Women Enterprenuership Livelihood Literacy (Well Project)
Communal conflict started in 2013 and repeated itself in 2016 has caused the highest vulnerability of women especially in because of women faced financial difficulties in most families. This has affected the economic growth and created low financial income in most families due to lack of women Enterprenuership knowledge and Skills offered to help them do business profitable business. Women economic empowerment is not considered as priority by government since government is much focusing on funding security sector and this affected business women across the country and the vulnerability of women is the most challenging because it is coupled with the lack of knowledge and skills for them to apply good knowledgeable and skillful approach to improve thier income generating activities at the local market. Women still have hope on international communities and partners to get support and be valued with the full potential human rights including the rights to be economically empowered in South Sudan. They still have hope to get out of financial crisis through business knowledge and skill capacity building and empowerment. Therefore, with much understanding and believe in business Empowerment as one of priorities and good approach to be applied to alleviate economic crisis facing women, there is need to take business action by teaching business good approach of business start-up and management for business women and adolescent girls especially school dropout girls due to early marriage and poorest financial status of most families in South Sudan. This will reduce women dependency hope on external help and make women become part of business competitive world and that will lead them to rights networking and business leadership development as they continue implementing business generating activities at the local market.
This project will delivery business knowledge and skills through Enterprenuership capacity building on business approaches of start-up and management. The solution will provide training opportunities and business leadership development through the formation of women savings groups (WSG) and leadership development alongside capacity building on Enterprenuership and business management in the target project areas in South Sudan. The project will help women gained knowledge and skills for effective business implementation of business initiatives at the local market. The Project will reachout to vulnerable women and dropout school girls and empowering them on business knowledge and skills and help them generate income to alleviate financial crisis in families.
Majority of women are implementing business at the local market with low capacity on business approaches of start-up and management. This has affected their business initiatives at the local market because they are lacking knowledge and skills on business approaches and knowledge and how to start business and implement it successfully. Therefore, all problems affecting thier business progress is lack of business capacity building to understand the good concept of business start-up and management. Enterpreneurs women are not supported financially and in kind which reduces thier progress especially business section in South Sudan. The target groups for economic empowerment and business leadership development through formation of women Savings groups (WSG) at the local market. This solution will address the need of capacity development and business leadership growth among women, youth, community leaders and implementing partners to help alleviate the suffering of vulnerable women in South Sudan. The project will address the provisions of business tools for effective business initiatives
Staffs are well positioned because of long-term experiences, knowledge and skills gained from the past business project implemented Western Bar El Ghazal state and Western Equatoria state since 2019 to date. It has been the mandate of the organization to continue engaging business women and youth on Enterprenuership and livelihoods activities which help them to gained experience, knowledge and skills of delivering the right content of Enterprenuership and livelihoods to help women to generate economic income for thier families. Staffs are also localist and have knowledge about the local area affected and the need for vulnerable community members. This will be advantage to advance the project through local staffs and community stakeholders participation especially members living in project target areas. They knowledge about the local ground and its opportunities available to be integrated into this project for possible success. Therefore, the team has the ability to coordinate with local people and engaging local people in decisions making process to support the progress of project and improving standards of project that will result to possible impact among the target beneficiaries.
- Make it easier and more affordable for individuals and MSMEs to make investments and transfer payments, across geographies and across different types of platforms
- South Sudan
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model that is rolled out in one or more communities
The project has target to reach 500 individuals women and engage them on Enterprenuership and livelihoods activities at the local market. Business targeted undertake Enterprenuership and livelihoods learning of knowledge and skills of business start-up and management and help them to develop women savings groups (WSG) leadership in the project target areas. The project will bring women from different families especially families affected by financial crisis and training on Enterprenuership and livelihoods knowledge and skills for possible business start-up and management. This will allow the women to generate income for thier families and support education for their children. Women are the target beneficiaries here because they hit hard by economic crisis in South Sudan. Some of them are widows and other single mothers which complicated thier lives and dialy living as well. This project will support them through business capacity building and provision of business tools to support thier business initiatives at the local market.
This project is main to provide Enterprenuership and livelihoods capacity development for business with existing and those will to start-up and manage thier small enterprise at the local market. There will be teaching resources needed especially approaches if business initiations and management. The supporting partners and implementing partners will work together to alleviate the suffering of vulnerable women through providing resources for teaching Enterprenuership and livelihoods to help women undertake thier business initiatives and generate income at the local markets. This project will provide leadership roles for women and community members to help advance the project activities to people indeed materials and partnership collaboration with SOLVE (ED) and its supporting partners. This will be an opportunity for this project staffs to learn more knowledge and skills through knowledge collaboration and partnership opportunities between the staffs, beneficiaries and the supporting partners. Partners involved in this project will play the roles if teamwork and collective responsibilities for the improvement of project. Business women, project staffs and supporting partners will work in collaboration to address the gaps facing the progress of women livelihoods activities.
- Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
- Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
- Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
The solution is real innovative because it teach vulnerable people especially women, youth, people with disability and adolescent girls to learn business knowledge and skills for generating income at local market rather than depending from support from other financial stable people. The impact includes delivering knowledge and skills of doing practical business initiative and profitable business engagement to help vulnerable people to generate income for themselves and their families as well with limited dependent on someone else. It teach vulnerable people leadership through networking and group savings in the target community. The solution provide long-term market engagement and business capacity development to improve business initiatives at the local market. This will help the community members to host more business groups at the local market to improve lives of people around. It will improve the standards of business start-up and management because all the beneficiaries will first go through Technical Vocational Educational training to acquire suitable business knowledge and skills of start-up and management of business initiatives at the local market. It will link with communities with potential investors to support the project and its progress through networking and partnership. Knowledge and skills will be delivered based on the particular economic situations, available market opportunities and approaches to market engagement through vulnerable people engagement at the local market. It will improve the market by bring vulnerable to learn leadership skills through savings groups leadership and engagement of beneficiaries.
1. Building capacity of vulnerable women on Enterprenuership and livelihoods. ( Provisions of Enterprenuership and livelihoods technical education): To improve the lives of vulnerable women through business capacity development and provision of business operational tools to help them generate in income to alleviate the financial crisis facing thier families.
2. To connect business women with potential investors for business collaboration and management: This will be project goals to help women advance thier initiatives and collaboration with potential partners to support the project activities at the local market.
3: To form the business women leadership and help them to work in collaboration and in partnership with other partners sharing the same mandate: Business women will trained and formed into Women Savings Groups (WSG) and help them to make thier business functional for the success of livelihoods activities and improving income generating activities as the team.
4: To provide start-up capital for women to start-up thier small enterprise and help them generate income.
4: Monitoring and Evaluation of project activities: This will be part of goals to Monitor activities and determine the progress of project activities and leadership development women are undertaking.
- 1. No Poverty
- 4. Quality Education
The impact of project will consider teaching Enterprenuership and livelihoods approach as the primary impact for business women business. The project team will train business women and engage them on livelihoods activities at the market. These will be trained on business start-up and management approaches and help the work as the team at the local market with guidance from implementing and supporting partners and all relevant partners sharing the same mandate of women economic empowerment in South Sudan. Women will formed into business leadership groups and engage them at the local market with provisions of business start-up and management tools example planning and reporting business guide and important leadership guides for effective business team work and collaboration.
Women business groups will learn business knowledge and skills required for possible economic income generating activities. This is vital because learning to gain knowledge and skills will alleviate poor financial crisis facing women and help business women to generate income and improve family income. Activities will include capacity building of business women on Enterprenuership and livelihoods to help women start-up and manage thier activities with no challenges facing them on the journey. Other activities will include building the leadership of women and community members to share decisions making and teamwork as they generate income at the local market. Monitoring and evaluation will also be part of activities to share experiences and knowledge learned from from business technical training and impact of it in business initiatives women are implementing. Women Savings Groups (WSG) will be formed after training of each batch and make the leadership functional for positive transformation of business women leadership and collaboration with partners at the local area.
The technology to be applied will inform if technical Vocational Training where women are mobilized and gathered for Enterprenuership and livelihoods capacity building for possible solutions on how they can start-up and manage thier business initiatives at the local market. Some women will be trained based on market demand and supply. The solution will involve using business classrooms and computer applications for them to learn business knowledge and skills of start-up and management. This will help women to learn business initiatives approaches of start-up and management that will support income generating activities at the local market.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Crowd Sourced Service / Social Networks
- South Sudan
- South Sudan
- Nonprofit
African Community Agency for Development and Relief (AFRICAN-CDR) is the national organization with full rights potential of human rights and center for inclusive and diversity groups of young people working together to transform the lives of vulnerable people in South Sudan and beyond regardless of religion and background. It is an interactive organization with majority coming together from different direction for employment to serve the communities affected by multicriss in South Sudan. From staffs employment to beneficiaries selection, all safeguarding principles are respected and taken to actions.
This project seeks to address the gaps of business knowledge and skills to help women improve effective business initiative start-up and management at the local market. Approaches and skills of will be applied through teaching business model and approach of launching the new business sales at the local market with maximum women savings groups formed to work together as the groups and network. This project will address the challenge of networking among women and government stakeholders through open business promotion and advertisement at the business target areas. There will be normal ways of teaching business knowledge and skills and this means women will be enrolled for business classroom learning both online and offline learning Approaches to improve their ways of business start-up and management.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
The project will help women savings groups leadership to generate income through income generating activities at the local market in the target project area. This will improve the development of business initiatives as they learn knowledge and skills and later formed into savings groups leadership to help them generate profits. This will profits will support women and project as well. The project will support women and project staffs to run business initiatives in the right approaches if learning and implementation of business.
Women saving groups has been trained and formed into business leadership groups which support more women to become successful in thier dialy generating business activities. The project has never funded by any donor but carried out as part of trying business approaches of women economic development in South Sudan. Therefore, in continuations of this project, there will more women reached with knowledge and skills on business start-up and management. This has increasing knowledge and skills of members of communities involved in women business capacity development as solutions to improve women economic and income generating activities at the local market.