Holographic Roadway Signs Assistance (HRSA) to prevent fatal wrongway driving accidents. Replacing the arachic ' Do Not Enter Sign stop sign" with the virtual wall.
According to AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety (AAAFTS), between 2010 and 2018 there were 2,921 fatal wrong-way crashes resulting in 3,885 deaths—an average of 430 deaths per year. Over half of these deaths were wrong-way drivers (52.8%), a small percentage were their passengers (5.7%), while about four in ten (41.1%) were occupants of other vehicles.
The consequences of wrong side driving will continue impacting many families affected by such a preventable accident by improving roadside technologies in US roads.
Holographic Road Signs or HRS - is what it actucally sounds like a holographic sign along US highways and busy congested streets that specfically warn drivers if they are in the wrong side of the road while driving. This has been done by many drivers, even my self espcially in Atlanta and I was one the the lucky ones where a vehicle was no presented hence, I am able to write this project solution to MIT solve so this innvoative solution has been something that I can realted to and I believe that this technology solution is something that can save hundreds of lives i.e, elderly , visiual imparied drivers, drunk drivers and novice drivers.
Elderly drivers, Visual Imparied drivers, Alcoholic impaired drivers, and Novice drivers. Theses are all drivers that are in more affected the minute they hit the roadways and the HRS (Holographic Road Signs) can be a life-saver and most importanly can be a lifesave to the passengers such as infants, toddler's who just happen to be the passenger along for the ride.
From 2015-2018, 309 fatalities came from wrong-way crashes in Texas , according to studied research. Wrong-way crashes commonly occur at intersections and on frontage roads in metropolitan areas, as well as on one-way streets in downtown areas.
As a skilled driver that recently obtained the Austin Metro Professional Driver Certificate in Ocotber of 2022, I will be able to provide insight from a different perspective which many amaetur drivers may not. As for my team they have voice concerens about inefficient road signs that could be improve to may driving more safe for everyone.
Yes, we have done grassroots survey in our local community in Austin, Texas - knocking on door to door to to get answers from residents on whether our ideas has merit. However, we have all resdients who participate in this survey sign NDA agreements.
- Improving healthcare access and health outcomes; and reducing and ultimately eliminating health disparities (Health)
- Concept: An idea being explored for its feasibility to build a product, service, or business model based on that idea.
Our solution is innovative because uses argumentive reality to assist drivers who are under the influence of drugs or are visually impaired due to underlying conditions or just are unaware of driving on the wrong side of the road. The fact that we are in 2023 and still using metallic road signs at night to warn unaware drivers that there driving on the road side should be something that as a nation we should change immediately and save countless precious lives. I and my team believe argument reality AR could be used in public and private roadways.
Obtain Investors and Funding through the MIT program (Year 1)
Spread Argument Reality Technology in Austin, Tx ( Year 1)
Use Social Media as a marketing tool to gain awarness on wrongside driving - possiblity working with the economic forum to increase awarness. (Year 1)
A hologram is a recording of an optical interference pattern between light waves. To generate a hologram, two coherent light beams — called the object and reference beams — are made to overlap in a photosensitive material such as a photopolymer or silver-halide emulsion. The object beam propagates from the object and thus carries information about it, while the reference beam is used to record the hologram (see “The basics of holography”). The optical interference pattern is physically stored as a change in absorption, refractive index or thickness of the recording material — turning it into a diffraction grating that contains information about the amplitude and phase of the two original light beams. By illuminating the grating with the reference beam, a weak copy of the original object beam can be reconstructed.
- Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality
- United States
We plan to introduce the idea to the Austin Metroarea to serve the residents of Austin which has a population of 961,855 residents.
Getting (Investors and Funding ) to make the (HRSA) a reality to save millions of lives. We expected to be working with state officals to make this idea a possiblity (B2G)
MIT currently at the moment. We are hoping to get our ideas accepted by MIT in order for bring the idea to life due to the fact that being in our 20's having money to carry out ideas can be something that stifles innovative and put ideas from getting off the ground. Most importantly life saving ideas such as the HRAS (Holographic Road Assistant Sign) technology.
We will provide (value to the population) by saving lifes on the road through argument reality road sign assistant and our company Genie" will play a instrumental part in providing roadside assistance many disaffected poupulation demograhics not only in the Austin , Tx but one day all of the US.
Through service contract to the government and applying for grant applications.