"Storytelling For Change"
To Employ the use of Performing Arts and Media to Amplify Voices of Vulnerable Girls and Women in Kisumu Towards Upholding of their Dignity and Equality in Relation to SGBV
Kisumu County in Kenya is predominantly settled by the Luo Community, one of the African Communities whose culture place a woman in the role of family maker, a culture that holds the preposition that a woman’s place is kitchen and that has no freedom to put her opinion across in times of decision making. The Kenyan Government has set policies and practices seeking to increase the representation of women under the Two-Thirds Gender Principle which aims at giving women voice to champion for issues affecting them. These policies are still stuck in the National Assembly as the Legislature is still reluctant to pass it so as it becomes a law. Gender Based Violence is still at large in parts of Kisumu and the world. Sexual Gender Based Violence (SGBV), Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Early Marriages, Wife Inheritance and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) - These HORRIFIC issues are still in practice in Kisumu, and we want to cast a light on them in relation with SDGs: SDG 5 - Sustainable Development Goal 5 concerns gender equality - "Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls and SDG 10 - "Reduce inequality within and among countries" It’s time that women be appreciated and treated equally. Especially during the pandemic, domestic violence against women has increased manifold worldwide. With our project, Storytelling For Change "Stories of Kisumu “we envision to foster effective collaborations in building a platform for creative Change Makers across Kisumu to find an authentic platform of creating their own unique voice. Using tools such as Diversity, Creativity and storytelling for change to especially highlight the voices of vulnerable women through performances in spoken word and theater to create dialogue with the communities and duty bearers to enact laws on women and girls empowerment in achieving the said SDGS in Kisumu Informal Settlement of Manyatta, Obunga and Nyalenda by involving women and girls by capacity building them on Effective Referral Pathways and how to use social media through short film training to amplify their voices towards Gender Equality and Equity to Mitigate on Sexual Gender Based Violance(SGBV)
Performing Arts and Media is a powerful tool of engaging the community in Awareness Creation and Advocacy since its Participatory in Nature housing both components of Informing and Entertaining at the same time making it an innovative approach that is Able to Speak to both the body and soul thus influencing mindset on how people view things. We will therefore employ the use Of Methodological Theater for social change in creating Dialogue with Women,Girls and Stakeholders through Community Participatory Educational Theatre(CPET) and Short film production for social media campaign in creating Platform of Conversation with the girls/women/communities on Rights of young girls and women in the community for effective case management Capacity Building them with Information on Effective Referral Pathways with the quest of Addressing Sexual Gender Based Violance at the Household and grassroot Level with the plight of achieving and Upholding Women and Girls entitleness and Dignity by Amplifying their Voices for Social Behavior Change and Communication in achieving Equality and Equity by Holding 20 Community Theatre and Dialogue sessions(To Mentor 500 Young Girls and Women on Effective referral Pathways),Training of 90 Young Women and Girls on Short Film Production for social Media Campaign to equip them with hands on experience on how to use social media and Theatre to Champion for their space in the society.
Violance Against Women and Girls is perharbs the widespread and Socially Tolerated of Human Rights Violation Cutting Across Boarders,Race,Ethnicity and Religion.Sexual Gender Based Violance(SGBV) is Particularly Disturbing Phenomenal which Exist in all Regions of the world, Kenya and In Particularly Kisumu County is not an Exception to this form of Brutality which Negatively Effects mainly Women and Girls more so in the Informal Settlement/Slum Ares of Manyatta,Nyalenda and Obunga. Results From Kenya Demographic and Health Survey(KDHS) revealed that 45% of Women and Girls aged 15-49 years reported to have Suffered some form of Violance during their Lifetime. The Violance Revealed by the survey could be linked to Certain Cultural Beliefs and Traditions, Post Election Violance as well as Socio-Economic Status of the Vulnerable Group. In Kenya (SGBV) is Caused by unequal Power Relationship between Men and Women,Poverty,Illiteracy,Insecurity,Alcohol and Substance Abuse,Political Instability and Poor Enforcement of laws and policies.
National Crime Research Centre(NCRC) data on SGBV Provides a grim image of Incidences of SGBV,Its indicated in this report that the Centre has supported over 21,341 survivors on SGBV of whom 56% were women and 36% Girls.SGBV cases Particularly Domestic Violance and Rape Cases In Kisumu County are way above the National Figures with Domestic Violance(8.7/8.3) and (35.9/24.6) Data Obtained from Gender Based Violance Recovery Centre(GBVRC) at Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral Hospital(JOOTRH) indicated that the Centre has supported over 1161 Survivors of Sexual Violance of which 80.7% were Girls and 17.4% women.
