LYBOTICS For Robotics and Technological Science
We bring “learning by doing” and “having fun” while supporting the teams to build a competition robot from scratch.
A huge deficiency of resources, support, and role models in the STEM/Robotics field/community.Especially in rural areas.
Most youth drop out of school at an early age. Many live in social exclusion. The curriculum provided doesn't sufficiently teach how to apply practical science/engineering/mathematics application or even simple basic skills to solve real-world problems. The excitement and support of innovation is almost non-existence so very few choose STEM as a major of studies afterward if they graduate.
Through LYBOTICS program and help, we will be able to keep closing the gap of deficiency for girls who are restricted by society and traditions. Provide resources to youth in the south who live in grievous extreme below the poverty line. Give support to the silent marginalized group such as Down Syndrome/Special Needs, The Hearing Impaired, and Orphans to find their voices in STEM. We work closely with teachers from schools and centers across Libya to help them launch teams within an inclusive learning-friendly environment. Encourage, guide, and support members on how to overcome difficulties they face in their areas.
We engage kids and youth in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills we inspire innovation and foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.
LYBOTICS and our programs allow us to equip Libya's children and youth to take back their future. To empower the underrepresented, under-served, and vulnerable youth through STEM education. Participating in a program such as FIRST Tech Challenge Libya for example is an incredible chance to gain and learn basic up-to-date skills to broaden their horizons. For many, this will be the first opportunity to experience an inspiring prescriptive into their future. Ideas and dreams that seem to be unreachable, will be reachable for them. STEM is its potential to give a profound voice to those groups that are readily forgotten in Libya. They become voices of communities, agents of civic and social power. A world of opportunity to places and peoples too long have been denied access to STEM Equity. A voiceless girl can become powerful and a voiceless town can bring attention to the world. Through educational equity and innovation, greatness thrives.
It was a challenge to launch LYBOTICS in Libya but together with our supporters we are managing to bring together the most talented high-school students in robotics. our goal is that one day, in Libya, education will be a top priority. Only then our country will have a chance to really shine.
At LYBOTICS, everything is voluntary based and our team consists of 12 full-time volunteers and around 60 volunteers running each of our annual events.
We are highly driven on addressing the issues of inequity. The processes that we implemented, assured STEM equity in our first year and second year. We partnered up with an NGO partner and the Ministry of Education to reach schools and communities in rural areas. And with help of a local bank, we were able to support some of the robotics/STEM teams we formed. The experience had a great impact on everyone involved. For many of them, it was their first time to go outside of their areas. Be celebrated in their local communities as first of its kind teams of scientifically and technologically driven youth leaders.
- Improving learning opportunities and outcomes for learners across their lifetimes, from early childhood on (Learning)
- Growth: An organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in at least one community, which is poised for further growth
We represent a significant step forward in the recognition of the contribution of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) to sustainable development; and creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders.
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