Poor productivity by farmers and MSMEs and lack of access to education and jobs by needy students of higher education entrants and school leavers
Despite myriad interventions, many crop diseases remain a challenge to the East African farmer and the agricultural production industry. Among these are the most notable lethal necrosis, northern leaf blight, Downy mildew and bacterial leaf blight affecting maize, floury leaf spot and angular leaf spot diseases affecting beans, fusarium wilt or Panama disease affecting bananas and Potato Cyst Nematode (PCN), (Globodera rostociensis or Globodera pallida strains) among other known and unknown prevalent and new crop disease strains.
These diseases have reduced production of the affected crops significantly over time. Sharp reductions in crop production curretly poses a major risk of human starvation and death due to reduced food supply as a result of the current catastrophic drought, climatic changes, abiotic stresses and resistance in crop plant diseases.
Farmers, practitioners and researchers have embarked on many methods to combat these diseases. Among the many methods employed, engineering new resistant seed varieties and re-introducing old resistant seed varieties has proved to be the most effective methods in fighting the diseases.
WANNETWAK is a global digital education strategy and network that aims to enhance the access of free education courses to the global disadvantaged individuals with an emphasis on gender sensitivity and marginalized people.
The main objective of the WANNETWAK strategy is to create an online authentication audit system that seeks and verifies needy students globally who are willing to learn and are hindered by lack of resources and lack of access to technology.
The strategy involves identification of sustainable funding sources for technical manpower, computer and educational resources that make education networking and learning possible globally.
The technical setup will require a server network and website application to be developed and established with protocols that enable authentication of user inputs collected from both computer and android phones on the WANNETWAK system. WANNETWAK is a non-profit making organization that provides free and low-cost certified education from scholarship providers globally.
WANNETWAK should provide work placement and tracer study and network capabilities for students who finish courses taken at WANNETWAK education providers. WANNETWAK will be accessible on the internet to any android phone, tablet, PC and all laptop.
The WANNETWAK will be social media friendly to include networking capacity building on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, Twitter, and many other social media platforms.
Genetic engineering of local seed genus with wild relatives and distribution of disease, climate change and abiotic stress resistant seed varieties to East African farmers
The project aims to re-introduce thirty varieties of Maize, beans, bananas and sweet potatoes into active production, which will be scientifically reengineered resistant local seeds.
The project currently seeks funding to be able to scale operations to a national level with projected total number of two million farmers enabled with scientifically strengthened and improved seed varieties within the next three to four years.
Placement of needy students into schools by accssing funding and tracer studies on school leavers to enable placement in jobs and investment opportunities and business acumen building.
As the project leader, I have been in business and TVET education for seventeen years.
We have a list of twenty four thousand farmers in Taita Taveta Kenya. Our strategy also places us in a good position to implement our actions to achieve our objectives.
The financial strategy of the project revolves around self-sustainability and accountability to the farmers and relevant treaty stakeholders. To ensure the proper farming of the resilient seed varieties generated the farmer will
need to be financially enabled. Financial structures are to be established at the village level to ensure the farmers enroll in village loans, farm investment and savings associations (VSLA’s). The loans will be given to members at
zero interest rates. This revolving fund will be managed independently by the farmer at the association level.
Farmers will be educated on the best seed varieties to acquire with government subsidy money for ensured financial sustainability. Ashfin consultants links to strong companies in public-private partnerships in Kenya and which companies are only regional offices for the strong international companies they represent and who will be very willing and able to co-fund in the benefit sharing scheme.
The project will seek to invest in research using government subsidies and investment in government bonds.
Further aid mobilization will be mobilized from international proponents of international agricultural policy, aid and grant funding as a tool for emancipation of developing countries from poverty.
- Make it easier and more affordable for individuals and MSMEs to make investments and transfer payments, across geographies and across different types of platforms
- Kenya
- Pilot: An organization testing a product, service, or business model with a small number of users
For technical and expertise support.
- Legal or Regulatory Matters
- Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
- Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
- Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
- Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)
Potential development of plant genetic resources will have a wide impact in the increased food production to mitigate the hunger effects of the current drought in East Africa in the magnitude of that achieved by the Kenya for Kenyans initiative.
