dis.Code is a content curation platform that helps beginners to have their first contact in the technology area and enter the market and helps recruiters get good candidates.
A study showed that here in Brazil we will have 800,000 jobs in the IT market by 2025. Despite this, there is a lack of public policies to encourage education, so there is no qualified workforce.
In a survey carried out by our team, we saw that more than 70% have difficulties studying technology on their own. With so much information on the internet, it's hard to know where to start. We want to be a unique, integrated and personalized platform that will make the student's more practical and fun.
At the other end, we spoke with recruiters from different companies and identified difficulties in hiring based on technical aspects. We will assist in this process by bringing hard-working and enthusiastic candidates, who will be collecting achievements as they progress through the platform.
Content curation platform that relies on artificial intelligence to personalize the student's learning path as much as possible, whether with articles, videos, books, audiobooks. The further he advances, the more achievements he unlocks, and he has a more popular profile. With this, recruiters can get in touch for job opportunities in a practical and efficient way. The platform uses React.js, Java and Postgres.
Students between 14 and 18 years old, who are interested in technology but feel lost or want to try it out before entering college. The platform provides a democratic and intuitive way to develop technical programming skills, enabling entry into the job market.
We have programming skills, mostly acquired on our own, but we also took a technical course together. One member is a Front-end developer, another is Back-End and another is a Designer. This way we adapt and create our product. We understand the problem and we are the best to solve it because we were our persona, and we face the difficulties that we solve today.
We did several surveys in our city, and we ran a manual version of our business, which we called MVP MVP.
- Improving learning opportunities and outcomes for learners across their lifetimes, from early childhood on (Learning)
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
We are the first platform that unites tech skills development with the democratization of entry into the labor market in a personalized way. We hope it will have a large membership and be a reference platform for hiring beginner professionals.
Build a solid client base, and carry out the first hires through the platform.
It would be something like a social network, with some screens for profile, chatting and content listing. The algorithm consists of recommending short content and subjects and making the next suggestions according to the student's rate.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Audiovisual Media
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Brazil
We plan to serve at least 100 people in the short term.
As all team members have other full-time jobs, we weren't able to dedicate much time to the project. There are few of us, and I believe that there is a technical barrier.