We are committed to solving the interior problems of the communities, so we create and advance equitable for include people social, economic and cultural in poverty state for inclusion how citizens with human dignity through Engineering of the Entrepreneur Behavior – ‘DBP’, that presents the solution positively by locally and global, because DBP projects is universal, it works with Dynamic Balance Point between People, Technologies and Processes.
DBP develop the potentials of people to increase the ‘power of the vision’ personal and professional for people conquer social equality and professional how qualities of the lives. Currently, there are 14 million of people unemployment, increase this imbalance there are 11,8 million illiteracy people over 15, second IPEA data.
Brazilians do not have self-confidence. Brazilians People believe truth of the another.
DBP rescue the human dignity and people develop self-independence that is integration of three characteristics of the behavior: self-confidence, self-esteem, self-knowledge.
The main premise that the work is based the implementation DBP: Dynamic Balance Point between people, technologies and processes through behavior algorithm', we work these actions in statistic local: i) Education with the Health Project for children of the public school in the outskirts of Goiânia – Brazil (500 people); ii) Participation with the Project Partnership with Legal Entities through technology – Internet and Network (1.200 people); iii) Social with the Social Entrepreneur Project the values of self-esteem and self-confidence for people needy (400 people); iv) Social Entrepreneurship with the Engineering of the Entrepreneur Behavior Project (215 people)-Cidade Ocidental; v) We attend traumas using behavior psychoanalysis' with Mental Model DBP (50 people).
If with bit recourse we are getting millions of people benefited during these 20 years of work, we compare with a high investment in all the senses: cultural, economic, technological, etc. We conquer the world with million entrepreneurs.
DBP Project can be shared and applicated with specific algorithm’ adjustment to other community or individual ‘new business program’.
We are serving the needy, without jobs, drug users, we serve in the street*, in public schools, and in the office. The main point is work as they acquire independence that brings together the three styles of behavior: self-confidence, self-esteem and self-knowledge. Our assessment is holistic (the styles of behavior show the best thing is not to depend on something and anyone, but they depend on ‘be happy’), because the public is very different, their needs are distinct which summarize in circumstances of life: care of health, relationships and money. By a solution address their needs, we work with ‘DBP Project’ through cognitive behavior. The DBP Project is in the present situation as theoretical, but with distinct public, it is practical and experiential. I personally like this type of work, because they have local solutions, we work together for solve of their needs.
Our solutions address their needs when people, communities and person, etc. want changes and they address consciously their SMARTS Planning. For example, there are two homeless, one wants DBP, another homeless does not want DBP.
I want, I may!
DBP Project is not protective but is pro-active!
We are working with Cognition in Education and how to deal with the material "economic crisis" that affects the emotional. We are working with entrepreneurship of the potential of people through DBP presents the solution with the ELC (Experiential Learning Cycle) realizing that in the middle of the crisis we need to find the DBP because we live for entrepreneurship of the life.
Engineering of the Entrepreneur Behavior applies the DBP that presents "maps" the solution to some problem that is emerging. People are undertaking the "power of the vision" for the emergencies of these relationships, whether in any areas where there is a problem, with creativity we can change the world with small attitudes that multiply and potentiality through the factorial mathematical function: "n!". Why the n! function? Because if 5 people change, consequently, = 120 people are testimony their changes, i.e., at least 20% change because they are going to follow their example.
The concept to consider in relation to knowledge management from the
technological point of view would be the automated transformation of knowledge,
including through of the use technological information system in order to
increase the value of knowledge. The relationship between the
People-Technologies, is a relationship: [is - a], knowledge can be transformed
moving up in the hierarchy of knowledge in a higher state in the same, that is,
to what we might call "knowledge integrated" through a distributed and
easily accessible system. As an example, we can change the rules of data or
cases using machine learning techniques and data mining. The development of
this rule is to give understanding of philosophical questions that sometimes
seem esoteric, but whose rationale applied science in practice and they often
pass through pragmatic before moving the analyzers of our brain that are:
Lexical - it recognizes words;
Syntactical -it recognizes the combination of words in sentences;
Semantical - it recognizes the meaning of words;
Pragmatical – it uses of words.