New methodologies and technologies of plant genetic coding identification and phenotyping will be developed to contribute to the enhancement of stronger drought and disease resistant varieties.
Information on plant genetic resources and improved varieties generated in the research project will be communicated and recorded on the global information system GLIS. A local system of communication of information about the development of better and new seed varieties will be established to ensure dissemination to ASAL arid and semi-arid areas which are drought stricken. An adaptable solution based computer applications communications system will ensure accountability in genetic and fiduciary implementation policies, processes and procedures.
The project systems will include clear and concise methodologies of collecting, quantifying and analyzing farmer and consumer behavior, preferences and demand. The system will define a clear reciprocating method of information recording which monitor and evaluate progress in the genetic research drought mitigation strategies and the extent of their impacts. Project interventions will be elaborately quantified and recorded with their results in increases in food crop productivity. Crop produce sold per acre will be increased and produce sold reported in the VSLA Village savings, loans and investment associations. Proper channels for the distribution of improved variety food crop produce will be established in the supplier channels in the agricultural sector in conjunction with the ministry of agriculture and private – public sector players and demand aggregators and quantifiers through a rigorous advertising scheme and campaigns.
The NETWAK is built on highest level artificial intelligence specifications. Such specifications include a global URL website that runs on personal computers, android phones and tablets. A NETWAK prototype and application software are being developed on JavaScript platform.
System considerations include authentication processes embedded within the data collection, data processing, data capture and recording computerized global networks. NETWAK is built on cloud infrastructure with the capability to offer access and query to end users and administrators respectively. Query and access are enabled from any location or device worldwide (Vasilenko et al., 2020).
NETWAK offers capabilities for efficient and fast data collection and processing, and action response coupled with authentication against the artificial intelligence natural language processing programming layer which offers authentication against a collected database of similar word inputs.
This allows for fast recognition of words that may allude to fraud in end user information collected and a vast possibility of continuous building-up or amassing of authentic database information for future cross referencing and authentication.
Policy to constantly change and adapt plant genetic research to adapt to needs and evolving pests and diseases.
The project objective is to develop three research sites in rural East Africa. Each site equipped with the latest laboratory and greenhouse technologies.
This will enable the furtherance of research with a closer connection to the actual occurrences on the ground. Possible combinations with wild species in rural areas will be enhanced with the location of the research sites.
Project proponents are to ensure improvement and innovations in genetic strain search techniques, methodologies, genetic information generation and technologies and transfer of the same through (OA-OD) open access and open data and multilateral system of access and benefit-sharing of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and educating the farmers and consumers about new drought resistant seeds and farming technologies and methods generated.
All germplasm and cultivars to be submitted through the global information system GLIS portal of GPRFA.
Possibility of co-funding targeted of USD 420,000 (Four hundred and twenty thousand United States dollars) dependent on initial ITPGRFA benefit sharing fund.
Conserving and researching for old and new materials available for breeding stronger climate and disease resistant varieties to suit the ecological needs of (ASAL) arid and semi-arid land and marginalized communities in East Africa.
Policies and plans to conduct seed fairs and workshops which bring international knowledge and expertise closer to the local rural farmer
Policies, structures and system procedures set up to secure remittance and contribution of germplasm, DNA coding and other plant genetic resources generated using the global information system GLIS.
Combination of known plant breeds and breeding techniques on the project platform should be sought in the quest for adaptation and resilience.
Association mapping techniques, creating single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP chips) to be employed to link recent population traits to ancestor genetic evolutionary sequence or within haplotype. In conjunction with particular phenotype, of interest is to determine direct contribution to trait of interest and disequilibrium with a quantitative trait locus contributing to the trait in question.
The project to ensure the resultant data and crops genetic codes are well documented on GLIS global information system of the PGRFA and made accessible to farmers, researchers and stakeholders. Clear systems, policies, procedures and processes for the dissemination of improved breeds should be established for accountability and fraud deterrence at the (ground level) - laboratory, greenhouse and field level.
Policies and plans to conduct seed fairs and workshops which bring international knowledge and expertise closer to the local rural farmer
Policies, structures and system procedures set up to secure remittance and contribution of germplasm, DNA coding and other plant genetic resources generated using the global information system GLIS.
