On September 6, 2022, during the conduct of Economic Sector Stakeholders’ Consultation for the Formulation of the Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028, spearheaded by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA-Caraga). Chapter 8, Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; statistics shown that among indicators that were not achieved from the years 2019, 2020, and 2021 are Fishery Production (Commercial, Municipal, and Aquaculture). In terms of Caraga Region’s contribution to fishery production, there has only 3.37 % in Mindanao, and 1.59% in the Philippines, it only means that Caraga Region ranks 4th lowest across regions in the Country and 2nd lowest among Mindanao regions, but it is the top producer of spiny lobster, kuhol (shell), and seaweeds in 2021. In fact, the seawaters are wide and spacious.
The importance of the fishery sector in the economic development of the country cannot be under-rated. It plays a major role in sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction in several households and communities. However, there is a recognized lack of understanding and appreciation of the impact that artisanal fisheries makes the Philippine economy. This lack of understanding is one factor that has led to the fisheries sector having low profile on political agenda, hence, the low level of attention it receives in the formulation process.
However, our displaced fisherfolk associations in the Caraga Region were not able to receive appropriate funding opportunity from the Philippine Government due to limited budget allocation plus rampant corrupt practices of the government officials. Reason why, we are asking your support for the upliftment of our fisherfolks.
This proposed project shall help more than 50 fisherfolks association with the total of more than 6,598 fishermen from the provinces of Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Surigao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, and Dinagat Islands who are under our watch and monitoring .
- Payao – It is a bamboo raft used in fishing, used to attract fish. It is left in deep waters with weighted coconut fronds suspended from it, on which algae develop and attract fish which can then be caught with a net.
- Paulbo (Improvised/Solar) – It is a type of big lamp with fish net that should be placed over a big boat that somehow at night time, more fish coming in, because of lights attraction so that fishermen can easily catch more fish.
- Commercial Fishing Net- Fishermen need a bigger fish net that shall provide a big space on the side of payao to catch variety of fish including bigger one, like tuna, and among other species.
- Bigger Fishing Boat- We proposed the bigger fishing boat so that it will be utilized by twelve (12) to twenty (20) persons’ capacity. Based on our strategic forecasting and probable analysis, if there are two (2) or three (3) members who are negatively and reluctantly go for fishing in that day, still other members can go for fishing, and fishing activity will not be hampered in reaching the target production of 500 to 1,000 kilos per week/per boat. It is very necessary to understand, that individual fishing boat is good, however, it is very expensive, and less beneficiaries can be accommodated. In addition to this, based on our investigative research, a certain Congressman had already given individual boat to the fishermen; but some of them did not successful, because they sold their boats due to lack of monitoring, and personal interest and benefit. Also, we believed that this proposed projects are more relevant, sustainable, efficient, effective, attainable, and low cost.
- Ranger Boat- It is a kind of boat made of fiberglass or aluminum that shall be used by a fisherman for survey and monitoring of his fishing gears to prevent it from damage and/or any intentional predicaments from the intruders.
- Engine- It is machine for converting any of various forms of energy into mechanical force and motion.
- Fish Cage- It refers to a stationary or floating fish enclosure made of synthetic net wire/bamboo screen or other materials set in the form of mosquito net (hapa type) with or without cover with all sides either tied to poles staked to the bottom of the water or with anchored floats.
- Sumbadahan- It is made of native materials such as bamboo tree, rope banana twine, and the like which commonly seen in the province of Surigao del Sur, particularly in Hinatuan and Bislig City. It is also known as small cage for lobsters.
- Fish Pond - land-based facility enclosed with earthen or stone material to impound water for growing fish.
This project will change the lives of the fisherfolks in Caraga Region particularly in the provinces of Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Surigao del Norte, Surigao del Sur, and Dinagat Islands. These are the families with daily income of 150.00 pesos or 2 USD. The beneficiaries of this project should be the fishermen ages 18 years old and above including females ages 18 years old to 45 years old.
Based on our further scrutiny and analytical basis of interpretation, monitoring and evaluation, and highly technical interventions with the fisherfolks; we found out that lack of budget to the fishery sector is one major concern that we need to encompass up to now. Consequently, should be given more importance for the economic growth and social transformation.
We take full cognizance to our role as RDC- PSR for Fishery Sector, thereby, we conducted various activities through socioeconomic consultative meeting with the Local Chief Executives and Fisherfolks in different provinces/cities/municipalities/barangays across the region; in order to address issues and concerns; it has affirmed that root cause of these challenges are lack of financial support from the government, if there is, not sufficient.