“Human language uses sounds, symbols, gestures. Furthermore, the signs of language are organized according to each one syntax- own language or dialect”. The language that compiles the human brain: is kaleidoscopic and for science can be as geometric computing.
- Create or advance equitable and inclusive economic growth
- Ensure all citizens can overcome barriers to civic participation and inclusion
- Growth
- New business model or process
project is classified how new business model and process as innovative solution
because it attends requirements of the engineering of the entrepreneur behavior
with characteristic unusual in this situation what we are living. DBP is
transdisciplinary obeys criteria social, cultural, policies, ethic, and it
involves with transformations in varies areas before of the phase
multidisciplinary. In particular, the keys to open the challenge turn the
environment among interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships: simple,
humble, kindly, they integrate the difference that multiply! We choose work with
transdisciplinary, because it is important in OntoTech imply the function
ontological is ‘transitive’ what in the relation between people-technology
appear of manner virtual what called ‘transcendental’ signify unlimited in
space and time. The human body through transdisciplinary can be in varies
spaces with a bit delay, but nearly simultaneous from side ELC and another one
ELCI. Conform comments by Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English defines:
i) transcendental: Going beyond human knowledge, understanding, and experience;
impossible to discover or understand by practical experience or reason; ii)
quantum leap a very large and important advance or improvement: The concept of
sixth generation computers represents a quantum leap in communications systems.
We perceive that contemporary is present situation, this present situation
represents quantum era. I am communicating from Brazil with Solve Team to MIT
through of the OntoTech, that is, [Transitive function] = {[(Solve Team - people)]AND[OntoTech]AND[I - people]}.
We to give an explanation about new OntoTech application as follows:
The core technology that our solution utilizes is: A study in Ontology with functions and relations (OntoTech).
We are complying to solve the problematic in focus, three blocks that define the algorithm (a set of rules that define for problem solving).
They are:
- edit (we write the problem);
- compile (we interpret the problem);
- execute (we solve the problem).
DBP Project is a new application of an existing technology, because we use the friendly system, i.e., a system of easy application and accessible in places with difficult integration between people and technology. When there is absence of technology, we use rudimentary technology.
Consequently, we turn the perform a first-order logical planning to be applied as case study’s and examples in the entrepreneurship to achieve the successful outcome. The technologies applied by the DBP Project are easy and we apply those that exist by e-commerce free and when there is an innovative hardware or software, we integrate in the Engineering of the Entrepreneur Behavior - DBP. We analyze the conditions social-economic of the audience that will entrepreneur the DBP. Last project with artisans of Cidade Ocidental (high index violence), we used technology of the Networks, banana fiber for production of handcrafts of varies utilities. The technology applied to the manufacture of bags, shoes, clothing of the fish-skin salmon; fish skin has been treated by a technology from a researcher developed from Embrapa to be used in the handcrafts. The industrial process was oriented object for technological adequacy of DBP.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning
- Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality
- Internet of Things
- Indigenous Knowledge
- Behavioral Design
- Social Networks
We expect our solution the critical local problem, initially we work with partners forming a special consortium.
DBP solve the critical problem because it expands our consciousness showing the independence, that is, group of characteristics: self-confidence, self-esteem and self-knowledge.
Furthermore, all country is institution formed by five pillars: health, education, people, technologies and processes. Today, Brazil is to face a long period of unemployment. There are more 14 million without jobs, these people are turn delinquents, they start practice of crimes, they involve with drugs, they smuggle drugs into country and abroad. Added this imbalance up of the population is with 11,8 million of illiteracy people over 15, conform statistic data of IBGE. These social problems affect all structure of a country. Theses imbalances are conflicts between ELC -Experiential Learning Cycle and ELCI - Experiential Learning Cycle of the Imaginary.