"Storytelling For Change" will therefore Cast a light on this by Disseminating the Information to Women and Girls on Sexual Gender Based Violance focusing on the Effective Referral Pathway which is the stumbling block to Women and Girls Getting Justice after being Violated due to Lack of Information and the Channel to Follow for Support to get Justice employing the use of Performing Arts and Media As Main tool for Development among Women and Girls
Amazon Theatrix Ensemble (A.T.E) is a community Youth-Led Organization for Awareness Creation and advocacy to Communities through Performing arts and media on matters relating to Community Development and Empowerment. We employ performing arts (Spoken Word and Theater) in championing for the voices of Communities in relation to Social Issues such as, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Sexual Gender Based Violence, Climate Change, Democracy and Governance, Peace and Security, Mental Health and Child Protection
A.T.E prioritized arts as a social tool for advocacy embracing it as a professional platform where members could earn a living as they focus on communal sensitization and enabling through performance in the quest of building their self-Esteem and socio-economic gain
A.T.E envisions a society that is informed offering a platform for Artists to relay messages to the community revolving around Social Behavior Change as we believe that performing arts is a powerful tool for activism as it houses components of both Educating and Informing influencing mindset on how people view things triggering dialogue at the grassroot level for change and development towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals In Kisumu County.
A.T.E stands out to be the best Youth theatre Organization having won in many different capacities, which is, lifting Kisumu County’s name in the 2012 G-pange Gate Festival, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage 2012 art festival and the 2013 Kisumu Peer Educators festival.
A.T.E also has a separate department that handles school drama festival and Mentorship Sessions This is dubbed the A.T.E faculty which has a capacity of five (5) A.T.E members mandated with the task of producing artistic pieces and giving technical trainings on Performing arts and media for youth development. The A.T.E faculty has so far taken schools and Institutions to the Nationals namely Kisumu Boys’ High School, Sawagongo Secondary Schools Alloy Ojolla Primary School and Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University Of Science and Technology(JOOUST) with choral verses and plays, Trained Unbound Project Staff in Performing Arts, Plan International Girls and Boys Advocates in Community Participatory Educational Theatre(CPET) to Highlight Sexual Gender Based Violance(SGBV) in Kisumu,Homabay and Siaya Counties Respectively.
To Develop Programs that Uses Performing Arts and Media as main tool For Development among youths in Addressing Health, Democracy and Governance, Peace and Security, Climate Change, Women and Girls Empowerment
The Arts and Media are Unique Means to Educate, Stimulate Tolerance, Raise Awareness, Foster Holistic Growth and Social Intergration.A well Expressed Creativity among Youths Empowers Strong Personality Coming Back to the society
Amazon Theatrix Ensemble (A.T.E) in its Activities has Leveraged on Performing Arts and Media on various projects implementations like;
- “Am not Yet Ripe”-Sexual and Gender Based Violence sensitization to Adolescents and young Girls through Mentorship on Effective Referral pathways-Kenya Medical Education Trust(KMET)
- ‘Niskize Sikupenda Kwangu-Highlighting Mental health among women and girls for effective referrals-Lead Organization.
- Teen Bash Festival-Amplifying the voices of girls through talent development and cultivation on Sexual Reproductive Health (SRHR)-Afya Halisi, Liverpool, Wofak)
- “Youth Voices in Action”-Alternative Peaceful Resolution Process in Addressing Domestic and Gender Based Violence. (Global Youth mobilization)
- “Tuimarike Wanadada”-Comprehensive Sexuality Education to Adolescents through the Use of Participatory Educational Theatre (PET) in Creating dialogue on SRHR-Akina Mama Wa Afrika
- Safe Pair of Hands (SPOH)-Water Safety, Sanitation, Personal Hygiene and Menstrual Hygiene -Kisumu Urban Apostolate Program (KUAP)
- Global Perspectives Lab (GPL) Series of Events-Amplifying Voices of Women and Girls living along the shores of Lake Victoria on effects of Climate Change in Relation to Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, Sexual Gender Based Violance (SGBV)-CIVICUS
- Youth Voices in Spaces-Employing the use Of Performing Arts to Sensitize Young People on Democracy and Governance Process (Engage in Public Participation to hold the Duty Bearers Accountable in the Budget Making Process)-Kisumu Progressive Youth
- Y-ACT-Advocacy on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights to Young Women and Girls (Amref)
- Kisumu Integrated Family Health Project-Using Participatory Educational Theatre in Sensitizing Community on Maternal Child Health, Family Planning and Nutrition. (Care Kenya, Family Health Options Kenya and Recross)
- Future Fab-Creating Awareness to Adolescents Girls on Contraceptives through Organizing of Small Events, Parents Meet Ups and Mentorship Session (Marie Stopes)
- Nitambue Nifaulu-Mentoring Orphans and Vulnerable Children on Sexual Reproductive Health, Life Skills and HIV/AIDS(ICS-AFRICA)
- “Together We Can”-Behavior Change Intervention as remedy in Preventing the spread of Covid-19 by Use of Methodological Theatre-African Culture Fund
- 15.Frontline Stories for Climate Change-Action for Sustainable Development.