Our team of experts are teachers, social workers, engineers, human rights advocate with minimum of 10 years experienced in related field of specializations. We are teamed of excellent professionals with diverse behavioral approaches in the decision-makings, education and training, information advocacy, and community organizing. The FGSCBI together with its officers and workers shall provide strategic thrusts and directions for better opportunities for the fishery sector in the Philippines. Hence, we shall strengthen the effective communication plan for the development and progress of the fishery sector in all paces of life.
- Other
- Philippines
- Scale: A sustainable enterprise working in several communities or countries that is focused on increased efficiency
5,600 Fishermen ages 18 years old and above
The Philippines is an archipelago country with vast marine and inland waters. The country's fisheries sector provides an inexpensive source of animal protein for the population, livelihood for over one million Filipinos, and foreign exchange. The fisheries sector is divided into the municipal and commercial subsectors and aquaculture subsector.
However on other side, the main challenges are deficient transportation and storage facilities; poor energy infrastructure and high electricity costs; a lack of investment, finance or credit for small operators; over fishing and depletion of fish resources; water pollution; and a lack of common fishery policies among countries that share water resources.
The lack of adequate and timely credit facilities is a major constraint to the fisheries development in the Philippines. Mainly because of the lack of collateral in small-scale fisheries sector, financial institution have been involved in financing the fisheries sector only on a modest scale and the achievements in terms of loan disbursements and loan recoveries have not been encouraging. Inadequate flows of institutional credit have furthermore become an obstacle to the implementation of major investment projects funded by the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank and also prevented entrepreneurs and members of artisanal fishing communities from taking full advantage from technical assistance projects and from the investment opportunities identified by these institutions.
With regard Poverty eradication, people's participation, enhancement of women's role in development, financial institutions are hardly in a position to make a contribution. In accordance with regulations, lending operations are strictly based on collateral thereby excluding rural poor and the vast majority of rural and urban women. Lending procedures do not allow borrower participation and do not even encourage borrower education and savings mobilization. The NGOs through extending credit support to the poor who are denied access to existing credit institutions, have clearly shown that lending without collateral is indeed viable. As far as the overall credit requirements of the small-scale fisheries sector are concerned, the role of NGOs has been so far negligible. Lack of appropriate extension services regarding rural finance and savings is another constraint together with the limited capacity and experience of NGOs in dealing with loan appraisal and supervision.
- Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
Article XIII, Section 7 of the Philippine Constitution underscores that, “The state shall protect the rights of subsistence fishermen, especially local communities, to the preferential use of communal marine and fishing resources both inland and offshore.
Republic Act No. 8550 known as “ The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 ”, Chapter I , Section 2 (e) to provide support to the fishery sector, primarily to the municipal fisherfolk, including women and youth sectors, through appropriate technology and research, adequate financial, production, construction of post-harvest facilities , marketing assistance, and other services.
Presidential Proclamation No. 33 series of 1989, emphasized that farmers and fisherfolks play a significant role in achieving modernization and industrialization to ensure enough food and supply for the country.
On October 6, 2022, during the opening of Agrilink/Foodlink/Aqualink 2022 in the World Trade Center after two (2) years due to COVID-19 Pandemic, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., has identified that farmers, fisherfolks, livestock farmers and breeders are great unsung heroes of our nation. During his speech, he also quoted that “Because of them, we have food in our tables. Because of them, we have sustenance that we need to pursue our endeavors for the betterment of our nation”.
On September 6, 2022, during the conduct of Economic Sector Stakeholders’ Consultation for the Formulation of the Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028, spearheaded by the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA-Caraga). Chapter 8, Expanding Economic Opportunities in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries; statistics shown that among indicators that were not achieved from the years 2019, 2020, and 2021 are Fishery Production (Commercial, Municipal, and Aquaculture). In terms of Caraga Region’s contribution to fishery production, there has only 3.37 % in Mindanao, and 1.59% in the Philippines, it only means that Caraga Region ranks 4th lowest across regions in the Country and 2nd lowest among Mindanao regions, but it is the top producer of spiny lobster, kuhol (shell), and seaweeds in 2021. In fact, the seawaters are wide and spacious.
The importance of the fishery sector in the economic development of the country cannot be under-rated. It plays a major role in sustainable livelihoods and poverty reduction in several households and communities. However, there is a recognized lack of understanding and appreciation of the impact that artisanal fisheries makes the Philippine economy. This lack of understanding is one factor that has led to the fisheries sector having low profile on political agenda, hence, the low level of attention it receives in the formulation process.
