SiMI creates safety in potentially risky environments that first responders must face. We improve their decision-making process by gathering data with mobile robotics platforms and sensors.
When discussing about first responders, what usually comes to mind is an agent who assists in emergency situations with specific configurations and variables. According to Mason et al. (2017). These situations of crises tend to be defined by similar attributes: (1) They are often unexpected; (2) they are non-routine and require novel and often extreme response measures; (3) they produce high levels of uncertainty (conceptualized as: “Ambiguity about the outcomes of various actions, exists when details of situations are ambiguous, complex, unpredictable, or probabilistic, when information is unavailable or inconsistent” ). These tendencies describe a scenario in which there is a lack of information about the state of the emergency that may result in poor knowledge for strategic purposes and hence in an increased exposure to traumatic situations and hazardous environments.
In view of the case study presented by Jaramillo et al. (2021). in Colombia, for example, 31 out of 40 firefighters agree that the greatest difficulties in attending a wildfire- the emergency with higher incidence -are: (1) access to the affected zone; (2) wind direction; (3) lack of personnel. The statistics not only stress the fact that they are at mercy of unknown variables but also evidence that some efforts may be futile whenever they claim that forest fires are neglected if favorable conditions are not present. In addition, police and law enforcement institutions, are in need of implementing new solutions to: “mantener la calidad de vida ciudadana, un aspecto fundamental para elevar la satisfacción de los ciudadanos es la efectividad en la capacidad de atención a las necesidades de emergencias y seguridad que se presentan en sus territorios” ["to maintain the quality of life of citizens, a fundamental aspect to increase citizen satisfaction is the effectiveness in the capacity to attend to the emergency and security needs that arise in their territories"] (ESU, 2021) .While there exists multiple mechanisms to comply with the methodological guidelines created by the local risk management entity UNGRD [National Entity for Disaster risk Management], there have not been enough efforts to create strategies to gather information that may clarify the potentially dangerous events as part of the guideline.
The above mentioned considers that an appropriate knowledge of the incident is part of an effective response and hence a decrease of the hazard but it also questions: ¿how to design strategies and tools to control the uncertainty of potentially risk environments and strengthen first responders institutions?
Mason A.M, Drew Shirley, Weaver David(2017) Managing Crisis-induced uncertainty: First responder experiences from the 2011 Joplin-Duquesne Tornado
Jaramillo Simón, Granda Juan David(2021) Artio: Vehículo Terrestre no tripulado para atenuación de conatos de incendio From:
Empresa para la Seguridad y Soluciones Urbanas - ESU (2021) From:
UNGRD (2020), Análisis del riesgo From: https://repositorio.gestiondel...
SiMI develops mobile robotics platforms with sensors to collect real-time data and improve decision making processes of first responders. The data is then visualized on a user interface that makes data easy to interpret and understand. The robot will enable final users to improve their coverage as well as mitigate the risk the emergency represents for their integrity.
The users will deploy the robot on the scene of the incident or those they want to keep in control over. The robot, teleoperated, will start collecting data on the field. This data is displayed in different alerts or alarms for strategic porpuses and in order to create more situational\spatial awareness of the scene.
This combination of software and hardware will address several situations that nowadays are getting more complex and will revolutionize the way we approach emergency situations in a safer way.
First responders are usually working in demanding and stressing situations that may even put their lifes at risk facing the "unknown". Some studies have been performed to showcase how their mental health is also involved and how they can develop post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), major depressive disorder, panic disorder , and generalized anxiety disorder. In Colombia, government entities, for instance, have evidenced a relation between the exposure to carbon monoxide, dioxin, ozone with the formation of respiratory symptoms and decreased lung function in firefighters. On the other hand, police officers in countries like Mexico, Chile and Peru present high burnout levels.
With the robotics involved, we aim to reduce exposure and create safety and greater certainty and control. We firmly believe that an easier access to real-time data will deal with ambiguity, risk and more efficient operations.
Even though it is a reduced team, our capabilities are complementary and cover all the needs of the project. We are a team of two professionals with different backgrounds and different experiences but with one common mission: create safety and stregthen government institutions.
We are both experienced in mechatronics systems, electronics, robotics, desing and prototyping. However, we support different areas and combine our experience working with large companies and startups. Our project can be reduced in three areas:
- Operations, business and sales: This department is responsible for engaging with potential costumers, understand their potential needs, scope potential markets and coordinate demos. The area is leaded by Juan. Juan has worked in Silicon Valley startups and has experience driving the adoption of top-notch tecnologies (robotics), engaging with costumers and coordinating on-field operations.
- Software and data: In charge of the development of software and the data processing. The department is headed by Simón, who is specialist in big data and machine learning. He has leaded software projects in large companies.
- Hardware and manufacture: Supported by both.
We have closely engaged with first responders locally, specially with fire fighters and police officers by conducting field investigations (surveys, tecnology validation) and doing research on national databases of government institutions. To date, we have prototyped Artio, an unmanned Ground Vehicle created to assist first responders in wildfires. It was designed considering their requirements and understanding their needs as well.
We are also stepping forward by designing a novel robotics platform to help police officers in their patrols.
- Other: Addressing an unmet social, environmental, or economic need not covered in the four dimensions above.
- Prototype: A venture or organization building and testing its product, service, or business model
Nowadays, first responders need to be more efficient and be aware of what's going on around them so as to implement contundent strategies and improve their assistance capabilities. Sometimes, they don't even know what they're facing and are at mercy of unknown variables. The robots not only enhace their coverage (and data collection too) but also help reduce risk in hazourdos environments. The data, of course, will clearify the situation.
SiMI tackles all these problems by creating tailor-made and easy-to-deploy technology and condensing the information in a way way that it's easier to interpret for everyone: from rookies to advanced users.
We firmly believe that robotics will create a contundent impact anytime soon, specially the combination between hardware and software.
At Simi we have three main objectives for this year:
- To create safety for both: operators and community
- 70% of the final users (first responders) will consider this technology as a tool to be used during their operations.
- To cover at least two different agencies: Firefighters and police department.
We expect to launch in the next three months the outdoors patrolling platform in order to start an iterative process that will allow us generate more impact.
We are perfect blend of robotics and software powered by big data and machine learning. The platform itself may be described as a sensor bench that collects data in hazardous environments and then it is analyzed through neural networks, image processing and computer vision.
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- Big Data
- Internet of Things
- Robotics and Drones
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Colombia
Even though we haven't launched yet, we expect to impact at least all actors based in the city (Medellín). That is at least 400 firefighters and one CCTV dependence. However, since we are creating safety, we are convinced that this technology will affect all of society living in the city (that is, at least, 2.3 million of inhabitants)
Since the project is still in early stages. There is a financial limatation and hence with the technology and the technical team we want to power. We also have to take into consideration the shortage of the regularization on the usage of robotics platforms, specially in public spaces.
We are working with local entities (firefighters department and police department) our idea was also selected by a local incubator owned by the municipality
We are proposing a RaaS business model, considering that a full-service lease is the most suitable. The mobile robot along with the software and the interface will be leased on a mensual fee that in the current market it ranges between USD 2500 and 10000 USD (That usually depends on the complexity of the solution) The fee will cover maintenence support (Calibration, repairs) and costumer support.
The solution is mostly based on service contracts to governments, venture capital raising (during the seed phase of the project)