EM/389 Economic solution engine
The economic solution engine is designed with a central configuration formula which tends to harmonize the irregularities created by the missing gap in collaboration and coordination of the basic economic components that drives economic activities. Here, we are proposing an alternative approach to solving interwoven socioeconomic problems. This solution approach begins with setting a knowledge engineering base that will align human/material resources to overtime generate a knowledge base economy that will be of more jobs and innovations. The essence of this solution approach is to place the increasing population(human capacity) on a speedy line of productivity and innovations that will in turn improve the gap between poverty and economic growth.
The specific problem we are trying to solve is to close the gap of irregularities caused by lack of proper cooperation and coordination of the major economic components. The scale of this problem can be given as 1:200 judging by the rate of poverty in most developing nations and their level of resources. The core aim of this solution approach is to involve more of the labor force fit in connection with government,institutions etc to generate a knowledge base economy structure and system that will match the dynamic change in the future of the global economy.
Firstly, we are working with the youths to empower them to be self productive. We are engaging this population through educative, skills and talents practical programs. We also adopt a free floating program where each youth is allowed to discover where he/she fits and can do best. This solution will provide employment opportunity, engagement services and rewards, enlightenment and exposure.
The economic solution engine has been designed to function as a central mechanism to support the collaboration and coordination of government, businesses and people related economic activities in a manner thus calculated to provide rapid jobs, favorable business atmosphere, reflecting economic growth and development. This economic engine will practically run on both expert/artificial intelligence, coordinating,arranging,aligning, monitoring,communicating economic related information using both bottom-top and top-bottom feedback approach.
The economic engine will provide service-products to the end users. Where end users will access timely electro economic analysis of current and future scenarios of the economy it operates in and also expertsystem interactive platform where needs of a customer can be diagnosed and proffered acceptable and implementable solutions.
We are using expert/artificial intelligence system under piloting the ship of state which entails observations communication and management(control).
We intend using advanced digital technology and sub systems engineering technology.
- Support communities in designing and determining solutions around critical services
- Create or advance equitable and inclusive economic growth
- Prototype
- New business model or process
The EM/389 Economic Solution engine is a novel research work designed under electro economics(combination of economics and electronics). This concept typically picks on the economy as an abstract phenomenon which makes it quite difficult to effectively fix the economy when ever a problem occurs... and further suggest extracting the abstract economy into an engine system that will function to align the economy as it becomes more interconnected with missing collaboration and coordination of economic activities. The uniqueness of this solution approach lies in its common base economic configuration formula that makes it easier to implement it's process and achieve practical results.
The economic solution engine relies on both hardware and software,digital,manufactured and advanced technology.
- Indigenous Knowledge
- Behavioral Design
We strongly expect our solution to solve the problem.. with the following reasons;
1. The global economy is becoming more interconnected with missing links of stronger collaboration and coordination.
2. Our theoretical concept was first introduced to the Ministry of Budget and National Planning,Nigeria which currently serves as a strong input/contribution to the country's current economic plan.
- Children and Adolescents
- Elderly
- Rural Residents
- Peri-Urban Residents
- Urban Residents
- Very Poor/Poor
- Low-Income
- Middle-Income
- Persons with Disabilities
- Nigeria
- Nigeria
Currently we are serving 1
In one year we hope to serve 500,000
In five years, 22,000 000
Our goal is to develop an economic solution engine that will serve as an alternative solution approach to address interwoven social/economic problems. In developing this engine the human resource components are the key factor,thereby guaranteeing more jobs and income. Also is the goal of supporting nations to achieve a smart and sustainable economy that will in turn cushion the effects a collapsing economy will have on the people.
a. Financial barrier: Currently we are in need of $500,000 USD to set up our full Economic Situation Room including ICT infrastructure etc.
b. Technical barrier: We are looking for high level experts to complete the full knowledge engineering base. We are also faced with the challenge of advanced technology to help build the engine base(eg Microsoft,google etc)
Finacially: We have actually over come the challenge during the incubation stage by funding from our private purse. We intend to conquer the second phase challenges through partnership by relinquishing part of the shares we hold.
Technically: We also apply the same approach as above.
- For-Profit
full time 2
Per time 4
Others. 3
In my team we have backgrounds from Economics, Electronics engineering, Mathematics, Accounting, Geography and Statistics.
I have a ten years experience in eletroeconomics. I also have several research experience in presentations and insightful meetings with institutions of training research and economic development. We currently made substantial inputs and contributions to the making of Nigeria's economic recovery and growth plan 2017-2020
Our target customers and beneficiaries are the people, businesses and the government.
We are providing an alternative economic solution service product that will help both the government,businesses and the people enjoy the benefits of operating a smart and properly configured economic system.
How we render our services: We deploy our services by first having our customers and beneficiaries registered on our engine platform and proceed to navigate through piloting the ship of state which entails observations(engine diagnosis), communication and management... with a feedback looping system.(interactive system)
We are going to sell our designed products and services, registration fee to be on the engine platform and also raising capital through share allotment.
We are applying to Solve to help us conquer our immediate financial and technical barriers. Raising $500,000 and also a link to one of the tech companies like Google, Microsoft and the likes.
- Business model
- Technology
- Distribution
- Funding and revenue model
- Talent or board members
- Media and speaking opportunities
Google, Microsoft, BigData hosting and network company