DBP improve these five pillars previous through of the balance between people, technologies and processes.
- Elderly
- Very Poor/Poor
- Low-Income
- Refugees/Internally Displaced Persons
- Brazil
- Mauritius
- Mozambique
- Nigeria
- Spain
- United States
- Brazil
- Mauritius
- Mozambique
- Nigeria
- Spain
- United States
Today, we serve 270 people with own investment.
Within next one year: we reach 14 million without jobs of Brazilian people.
Within next five year: we will expand our solution for millions of people around the world.
The current number of people I serve in office: 50 people in a state of emotional imbalance: depression, joblessness, homeless, chemical dependents and emotional conflict in sexual orientation.
I serve in Network, WhatsApp, e-mail: advise - 200 people, guide in work – 60 people, young people on matters such as drugs- 20 people.
For a year and five years: We want to serve millions of people with Brazil, Spain, USA, etc., because we need to be on the increase in the implementation of Network (n!) for DBP, so I will turn into influencer in the Social Networks. I want came back to entrepreneurial skills the needy. The focus at this time is "that the added value takes interest in the entrepreneurship' spirit for profit."
Our SMARTS characteristics are within the next one year: Engineering of the Entrepreneur Behavior (DBP) with partners reach 14 million of the Brazilian people unemployment and fundamental education, prepare them for owner business.
Within the next five years: after result with Brazilian people, DBP expands for the others. With [SMARTS Planning]AND[DBP]AND[Entrepreneurship], we will make transformational impact on millions of lives, that is, the challenge does not impossible due our experience with achievements previous years.
The barriers of our goals are: i) adapt the needs of the individual and collective where there are not balance in the emotional, ii) The problematic is starting imbalance in the professional, added to it there is not existence of technology and processes in locality.
To continue the barriers are economics in Brazil, for example: financial, cultural, political, professional status; to overcome the barriers - cultural, political and economic-, to leverage the engineering of the entrepreneur behavior - DBP will overcome bureaucracy, high corruption, conflicts between politicians and the egocentricity of our governments. These barriers prevent us from carrying out many projects for the needy. Mental Model DBP is innovative and lifelong because it is the Dynamic Balance Point between People, Technologies and Processes to accomplish our SMARTS goals for the next year and for the next five years. We will put in heuristic way with interest in the entrepreneurship. For example, there is place where the project was developed it was very poor, without infrastructure and drinking water. The comments are in statistical score about aspects economics of Brazil [PIB (Gross National Product: 8th); PIB PER CAPITA (low); IDH (Human Development Index: 73th in ranking world); IGPM (General Market Price Index, it is registers the inflation of varied prices); TAXA SELIC (SELIC RATE: an adjusted average of the daily financings determined in the Special Settlement and Custody System Federal Securities). Let us continue barriers: cultural, sanitary, and principal aspect – health.
Site related:
The logical planning is ready, we believe that an event with a great social impact is necessary, as an example we have proof that Social Networks have great transformational power. We pursue millions of people connected in information to they turn happies entrepreneurs. We need partners to reach larger impact.
Challenges are:
1) Change focus, instead of being a welfare project (social only), expand to a project that takes people out of the indifferent balance, those who always wait for the 'miracle' falling from the sky, or a savior to arise of the situations in which they are.
2) They were showing the indicators to succeed in the entrepreneurship without the mentor get noticed. People could not get the entrepreneurship because they cannot get rid of fallacious thoughts and they admit defeat before they start.
3) Add in index + H – HHDI - Happiness Human Development Index, the factor happiness as a measure of complete well-being as example the small country Bhutan.
4) Instead of the position of 'viewer', they will be the protagonists to form parcels of contribution to the economic, financial, cultural and social development of indicators: Happiness Human Development Index, PIB PER CAPITA, General Market Price Index, SELIC RATE, all comments in previous items. Where they will receive the DBP methodology and guidelines to overcome "homeostasis"? We depend of the support of governments. Together, we can be example for millions of people. We work for the 'Brazilian people' exit in poverty zones physical and emotional.
