My solution will in broader terms address poverty eradication through skills development. Skills development will empower house girls to look beyond working in houses and open up to them a world of opportunities. To achieve this, my solution is phased into four
1. Train the girls on basic house keeping, laundry, cookery, child care and first aid not ignoring life skills. This phase is to prepare girls to effectively work as house girls and empower them with skills for peaceful co-existence with their employers
2. Once the girls are trained, we register them with our organization and get them some placement to work as house girls. Here there are few things they will be required to do. First, they will have to accept to put some savings aside towards their savings on monthly basis. Two, they have to decide how long they would like to work (though the maximum allowed will be 5 years). Three, they must start work with an end in mind by identifying a business venture or a career prospect they would love to undertake after the expiry of their working period.
3. After their working period is over, they have to appear for real world work training. Based on one's interest. eg. those interested in sawing will have to be trained to do this.
4. Approach the savings and credit cooperative society to grant the girls credit facilities against their savings to pitch their ventures.
5. The final phase is for the institution to establish its own training center,start a production unit and collaborate with other business minded people to support our center.