Basically this project envision to increase fish production in Caraga Region, and in due course, becoming a top supplier of fish in the whole Mindanao and/or entire the Philippines, which are primary sources for food security and income opportunities. Hence, shall create a wide array of intervention that shall help fisherfolks more independent from the government, and finally increase GRDP Growth between 8.5% and 9.0%, and decrease poverty incidence between 15.0% and 18.0%, and lower inflation rate between 2% and 4%.
Based on our study supported with anecdotal evidences, result and findings during consultative meetings with the fisherfolks; we believed that fisherfolks have had so much hungered and thirsty of this kind of sustainable livelihood projects, and wished-for to engage in a small-scale commercial fishing, municipal, and aquaculture. Because, they only catches small amount of fish in the municipal waters due to an illegal and an unreported fishing activities within their territorial waters. However, they do not have enough financial support to put up that so-called fishing activities. More so, there are lots of fishermen who do not have own fishing facilities, and just escorting some whom has. That is why, there is a need to consider, “The Fishery Sector Sustainable Livelihood Projects” as urgent.
The RDC-PSR for Fishery Sector (FGSCBI) shall endeavor to maintain and observe transparency and accountability throughout the project implementation. We shall continue to assist the fisherfolks, provide technical assistance, and strengthen the monitoring and evaluation; in order to ensure the continuity of the project for a longer period of time and to prevent the wastage of government funds. Hence, M & E analyzes the intended outcomes, examines the process and explores the unexpected issues, highlights significant accomplishments, and provides recommendations for upgrading. Moreover, evaluation focuses on the relevance, effectiveness, and sustainability of an intervention. Thus, provide reasons for why targeted goals are underachieved and address the main obstacles.
We believe that after 5 years from now, the Caraga Regional Development Plan 2023-2028 to industrialize, innovate the fishery, agroforestry, mining, and ecoturism should be realized with enough funding to support the fisherfolk association in our region.
- 1. No Poverty
- 2. Zero Hunger
- 3. Good Health and Well-being
- 5. Gender Equality
- 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 10. Reduced Inequalities
- 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
- 14. Life Below Water
- 15. Life on Land
- 17. Partnerships for the Goals
FGSCBI using techniques and management tools to ensure that social services are effectively implemented for some reasons;
Classic technique
The simplest, traditional technique is sometimes the most appropriate for running projects. It includes preparing a plan of upcoming work, estimating tasks to perform, allocating resources, providing and getting feedback from the team, and monitoring quality and deadlines.
Waterfall technique
This technique is also considered traditional, but it takes the simple classic approach to the new level. As its name suggests, the technique is based on the sequential performance of tasks. The next step starts when the previous one is accomplished. To monitor progress and performed steps, Gantt charts are often used, as they provide a clear visual representation of phases and dependencies.
Program Evaluation and Review Technique
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is one of widely used approaches in various areas. It involves complex and detailed planning, and visual tracking of work results on PERT charts. Its core part is the analysis of tasks performed within the project.
Critical Path Technique
Actually, this technique is an algorithm for scheduling and planning project works that is often used in conjunction with the PERT method discussed above. This technique involves detecting the longest path (sequence of tasks) from the beginning to the end of a project, and defining the critical tasks. Critical are tasks that influence the deadlines of the entire project, and require closer attention and thorough control.
SWOT Analysis
This is a highly effective tool for understanding and decision-making for all businesses including NGOs. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This tool can be used for business planning, strategic planning, competitor evaluation, marketing, product development and more. The first step to conducting a SWOT analysis for a non-profit is to find out where the strengths of the non-profit lie. It is a question of determining the characteristics that put the particular non-profit in a position of strength concerning all other non-profits both within the niche choice and other areas of specialization.
The FGSCBI will become the center for monitoring and evaluation entire the region, increase fishery production from 1.59% to 9.89%, provide quality jobs for the fisherfolks including women, and becoming the center for fisherfolk lending NGO in the Philippines with transparency, accountability, independence and responsiveness through sustainable approach.
The use of crafts and gears in fishing technology plays very important role and help enhancing the production commercial bases. The success of fishing largely depends on to how and which types of nets are used to capture the fish.
There are two main types of devices used to capture fishes
in both marine and inland fisheries:
(1) Nets or gear — these are instruments used for catching
(2) Crafts or Boats — It provides platform for fishing
operations, carrying the crew and fishing gears.
There are various types of gears and crafts used in
different parts depending upon the nature of water bodies,
the age of fish and their species. Some nets are used
without craft, however, others are used with the help of
crafts. Generally, locally made gears and crafts may be
non-mechanized(manually operated) or mechanized.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Ancestral Technology & Practices
- Manufacturing Technology
- Philippines
- Philippines