Policy to constantly change and adapt plant genetic research to adapt to needs and evolving pests and diseases.
Develop policy on training procedures and processes which create and enable transfer of skills to current and prospective workers, students, farmers and other stakeholders for ensured continuity and sustainability beyond project lifetime.
- 1. No Poverty
- 4. Quality Education
- 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
- 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
Ashfin Consultants provides a farmer and researcher participatory framework to ensure the equitable contribution into collaborative policy formulation with the government.
Part of policies include the protection of farmer’s rights to access and benefit and use of PGRFA’s. Farmers are educated on the best seed varieties for future sustainable agriculture.
Farmers will be consulted in local needs, preferable plant traits and germplasm and problems in further research to develop community managed seed banks.
Develop policy on training procedures and processes which create and enable transfer of skills to current and prospective workers, students, farmers and other stakeholders for ensured continuity and sustainability beyond project lifetime.
The targeted PGRFA’s include crop genetic records and their close crop wild relatives to enable different combinations of plant genetic pools to come up with corps which are more resistant to disease, climate change and abiotic stresses.
Specific PGRFA accessions in Genesys global portal include 44 Sweet Potato and 9 Potato ipomoea genus cultivars accessions, 139 Banana cultivar accessions, all 3757 East Africa bean accessions, 45 Cassava cultivar accessions, 6019 Rice cultivars accessions, 26,342 Sorghum cultivar and breeding materials accessions, 13,332 Wheat cultivars, breeder line and breeding materials accessions, 1659 Chickpea cultivar accessions, all 2903 Cowpea accessions, 387 Finger Millet accessions, 520 Pearl Millet accessions, 125 Sunflower, 42 Yam accessions and 12,147 Barley accessions.
The project targets to utilize the global information system GLIS for ensured accountability of recording results in plant genetic research, use of database in proven transferable technologies and FAO glossary of biotechnology for food and agriculture.
The gross domestic product of the three target East African countries, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania will grow with increased productivity in agriculture resulting from the project interventions within the three to four year project period and beyond.
NETWAK networks include communication and collaboration with country
government education ministries, resource websites concerned with school-based information, free and open access academic and educational materials and courses like MOOCS – Massive Open Online Courses, and other OER Open Educational Resources institutions.
Some of corresponding institutions include https://www.oeconsortium.org/,
https://oeru.org/, https://sparcopen.org/open-education/, and other similar
organizations. The main objective of NETWAK should not be lost in catering for the disadvantaged student who cannot even cheap access to online education.
The NETWAK systems and processes are aimed at delivering free and open access of education at all levels to undeserving and unable students globally. To achieve this objective, network activities are geared towards the implementation of affordable technological solutions to enable communication with such students that have little or no access to education due to financial constraints.
The NETWAK system identifies, sources and authenticates the genuine
applications from needy students and matches them with relevant certifiable open access courses, scholarships and funding from benevolent and philanthropic organizations worldwide.
The NETWAK identifies needy students by synthesizing information recognition metrics into deeply embedded ED-TECH systems. Background checks on needy student requisitions for education help is an intrinsic part of in-country NETWAK administrative systems that report to head office.
Potential development of plant genetic resources will have a wide impact in the increased food production to mitigate the hunger effects of the current drought in East Africa in the magnitude of that achieved by the Kenya for Kenyans initiative.
New methodologies and technologies of plant genetic coding identification and phenotyping will be developed to contribute to the enhancement of stronger drought and disease resistant varieties.
The project systems will include clear and concise methodologies of collecting, quantifying and analyzing farmer and consumer behavior, preferences and demand. The system will define a clear reciprocating method of information recording which monitor and evaluate progress in the genetic research drought mitigation strategies and the extent of their impacts. Project interventions will be elaborately quantified and recorded with their results in increases in food crop productivity. Crop produce sold per acre will be increased and produce sold reported in the VSLA Village savings, loans and investment associations. Proper channels for the distribution of improved variety food crop produce will be established in the supplier channels in the agricultural sector in conjunction with the ministry of agriculture and private – public sector players and demand aggregators and quantifiers through a rigorous advertising scheme and campaigns.