Our team is mainly composed of Artists(Actors,Actresses,Content Creators,Videographers,Producers and Directors) who are capable of Providing authentic Communication on Social Issues for Behaviour Change Communication)
Amazon Theatrix Ensemble since Inception has been Part of the Kisumu County Gender Technical Working Group narrowing to Kisumu Central Sub-County and Ward Technical Working Group consisting of Organizations Working with Women and Girls Employing the use of Performing Arts and Media For Advocacy by having used the Innovative tool to Implement Programs that Champion in Upholding of Women and Girls Rights and Dignity Partnering with various Stakeholders which consist of different Kind of Actors Like Ministry of Health, Civil Society Organizations,Judiciary,County Assembly,Servivors Organizations, women Representative Office,Police,Media and Development Partners all Coordinating together to Address Issues Revolving Around Sexual Gender Based Violance tasked with coming up with a coordinated approach on the same. Through this We have been able to Be Part of the Organizations that Spearheaded the Kisumu County Sexual Gender Based Violance Policy Framework with Overall Goal of Providing Strategic Direction towards the elimination of SGBV and Gender Inequalities and Improve the Quality of Life and Wellbeing of All People in the County having an Overall Objective of Eliminating SGBV through the Development of Transformative Protection, Prevention and Response Mechanism where Performing Arts and Media is Key in Disseminating Information and Creating Awareness on SGBV in Kisumu County First Quidding Principle being Equal Access to Health, Social Justice For all persons Affected by SGBV Majority Being Women and Girls
- Improving healthcare access and health outcomes; and reducing and ultimately eliminating health disparities (Health)
- Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community
Theatre and performance arts industry is one of the industries that have existed even before the beginning of civilization. It was majorly used as a source of entertainment, to communicate various messages of victory or defeat or any other that required verbal artistic expression. These performances, whichever the type, were done by organized groups and the items presented took various styles.
Performing arts and Media has overtime proved to be one of the key tools in advocacy as it houses two key components. These approaches are the educative and entertaining ways that go hand in hand to realize flow of information. This innovation creates a paradigm shift on perception and attitude which automatically influences mindset change and how people view things.
Community Participatory Educational Theater (CPET) and Short Film Productions is one of the ways to create dialogue with Communities with the effect of creating lasting solutions capable of reaching a wider catharsis of audience in sensitizing them on Effects of Sexual Gender Based Violance providing a leveraging platform to deliberate on the same coming up with a way forward that both parties agree to implement by becoming Champions in this case Effective Referral Pathways to enable Women and Girls get Justice and free from violation from the perpetrators at household and Community Level
Women and Girls in the Community are prone to Violations by having been treated as weaker vessels whose opinions/ideas don't county positioning them to have the role of the family makers and thus their place belong in the Kitchen and Provision of Conjugal rights providing an overriding space for the violations of their rights and dignity as equal members of the society. This Project Storytelling For Change will bring Women,Girls and Stakeholders in the center stage to Capacity Build them which information on Effective Referral Pathways with a desired goal of achieving a flexible mechanism that safely links survivors to services such as Health, Psychosocial support, Care Management, Safety/Security, Justice and Legal aid Process. This is where the uphill Task begin since most women and Girls in the community are not literate of the process and end up keeping quiet even after being Violated by Partners or Relatives and are reluctant in seeking for justice to be served in Black and white.
By the end of this project we will have Number of Women and Girls in the Informal settlement of Kisumu Capacity Strengthened on how to amplify their Voices in Relation to Sexual Gender Based Violance with the main process of having them literate on Effective Referral Pathways which is a major setback for them getting justice even after being Violated
Performing Arts and Media is a powerful tool of engaging the community for Social Behaviour Change Communication. We will therefore employ Theater for social change and Short film production for social media campaign in creating dialogue with the girls/women/communities on effective referral pathways on Sexual Gender Based Violance to young girls and women in the community for effective case management and Justice Achievement
- Audiovisual Media
- Kenya
20 Community Participatory Educational Theatre(CPET) and Dialogue sessions(To Mentor 500 Young Girls and Women on Effective referral Pathways),Training of 90 Young Women and Girls on Short Film Production for social Media Campaign( To Amplify their Voices on Sexual Gender Based Violance)
Political Interference and Ideologies that have been created by Politicians of giving Handouts can be a basic barrier to accomplish our goals since this culture has affected the mind of Individuals in Our Communities. To Mitigate on this we will Clearly set the Project Goals and Objectives through Community Entry Points and Local Administration to aid in the smooth Implementation and achievement of our desired Set Goals.
Obunga Social Justice Centre(OSJC)
Sexual Gender Based Violance(SGBV) Facilitation
Team Leader
Denis Okongo
Amazon Theatrix Ensemble Focuses on Theatre For Social, Events Organization and Management Change,Videography,Photography and Mentorship on Performing Arts. Through this we have been able to Create Platform To Our Constituents to Provide or Give them Hands on Experience through Mentorship Sessions to enable them become Entrepreneurs in the Creative Economy for Socio-Economic Development and Livelihood Sustainability
Amazon Theatrix Ensemble through Continued Fundraising will look for more like minded Partners for Grants and Donations for the Project Sustainability and Continuity. The Girls and Women who will be trained on Community Participatory Educational Theatre and Short Film Production will be Anchored for Participation in Our Events Organization and Management Department where they will be linked to perform or carry out Videography or Photography work in Weddings,Parties,Traditional Marriages Events or Offer Consultations Services to Schools,Parastatals,County Government, Individuals and Non-Governmental Organizations(NGOS)

Actress/Girls/Women Advocate/Programs Cordinator