We know that, Cigarette smoke affects the human very much. It causes many types of heart diseases, cancers and others. Not only to smoker but it also affects the nonsmokers that doesn’t uses cigarette but got contact or touched in cigarette smoke and smokers. Smoke is dangerous for everyone and environment also. People who do not smoke but are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or at work increase the risk of developing the heart disease by 25-30%. Secondhand smoke increases the risk of stroke by 20-30%, Secondhand smoke causes more than 8000 deaths from stroke each year. Secondhand smoke is the third leading cause of lung cancer and responsible for an estimated 3,000 lung cancer deaths every year.
Per year more than 22000+ people died from lung cancer due to secondhand smoke even they are non- smoker. Smokers smoke in different places and harm the environment and other people also and cause danger diseases like cancer, COPD etc. In this project, cigarette smoke will store or control after secondhand smoke detects from smokers and safe the nonsmokers from its effects. Cigarette smoke contains many types of harmful chemicals that cause many types or different types of diseases even dangerous cancer like lung cancer. When smokers smoke in a place and nonsmoker also sit there then in that table place this device. This device contains smoke sensor, Smoke storing box or module, two valves one small and one big where smoke will enter, a smoke inhaling device part that inhale Secondhand smoke from air and control from going near the nonsmoker (exhaust and axial fan). Through this devices secondhand smoke can be controlled from nonsmokers on different places like shop, house, group of people in table, offices etc. where both smokers and nonsmokers sited.