Water Pollution Mapping
A choropleth map of water health using the water's pH values. Each body of water displayed on the map will change colour based on its pH level.
Data is not very helpful when it is unstructured. In this context, data about water pollution is not of much use when it does not communicate a solution. Currently, it is difficult to visualise pollution in bodies of water easily. Without awareness of the pollution levels in water, the pollution cannot be reduced. My idea provides governments and environmental organisations with the data they need to make the environmental changes necessary to combat climate change. Let's assume river A is polluted with a pH value of 10. With a pH monitoring system, the pH value can be depicted on the choropleth map, and River A will turn a dark blue colour. On the map, we will be able to see where exactly the pollution is concentrated and attend to it. A river might extend for miles and miles, the map is helpful in the sense that the pollution can be handled at its specific location. Furthermore, the benefits of a map include being able to see its surroundings i.e. which communities or habitats are affected.
In my country - Malaysia, we often face water cuts due to water pollution. Most times, this pollution is discovered through odour, which is not an effective nor accurate way to determine water pollution. The pollution is discovered fairly late as well, which results in many households without water on short notice. This is especially harmful to the less unfortunate, who will not have access to clean water during this period. The pollution tends to be a result of illegal dumping of waste. My idea therefore also makes it easier to hold the factories accountable as the map pinpoints the location of the pollution.
My idea is to make a choropleth map of water health using the water's pH values. Each body of water displayed on the map will change colour based on its pH level. For instance, if a river has a pH value of 10, the river will be dark blue, whereas if a lake has a pH value of 5, the river will be a lighter blue. I have made a prototype of the choropleth map using QGIS. My prototype displays East and West Malaysia, the states and their borders and the bodies of water in Malaysia.
First, data detailing the water health in bodies of water would need to be sampled. An extension to my idea was to set up constant pH monitors in the water so that live data can be recorded. Then, this data would be inputted into the system and automatically displayed as a choropleth map that is easy to read. The digital portion of my solution is effective and time-efficient. Governments and environmental organisations can assess the map to see which areas need urgent action. It is also very practical. Many governments already utilise some form of mapping or satellite imagery. Therefore, a solution to climate change that uses geospatial data will be welcomed in a real-life scenario.
My solution will benefit the environment and anyone who requires access to clean water. In my country - Malaysia, we often face water cuts due to water pollution. Most times, this pollution is discovered through odour, which is not an effective nor accurate way to determine water pollution. The pollution is discovered fairly late as well, which results in many households without water on short notice. This is especially harmful to the less unfortunate, who will not have access to clean water during this period. The pollution tends to be a result of illegal dumping of waste. My idea therefore also makes it easier to hold the factories accountable as the map pinpoints the location of the pollution. This idea is not limited to my country, it is scalable and can therefore be set up in any country.
I am a Malaysian citizen. As described in the earlier questions, we often experience water cuts due to water pollution in Malaysia. Sometimes, the water pollution even goes unnoticed until months later. Therefore, I have first-hand experience in regard to the harmful effects of water pollution. Earlier, I also mentioned I designed a prototype of my idea using QGIS. I am an aspiring computer science student. I am always trying to use my computer science skills and knowledge to solve world problems. It is an undeniable fact that technology has revolutionised the way we currently live. That is why I approached the issue of water pollution by utilising my digital resources. My country Malaysia lags behind other countries in terms of its technological advancement. As a computer science student, I feel it is my responsibility to improve that.
I researched the types of water pollution and ways of measuring it, which led me to the idea of using pH levels as a basis. I also researched the causes and consequences of water pollution in my country. The causes are mostly illegal dumping of waste. My idea inhibits this as the map pinpoints the location of the pollution, making it easier to identify the suspects. My idea also relieves the consequences of water pollution more efficiently as governments and environmental organisations can assess the map to see which areas need urgent action.
- Taking action to combat climate change and its impacts (Sustainability)
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.
Population density, greenery, air pollution etc. are information regarding our environment that are frequently assessed using mapping technology. When I was conducting research on mapping, I realised water pollution is not displayed in as much detail as other environmental factors, or not at all. This means that water pollution is neglected. 78% of animal biomass lives in the marine environment, all of whom are at risk of dying because of water pollution. Water pollution is an urgent issue and cannot be ignored. My idea of mapping water pollution on a choropleth map will bring awareness to this. The government or environmental organisations might have data on water pollution but these often come in the form of tables or lengthy reports which are not easy nor quick to visualise on a geographic basis. Furthermore, in my country Malaysia, government action is usually only taken when netizens report instances of water pollution. This means that if water pollution goes undetected by netizens, the government would not be aware of it. A digital choropleth map would ensure water health in the country is displayed at all times.
I aim to propose my idea to the government of my country, Malaysia. Once approved, I will work with the health ministry to set up the choropleth map and pH monitoring systems. Then, I plan to share the choropleth map with the relevant authorities so that clean-up initiatives can be put forward in response to water pollution. My goal is to detect water pollution early so that the environment can sustain less damage and people can maintain access to clean water. I aim to see instances of water cuts and rationing reduced in my country. Furthermore, I would like to deter people from dumping waste in the water. I aim to see reports of pollution decrease over time.
My idea involves two core technologies. A choropleth map and pH sensors. The choropleth map can be created using mapping software such as QGIS or ArcGIS. pH sensors already exist, and some are used in water treatment facilities. These pH sensors should be stationed at multiple points of the water body, depending on how large the water body is, eg. 1 sensor per 4km.
- Biotechnology / Bioengineering
- GIS and Geospatial Technology
- Imaging and Sensor Technology
- Materials Science
- Malaysia
I am currently not serving anyone as this idea is just a concept as of now. In a year, I expect to serve at least 5.79 million people in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. I intend to implement my idea in at least one state to assess its performance.
Firstly, communication barriers. In order to implement the idea nationwide, I would need to get government approval. Secondly, financial barriers. The pH monitoring system would require a relatively large sum of money to install. Technical barriers might arise as well, such as the pH sensors breaking down or not working as intended. In that case, I would just continue searching for more suitable sensors so it is not too big an issue.
I am not currently affiliated with any organisations.
My idea provides governments and environmental organisations with valuable data about water pollution in the country, enabling them to carry out the changes needed to combat climate change. This idea is needed to protect the environment and to ensure people have access to clean water.
I intend to start off as a non-profit and thus will rely on donations and investment. If I acquire government approval, the government should be able to use its budget to invest in the project. When the idea is assessed and successful, I can sell the idea to governments of other countries for revenue. This revenue can then be used to expand the project, such as to upgrade the pH sensors or to acquire more geospatial data for the choropleth map.