Creation of Gamifying schools in Uvira
The project will provide recreational activities to children from primary schools from Uvira
the project intends to porvide activities which on Games that can introduce goals, interaction, feedback, problem solving, competition, narrative, and fun learning environments, elements that can increase learner engagement and sustain motivation of children
Activities will enable children improve their learning environment and social cohesion among them
pupils from primary schools
Our team is well-trained on education
To understand the neends of the beneficiaries, we have made a needs assessment on reproductive health in favour of girls.
- Improving healthcare access and health outcomes; and reducing and ultimately eliminating health disparities (Health)
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
The element which makes my solution innovative is that, it is designed to solve an existing problem that has not been addressed before. The education challenges that a lof ot schools from my community face is that of missing of gamifying appoaches to combat the dropping out of chldren at school.Science has shown that children learn better through play. This is why we are going to develop our sustainable sports and play program, in which primary school teachers change their mindsets about the way school 'should be' and learn how to implement gamifying activities through sports and play at school. This project will consist of creating gamifying schools (spaces) in different schools of the rural areas of the Uvira Territory. Children like games. So the fact of missing games in their learing environments conducts them to the dropping out most of the time and facilitate the absenteeism because of the following saying "for children here, play is more important than books. Most of them only come to school to play, which is a good thing. When they come to school to play, they will also be in class and get education ". This new approach will also contribute the reinforce the social cohesion between children coming from different communities. So teachers will also be trained on how to conduct activities in their schools. The same approach will also bring children to discuss about some questions that are seen as taboo in their Teachers learn how they can playfully teach children how to protect themselves against diseases such as HIV/AIDS, Coholera, Malaria and COVID-19. Topics that are taboo in many rural areas, such as sexual violence, child marriages and gender (in)equality are discussed. The sports and play activities are specifically aimed at the development of life skills for children, such as assertiveness, emotion management, empathy, self-confidence and respect. For children with a disability, sports and play are powerful means to make them look at possibilities instead of limitations.
This way, all children gain competences necessary to build themselves positive future and succeed in school, work, home and their communities.
Our solution will have the following goals to reach:
1. To develop the life skills for children, such as assertiveness, emotion management, empathy, self-confidence and respect in teaching environment of Uvira
2. To strengthen the social cohesion among children in the Uvira territory
The two objectives of the project will be achieved by implementing a serie of activitiés based on games in 25 primary schools of the Uvira. So the following activities are to be carried out in order to attend the goals:
1. Project official announcement
2. Identification of 25 schools for the gamifying activities
3. Purchase of games materials
4. Organize a Three days workshop in favor of teachers to train them on the gamifying approaches
5. Distribution of games materials to the 25 selected schools
6. Organize the gamifying activities in the 25 target schools
7. Organize monitoring and evalution of the project
8. Reporting
As the solution will have some activities where children will learn on how to be protected from from diseases, the use of technology is of a paramount importance in this. So children will learn how to use the sinitizers, how to use the sanitary pads, etc. They will also learn how to use smart phones and select educational games from smart for them at any time needed; especially while havng spare times.
- Audiovisual Media
- Behavioral Technology
- Software and Mobile Applications
- Congo, Dem. Rep.
The present solution has not been launched yet. We are planning to serve directly 6250 children from 25 schools.
The current barriers that exist for us to accomplish our goals is that of financial support. This project, we have it since 2019, but we have not got a potential donor to support it. This is what limits us from caarrying it out for the profit of 6250 children from our community.
Actually our organization works with the following organizations:
1. The Maypole Fund UK
2. Rural Mamas
3. Women Concern
4. MICHE asbl
The present project will help primary pupils to have access to recreative activities in their learining environment. This will contribute to the reduction of the rate of children dropping out; absenteeism, etc. So the population (parents and schools) will befenet from the project just because it their children that will be the direct benefeciary oc the project.
The only way to bring in money to fund our project is the submission of our application to the SOLVE