- Nonprofit
3 people.
How people work each staff as follows:
Three people: We believe with Solve partnership would provide essential guidance about development our work. Together, we would establish large scale for solutions and adjustments to meet large scales of people around the world. Thus, the communities integrate their needs personal and professional. The SMARTS Goals when are balancing in the mission of the people around of the happiness. Consequently, the HDI is added + H.
Economic director: Marcelino Luis de Lima -Economist.
Knowledge manager: Jerônimo Moreira de Oliveira - Psychbiophysicist.
Information Technology: Fábio Junio da Costa Moreira - Computer Engineering.
Our experience about professional project that started in 1999, I did have partner with UNDP in professional project personal. I had started my doctorate in Model Mental DBP.
Background about knowledge manager:
Graduated in Sciences - Percival Farquhar Foundation (FPF/MG); Graduated in Physics - FPF/MG; Graduated in Electrical Engineering with emphasis in Electronics- FPF/MG; Complementary course in Experimental Psychology. Specialist: Information Process’ - Federal University of the Paraíba (UFPb); Quantum Physics by FPF/UFMG; Transpersonal Psychology by PUCGoiás. Master's degree: Religion Sciences from the Catholic University of Goiás-PUCGoiás. PhD Multidisciplinary: Doctor of the University of Murcia (UNESCO) - Spain - Knowledge Management Model for People (UNESCO 1:120.302) and Experimental Psychology of Perception Processes (UNESCO 2: 610.609) - University of Murcia– Spain. Experiences: Started in science teaching at the State School; Professor of Physics in higher education. At the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) with experience Computer Science areas. Emphasis on research working mainly on the following topics: Information Systems, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Management application of Artificial Intelligence Ontology’s (behavioral algorithms); Mental Model DBP: Dynamic Balance Point between People, Technologies and Processes. Psychotherapist with the terms of Holistic. Worked for UNDP - United Nations Development Program; Merit by the Army Ministry; Winner of the Oswaldo Checchia Human Being Award by ABRHN. Currently, I dedicate the activity of Personal and Professional Mentor. Winner of the Human Being Award - 2014 - ABRHGoiás, Best Practices in Endomarketing.
Currently, we do not have any service contract, scholarships, equipment, logistical support, etc. of the large organization, there are in potential. We have partnerships with microentrepreneurs results the OntoTech, but they do not participate with any fund for DBP implementation, their participations are social and philanthropically. How we work with them as follows.
The DBP predicts when there is imbalance serious trade between the entrepreneurial skills.
The DBP Project has reach recognized in business entrepreneur profit for promote market, based solutions to poverty, this is high investment, it estimated U$ 100,000 for we construct the Institute will call AUE - Actions United of the Entrepreneurs, because there are people had never used a computer until then, for these people DBP apply differentiated OntoTch.
If we based in DBP model performs projects with a partnership view within the win-win process for reach millions of people, this project converges to transdisciplinary: engineering projects; information management in the object-oriented environment and psychotherapy (diagnoses of personal and professional endeavors).
For the accomplishment of the Logistics and Development of the Project, it is included in this economic and financial proposal the values as follows: displacements, stay, taxes, freights, insurance and other charges.
Hiring of Specialized Consulting Services:
Sensitization/Mobilization. Technical Hour = 32 U$ 1,317.65
Management. Technical Hour Agreement = 60 U$ 3,211,76
Cooperative/Associations: Technical Hour = 85 U$ 4,550,00
Total Average Amount U$ 9,079,41
Matrix of opportunities:
The path to financial sustainability: Currently, we bring in money to fund our work, whether through sustained donations different professional (hours worked), we have partner with Universities, private small venture, selling services and advises about entrepreneurship. We are researching partners for work together in DBP Projects.
The initial point of the Business Plan is minimization, we are working with what we have.