The project works in close coordination and collaboration with the government to align policies with PGRFA Treaty guidelines and recommendations. As such, of great concern and interest are plans and policies which recognize the roles and rights of farmers and local communities as beneficiaries to project activities and outcomes in diversification, sustainable use and maintenance of PGRFA and capacity building initiatives geared towards the same.
The project initiates to conserve existing and new discoveries in accessible gene banks and combining on-farm in-situ and ex-situ resources to acquire a balanced mix. Financing research for the conservation of these resources is critical.
The project policy enforces the ease of access and sharing of benefits and information on the Treaty’s multilateral system.
The project activities are in line with all national frameworks of importance to the treaty including the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (Second GPA), and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The project structure contributes to the implementation of the international treaty by addressing the provisions of the session resolution 7/2011 and subsequent first, second and third committee meetings of 2012, 2015 and 2016 respectively of the governing body on the implementation of article six Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources including, reporting on implementation activities to the Governing Body using the indicators for monitoring the implementation of the Second Global Plan of Action for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and relevant reporting formats, sustainable use of PGRFA and contributions to the programme of works while creating access of seed improvements and other required PGRFA information to farmers.
NETWAK is a global digital education strategy and network that aims to enhance the access of free education courses to the global disadvantaged individuals with an emphasis on gender sensitivity.
The main objective of the NETWAK strategy is to create an online authentication audit system that seeks and verifies needy students globally who are willing to learn and are hindered by lack of resources and lack of access to technology.
The strategy involves identification of sustainable funding sources for both technical manpower, computer and educational resources that make education networking and learning possible globally.
The technical setup will require a server network to be established with protocols that enable authentication of user inputs collected from both computer and android phones on the NETWAK system.
NETWAK is a non-profit making organization that provides free and low-cost certified education globally. NETWAK will be accessible on the internet to any android phone, tablet, PC and all laptop.
NETWAK is a global digital education strategy and network that aims to enhance theaccess of free education courses to the global disadvantaged individuals with an emphasis ongender sensitivity.
The main objective of the NETWAK strategy is to create an online authentication audit system that seeks and verifies needy students globally who are willing to learn and are hindered by lack of resources and lack of access to technology.
The strategy involves identification of sustainable funding sources for both technical manpower, computer and educational resources that make education networking and learning possible globally.
The technical setup will require a server network to be established with protocols that enable authentication of user inputs collected from both computer and android phones on the NETWAK system.
NETWAK is a non-profit making organization that provides free and low-cost certified education globally. NETWAK will be accessible on the internet to any android phone, tablet, PC and all laptop.
NETWAK provides linkages to education opportunities worldwide. Proper
administrative privileges will be allocated to individuals chosen by the
governing council under the leadership of the founder president. The president elects the ten members of the governing council and has the mandate to replace them at any time.
NETWAK is a global oversight network that leverages the internet to provide
authentication systems that vet the skills, qualifications, suitability and
experience of network tutors and the credibility of individuals and
communities intending to seek education via the network.
The NETWAK inculcates use of high level programming to build websites
with plugins and accessories for the disadvantaged. The special TV and radio
programmes and provision of brail worldwide is offered free of charge.
NETWAK databases are built on virtual machines, mostly open access
cloud server infrastructure build, and backed up in offline computer
storage devices and data storage facilities comprising computer disks.
The NETWAK physical hardware topologies drive a communication
strategy that enables information flow and access connected from an
Inmarsat satellite.
Future prospects are in investment in GSM termination systems to ease
costs of communications and create future income stream cashflows to
enable financial sustainability of NETWAK.
In that respect it is the endeavor of NETWAK to scale and integrate digital radio and television education classes organized with the collaborating institutions offering free global education, as to reach the most disadvantaged at the village grassroot level mostly in developing global country governments.
The NETWAK is built on highest level artificial intelligence specifications. Such specifications include a global URL website that runs on personal computers, android phones and tablets. A NETWAK prototype and application software are being developed on JavaScript platform.
