019.
74% of these patients are at the bottom of the pyramid, and 87% of women diagnosed with breast cancer within our system, were able to receive an early treatment and save their lives. 79% of patients recquired Mamotest’s intervention (informative, economic, psychologic assistance) at some stage of their patient journey.
From an economic impact point of view, Mamotest generates USD 21M savings to the health system, per year.
The healthcare industry is, at least, 20 years behind every other industry in terms of tech adoption. This kept the health system, world wide, working in silos during many years thus medical data was not shared and that led to millions of preventable lost lives. Today Mamotest is shedding light on this problem, in Latin America, implementing an end to end solution that goes from awareness, to high quality diagnosis (specialized radiologists + Ai) to patient journey follow up and support for treatment selection. By doing that we are able to have a 100% patient data traceability and collect medical, genetic, socioeconomic and psychological data for every patient. It means a data revolution, with the help of Ai and by combining all this data we are not only able to save millions of lives but in the mid term, probably start getting to new solutions for an old problem, based on different combinations of variables that were never combined or considered before. This is the health system of the future…working fully integrated. Our theory is already being validated and could soon be of use to defeat other diseases rather than breast cancer.
Our Data for Good concept, is our gold standard. Mamotest is not only generating preventive healthcare demand by educating the population, and giving access to high quality affordable breast diagnosis, but is including the 80% population market that was being excluded from research statistics and product development as their data was not collected or analyzed.
We are developing a strong data strategy, full cloud (Azure), based on a framework that allows us to standardize all AI processes, through the use of a structured data context layer on our infrastructure.
This layer, is supported by a lakehouse, a structure that keeps the flexibility of a data lake with the high security of a data warehouse.
To process and generate quick insiqghts, we use the databricks methodology, with the three layers model (bronze, silver and gold).
This layer allows us to use AI in every touchpoint of our patient journey, from our prevention campaigns and first contacts with patients up to advanced treatment.
We use computer vision for telediagnosis and as a decision rules engine, to administrate relationship patterns with patients and taylored automated actions.
The Bolder diagnosis module is based on deep learning models, that improves our telemedicine area and increases the early detection of anomalies. These models were trained with our historic image database with +500.000 medical images and epidemiologic data.
- A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Argentina
- Mexico
- Colombia
- Costa Rica
- For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models
We are a company whose identity is dedicated to fostering Gender Equality and Women Empowerment. Women are at the center of what we do. Our business model is our corporate policy towards this subject as we work towards bringing gender equality to Health Services to all women, regardless of how "formal" their role is in the economy.
We create and push laws that allow better access and annual paid leave for women to get their health checkups, we lobby press and government towards creating legislation that brings the same rights to health, we push for awareness and empower women to take control of their own health.
78% of our employees and 1/3 of our decision makers are women.
We have 3 revenue streams in our business models:
-B2B (occupational and corporate healthcare): Targeting medium to large companies to leverage and scale-up workers benefit programs and internal communication. Private companies supscription model includes awareness material, social responsibility internal and external communication, and breast screening packages for employees or to be donated by Mamotest through NGOs and uninssured women. This model generates demand to connected centers and tech device solutions.
-Bolder as a Service (PaaS): Our modular cloud-based platform is licensed to clinical centers, NGOs, and pharma. An annual supscription model includes the use of modules (connect, telediagnosis & follow up) and a full training program for users. Organizations can measure and access statistical data on performance for BI.
-Telediagnosis & Follow Up service: Mamotest provides telediagnosis to increase quality and reduce fixed costs in medical centers with the team of specialized in breast imaging diagnosis radiologists, while increasing patient experience and fidelization. Risk patients in the process are automatically identified and provided with follow up service by the team of Health Navigators. Target prospects are medical centers and pharma to promote increase in acces, quality and to guarantee risk patients navigation to increase market access of oncologic treatments.
- Organizations (B2B)
We are financially sustainable with strong unit economics, and we have $1.4M in annual revenue. We are not cash flow positive because we are investing very strongly in our growth in Mexico and in the development of our patient follow up platform. We will connect 75 new diagnosis centers in Mexico in the next 24 months.
To finance growth, we closed our Pre-Series A last March for $3.3M.
By the end of 2024 we aim to have an annual recurring revenue of $15.7M.
We are working to bring the solution to Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica and the underserved USA and be cash flow positive by the end of 2024.
In our story we have a list of great examples on our capability to close key deals and raise money from strategic investors:
- Between 2017 and 2018, we closed a financing for $880K from one of the most important insurance healthcare companies from the north of Argentina (Ioscor).
- In March 2020, Chivas Venture elected us as one of the most important impact social companies from the world and granted us $40K.
- In April 2021, we closed our Seed Round for $1.6M with Merck, Sharp & Dohme as Lead Investor.
- In November 2021, we closed a deal with Vara (AI Company) in which they invested $240K in the opening of our first center in Mexico.
- In January 2022, Zayed elected us as the best Healthcare Social Impact Company in the world and granted us $600K.
- In March 2023, we closed our Pre-Series A Round for $3.3M with Johnson & Johnson as Lead Investor.
Chief Data & Patient Experience Officer