As the Mental Model DBP is universal, because we work with the Dynamic Balance Point between people, technologies and processes. Currently, we work a plan of virtual marketing and develop products and selling services integrate. In the Legal Entity there is the accounting for the DBP, so that it remains balanced, consequently the Individual Entity also needs to obtain this balance, as an example follow: we can work with a mathematical model of the amount received in kind and invested, whether for sustainability of DBP Project. The algorithm of people financial management tends into the heuristic search which is the best solution for a polynomial time (time in which there are solutions for events), as an example, we have a case to find out how the DBP would need to into a dynamic process of the specific aspects of the event in focus. We are working the change for reach SMARTS Goals: “The organizational support model of social entrepreneur sells products and services to an external market, businesses or general public. In some 'cases' the target population or client.”
The Brazilian people have great admiration for the USA, in all social classes, in all the entrepreneurial niches, consequently, if the solution of the DBP project is selected, the Brazilian 'people' will have their self-esteem elevated, because they know that an equal human being them, they have the ability and competence to be among those selected in the world's largest benchmark - MIT. If our solution is selected, we don’t have barriers because together we will have success in all aspect has increased: cultural, social, intellectual, economic, technological, Network, etc. We believe that the greatest challenge, if selected, will be the greater support of governments, especially in meeting the priority needs of a nation: education, health, housing and food. Being DBP totally included in the biggest barrier of the Country: to rescue human dignity, which does not go through the financial amount in origin's country, but for the recognition of a project without financial support is seeing as a great 'world entrepreneur', contemplating the following value of Solve: “Growth: An enterprise with an established product, service, or business model rolled out, which is poised for further growth in multiple communities or countries. Organizations at this stage should have a clear path to sustainability […]”
Analyze within DBP process:
- Business model
- Technology
- Distribution
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Media and speaking opportunities
- Other
Realize special consortium with partnerships in potential:
In Brazil and others: UNDP – United Nations Development Programme Brazil Country Office; Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG); Universidad de Murcia; Camara Oficial de Comercio, Industria y Navegacion de Murcia; Sistema Globo de Informações (TV Globo); Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão (SBT); Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás (PUCGoiás); SEBRAE; SENAI; SESCOOP; CEVAM, Superintendência de Segurança Pública do Estado de Goiás (SSPGO); Ministry Public; Universidade de Brasília (UnB); Sindicato dos Artesãos e Artesãs do Brasil; Secretaria de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Estado de Goiás (SDCTGO); CNPq – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Pesquisa; MEI – Microempresas Individuais; Empresas Privadas.
We would like to partner with organizations that present similar proposes solve problems for Brazil, such as:
Connection with MIT and donate for SOLVE MIT.
Contribute with other challenges solve.
Media for visibility and exhibition of results.
Periodic technical personnel and professional reports after application DBP Project, that include actions of the engineering behavior for partners for discussions in this system monitoring.
Partner: UN Women She Innovates Prize for Gender. This partner is important in moment that Brazilian women are ELC - Experiential Learning Cycle. When all process is balance, we request of ‘Innovation for Women’ manager for monitoring and evaluation, media and speaking opportunities for evaluation to advance solution. We present technic report at all actions that were realized.
Partner: Innovation in Refugee Inclusion because Education is the 'philosopher's stone' of the DBP Project, mainly the Cognitive Education of people who do not possess the self-level information of understanding. After we apply DBP, we will be requesting a consortium between entities private and public. When all process is being balanced, we request of the partner evaluation about technology, distribution, manager for monitoring and evaluation, media and speaking opportunities for evaluation to advance solution.
Partner: Everytown for Gun Safety. We propose dialogue between people get involved in DBP Project for reach SMARTS Goals. After we apply DBP, we will be requesting a consortium between entities private and public. When all process is being balanced, we request of the partner evaluation about technology, distribution, manager for monitoring and evaluation, media and speaking opportunities to advance solution.