System considerations include authentication processes embedded within the data collection, data processing, data capture and recording computerized global networks. NETWAK is built on cloud infrastructure with the capability to offer access and query to end users and administrators respectively. Query and access are enabled from any location or device worldwide (Vasilenko et al., 2020).
NETWAK offers capabilities for efficient and fast data collection and processing, and action response coupled with authentication against the artificial intelligence natural language processing programming layer which offers authentication against a collected database of similar word inputs.
This allows for fast recognition of words that may allude to fraud in end user information collected and a vast possibility of continuous building-up or amassing of authentic database information for future cross referencing and authentication.
The project objective is to develop three research sites in rural East Africa. Each site equipped with the latest laboratory and greenhouse technologies.
This will enable the furtherance of research with a closer connection to the actual occurrences on the ground. Possible combinations with wild species in rural areas will be enhanced with the location of the research sites.
Project proponents are to ensure improvement and innovations in genetic strain search techniques, methodologies, genetic information generation and technologies and transfer of the same through (OA-OD) open access and open data and multilateral system of access and benefit-sharing of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture and educating the farmers and consumers about new drought resistant seeds and farming technologies and methods generated.
All germplasm and cultivars to be submitted through the global information system GLIS portal of GPRFA.
Conserving and researching for old and new materials available for breeding stronger climate and disease resistant varieties to suit the ecological needs of (ASAL) arid and semi-arid land and marginalized communities in East Africa.
The project contributes to the development of the toolbox on sustainable use of PGRFA and development of new methodologies and technologies in plant genetic research, practical agricultural technique improvements and equitable transfer of the same.
The project supports the identification and awareness creation for new local underutilized seed varieties in line with meeting Aichi target 7 and 13.
Use of the global information system GLIS to ensure international collaboration with stakeholders and under the guidance of the mission objectives and principles of the Platform for the Co-Development and Transfer of Technologies the project activities are geared to achievement of expected results by year (2030)
Information on plant genetic resources and improved varieties generated in the research project will be communicated and recorded on the global information system GLIS. A local system of communication of information about the development of better and new seed varieties will be established to ensure dissemination to ASAL arid and semi-arid areas which are drought stricken. An adaptable solution based computer applications communications system will ensure accountability in genetic and fiduciary implementation policies, processes and procedures.
- A new application of an existing technology
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Kenya
- Uganda
- Nonprofit
WANNETWAK is a global and equitable organization with no discrimination for gender, race, tribe or disability.
The capacity building strategy of the proposed project is to create a dedicated committee with the sole role of selecting, recruiting and training researchers, extension agents, national focal points, government workers and technicians to be involved in the implementation of the interventions under the Treaty.
The project involves a revolving fund committee to necessitate the support of new women scientists by offering subsidized education funding into universities and higher education institutions especially in the area of plant genetics. These scientists will be employed directly into the project and programme areas which enables the future conservation and certainty of the Treaty implementation. The revolving fund committee will have the role of sourcing other education funds for the student beneficiaries of the education programme like the higher education loans board (HELB) in Kenya.
- Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)
WANNETWAK aims to organize people into financially enabled groups that will carry out sustainable business projects from generated funds. An example is percieved investment in lucrative GSM termination in Africa as an income generation investment groups for ensured sustainability.
The project will seek to invest in research using government subsidies and investment in government bonds. Further aid mobilization will be mobilized from international proponents of international agricultural policy, aid and grant funding as a tool for emancipation of developing countries from poverty.
The financial strategy of the project revolves around self-sustainability and accountability to the farmers and relevant treaty stakeholders. To ensure the proper farming of the resilient seed varieties generated the farmer will need to be financially enabled. Financial structures are to be established at the village level to ensure the farmers enroll in village loans, farm investment and savings associations (VSLA’s). The loans will be given to members at zero interest rates.
This revolving fund will be managed independently by the farmer and business people at the association level. Farmers will be educated on the best seed varieties to acquire with government subsidy money for ensured financial sustainability. Ashfin consultants links to strong companies in public-private partnerships in Kenya and which companies are only regional offices for the strong international companies they represent and who will be very willing and able to co-fund in the benefit sharing scheme.

Lecturer, Trainer, Assessor, Research analyst and Writer