water and food source resilience project
- Pre-Seed
Recycling waste water and purifying rain water using compartmentalized pipes and building farming story buildings in the urban areas to create food and water resilient sources.
Waste or rainwater from homes is channeled to a compartmentalized pipe. The material that makes up the layer that compartmentalizes the pipe is made up of clay and saw dust burnt together to allow filtration. The upper compartment is where the waste or rain water will pass to its collection tank whiles the lower compartment is where the filtered water will pass to its collection tank. The inlet part of the lower chamber is sealed to prevent unfiltered water from entering it. The compartments are coated or lined with silver to purify the water as silver is know to have 99.9% purification abilities. Silver kills bacterial and algae that brings about water borne diseases. It also reacts with oxygen to act as a sanitizer to purify water and it also has the ability to remove odors from water thereby making it potable. As the rain water or waste water moves to its tank its water is simultaneously filtered and purified and sent to a storage tank. Because this process may need enough time in order to get more water filtered and purified, the compartmentalized pipe is designed in a serpentine fashion so as to slow down the flow of the waste or rain water to enable maximum filtration and purification. The filtered water collected in its tank is then pumped back into homes for use.
Farming story buildings are built like city car parks are built. Every floor fitted with solar powered light bright enough to facilitate photosynthesis in the plants. Every floor of the edifice is well ventilated to support plant respiration. Soil beds are made depending on the type of plant to be planted and pipes fitted strategically for effective irrigation. The Farming story building are a means of creating sustainable resilient food source.
My solution solves the problem of the large population of urban dwellers being over taxed for basic human needs of potable water and access to fresh nutritious food which is not readily available. My solution makes readily available water and food to urban dwellers. Recycling used water for reuse and building farming story buildings to produce food within cities will make food and water readily available and also at a very low price for everybody to access hence cutting down over taxation by government since it will have to spend so much in accessing food and water for urban dwellers.
In my country, Ghana, we use much water which we do not recycle whiles we have water availability issues in some parts of the country. In the rainy seasons the rain water is just left to go waste. I have tried my solution in recycling and purifying rain water for my own use and it worked.
Plants need nutrients in soil, carbon dioxide, water in the presence of light to produce its own food if these elements can be made available and regulated in their right quantities then I believe the farming story buildings will solve food accessibility problems.
With my solution there will no more be the need for homes to use water purifiers as water will 99.9% pure. Recycled water will be pumped into home with readable meters allocated to every home to bill them reasonably for water usage.
Healthy food will be available to all at low prices. Communities will have food grown for them to buttress what the insufficient one the government supplies.
The foods grown will be distributed to markets, local shops etc.
Every single person in the community will be a beneficiary.
recorded on a water usage reading meter - every volume of water used
recorded in ledger - fruits, vegetables etc. produced
- Adolescent
- Adult
- Male
- Female
- Urban
- Sub-Saharan Africa
- Europe and Central Asia
- Middle East and North Africa
- Agricultural technology
- Civil engineering
My solution is unique because it simultaneously filters and purifies water from waste water even as the waste is moved to its collection point and the solution is very cheap. The farming story building is unique because it does not need a huge land to produce food on a large scale since the more floors the buildings go up the more food production is done which is the reason why it can be done using any reasonable size of land.
The water recycling process will engage the expertise of the local people in the civil works and in the revenue collection section since consumers will be expected to pay their monthly bills.
The farming story building will also require the locals to be involved in all farming practices that will be engaged to make the plants bring forth the expected yield. The supply to sales points and customers will involve the locals hands at work.
The recycled water will be pumped into homes of users. Since the waste water will be coming from the homes of the people in the communities, every ten houses will have its solution to make the potable water accessible. It will be very affordable since materials needed in setting it up are very basic.
Farming story buildings will built in every community with respect to the population of dwellers in the community. Products from the farm will be delivered to local shops and markets for ready access to the dwellers and will be affordable.
- 1-3 (Formulation)
- Not Registered as Any Organization
- Ghana
Seek investors, seek government financial support as current Ghanaian government encourages youth to be creative, holding seminars to train the youth in creative thinking at a fee, clean water pumped to homes will be metered and consumers charged accordingly. Foods produced by farming story buildings will be sold to shops, markets, individuals, restaurants etc.
getting partners to invest in project.
- Less than 1 year
- 3-6 months
- 6-12 months
- Financial Inclusion
- Income Generation
- Post-secondary Education
- Water Treatment
- Food Production
As Solve seeks to make the world a better place to live, I wish to become a solver so as to contribute my quota in this quest to make the world a better place for humanity. Interacting with other solvers all over the world will help gather more information improve upon what I have already been able to come with. In a gathering of solvers from all over the world, the atmosphere will be nothing but a great inspiration for me to sharpen my creative abilities to produce more to help the world become a better place for humanity.
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