The DBP is applied as universal methodology and new business model or process ENGINEERING OF THE ENTREPRENEUR BEHAVIOR ('DBP'), discovering Dynamic Balance Point between peoples, technologies and processes.
The DBP is applied as universal methodology and new business model or process ENGINEERING OF THE ENTREPRENEUR BEHAVIOR ('DBP'), discovering Dynamic Balance Point between peoples, technologies and processes.
The UN Women She Innovates Prize for Gender. We draw a logic plan with CEVAM ( and we apply a workshop to find the DBP- Dynamic Balance Point among entities: private and public administration ( We get rescue women's empower, rescuing self-esteem, they are victims of domestic violence, sexual violence and professional discrimination. After we apply DBP, we will be requesting a consortium between the no government organization.
For women's empower, DBP works with three fields:
- Fulfillment: SMARTS Goals – Find you rhythm and inspire others to find theirs;
- Planning: Make your plan and logical system;
- Power: It is unique, of personal significance your own secret.
Important inclusion to Women's Innovation because they subjected to humiliation in all situations how woman, married couple, as professional, sexual harassment. DBP Project works to expand of the awareness for entrepreneur women's empower.
DBP Project use this metaphor for power vision of women’s innovation conform their skills and competences are repressed for sexism and prejudice.
The Engineering of the Entrepreneur Behavior is universal, we apply DBP through a new business plan and processes and we use ONTOTECH imply Emotional quotient (EQ) Balance (DBP) Rational quotient (RQ). We use expression {ONTOTECH} = {[EQ]AND[DBP]AND[RQ]}.
Innovation in Refugee Inclusion, because Education is the 'philosopher's stone' of the DBP Project, mainly the Cognitive Education of people who do not possess the self-level information of understanding.
The DBP Project works precisely by surveying the needs of educational and professional guidance for the needy youth, with no prospect of working on the streets of Brazilian cities, coming from other states of the country as well as from other countries such as Venezuela, Jamaica, Haiti, etc. Education stimulates the quality of life. In this sense, DBP Projects work with four mobilizing characteristics: SMARTS Goals, Planning, Persistence and Commitment. I published books (references in the complete work in Google drive) and reports of our experiences.
Adding to millions of Brazilians of unemployment there are refugees of the varies parts of world. First, we have included them. These refugees through DBP Project turn understand Brazilian Culture, Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, especially regarding: "Refugee law and the new migration law" (
SOLVE DBP as follows:
DBP Project use this metaphor for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion conform their skills and competences.
The DBP is applied as universal methodology and new business model or process ENGINEERING OF THE ENTREPRENEUR BEHAVIOR ('DBP'), discovering Dynamic Balance Point between peoples, technologies and processes.
The DBP is applied as universal methodology and new business model or process ENGINEERING OF THE ENTREPRENEUR BEHAVIOR ('DBP'), discovering Dynamic Balance Point between peoples, technologies and processes.
Everytown for Gun Safety. We can use the DBP Project as a tool to reduce crime index, especially regard to crimes against life. Using the intelligence in the Police we can anticipate the criminal actions and make society live in safety, DBP Project exposes the Dynamic Balance Point in several areas, because we will find the DBP in government actions the reflection will be better use of human resources and to the benefit of the population.
We propose dialogue between people get involved in DBP Project for reach SMARTS Goals. After we apply DBP, we will be requesting a consortium between entities private and public. We use ethically and responsible in situations as: Data are in absolute secrecy because there is an indiscriminate use of weapons in Brazil, they are killing innocents how children, entire families executed, robbers approaching in every way: in houses, in the streets, in bus stops', etc.
There are alarming number of victims what we called "lost bullets", with the absurdity of lost bullets reaching pregnant mothers and these lost bullets, reaching unborn babies. DBP can attend psychological trauma, attend to the rescue of independence that is the integration of self-esteem, self-confidence and self-knowledge.
DBP Project use this metaphor for Everytown for Gun Safety conform their skills and competences.
Knowledge Manager