Harvey Love foundation
Providing space for the boy child by equipping them and teaching them.
Gender inequality.
The solution is Harvey Love Foundation. Creating a platform for the boy child to express himself and rely on us to learn and unlearn.
The boy child. They will learn better ways of earning.
My team, being men, has taught me how different the perspective of gender inequality. It has brought forward the fact that boys have been segregated and put aside leaving them heartless. This is why there's still a lot of gender violence because men are taught to be harsh and tough on females
Without money, a man has no value yet they're required to maintain the girl child. There's no gender equality when one gender is left out.
Yes, research has been made. The next project was to volunteer in different activities
- Improving financial and economic opportunities for all (Economic Prosperity)
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.
How about we change the world by helping the boy child also, by involving males like we involve females. I am talking about gender equality. There is no gender equality when men are left out. A lot of attention had been put on the girl child neglecting the boy child. He equally needs the assistance, he equally needs skills to maintain the girl child. Men too face domestic violence, they face rape, they face incompetence, they face hardships, but who is talking about these? No one. How about we start looking at those things that make the girl child insecure in men. Men are taught to be animals, to be harsh, but we forget who is going to face their malice! The girl child of course. We forget that after they have been taught to be harsh, it the girl child, with whom we are trying to protect, face all this from her husband, neighbor, stranger, among others. How about we work hand in hand to show them that it's okay not to be okay, it's okay to talk about rape, it's okay to be emotionally drained.
If I happen to be the winner of this challenge, I would want to skill the boy child, I would want to make it a project and team up with both gender, without one, the other can't be. I would want to start a foundation to equip different skills to the boy child and equally employ them in different ways. A foundation where they will also seek and find justice, a place they know they can rely on. Maybe with this, the girl child will also feel safe, she will feel better knowing that men are also being taught how to hold their anger and not lash it to them.
Ad what happens to the poor male orphans, just like how we are running out to save the girl orphan, this little boy too needs a home, he needs food, he doesn't deserve the streets, he doesn't deserve the street food.
The world will be a better place if both gender are catered for; not assuming that one has it all and the other doesn't, not assuming that one is weaker than the other. Both equally need to be thought about, they need to be equipped. The boy child won't make the girl child proud without providing, and he won't provide without the skill, without the behavior and without knowing that he got back up.
- Behavioral Technology
Financial barrier
My mission is to equip the boy child.
I definitely need to look for donations. The challenge is that very few people are willing to support the boy child which beats my understanding. The different and various activities to be worked on shall go back to the community.
If let's say, we are making bars of washing soap, they're to be sold to the society so as to re invest in the project to keep running.
Harvey Love foundation