According to the World Health Organization, 2 billion people in the world lack basic toilet facilities, and 673 million of them can only defecate in open places such as pits and trees. Lack of toilet facilities leads to poor sanitation, pollutes land, rivers and causes environmental damage. There are even 310,000 children in the world die due to diarrhea caused by poor water quality each year.
According to the statistics, a total amount of 79.5 million people are currently being forced to leave their homes due to climate change and war conflicts; nearly 26 million of them are UN-certified refugees, and there are more than half of them are children who suffer from stunting, severe malnutrition because of the lack of food and undernutrition. This situation also increases mortality and disease in young children ages.
SUPPLUS proposes effective solutions for refugees in African countries, Rohingya refugees from 2016, Afghanistan refugees from 2021, and now Ukrainian refugees since February 2022.